]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/tools/rust-analyzer/crates/ide/src/syntax_highlighting/highlight.rs
New upstream version 1.70.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / tools / rust-analyzer / crates / ide / src / syntax_highlighting / highlight.rs
1 //! Computes color for a single element.
3 use hir::{AsAssocItem, HasVisibility, Semantics};
4 use ide_db::{
5 defs::{Definition, IdentClass, NameClass, NameRefClass},
6 FxHashMap, RootDatabase, SymbolKind,
7 };
8 use syntax::{
9 ast, match_ast, AstNode, AstToken, NodeOrToken,
10 SyntaxKind::{self, *},
11 SyntaxNode, SyntaxToken, T,
12 };
14 use crate::{
15 syntax_highlighting::tags::{HlOperator, HlPunct},
16 Highlight, HlMod, HlTag,
17 };
19 pub(super) fn token(sema: &Semantics<'_, RootDatabase>, token: SyntaxToken) -> Option<Highlight> {
20 if let Some(comment) = ast::Comment::cast(token.clone()) {
21 let h = HlTag::Comment;
22 return Some(match comment.kind().doc {
23 Some(_) => h | HlMod::Documentation,
24 None => h.into(),
25 });
26 }
28 let highlight: Highlight = match token.kind() {
29 STRING | BYTE_STRING => HlTag::StringLiteral.into(),
30 INT_NUMBER if token.parent_ancestors().nth(1).map(|it| it.kind()) == Some(FIELD_EXPR) => {
31 SymbolKind::Field.into()
32 }
33 INT_NUMBER | FLOAT_NUMBER => HlTag::NumericLiteral.into(),
34 BYTE => HlTag::ByteLiteral.into(),
35 CHAR => HlTag::CharLiteral.into(),
36 IDENT if token.parent().and_then(ast::TokenTree::cast).is_some() => {
37 // from this point on we are inside a token tree, this only happens for identifiers
38 // that were not mapped down into macro invocations
39 HlTag::None.into()
40 }
41 p if p.is_punct() => punctuation(sema, token, p),
42 k if k.is_keyword() => keyword(sema, token, k)?,
43 _ => return None,
44 };
45 Some(highlight)
46 }
48 pub(super) fn name_like(
49 sema: &Semantics<'_, RootDatabase>,
50 krate: hir::Crate,
51 bindings_shadow_count: &mut FxHashMap<hir::Name, u32>,
52 syntactic_name_ref_highlighting: bool,
53 name_like: ast::NameLike,
54 ) -> Option<(Highlight, Option<u64>)> {
55 let mut binding_hash = None;
56 let highlight = match name_like {
57 ast::NameLike::NameRef(name_ref) => highlight_name_ref(
58 sema,
59 krate,
60 bindings_shadow_count,
61 &mut binding_hash,
62 syntactic_name_ref_highlighting,
63 name_ref,
64 ),
65 ast::NameLike::Name(name) => {
66 highlight_name(sema, bindings_shadow_count, &mut binding_hash, krate, name)
67 }
68 ast::NameLike::Lifetime(lifetime) => match IdentClass::classify_lifetime(sema, &lifetime) {
69 Some(IdentClass::NameClass(NameClass::Definition(def))) => {
70 highlight_def(sema, krate, def) | HlMod::Definition
71 }
72 Some(IdentClass::NameRefClass(NameRefClass::Definition(def))) => {
73 highlight_def(sema, krate, def)
74 }
75 // FIXME: Fallback for 'static and '_, as we do not resolve these yet
76 _ => SymbolKind::LifetimeParam.into(),
77 },
78 };
79 Some((highlight, binding_hash))
80 }
82 fn punctuation(
83 sema: &Semantics<'_, RootDatabase>,
84 token: SyntaxToken,
85 kind: SyntaxKind,
86 ) -> Highlight {
87 let parent = token.parent();
88 let parent_kind = parent.as_ref().map_or(EOF, SyntaxNode::kind);
89 match (kind, parent_kind) {
90 (T![?], TRY_EXPR) => HlTag::Operator(HlOperator::Other) | HlMod::ControlFlow,
