]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/tools/rust-analyzer/crates/ide-completion/src/render/function.rs
New upstream version 1.65.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / tools / rust-analyzer / crates / ide-completion / src / render / function.rs
1 //! Renderer for function calls.
3 use hir::{db::HirDatabase, AsAssocItem, HirDisplay};
4 use ide_db::{SnippetCap, SymbolKind};
5 use itertools::Itertools;
6 use stdx::{format_to, to_lower_snake_case};
7 use syntax::{AstNode, SmolStr};
9 use crate::{
10 context::{CompletionContext, DotAccess, DotAccessKind, PathCompletionCtx, PathKind},
11 item::{Builder, CompletionItem, CompletionItemKind, CompletionRelevance},
12 render::{compute_exact_name_match, compute_ref_match, compute_type_match, RenderContext},
13 CallableSnippets,
14 };
16 #[derive(Debug)]
17 enum FuncKind<'ctx> {
18 Function(&'ctx PathCompletionCtx),
19 Method(&'ctx DotAccess, Option<hir::Name>),
20 }
22 pub(crate) fn render_fn(
23 ctx: RenderContext<'_>,
24 path_ctx: &PathCompletionCtx,
25 local_name: Option<hir::Name>,
26 func: hir::Function,
27 ) -> Builder {
28 let _p = profile::span("render_fn");
29 render(ctx, local_name, func, FuncKind::Function(path_ctx))
30 }
32 pub(crate) fn render_method(
33 ctx: RenderContext<'_>,
34 dot_access: &DotAccess,
35 receiver: Option<hir::Name>,
36 local_name: Option<hir::Name>,
37 func: hir::Function,
38 ) -> Builder {
39 let _p = profile::span("render_method");
40 render(ctx, local_name, func, FuncKind::Method(dot_access, receiver))
41 }
43 fn render(
44 ctx @ RenderContext { completion, .. }: RenderContext<'_>,
45 local_name: Option<hir::Name>,
46 func: hir::Function,
47 func_kind: FuncKind<'_>,
48 ) -> Builder {
49 let db = completion.db;
51 let name = local_name.unwrap_or_else(|| func.name(db));
53 let (call, escaped_call) = match &func_kind {
54 FuncKind::Method(_, Some(receiver)) => (
55 format!("{}.{}", receiver.unescaped(), name.unescaped()).into(),
56 format!("{}.{}", receiver, name).into(),
57 ),
58 _ => (name.unescaped().to_smol_str(), name.to_smol_str()),
59 };
60 let mut item = CompletionItem::new(
61 if func.self_param(db).is_some() {
62 CompletionItemKind::Method
63 } else {
64 CompletionItemKind::SymbolKind(SymbolKind::Function)
65 },
66 ctx.source_range(),
67 call.clone(),
68 );
70 let ret_type = func.ret_type(db);
71 let is_op_method = func
72 .as_assoc_item(ctx.db())
73 .and_then(|trait_| trait_.containing_trait_or_trait_impl(ctx.db()))
74 .map_or(false, |trait_| completion.is_ops_trait(trait_));
75 item.set_relevance(CompletionRelevance {
76 type_match: compute_type_match(completion, &ret_type),
77 exact_name_match: compute_exact_name_match(completion, &call),
78 is_op_method,
79 ..ctx.completion_relevance()
80 });
82 match func_kind {
83 FuncKind::Function(path_ctx) => {
84 super::path_ref_match(completion, path_ctx, &ret_type, &mut item);
85 }
86 FuncKind::Method(DotAccess { receiver: Some(receiver), .. }, _) => {
87 if let Some(original_expr) = completion.sema.original_ast_node(receiver.clone()) {
88 if let Some(ref_match) = compute_ref_match(completion, &ret_type) {
89 item.ref_match(ref_match, original_expr.syntax().text_range().start());
90 }
91 }
92 }
93 _ => (),
94 }
96 item.set_documentation(ctx.docs(func))
97 .set_deprecated(ctx.is_deprecated(func) || ctx.is_deprecated_assoc_item(func))
98 .detail(detail(db, func))
99 .lookup_by(name.unescaped().to_smol_str());
101 match ctx.completion.config.snippet_cap {
102 Some(cap) => {
103 let complete_params = match func_kind {
104 FuncKind::Function(PathCompletionCtx {
105 kind: PathKind::Expr { .. },
106 has_call_parens: false,
107 ..
