]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/tools/rust-analyzer/crates/hir-ty/src/builder.rs
New upstream version 1.68.2+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / tools / rust-analyzer / crates / hir-ty / src / builder.rs
1 //! `TyBuilder`, a helper for building instances of `Ty` and related types.
3 use std::iter;
5 use chalk_ir::{
6 cast::{Cast, CastTo, Caster},
7 fold::TypeFoldable,
8 interner::HasInterner,
9 AdtId, DebruijnIndex, Scalar,
10 };
11 use hir_def::{
12 builtin_type::BuiltinType, generics::TypeOrConstParamData, ConstParamId, DefWithBodyId,
13 GenericDefId, TraitId, TypeAliasId,
14 };
15 use smallvec::SmallVec;
17 use crate::{
18 consteval::unknown_const_as_generic, db::HirDatabase, infer::unify::InferenceTable, primitive,
19 to_assoc_type_id, to_chalk_trait_id, utils::generics, Binders, BoundVar, CallableSig,
20 GenericArg, Interner, ProjectionTy, Substitution, TraitRef, Ty, TyDefId, TyExt, TyKind,
21 ValueTyDefId,
22 };
24 #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
25 pub enum ParamKind {
26 Type,
27 Const(Ty),
28 }
30 /// This is a builder for `Ty` or anything that needs a `Substitution`.
31 pub struct TyBuilder<D> {
32 /// The `data` field is used to keep track of what we're building (e.g. an
33 /// ADT, a `TraitRef`, ...).
34 data: D,
35 vec: SmallVec<[GenericArg; 2]>,
36 param_kinds: SmallVec<[ParamKind; 2]>,
37 parent_subst: Substitution,
38 }
40 impl<A> TyBuilder<A> {
41 fn with_data<B>(self, data: B) -> TyBuilder<B> {
42 TyBuilder {
43 data,
44 vec: self.vec,
45 param_kinds: self.param_kinds,
46 parent_subst: self.parent_subst,
47 }
48 }
49 }
51 impl<D> TyBuilder<D> {
52 fn new(
53 data: D,
54 param_kinds: SmallVec<[ParamKind; 2]>,
55 parent_subst: Option<Substitution>,
56 ) -> Self {
57 let parent_subst = parent_subst.unwrap_or_else(|| Substitution::empty(Interner));
58 Self { data, vec: SmallVec::with_capacity(param_kinds.len()), param_kinds, parent_subst }
59 }
61 fn new_empty(data: D) -> Self {
62 TyBuilder::new(data, SmallVec::new(), None)
63 }
65 fn build_internal(self) -> (D, Substitution) {
66 assert_eq!(self.vec.len(), self.param_kinds.len());
67 for (a, e) in self.vec.iter().zip(self.param_kinds.iter()) {
68 self.assert_match_kind(a, e);
69 }
70 let subst = Substitution::from_iter(
71 Interner,
72 self.vec.into_iter().chain(self.parent_subst.iter(Interner).cloned()),
73 );
74 (self.data, subst)
75 }
77 pub fn push(mut self, arg: impl CastTo<GenericArg>) -> Self {
78 assert!(self.remaining() > 0);
79 let arg = arg.cast(Interner);
80 let expected_kind = &self.param_kinds[self.vec.len()];
82 let arg_kind = match arg.data(Interner) {
83 chalk_ir::GenericArgData::Ty(_) => ParamKind::Type,
84 chalk_ir::GenericArgData::Lifetime(_) => panic!("Got lifetime in TyBuilder::push"),
85 chalk_ir::GenericArgData::Const(c) => {
86 let c = c.data(Interner);
87 ParamKind::Const(c.ty.clone())
88 }
89 };
90 assert_eq!(*expected_kind, arg_kind);
92 self.vec.push(arg);
94 self
95 }
97 pub fn remaining(&self) -> usize {
98 self.param_kinds.len() - self.vec.len()
99 }
101 pub fn fill_with_bound_vars(self, debruijn: DebruijnIndex, starting_from: usize) -> Self {
102 // self.fill is inlined to make borrow checker happy
103 let mut this = self;
104 let other = &this.param_kinds[this.vec.len()..];
105 let filler = (starting_from..).zip(other).map(|(idx, kind)| match kind {
106 ParamKind::Type => BoundVar::new(debruijn, idx).to_ty(Interner).cast(Interner),
107 ParamKind::Const(ty) => {
108 BoundVar::new(debruijn, idx).to_const(Interner, ty.clone()).cast(Interner)
109 }
110 });
111 this.vec.extend(filler.take(this.remaining()).casted(Interner));
112 assert_eq!(this.remaining(), 0);
113 this
114 }
116 pub fn fill_with_unknown(self) -> Self {
117 // self.fill is inlined to make borrow checker happy
118 let mut this = self;
119 let filler = this.param_kinds[this.vec.len()..].iter().map(|x| match x {