91 (T![&], BIN_EXPR) => HlOperator::Bitwise.into(),
92 (T![&], REF_EXPR) => {
93 let h = HlTag::Operator(HlOperator::Other).into();
94 let is_unsafe = parent
95 .and_then(ast::RefExpr::cast)
96 .map(|ref_expr| sema.is_unsafe_ref_expr(&ref_expr));
97 if let Some(true) = is_unsafe {
98 h | HlMod::Unsafe
99 } else {
100 h
101 }
102 }
103 (T![::] | T![->] | T![=>] | T![..] | T![..=] | T![=] | T![@] | T![.], _) => {
104 HlOperator::Other.into()
105 }
106 (T![!], MACRO_CALL | MACRO_RULES) => HlPunct::MacroBang.into(),
107 (T![!], NEVER_TYPE) => HlTag::BuiltinType.into(),
108 (T![!], PREFIX_EXPR) => HlOperator::Logical.into(),
109 (T![*], PTR_TYPE) => HlTag::Keyword.into(),
110 (T![*], PREFIX_EXPR) => {
111 let is_raw_ptr = (|| {
112 let prefix_expr = parent.and_then(ast::PrefixExpr::cast)?;
113 let expr = prefix_expr.expr()?;
114 sema.type_of_expr(&expr)?.original.is_raw_ptr().then_some(())
115 })();
116 if let Some(()) = is_raw_ptr {
117 HlTag::Operator(HlOperator::Other) | HlMod::Unsafe
118 } else {
119 HlOperator::Other.into()
120 }
121 }
122 (T![-], PREFIX_EXPR) => {
123 let prefix_expr = parent.and_then(ast::PrefixExpr::cast).and_then(|e| e.expr());
124 match prefix_expr {
125 Some(ast::Expr::Literal(_)) => HlTag::NumericLiteral,
126 _ => HlTag::Operator(HlOperator::Other),
127 }
128 .into()
129 }
130 (T![+] | T![-] | T![*] | T![/] | T![%], BIN_EXPR) => HlOperator::Arithmetic.into(),
131 (T![+=] | T![-=] | T![*=] | T![/=] | T![%=], BIN_EXPR) => {
132 Highlight::from(HlOperator::Arithmetic) | HlMod::Mutable
133 }
134 (T![|] | T![&] | T![^] | T![>>] | T![<<], BIN_EXPR) => HlOperator::Bitwise.into(),
135 (T![|=] | T![&=] | T![^=] | T![>>=] | T![<<=], BIN_EXPR) => {
136 Highlight::from(HlOperator::Bitwise) | HlMod::Mutable
137 }
138 (T![&&] | T![||], BIN_EXPR) => HlOperator::Logical.into(),
139 (T![>] | T![<] | T![==] | T![>=] | T![<=] | T![!=], BIN_EXPR) => {
140 HlOperator::Comparison.into()
141 }
142 (_, ATTR) => HlTag::AttributeBracket.into(),
143 (kind, _) => match kind {
144 T!['['] | T![']'] => HlPunct::Bracket,
145 T!['{'] | T!['}'] => HlPunct::Brace,
146 T!['('] | T![')'] => HlPunct::Parenthesis,
147 T![<] | T![>] => HlPunct::Angle,
148 T![,] => HlPunct::Comma,
149 T![:] => HlPunct::Colon,
150 T![;] => HlPunct::Semi,
151 T![.] => HlPunct::Dot,
152 _ => HlPunct::Other,
153 }
154 .into(),
155 }
156 }
158 fn keyword(
159 sema: &Semantics<'_, RootDatabase>,
160 token: SyntaxToken,
161 kind: SyntaxKind,
162 ) -> Option<Highlight> {
163 let h = Highlight::new(HlTag::Keyword);
164 let h = match kind {
165 T![await] => h | HlMod::Async | HlMod::ControlFlow,
166 T![async] => h | HlMod::Async,
167 T![break]
168 | T![continue]
169 | T![else]
170 | T![if]
171 | T![in]
172 | T![loop]
173 | T![match]
174 | T![return]
175 | T![while]
176 | T![yield] => h | HlMod::ControlFlow,
177 T![do] | T![yeet] if parent_matches::<ast::YeetExpr>(&token) => h | HlMod::ControlFlow,
178 T![for] if parent_matches::<ast::ForExpr>(&token) => h | HlMod::ControlFlow,
179 T![unsafe] => h | HlMod::Unsafe,
180 T![true] | T![false] => HlTag::BoolLiteral.into(),
181 // crate is handled just as a token if it's in an `extern crate`
182 T![crate] if parent_matches::<ast::ExternCrate>(&token) => h,