108 }) => Some(false),
109 FuncKind::Method(
110 DotAccess {
111 kind:
112 DotAccessKind::Method { has_parens: false } | DotAccessKind::Field { .. },
113 ..
114 },
115 _,
116 ) => Some(true),
117 _ => None,
118 };
119 if let Some(has_dot_receiver) = complete_params {
120 if let Some((self_param, params)) =
121 params(ctx.completion, func, &func_kind, has_dot_receiver)
122 {
123 add_call_parens(
124 &mut item,
125 completion,
126 cap,
127 call,
128 escaped_call,
129 self_param,
130 params,
131 );
132 }
133 }
134 }
135 _ => (),
136 };
138 match ctx.import_to_add {
139 Some(import_to_add) => {
140 item.add_import(import_to_add);
141 }
142 None => {
143 if let Some(actm) = func.as_assoc_item(db) {
144 if let Some(trt) = actm.containing_trait_or_trait_impl(db) {
145 item.trait_name(trt.name(db).to_smol_str());
146 }
147 }
148 }
149 }
150 item
151 }
153 pub(super) fn add_call_parens<'b>(
154 builder: &'b mut Builder,
155 ctx: &CompletionContext<'_>,
156 cap: SnippetCap,
157 name: SmolStr,
158 escaped_name: SmolStr,
159 self_param: Option<hir::SelfParam>,
160 params: Vec<hir::Param>,
161 ) -> &'b mut Builder {
162 cov_mark::hit!(inserts_parens_for_function_calls);
164 let (snippet, label_suffix) = if self_param.is_none() && params.is_empty() {
165 (format!("{}()$0", escaped_name), "()")
166 } else {
167 builder.trigger_call_info();
168 let snippet = if let Some(CallableSnippets::FillArguments) = ctx.config.callable {
169 let offset = if self_param.is_some() { 2 } else { 1 };
170 let function_params_snippet =
171 params.iter().enumerate().format_with(", ", |(index, param), f| {
172 match param.name(ctx.db) {
173 Some(n) => {
174 let smol_str = n.to_smol_str();
175 let text = smol_str.as_str().trim_start_matches('_');
176 let ref_ = ref_of_param(ctx, text, param.ty());
177 f(&format_args!("${{{}:{}{}}}", index + offset, ref_, text))
178 }
179 None => {
180 let name = match param.ty().as_adt() {
181 None => "_".to_string(),
182 Some(adt) => adt
183 .name(ctx.db)
184 .as_text()
185 .map(|s| to_lower_snake_case(s.as_str()))
186 .unwrap_or_else(|| "_".to_string()),
187 };
188 f(&format_args!("${{{}:{}}}", index + offset, name))
189 }
190 }
191 });
192 match self_param {
193 Some(self_param) => {
194 format!(
195 "{}(${{1:{}}}{}{})$0",
196 escaped_name,
197 self_param.display(ctx.db),
198 if params.is_empty() { "" } else { ", " },
199 function_params_snippet
200 )
201 }
202 None => {
203 format!("{}({})$0", escaped_name, function_params_snippet)
204 }
205 }
206 } else {
207 cov_mark::hit!(suppress_arg_snippets);
208 format!("{}($0)", escaped_name)
209 };
211 (snippet, "(…)")
212 };
213 builder.label(SmolStr::from_iter([&name, label_suffix])).insert_snippet(cap, snippet)
214 }
216 fn ref_of_param(ctx: &CompletionContext<'_>, arg: &str, ty: &hir::Type) -> &'static str {