120 ParamKind::Type => TyKind::Error.intern(Interner).cast(Interner),
121 ParamKind::Const(ty) => unknown_const_as_generic(ty.clone()),
122 });
123 this.vec.extend(filler.casted(Interner));
124 assert_eq!(this.remaining(), 0);
125 this
126 }
128 pub(crate) fn fill_with_inference_vars(self, table: &mut InferenceTable<'_>) -> Self {
129 self.fill(|x| match x {
130 ParamKind::Type => table.new_type_var().cast(Interner),
131 ParamKind::Const(ty) => table.new_const_var(ty.clone()).cast(Interner),
132 })
133 }
135 pub fn fill(mut self, filler: impl FnMut(&ParamKind) -> GenericArg) -> Self {
136 self.vec.extend(self.param_kinds[self.vec.len()..].iter().map(filler));
137 assert_eq!(self.remaining(), 0);
138 self
139 }
141 fn assert_match_kind(&self, a: &chalk_ir::GenericArg<Interner>, e: &ParamKind) {
142 match (a.data(Interner), e) {
143 (chalk_ir::GenericArgData::Ty(_), ParamKind::Type)
144 | (chalk_ir::GenericArgData::Const(_), ParamKind::Const(_)) => (),
145 _ => panic!("Mismatched kinds: {a:?}, {:?}, {:?}", self.vec, self.param_kinds),
146 }
147 }
148 }
150 impl TyBuilder<()> {
151 pub fn unit() -> Ty {
152 TyKind::Tuple(0, Substitution::empty(Interner)).intern(Interner)
153 }
155 pub fn usize() -> Ty {
156 TyKind::Scalar(chalk_ir::Scalar::Uint(chalk_ir::UintTy::Usize)).intern(Interner)
157 }
159 pub fn fn_ptr(sig: CallableSig) -> Ty {
160 TyKind::Function(sig.to_fn_ptr()).intern(Interner)
161 }
163 pub fn builtin(builtin: BuiltinType) -> Ty {
164 match builtin {
165 BuiltinType::Char => TyKind::Scalar(Scalar::Char).intern(Interner),
166 BuiltinType::Bool => TyKind::Scalar(Scalar::Bool).intern(Interner),
167 BuiltinType::Str => TyKind::Str.intern(Interner),
168 BuiltinType::Int(t) => {
169 TyKind::Scalar(Scalar::Int(primitive::int_ty_from_builtin(t))).intern(Interner)
170 }
171 BuiltinType::Uint(t) => {
172 TyKind::Scalar(Scalar::Uint(primitive::uint_ty_from_builtin(t))).intern(Interner)
173 }
174 BuiltinType::Float(t) => {
175 TyKind::Scalar(Scalar::Float(primitive::float_ty_from_builtin(t))).intern(Interner)
176 }
177 }
178 }
180 pub fn slice(argument: Ty) -> Ty {
181 TyKind::Slice(argument).intern(Interner)
182 }
184 pub fn placeholder_subst(db: &dyn HirDatabase, def: impl Into<GenericDefId>) -> Substitution {
185 let params = generics(db.upcast(), def.into());
186 params.placeholder_subst(db)
187 }
189 pub fn subst_for_def(
190 db: &dyn HirDatabase,
191 def: impl Into<GenericDefId>,
192 parent_subst: Option<Substitution>,
193 ) -> TyBuilder<()> {
194 let generics = generics(db.upcast(), def.into());
195 assert!(generics.parent_generics().is_some() == parent_subst.is_some());
196 let params = generics
197 .iter_self()
198 .map(|(id, data)| match data {
199 TypeOrConstParamData::TypeParamData(_) => ParamKind::Type,
200 TypeOrConstParamData::ConstParamData(_) => {
201 ParamKind::Const(db.const_param_ty(ConstParamId::from_unchecked(id)))
202 }
203 })
204 .collect();
205 TyBuilder::new((), params, parent_subst)
206 }
208 /// Creates a `TyBuilder` to build `Substitution` for a generator defined in `parent`.
209 ///
210 /// A generator's substitution consists of:
211 /// - resume type of generator
212 /// - yield type of generator ([`Generator::Yield`](std::ops::Generator::Yield))
213 /// - return type of generator ([`Generator::Return`](std::ops::Generator::Return))
214 /// - generic parameters in scope on `parent`
215 /// in this order.
216 ///
217 /// This method prepopulates the builder with placeholder substitution of `parent`, so you
218 /// should only push exactly 3 `GenericArg`s before building.
219 pub fn subst_for_generator(db: &dyn HirDatabase, parent: DefWithBodyId) -> TyBuilder<()> {
220 let parent_subst =
221 parent.as_generic_def_id().map(|p| generics(db.upcast(), p).placeholder_subst(db));
222 // These represent resume type, yield type, and return type of generator.