183 // self, crate, super and `Self` are handled as either a Name or NameRef already, unless they
184 // are inside unmapped token trees
185 T![self] | T![crate] | T![super] | T![Self] if parent_matches::<ast::NameRef>(&token) => {
186 return None
187 }
188 T![self] if parent_matches::<ast::Name>(&token) => return None,
189 T![ref] => match token.parent().and_then(ast::IdentPat::cast) {
190 Some(ident) if sema.is_unsafe_ident_pat(&ident) => h | HlMod::Unsafe,
191 _ => h,
192 },
193 _ => h,
194 };
195 Some(h)
196 }
198 fn highlight_name_ref(
199 sema: &Semantics<'_, RootDatabase>,
200 krate: hir::Crate,
201 bindings_shadow_count: &mut FxHashMap<hir::Name, u32>,
202 binding_hash: &mut Option<u64>,
203 syntactic_name_ref_highlighting: bool,
204 name_ref: ast::NameRef,
205 ) -> Highlight {
206 let db = sema.db;
207 if let Some(res) = highlight_method_call_by_name_ref(sema, krate, &name_ref) {
208 return res;
209 }
211 let name_class = match NameRefClass::classify(sema, &name_ref) {
212 Some(name_kind) => name_kind,
213 None if syntactic_name_ref_highlighting => {
214 return highlight_name_ref_by_syntax(name_ref, sema, krate)
215 }
216 // FIXME: This is required for helper attributes used by proc-macros, as those do not map down
217 // to anything when used.
218 // We can fix this for derive attributes since derive helpers are recorded, but not for
219 // general attributes.
220 None if name_ref.syntax().ancestors().any(|it| it.kind() == ATTR)
221 && !sema.hir_file_for(name_ref.syntax()).is_derive_attr_pseudo_expansion(sema.db) =>
222 {
223 return HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Attribute).into();
224 }
225 None => return HlTag::UnresolvedReference.into(),
226 };
227 let mut h = match name_class {
228 NameRefClass::Definition(def) => {
229 if let Definition::Local(local) = &def {
230 let name = local.name(db);
231 let shadow_count = bindings_shadow_count.entry(name.clone()).or_default();
232 *binding_hash = Some(calc_binding_hash(&name, *shadow_count))
233 };
235 let mut h = highlight_def(sema, krate, def);
237 match def {
238 Definition::Local(local) if is_consumed_lvalue(name_ref.syntax(), &local, db) => {
239 h |= HlMod::Consuming;
240 }
241 Definition::Trait(trait_) if trait_.is_unsafe(db) => {
242 if ast::Impl::for_trait_name_ref(&name_ref)
243 .map_or(false, |impl_| impl_.unsafe_token().is_some())
244 {
245 h |= HlMod::Unsafe;
246 }
247 }
248 Definition::Field(field) => {
249 if let Some(parent) = name_ref.syntax().parent() {
250 if matches!(parent.kind(), FIELD_EXPR | RECORD_PAT_FIELD) {
251 if let hir::VariantDef::Union(_) = field.parent_def(db) {
252 h |= HlMod::Unsafe;
253 }
254 }
255 }
256 }
257 Definition::Macro(_) => {
258 if let Some(macro_call) =
259 ide_db::syntax_helpers::node_ext::full_path_of_name_ref(&name_ref)
260 .and_then(|it| it.syntax().parent().and_then(ast::MacroCall::cast))
261 {
262 if sema.is_unsafe_macro_call(&macro_call) {
263 h |= HlMod::Unsafe;
264 }
265 }
266 }
267 _ => (),
268 }
270 h
271 }
272 NameRefClass::FieldShorthand { .. } => SymbolKind::Field.into(),
273 };
275 h.tag = match name_ref.token_kind() {
276 T![Self] => HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::SelfType),
