]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/tools/rust-analyzer/crates/ide-db/src/syntax_helpers/node_ext.rs
[rustc.git] / src / tools / rust-analyzer / crates / ide-db / src / syntax_helpers / node_ext.rs
1 //! Various helper functions to work with SyntaxNodes.
2 use itertools::Itertools;
3 use parser::T;
4 use syntax::{
5 ast::{self, HasLoopBody, PathSegmentKind, VisibilityKind},
6 AstNode, Preorder, RustLanguage, WalkEvent,
7 };
9 pub fn expr_as_name_ref(expr: &ast::Expr) -> Option<ast::NameRef> {
10 if let ast::Expr::PathExpr(expr) = expr {
11 let path = expr.path()?;
12 path.as_single_name_ref()
13 } else {
14 None
15 }
16 }
18 pub fn full_path_of_name_ref(name_ref: &ast::NameRef) -> Option<ast::Path> {
19 let mut ancestors = name_ref.syntax().ancestors();
20 let _ = ancestors.next()?; // skip self
21 let _ = ancestors.next().filter(|it| ast::PathSegment::can_cast(it.kind()))?; // skip self
22 ancestors.take_while(|it| ast::Path::can_cast(it.kind())).last().and_then(ast::Path::cast)
23 }
25 pub fn block_as_lone_tail(block: &ast::BlockExpr) -> Option<ast::Expr> {
26 block.statements().next().is_none().then(|| block.tail_expr()).flatten()
27 }
29 /// Preorder walk all the expression's child expressions.
30 pub fn walk_expr(expr: &ast::Expr, cb: &mut dyn FnMut(ast::Expr)) {
31 preorder_expr(expr, &mut |ev| {
32 if let WalkEvent::Enter(expr) = ev {
33 cb(expr);
34 }
35 false
36 })
37 }
39 /// Preorder walk all the expression's child expressions preserving events.
40 /// If the callback returns true on an [`WalkEvent::Enter`], the subtree of the expression will be skipped.
41 /// Note that the subtree may already be skipped due to the context analysis this function does.
42 pub fn preorder_expr(start: &ast::Expr, cb: &mut dyn FnMut(WalkEvent<ast::Expr>) -> bool) {
43 let mut preorder = start.syntax().preorder();
44 while let Some(event) = preorder.next() {
45 let node = match event {
46 WalkEvent::Enter(node) => node,
47 WalkEvent::Leave(node) => {
48 if let Some(expr) = ast::Expr::cast(node) {
49 cb(WalkEvent::Leave(expr));
50 }
51 continue;
52 }
53 };
54 if let Some(let_stmt) = node.parent().and_then(ast::LetStmt::cast) {
55 if Some(node.clone()) != let_stmt.initializer().map(|it| it.syntax().clone()) {
56 // skipping potential const pat expressions in let statements
57 preorder.skip_subtree();
58 continue;
59 }
60 }
62 match ast::Stmt::cast(node.clone()) {
63 // Don't skip subtree since we want to process the expression child next
64 Some(ast::Stmt::ExprStmt(_)) | Some(ast::Stmt::LetStmt(_)) => (),
65 // skip inner items which might have their own expressions
66 Some(ast::Stmt::Item(_)) => preorder.skip_subtree(),
67 None => {
68 // skip const args, those expressions are a different context
69 if ast::GenericArg::can_cast(node.kind()) {
70 preorder.skip_subtree();
71 } else if let Some(expr) = ast::Expr::cast(node) {
72 let is_different_context = match &expr {
73 ast::Expr::BlockExpr(block_expr) => {
74 matches!(
75 block_expr.modifier(),
76 Some(
77 ast::BlockModifier::Async(_)
78 | ast::BlockModifier::Try(_)
79 | ast::BlockModifier::Const(_)
80 )
81 )
82 }
83 ast::Expr::ClosureExpr(_) => true,
84 _ => false,
85 } && expr.syntax() != start.syntax();
86 let skip = cb(WalkEvent::Enter(expr));
87 if skip || is_different_context {
88 preorder.skip_subtree();
89 }
90 }
91 }
92 }
93 }
94 }
96 /// Preorder walk all the expression's child patterns.