217 if let Some(derefed_ty) = ty.remove_ref() {
218 for (name, local) in ctx.locals.iter() {
219 if name.as_text().as_deref() == Some(arg) {
220 return if local.ty(ctx.db) == derefed_ty {
221 if ty.is_mutable_reference() {
222 "&mut "
223 } else {
224 "&"
225 }
226 } else {
227 ""
228 };
229 }
230 }
231 }
232 ""
233 }
235 fn detail(db: &dyn HirDatabase, func: hir::Function) -> String {
236 let mut ret_ty = func.ret_type(db);
237 let mut detail = String::new();
239 if func.is_const(db) {
240 format_to!(detail, "const ");
241 }
242 if func.is_async(db) {
243 format_to!(detail, "async ");
244 if let Some(async_ret) = func.async_ret_type(db) {
245 ret_ty = async_ret;
246 }
247 }
248 if func.is_unsafe_to_call(db) {
249 format_to!(detail, "unsafe ");
250 }
252 format_to!(detail, "fn({})", params_display(db, func));
253 if !ret_ty.is_unit() {
254 format_to!(detail, " -> {}", ret_ty.display(db));
255 }
256 detail
257 }
259 fn params_display(db: &dyn HirDatabase, func: hir::Function) -> String {
260 if let Some(self_param) = func.self_param(db) {
261 let assoc_fn_params = func.assoc_fn_params(db);
262 let params = assoc_fn_params
263 .iter()
264 .skip(1) // skip the self param because we are manually handling that
265 .map(|p| p.ty().display(db));
266 format!(
267 "{}{}",
268 self_param.display(db),
269 params.format_with("", |display, f| {
270 f(&", ")?;
271 f(&display)
272 })
273 )
274 } else {
275 let assoc_fn_params = func.assoc_fn_params(db);
276 assoc_fn_params.iter().map(|p| p.ty().display(db)).join(", ")
277 }
278 }
280 fn params(
281 ctx: &CompletionContext<'_>,
282 func: hir::Function,
283 func_kind: &FuncKind<'_>,
284 has_dot_receiver: bool,
285 ) -> Option<(Option<hir::SelfParam>, Vec<hir::Param>)> {
286 if ctx.config.callable.is_none() {
287 return None;
288 }
290 // Don't add parentheses if the expected type is some function reference.
291 if let Some(ty) = &ctx.expected_type {
292 // FIXME: check signature matches?
293 if ty.is_fn() {
294 cov_mark::hit!(no_call_parens_if_fn_ptr_needed);
295 return None;
296 }
297 }
299 let self_param = if has_dot_receiver || matches!(func_kind, FuncKind::Method(_, Some(_))) {
300 None
301 } else {
302 func.self_param(ctx.db)
303 };
304 Some((self_param, func.params_without_self(ctx.db)))
305 }
307 #[cfg(test)]
308 mod tests {
309 use crate::{
310 tests::{check_edit, check_edit_with_config, TEST_CONFIG},
311 CallableSnippets, CompletionConfig,
312 };
314 #[test]
315 fn inserts_parens_for_function_calls() {
316 cov_mark::check!(inserts_parens_for_function_calls);
317 check_edit(
318 "no_args",
319 r#"
320 fn no_args() {}
321 fn main() { no_$0 }
322 "#,
323 r#"
324 fn no_args() {}
325 fn main() { no_args()$0 }
326 "#,
327 );
329 check_edit(
330 "with_args",
331 r#"
332 fn with_args(x: i32, y: String) {}