277 T![self] => HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::SelfParam),
278 T![super] | T![crate] => HlTag::Keyword,
279 _ => h.tag,
280 };
281 h
282 }
284 fn highlight_name(
285 sema: &Semantics<'_, RootDatabase>,
286 bindings_shadow_count: &mut FxHashMap<hir::Name, u32>,
287 binding_hash: &mut Option<u64>,
288 krate: hir::Crate,
289 name: ast::Name,
290 ) -> Highlight {
291 let name_kind = NameClass::classify(sema, &name);
292 if let Some(NameClass::Definition(Definition::Local(local))) = &name_kind {
293 let name = local.name(sema.db);
294 let shadow_count = bindings_shadow_count.entry(name.clone()).or_default();
295 *shadow_count += 1;
296 *binding_hash = Some(calc_binding_hash(&name, *shadow_count))
297 };
298 match name_kind {
299 Some(NameClass::Definition(def)) => {
300 let mut h = highlight_def(sema, krate, def) | HlMod::Definition;
301 if let Definition::Trait(trait_) = &def {
302 if trait_.is_unsafe(sema.db) {
303 h |= HlMod::Unsafe;
304 }
305 }
306 h
307 }
308 Some(NameClass::ConstReference(def)) => highlight_def(sema, krate, def),
309 Some(NameClass::PatFieldShorthand { field_ref, .. }) => {
310 let mut h = HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Field).into();
311 if let hir::VariantDef::Union(_) = field_ref.parent_def(sema.db) {
312 h |= HlMod::Unsafe;
313 }
314 h
315 }
316 None => highlight_name_by_syntax(name) | HlMod::Definition,
317 }
318 }
320 fn calc_binding_hash(name: &hir::Name, shadow_count: u32) -> u64 {
321 fn hash<T: std::hash::Hash + std::fmt::Debug>(x: T) -> u64 {
322 use std::{collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher, hash::Hasher};
324 let mut hasher = DefaultHasher::new();
325 x.hash(&mut hasher);
326 hasher.finish()
327 }
329 hash((name, shadow_count))
330 }
332 fn highlight_def(
333 sema: &Semantics<'_, RootDatabase>,
334 krate: hir::Crate,
335 def: Definition,
336 ) -> Highlight {
337 let db = sema.db;
338 let mut h = match def {
339 Definition::Macro(m) => Highlight::new(HlTag::Symbol(m.kind(sema.db).into())),
340 Definition::Field(_) => Highlight::new(HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Field)),
341 Definition::Module(module) => {
342 let mut h = Highlight::new(HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Module));
343 if module.is_crate_root(db) {
344 h |= HlMod::CrateRoot;
345 }
346 h
347 }
348 Definition::Function(func) => {
349 let mut h = Highlight::new(HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Function));
350 if let Some(item) = func.as_assoc_item(db) {
351 h |= HlMod::Associated;
352 match func.self_param(db) {
353 Some(sp) => match sp.access(db) {
354 hir::Access::Exclusive => {
355 h |= HlMod::Mutable;
356 h |= HlMod::Reference;
357 }
358 hir::Access::Shared => h |= HlMod::Reference,
359 hir::Access::Owned => h |= HlMod::Consuming,
360 },
361 None => h |= HlMod::Static,
362 }
364 match item.container(db) {
365 hir::AssocItemContainer::Impl(i) => {
366 if i.trait_(db).is_some() {
367 h |= HlMod::Trait;
368 }
369 }
370 hir::AssocItemContainer::Trait(_t) => {
371 h |= HlMod::Trait;
372 }
373 }
374 }
376 if func.is_unsafe_to_call(db) {
377 h |= HlMod::Unsafe;
378 }
379 if func.is_async(db) {
380 h |= HlMod::Async;
381 }
383 h
384 }
385 Definition::Adt(adt) => {
386 let h = match adt {