223 let params = std::iter::repeat(ParamKind::Type).take(3).collect();
224 TyBuilder::new((), params, parent_subst)
225 }
227 pub fn build(self) -> Substitution {
228 let ((), subst) = self.build_internal();
229 subst
230 }
231 }
233 impl TyBuilder<hir_def::AdtId> {
234 pub fn adt(db: &dyn HirDatabase, def: hir_def::AdtId) -> TyBuilder<hir_def::AdtId> {
235 TyBuilder::subst_for_def(db, def, None).with_data(def)
236 }
238 pub fn fill_with_defaults(
239 mut self,
240 db: &dyn HirDatabase,
241 mut fallback: impl FnMut() -> Ty,
242 ) -> Self {
243 // Note that we're building ADT, so we never have parent generic parameters.
244 let defaults = db.generic_defaults(self.data.into());
245 let dummy_ty = TyKind::Error.intern(Interner).cast(Interner);
246 for default_ty in defaults.iter().skip(self.vec.len()) {
247 // NOTE(skip_binders): we only check if the arg type is error type.
248 if let Some(x) = default_ty.skip_binders().ty(Interner) {
249 if x.is_unknown() {
250 self.vec.push(fallback().cast(Interner));
251 continue;
252 }
253 }
254 // Each default can only depend on the previous parameters.
255 // FIXME: we don't handle const generics here.
256 let subst_so_far = Substitution::from_iter(
257 Interner,
258 self.vec
259 .iter()
260 .cloned()
261 .chain(iter::repeat(dummy_ty.clone()))
262 .take(self.param_kinds.len()),
263 );
264 self.vec.push(default_ty.clone().substitute(Interner, &subst_so_far).cast(Interner));
265 }
266 self
267 }
269 pub fn build(self) -> Ty {
270 let (adt, subst) = self.build_internal();
271 TyKind::Adt(AdtId(adt), subst).intern(Interner)
272 }
273 }
275 pub struct Tuple(usize);
276 impl TyBuilder<Tuple> {
277 pub fn tuple(size: usize) -> TyBuilder<Tuple> {
278 TyBuilder::new(Tuple(size), iter::repeat(ParamKind::Type).take(size).collect(), None)
279 }
281 pub fn build(self) -> Ty {
282 let (Tuple(size), subst) = self.build_internal();
283 TyKind::Tuple(size, subst).intern(Interner)
284 }
285 }
287 impl TyBuilder<TraitId> {
288 pub fn trait_ref(db: &dyn HirDatabase, def: TraitId) -> TyBuilder<TraitId> {
289 TyBuilder::subst_for_def(db, def, None).with_data(def)
290 }
292 pub fn build(self) -> TraitRef {
293 let (trait_id, substitution) = self.build_internal();
294 TraitRef { trait_id: to_chalk_trait_id(trait_id), substitution }
295 }
296 }
298 impl TyBuilder<TypeAliasId> {
299 pub fn assoc_type_projection(
300 db: &dyn HirDatabase,
301 def: TypeAliasId,
302 parent_subst: Option<Substitution>,
303 ) -> TyBuilder<TypeAliasId> {
304 TyBuilder::subst_for_def(db, def, parent_subst).with_data(def)
305 }
307 pub fn build(self) -> ProjectionTy {
308 let (type_alias, substitution) = self.build_internal();
309 ProjectionTy { associated_ty_id: to_assoc_type_id(type_alias), substitution }
310 }
311 }
313 impl<T: HasInterner<Interner = Interner> + TypeFoldable<Interner>> TyBuilder<Binders<T>> {
314 pub fn build(self) -> T {
315 let (b, subst) = self.build_internal();
316 b.substitute(Interner, &subst)
317 }
318 }
320 impl TyBuilder<Binders<Ty>> {
321 pub fn def_ty(
322 db: &dyn HirDatabase,
323 def: TyDefId,
324 parent_subst: Option<Substitution>,
325 ) -> TyBuilder<Binders<Ty>> {
326 let poly_ty = db.ty(def);
327 let id: GenericDefId = match def {
328 TyDefId::BuiltinType(_) => {
329 assert!(parent_subst.is_none());
330 return TyBuilder::new_empty(poly_ty);
331 }
332 TyDefId::AdtId(id) => id.into(),
333 TyDefId::TypeAliasId(id) => id.into(),
334 };
335 TyBuilder::subst_for_def(db, id, parent_subst).with_data(poly_ty)
336 }
338 pub fn impl_self_ty(db: &dyn HirDatabase, def: hir_def::ImplId) -> TyBuilder<Binders<Ty>> {
339 TyBuilder::subst_for_def(db, def, None).with_data(db.impl_self_ty(def))
340 }
342 pub fn value_ty(
343 db: &dyn HirDatabase,
344 def: ValueTyDefId,
345 parent_subst: Option<Substitution>,
346 ) -> TyBuilder<Binders<Ty>> {
347 let poly_value_ty = db.value_ty(def);
348 let id = match def.to_generic_def_id() {
349 Some(id) => id,
350 None => {
351 // static items
352 assert!(parent_subst.is_none());
353 return TyBuilder::new_empty(poly_value_ty);
354 }
355 };
356 TyBuilder::subst_for_def(db, id, parent_subst).with_data(poly_value_ty)
357 }
358 }