333 fn main() { with_$0 }
334 "#,
335 r#"
336 fn with_args(x: i32, y: String) {}
337 fn main() { with_args(${1:x}, ${2:y})$0 }
338 "#,
339 );
341 check_edit(
342 "foo",
343 r#"
344 struct S;
345 impl S {
346 fn foo(&self) {}
347 }
348 fn bar(s: &S) { s.f$0 }
349 "#,
350 r#"
351 struct S;
352 impl S {
353 fn foo(&self) {}
354 }
355 fn bar(s: &S) { s.foo()$0 }
356 "#,
357 );
359 check_edit(
360 "foo",
361 r#"
362 struct S {}
363 impl S {
364 fn foo(&self, x: i32) {}
365 }
366 fn bar(s: &S) {
367 s.f$0
368 }
369 "#,
370 r#"
371 struct S {}
372 impl S {
373 fn foo(&self, x: i32) {}
374 }
375 fn bar(s: &S) {
376 s.foo(${1:x})$0
377 }
378 "#,
379 );
381 check_edit(
382 "foo",
383 r#"
384 struct S {}
385 impl S {
386 fn foo(&self, x: i32) {
387 $0
388 }
389 }
390 "#,
391 r#"
392 struct S {}
393 impl S {
394 fn foo(&self, x: i32) {
395 self.foo(${1:x})$0
396 }
397 }
398 "#,
399 );
400 }
402 #[test]
403 fn parens_for_method_call_as_assoc_fn() {
404 check_edit(
405 "foo",
406 r#"
407 struct S;
408 impl S {
409 fn foo(&self) {}
410 }
411 fn main() { S::f$0 }
412 "#,
413 r#"
414 struct S;
415 impl S {
416 fn foo(&self) {}
417 }
418 fn main() { S::foo(${1:&self})$0 }
419 "#,
420 );
421 }
423 #[test]
424 fn suppress_arg_snippets() {
425 cov_mark::check!(suppress_arg_snippets);
426 check_edit_with_config(
427 CompletionConfig { callable: Some(CallableSnippets::AddParentheses), ..TEST_CONFIG },
428 "with_args",
429 r#"
430 fn with_args(x: i32, y: String) {}
431 fn main() { with_$0 }
432 "#,
433 r#"
434 fn with_args(x: i32, y: String) {}
435 fn main() { with_args($0) }
436 "#,
437 );
438 }
440 #[test]
441 fn strips_underscores_from_args() {
442 check_edit(
443 "foo",
444 r#"
445 fn foo(_foo: i32, ___bar: bool, ho_ge_: String) {}
446 fn main() { f$0 }
447 "#,
448 r#"
449 fn foo(_foo: i32, ___bar: bool, ho_ge_: String) {}
450 fn main() { foo(${1:foo}, ${2:bar}, ${3:ho_ge_})$0 }
451 "#,
452 );
453 }
455 #[test]
456 fn insert_ref_when_matching_local_in_scope() {
457 check_edit(
458 "ref_arg",
459 r#"
460 struct Foo {}
461 fn ref_arg(x: &Foo) {}
462 fn main() {
463 let x = Foo {};
464 ref_ar$0
465 }
466 "#,
467 r#"
468 struct Foo {}
469 fn ref_arg(x: &Foo) {}
470 fn main() {
471 let x = Foo {};
472 ref_arg(${1:&x})$0
473 }
474 "#,
475 );
476 }
478 #[test]
479 fn insert_mut_ref_when_matching_local_in_scope() {
480 check_edit(
481 "ref_arg",
482 r#"
483 struct Foo {}
484 fn ref_arg(x: &mut Foo) {}
485 fn main() {
486 let x = Foo {};
487 ref_ar$0
488 }
489 "#,
490 r#"
491 struct Foo {}
492 fn ref_arg(x: &mut Foo) {}
493 fn main() {
494 let x = Foo {};
495 ref_arg(${1:&mut x})$0
496 }
497 "#,
498 );
499 }
501 #[test]
502 fn insert_ref_when_matching_local_in_scope_for_method() {
503 check_edit(
504 "apply_foo",
505 r#"
506 struct Foo {}