387 hir::Adt::Struct(_) => HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Struct),
388 hir::Adt::Enum(_) => HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Enum),
389 hir::Adt::Union(_) => HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Union),
390 };
392 Highlight::new(h)
393 }
394 Definition::Variant(_) => Highlight::new(HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Variant)),
395 Definition::Const(konst) => {
396 let mut h = Highlight::new(HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Const));
398 if let Some(item) = konst.as_assoc_item(db) {
399 h |= HlMod::Associated;
400 match item.container(db) {
401 hir::AssocItemContainer::Impl(i) => {
402 if i.trait_(db).is_some() {
403 h |= HlMod::Trait;
404 }
405 }
406 hir::AssocItemContainer::Trait(_t) => {
407 h |= HlMod::Trait;
408 }
409 }
410 }
412 h
413 }
414 Definition::Trait(_) => Highlight::new(HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Trait)),
415 Definition::TraitAlias(_) => Highlight::new(HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::TraitAlias)),
416 Definition::TypeAlias(type_) => {
417 let mut h = Highlight::new(HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::TypeAlias));
419 if let Some(item) = type_.as_assoc_item(db) {
420 h |= HlMod::Associated;
421 match item.container(db) {
422 hir::AssocItemContainer::Impl(i) => {
423 if i.trait_(db).is_some() {
424 h |= HlMod::Trait;
425 }
426 }
427 hir::AssocItemContainer::Trait(_t) => {
428 h |= HlMod::Trait;
429 }
430 }
431 }
433 h
434 }
435 Definition::BuiltinType(_) => Highlight::new(HlTag::BuiltinType),
436 Definition::Static(s) => {
437 let mut h = Highlight::new(HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Static));
439 if s.is_mut(db) {
440 h |= HlMod::Mutable;
441 h |= HlMod::Unsafe;
442 }
444 h
445 }
446 Definition::SelfType(_) => Highlight::new(HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Impl)),
447 Definition::GenericParam(it) => match it {
448 hir::GenericParam::TypeParam(_) => Highlight::new(HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::TypeParam)),
449 hir::GenericParam::ConstParam(_) => {
450 Highlight::new(HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::ConstParam))
451 }
452 hir::GenericParam::LifetimeParam(_) => {
453 Highlight::new(HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::LifetimeParam))
454 }
455 },
456 Definition::Local(local) => {
457 let tag = if local.is_self(db) {
458 HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::SelfParam)
459 } else if local.is_param(db) {
460 HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::ValueParam)
461 } else {
462 HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Local)
463 };
464 let mut h = Highlight::new(tag);
465 let ty = local.ty(db);
466 if local.is_mut(db) || ty.is_mutable_reference() {
467 h |= HlMod::Mutable;
468 }
469 if local.is_ref(db) || ty.is_reference() {
470 h |= HlMod::Reference;
471 }
472 if ty.as_callable(db).is_some() || ty.impls_fnonce(db) {
473 h |= HlMod::Callable;
474 }
475 h
476 }
477 Definition::Label(_) => Highlight::new(HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Label)),
478 Definition::BuiltinAttr(_) => Highlight::new(HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::BuiltinAttr)),