97 pub fn walk_patterns_in_expr(start: &ast::Expr, cb: &mut dyn FnMut(ast::Pat)) {
98 let mut preorder = start.syntax().preorder();
99 while let Some(event) = preorder.next() {
100 let node = match event {
101 WalkEvent::Enter(node) => node,
102 WalkEvent::Leave(_) => continue,
103 };
104 match ast::Stmt::cast(node.clone()) {
105 Some(ast::Stmt::LetStmt(l)) => {
106 if let Some(pat) = l.pat() {
107 walk_pat(&pat, cb);
108 }
109 if let Some(expr) = l.initializer() {
110 walk_patterns_in_expr(&expr, cb);
111 }
112 preorder.skip_subtree();
113 }
114 // Don't skip subtree since we want to process the expression child next
115 Some(ast::Stmt::ExprStmt(_)) => (),
116 // skip inner items which might have their own patterns
117 Some(ast::Stmt::Item(_)) => preorder.skip_subtree(),
118 None => {
119 // skip const args, those are a different context
120 if ast::GenericArg::can_cast(node.kind()) {
121 preorder.skip_subtree();
122 } else if let Some(expr) = ast::Expr::cast(node.clone()) {
123 let is_different_context = match &expr {
124 ast::Expr::BlockExpr(block_expr) => {
125 matches!(
126 block_expr.modifier(),
127 Some(
128 ast::BlockModifier::Async(_)
129 | ast::BlockModifier::Try(_)
130 | ast::BlockModifier::Const(_)
131 )
132 )
133 }
134 ast::Expr::ClosureExpr(_) => true,
135 _ => false,
136 } && expr.syntax() != start.syntax();
137 if is_different_context {
138 preorder.skip_subtree();
139 }
140 } else if let Some(pat) = ast::Pat::cast(node) {
141 preorder.skip_subtree();
142 walk_pat(&pat, cb);
143 }
144 }
145 }
146 }
147 }
149 /// Preorder walk all the pattern's sub patterns.
150 pub fn walk_pat(pat: &ast::Pat, cb: &mut dyn FnMut(ast::Pat)) {
151 let mut preorder = pat.syntax().preorder();
152 while let Some(event) = preorder.next() {
153 let node = match event {
154 WalkEvent::Enter(node) => node,
155 WalkEvent::Leave(_) => continue,
156 };
157 let kind = node.kind();
158 match ast::Pat::cast(node) {
159 Some(pat @ ast::Pat::ConstBlockPat(_)) => {
160 preorder.skip_subtree();
161 cb(pat);
162 }
163 Some(pat) => {
164 cb(pat);
165 }
166 // skip const args
167 None if ast::GenericArg::can_cast(kind) => {
168 preorder.skip_subtree();
169 }
170 None => (),
171 }
172 }
173 }
175 /// Preorder walk all the type's sub types.
176 pub fn walk_ty(ty: &ast::Type, cb: &mut dyn FnMut(ast::Type)) {
177 let mut preorder = ty.syntax().preorder();
178 while let Some(event) = preorder.next() {
179 let node = match event {
180 WalkEvent::Enter(node) => node,
181 WalkEvent::Leave(_) => continue,
182 };
183 let kind = node.kind();
184 match ast::Type::cast(node) {
185 Some(ty @ ast::Type::MacroType(_)) => {
186 preorder.skip_subtree();
187 cb(ty)
188 }
189 Some(ty) => {
190 cb(ty);
191 }
192 // skip const args
193 None if ast::ConstArg::can_cast(kind) => {
194 preorder.skip_subtree();
195 }
196 None => (),
197 }
198 }
199 }
201 pub fn vis_eq(this: &ast::Visibility, other: &ast::Visibility) -> bool {
202 match (this.kind(), other.kind()) {
203 (VisibilityKind::In(this), VisibilityKind::In(other)) => {
204 stdx::iter_eq_by(this.segments(), other.segments(), |lhs, rhs| {
205 lhs.kind().zip(rhs.kind()).map_or(false, |it| match it {
206 (PathSegmentKind::CrateKw, PathSegmentKind::CrateKw)
207 | (PathSegmentKind::SelfKw, PathSegmentKind::SelfKw)
208 | (PathSegmentKind::SuperKw, PathSegmentKind::SuperKw) => true,
209 (PathSegmentKind::Name(lhs), PathSegmentKind::Name(rhs)) => {
210 lhs.text() == rhs.text()
211 }
212 _ => false,
213 })
214 })
215 }
216 (VisibilityKind::PubSelf, VisibilityKind::PubSelf)
217 | (VisibilityKind::PubSuper, VisibilityKind::PubSuper)
218 | (VisibilityKind::PubCrate, VisibilityKind::PubCrate)
219 | (VisibilityKind::Pub, VisibilityKind::Pub) => true,
220 _ => false,
221 }
222 }
224 /// Returns the `let` only if there is exactly one (that is, `let pat = expr`
225 /// or `((let pat = expr))`, but not `let pat = expr && expr` or `non_let_expr`).