507 struct Bar {}
508 impl Bar {
509 fn apply_foo(&self, x: &Foo) {}
510 }
512 fn main() {
513 let x = Foo {};
514 let y = Bar {};
515 y.$0
516 }
517 "#,
518 r#"
519 struct Foo {}
520 struct Bar {}
521 impl Bar {
522 fn apply_foo(&self, x: &Foo) {}
523 }
525 fn main() {
526 let x = Foo {};
527 let y = Bar {};
528 y.apply_foo(${1:&x})$0
529 }
530 "#,
531 );
532 }
534 #[test]
535 fn trim_mut_keyword_in_func_completion() {
536 check_edit(
537 "take_mutably",
538 r#"
539 fn take_mutably(mut x: &i32) {}
541 fn main() {
542 take_m$0
543 }
544 "#,
545 r#"
546 fn take_mutably(mut x: &i32) {}
548 fn main() {
549 take_mutably(${1:x})$0
550 }
551 "#,
552 );
553 }
555 #[test]
556 fn complete_pattern_args_with_type_name_if_adt() {
557 check_edit(
558 "qux",
559 r#"
560 struct Foo {
561 bar: i32
562 }
564 fn qux(Foo { bar }: Foo) {
565 println!("{}", bar);
566 }
568 fn main() {
569 qu$0
570 }
571 "#,
572 r#"
573 struct Foo {
574 bar: i32
575 }
577 fn qux(Foo { bar }: Foo) {
578 println!("{}", bar);
579 }
581 fn main() {
582 qux(${1:foo})$0
583 }
584 "#,
585 );
586 }
588 #[test]
589 fn complete_fn_param() {
590 // has mut kw
591 check_edit(
592 "mut bar: u32",
593 r#"
594 fn f(foo: (), mut bar: u32) {}
595 fn g(foo: (), mut ba$0)
596 "#,
597 r#"
598 fn f(foo: (), mut bar: u32) {}
599 fn g(foo: (), mut bar: u32)
600 "#,
601 );
603 // has type param
604 check_edit(
605 "mut bar: u32",
606 r#"
607 fn g(foo: (), mut ba$0: u32)
608 fn f(foo: (), mut bar: u32) {}
609 "#,
610 r#"
611 fn g(foo: (), mut bar: u32)
612 fn f(foo: (), mut bar: u32) {}
613 "#,
614 );
615 }
617 #[test]
618 fn complete_fn_mut_param_add_comma() {
619 // add leading and trailing comma
620 check_edit(
621 ", mut bar: u32,",
622 r#"
623 fn f(foo: (), mut bar: u32) {}
624 fn g(foo: ()mut ba$0 baz: ())
625 "#,
626 r#"
627 fn f(foo: (), mut bar: u32) {}
628 fn g(foo: (), mut bar: u32, baz: ())
629 "#,
630 );
631 }
633 #[test]
634 fn complete_fn_mut_param_has_attribute() {
635 check_edit(
636 r#"#[baz = "qux"] mut bar: u32"#,
637 r#"
638 fn f(foo: (), #[baz = "qux"] mut bar: u32) {}
639 fn g(foo: (), mut ba$0)
640 "#,
641 r#"
642 fn f(foo: (), #[baz = "qux"] mut bar: u32) {}
643 fn g(foo: (), #[baz = "qux"] mut bar: u32)
644 "#,
645 );
647 check_edit(
648 r#"#[baz = "qux"] mut bar: u32"#,
649 r#"
650 fn f(foo: (), #[baz = "qux"] mut bar: u32) {}
651 fn g(foo: (), #[baz = "qux"] mut ba$0)
652 "#,
653 r#"
654 fn f(foo: (), #[baz = "qux"] mut bar: u32) {}
655 fn g(foo: (), #[baz = "qux"] mut bar: u32)
656 "#,
657 );
659 check_edit(
660 r#", #[baz = "qux"] mut bar: u32"#,
661 r#"
662 fn f(foo: (), #[baz = "qux"] mut bar: u32) {}
663 fn g(foo: ()#[baz = "qux"] mut ba$0)
664 "#,
665 r#"
666 fn f(foo: (), #[baz = "qux"] mut bar: u32) {}
667 fn g(foo: (), #[baz = "qux"] mut bar: u32)
668 "#,
669 );
670 }
671 }