479 Definition::ToolModule(_) => Highlight::new(HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::ToolModule)),
480 Definition::DeriveHelper(_) => Highlight::new(HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::DeriveHelper)),
481 };
483 let def_crate = def.krate(db);
484 let is_from_other_crate = def_crate != Some(krate);
485 let is_from_builtin_crate = def_crate.map_or(false, |def_crate| def_crate.is_builtin(db));
486 let is_builtin_type = matches!(def, Definition::BuiltinType(_));
487 let is_public = def.visibility(db) == Some(hir::Visibility::Public);
489 match (is_from_other_crate, is_builtin_type, is_public) {
490 (true, false, _) => h |= HlMod::Library,
491 (false, _, true) => h |= HlMod::Public,
492 _ => {}
493 }
495 if is_from_builtin_crate {
496 h |= HlMod::DefaultLibrary;
497 }
499 h
500 }
502 fn highlight_method_call_by_name_ref(
503 sema: &Semantics<'_, RootDatabase>,
504 krate: hir::Crate,
505 name_ref: &ast::NameRef,
506 ) -> Option<Highlight> {
507 let mc = name_ref.syntax().parent().and_then(ast::MethodCallExpr::cast)?;
508 highlight_method_call(sema, krate, &mc)
509 }
511 fn highlight_method_call(
512 sema: &Semantics<'_, RootDatabase>,
513 krate: hir::Crate,
514 method_call: &ast::MethodCallExpr,
515 ) -> Option<Highlight> {
516 let func = sema.resolve_method_call(method_call)?;
518 let mut h = SymbolKind::Function.into();
519 h |= HlMod::Associated;
521 if func.is_unsafe_to_call(sema.db) || sema.is_unsafe_method_call(method_call) {
522 h |= HlMod::Unsafe;
523 }
524 if func.is_async(sema.db) {
525 h |= HlMod::Async;
526 }
527 if func
528 .as_assoc_item(sema.db)
529 .and_then(|it| it.containing_trait_or_trait_impl(sema.db))
530 .is_some()
531 {
532 h |= HlMod::Trait;
533 }
535 let def_crate = func.module(sema.db).krate();
536 let is_from_other_crate = def_crate != krate;
537 let is_from_builtin_crate = def_crate.is_builtin(sema.db);
538 let is_public = func.visibility(sema.db) == hir::Visibility::Public;
540 if is_from_other_crate {
541 h |= HlMod::Library;
542 } else if is_public {
543 h |= HlMod::Public;
544 }
546 if is_from_builtin_crate {
547 h |= HlMod::DefaultLibrary;
548 }
550 if let Some(self_param) = func.self_param(sema.db) {
551 match self_param.access(sema.db) {
552 hir::Access::Shared => h |= HlMod::Reference,
553 hir::Access::Exclusive => {
554 h |= HlMod::Mutable;
555 h |= HlMod::Reference;
556 }
557 hir::Access::Owned => {
558 if let Some(receiver_ty) =
559 method_call.receiver().and_then(|it| sema.type_of_expr(&it))
560 {
561 if !receiver_ty.adjusted().is_copy(sema.db) {
562 h |= HlMod::Consuming
563 }
564 }
565 }
566 }
567 }
568 Some(h)
569 }
571 fn highlight_name_by_syntax(name: ast::Name) -> Highlight {
572 let default = HlTag::UnresolvedReference;
574 let parent = match name.syntax().parent() {
575 Some(it) => it,
576 _ => return default.into(),
577 };
579 let tag = match parent.kind() {
580 STRUCT => SymbolKind::Struct,
581 ENUM => SymbolKind::Enum,
582 VARIANT => SymbolKind::Variant,
583 UNION => SymbolKind::Union,
584 TRAIT => SymbolKind::Trait,
585 TYPE_ALIAS => SymbolKind::TypeAlias,
586 TYPE_PARAM => SymbolKind::TypeParam,
587 RECORD_FIELD => SymbolKind::Field,
588 MODULE => SymbolKind::Module,