226 pub fn single_let(expr: ast::Expr) -> Option<ast::LetExpr> {
227 match expr {
228 ast::Expr::ParenExpr(expr) => expr.expr().and_then(single_let),
229 ast::Expr::LetExpr(expr) => Some(expr),
230 _ => None,
231 }
232 }
234 pub fn is_pattern_cond(expr: ast::Expr) -> bool {
235 match expr {
236 ast::Expr::BinExpr(expr)
237 if expr.op_kind() == Some(ast::BinaryOp::LogicOp(ast::LogicOp::And)) =>
238 {
239 expr.lhs()
240 .map(is_pattern_cond)
241 .or_else(|| expr.rhs().map(is_pattern_cond))
242 .unwrap_or(false)
243 }
244 ast::Expr::ParenExpr(expr) => expr.expr().map_or(false, is_pattern_cond),
245 ast::Expr::LetExpr(_) => true,
246 _ => false,
247 }
248 }
250 /// Calls `cb` on each expression inside `expr` that is at "tail position".
251 /// Does not walk into `break` or `return` expressions.
252 /// Note that modifying the tree while iterating it will cause undefined iteration which might
253 /// potentially results in an out of bounds panic.
254 pub fn for_each_tail_expr(expr: &ast::Expr, cb: &mut dyn FnMut(&ast::Expr)) {
255 match expr {
256 ast::Expr::BlockExpr(b) => {
257 match b.modifier() {
258 Some(
259 ast::BlockModifier::Async(_)
260 | ast::BlockModifier::Try(_)
261 | ast::BlockModifier::Const(_),
262 ) => return cb(expr),
264 Some(ast::BlockModifier::Label(label)) => {
265 for_each_break_expr(Some(label), b.stmt_list(), &mut |b| {
266 cb(&ast::Expr::BreakExpr(b))
267 });
268 }
269 Some(ast::BlockModifier::Unsafe(_)) => (),
270 None => (),
271 }
272 if let Some(stmt_list) = b.stmt_list() {
273 if let Some(e) = stmt_list.tail_expr() {
274 for_each_tail_expr(&e, cb);
275 }
276 }
277 }
278 ast::Expr::IfExpr(if_) => {
279 let mut if_ = if_.clone();
280 loop {
281 if let Some(block) = if_.then_branch() {
282 for_each_tail_expr(&ast::Expr::BlockExpr(block), cb);
283 }
284 match if_.else_branch() {
285 Some(ast::ElseBranch::IfExpr(it)) => if_ = it,
286 Some(ast::ElseBranch::Block(block)) => {
287 for_each_tail_expr(&ast::Expr::BlockExpr(block), cb);
288 break;
289 }
290 None => break,
291 }
292 }
293 }
294 ast::Expr::LoopExpr(l) => {
295 for_each_break_expr(l.label(), l.loop_body().and_then(|it| it.stmt_list()), &mut |b| {
296 cb(&ast::Expr::BreakExpr(b))
297 })
298 }
299 ast::Expr::MatchExpr(m) => {
300 if let Some(arms) = m.match_arm_list() {
301 arms.arms().filter_map(|arm| arm.expr()).for_each(|e| for_each_tail_expr(&e, cb));
302 }
303 }
304 ast::Expr::ArrayExpr(_)
305 | ast::Expr::AwaitExpr(_)
306 | ast::Expr::BinExpr(_)
307 | ast::Expr::BoxExpr(_)
308 | ast::Expr::BreakExpr(_)
309 | ast::Expr::CallExpr(_)
310 | ast::Expr::CastExpr(_)
311 | ast::Expr::ClosureExpr(_)
312 | ast::Expr::ContinueExpr(_)
313 | ast::Expr::FieldExpr(_)
314 | ast::Expr::ForExpr(_)
315 | ast::Expr::IndexExpr(_)
316 | ast::Expr::Literal(_)
317 | ast::Expr::MacroExpr(_)
318 | ast::Expr::MethodCallExpr(_)
319 | ast::Expr::ParenExpr(_)
320 | ast::Expr::PathExpr(_)
321 | ast::Expr::PrefixExpr(_)
322 | ast::Expr::RangeExpr(_)
323 | ast::Expr::RecordExpr(_)
324 | ast::Expr::RefExpr(_)
325 | ast::Expr::ReturnExpr(_)
326 | ast::Expr::TryExpr(_)
327 | ast::Expr::TupleExpr(_)
328 | ast::Expr::WhileExpr(_)
329 | ast::Expr::LetExpr(_)
330 | ast::Expr::UnderscoreExpr(_)
331 | ast::Expr::YieldExpr(_) => cb(expr),
332 }
333 }
335 pub fn for_each_break_and_continue_expr(
336 label: Option<ast::Label>,
337 body: Option<ast::StmtList>,
338 cb: &mut dyn FnMut(ast::Expr),
339 ) {
340 let label = label.and_then(|lbl| lbl.lifetime());
341 if let Some(b) = body {