589 FN => SymbolKind::Function,
590 CONST => SymbolKind::Const,
591 STATIC => SymbolKind::Static,
592 IDENT_PAT => SymbolKind::Local,
593 _ => return default.into(),
594 };
596 tag.into()
597 }
599 fn highlight_name_ref_by_syntax(
600 name: ast::NameRef,
601 sema: &Semantics<'_, RootDatabase>,
602 krate: hir::Crate,
603 ) -> Highlight {
604 let default = HlTag::UnresolvedReference;
606 let parent = match name.syntax().parent() {
607 Some(it) => it,
608 _ => return default.into(),
609 };
611 match parent.kind() {
612 METHOD_CALL_EXPR => ast::MethodCallExpr::cast(parent)
613 .and_then(|it| highlight_method_call(sema, krate, &it))
614 .unwrap_or_else(|| SymbolKind::Function.into()),
615 FIELD_EXPR => {
616 let h = HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Field);
617 let is_union = ast::FieldExpr::cast(parent)
618 .and_then(|field_expr| sema.resolve_field(&field_expr))
619 .map_or(false, |field| {
620 matches!(field.parent_def(sema.db), hir::VariantDef::Union(_))
621 });
622 if is_union {
623 h | HlMod::Unsafe
624 } else {
625 h.into()
626 }
627 }
629 let name_based_fallback = || {
630 if name.text().chars().next().unwrap_or_default().is_uppercase() {
631 SymbolKind::Struct.into()
632 } else {
633 SymbolKind::Module.into()
634 }
635 };
636 let path = match parent.parent().and_then(ast::Path::cast) {
637 Some(it) => it,
638 _ => return name_based_fallback(),
639 };
640 let expr = match path.syntax().parent() {
641 Some(parent) => match_ast! {
642 match parent {
643 ast::PathExpr(path) => path,
644 ast::MacroCall(_) => return SymbolKind::Macro.into(),
645 _ => return name_based_fallback(),
646 }
647 },
648 // within path, decide whether it is module or adt by checking for uppercase name
649 None => return name_based_fallback(),
650 };
651 let parent = match expr.syntax().parent() {
652 Some(it) => it,
653 None => return default.into(),
654 };
656 match parent.kind() {
657 CALL_EXPR => SymbolKind::Function.into(),
658 _ => if name.text().chars().next().unwrap_or_default().is_uppercase() {
659 SymbolKind::Struct
660 } else {
661 SymbolKind::Const
662 }
663 .into(),
664 }
665 }
666 _ => default.into(),
667 }
668 }
670 fn is_consumed_lvalue(node: &SyntaxNode, local: &hir::Local, db: &RootDatabase) -> bool {
671 // When lvalues are passed as arguments and they're not Copy, then mark them as Consuming.
672 parents_match(node.clone().into(), &[PATH_SEGMENT, PATH, PATH_EXPR, ARG_LIST])
673 && !local.ty(db).is_copy(db)
674 }
676 /// Returns true if the parent nodes of `node` all match the `SyntaxKind`s in `kinds` exactly.
677 fn parents_match(mut node: NodeOrToken<SyntaxNode, SyntaxToken>, mut kinds: &[SyntaxKind]) -> bool {
678 while let (Some(parent), [kind, rest @ ..]) = (&node.parent(), kinds) {
679 if parent.kind() != *kind {
680 return false;
681 }
683 // FIXME: Would be nice to get parent out of the match, but binding by-move and by-value
684 // in the same pattern is unstable: rust-lang/rust#68354.
685 node = node.parent().unwrap().into();
686 kinds = rest;
687 }
689 // Only true if we matched all expected kinds
690 kinds.is_empty()
691 }
693 fn parent_matches<N: AstNode>(token: &SyntaxToken) -> bool {
694 token.parent().map_or(false, |it| N::can_cast(it.kind()))
695 }