342 let tree_depth_iterator = TreeWithDepthIterator::new(b);
343 for (expr, depth) in tree_depth_iterator {
344 match expr {
345 ast::Expr::BreakExpr(b)
346 if (depth == 0 && b.lifetime().is_none())
347 || eq_label_lt(&label, &b.lifetime()) =>
348 {
349 cb(ast::Expr::BreakExpr(b));
350 }
351 ast::Expr::ContinueExpr(c)
352 if (depth == 0 && c.lifetime().is_none())
353 || eq_label_lt(&label, &c.lifetime()) =>
354 {
355 cb(ast::Expr::ContinueExpr(c));
356 }
357 _ => (),
358 }
359 }
360 }
361 }
363 fn for_each_break_expr(
364 label: Option<ast::Label>,
365 body: Option<ast::StmtList>,
366 cb: &mut dyn FnMut(ast::BreakExpr),
367 ) {
368 let label = label.and_then(|lbl| lbl.lifetime());
369 if let Some(b) = body {
370 let tree_depth_iterator = TreeWithDepthIterator::new(b);
371 for (expr, depth) in tree_depth_iterator {
372 match expr {
373 ast::Expr::BreakExpr(b)
374 if (depth == 0 && b.lifetime().is_none())
375 || eq_label_lt(&label, &b.lifetime()) =>
376 {
377 cb(b);
378 }
379 _ => (),
380 }
381 }
382 }
383 }
385 fn eq_label_lt(lt1: &Option<ast::Lifetime>, lt2: &Option<ast::Lifetime>) -> bool {
386 lt1.as_ref().zip(lt2.as_ref()).map_or(false, |(lt, lbl)| lt.text() == lbl.text())
387 }
389 struct TreeWithDepthIterator {
390 preorder: Preorder<RustLanguage>,
391 depth: u32,
392 }
394 impl TreeWithDepthIterator {
395 fn new(body: ast::StmtList) -> Self {
396 let preorder = body.syntax().preorder();
397 Self { preorder, depth: 0 }
398 }
399 }
401 impl Iterator for TreeWithDepthIterator {
402 type Item = (ast::Expr, u32);
404 fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
405 while let Some(event) = self.preorder.find_map(|ev| match ev {
406 WalkEvent::Enter(it) => ast::Expr::cast(it).map(WalkEvent::Enter),
407 WalkEvent::Leave(it) => ast::Expr::cast(it).map(WalkEvent::Leave),
408 }) {
409 match event {
410 WalkEvent::Enter(
411 ast::Expr::LoopExpr(_) | ast::Expr::WhileExpr(_) | ast::Expr::ForExpr(_),
412 ) => {
413 self.depth += 1;
414 }
415 WalkEvent::Leave(
416 ast::Expr::LoopExpr(_) | ast::Expr::WhileExpr(_) | ast::Expr::ForExpr(_),
417 ) => {
418 self.depth -= 1;
419 }
420 WalkEvent::Enter(ast::Expr::BlockExpr(e)) if e.label().is_some() => {
421 self.depth += 1;
422 }
423 WalkEvent::Leave(ast::Expr::BlockExpr(e)) if e.label().is_some() => {
424 self.depth -= 1;
425 }
426 WalkEvent::Enter(expr) => return Some((expr, self.depth)),
427 _ => (),
428 }
429 }
430 None
431 }
432 }
434 /// Parses the input token tree as comma separated plain paths.
435 pub fn parse_tt_as_comma_sep_paths(input: ast::TokenTree) -> Option<Vec<ast::Path>> {
436 let r_paren = input.r_paren_token();
437 let tokens =
438 input.syntax().children_with_tokens().skip(1).map_while(|it| match it.into_token() {
439 // seeing a keyword means the attribute is unclosed so stop parsing here
440 Some(tok) if tok.kind().is_keyword() => None,
441 // don't include the right token tree parenthesis if it exists
442 tok @ Some(_) if tok == r_paren => None,
443 // only nodes that we can find are other TokenTrees, those are unexpected in this parse though
444 None => None,
445 Some(tok) => Some(tok),
446 });
447 let input_expressions = tokens.group_by(|tok| tok.kind() == T![,]);
448 let paths = input_expressions
449 .into_iter()
450 .filter_map(|(is_sep, group)| (!is_sep).then(|| group))
451 .filter_map(|mut tokens| {
452 syntax::hacks::parse_expr_from_str(&tokens.join("")).and_then(|expr| match expr {
453 ast::Expr::PathExpr(it) => it.path(),
454 _ => None,
455 })
456 })
457 .collect();
458 Some(paths)
459 }