]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/tools/rust-analyzer/crates/mbe/src/syntax_bridge.rs
New upstream version 1.67.1+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / tools / rust-analyzer / crates / mbe / src / syntax_bridge.rs
1 //! Conversions between [`SyntaxNode`] and [`tt::TokenTree`].
3 use rustc_hash::FxHashMap;
4 use stdx::{always, non_empty_vec::NonEmptyVec};
5 use syntax::{
6 ast::{self, make::tokens::doc_comment},
7 AstToken, Parse, PreorderWithTokens, SmolStr, SyntaxElement, SyntaxKind,
8 SyntaxKind::*,
9 SyntaxNode, SyntaxToken, SyntaxTreeBuilder, TextRange, TextSize, WalkEvent, T,
10 };
11 use tt::buffer::{Cursor, TokenBuffer};
13 use crate::{to_parser_input::to_parser_input, tt_iter::TtIter, TokenMap};
15 #[cfg(test)]
16 mod tests;
18 /// Convert the syntax node to a `TokenTree` (what macro
19 /// will consume).
20 pub fn syntax_node_to_token_tree(node: &SyntaxNode) -> (tt::Subtree, TokenMap) {
21 let (subtree, token_map, _) = syntax_node_to_token_tree_with_modifications(
22 node,
23 Default::default(),
24 0,
25 Default::default(),
26 Default::default(),
27 );
28 (subtree, token_map)
29 }
31 /// Convert the syntax node to a `TokenTree` (what macro will consume)
32 /// with the censored range excluded.
33 pub fn syntax_node_to_token_tree_with_modifications(
34 node: &SyntaxNode,
35 existing_token_map: TokenMap,
36 next_id: u32,
37 replace: FxHashMap<SyntaxElement, Vec<SyntheticToken>>,
38 append: FxHashMap<SyntaxElement, Vec<SyntheticToken>>,
39 ) -> (tt::Subtree, TokenMap, u32) {
40 let global_offset = node.text_range().start();
41 let mut c = Converter::new(node, global_offset, existing_token_map, next_id, replace, append);
42 let subtree = convert_tokens(&mut c);
43 c.id_alloc.map.shrink_to_fit();
44 always!(c.replace.is_empty(), "replace: {:?}", c.replace);
45 always!(c.append.is_empty(), "append: {:?}", c.append);
46 (subtree, c.id_alloc.map, c.id_alloc.next_id)
47 }
49 #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
50 pub struct SyntheticTokenId(pub u32);
52 #[derive(Debug, Clone)]
53 pub struct SyntheticToken {
54 pub kind: SyntaxKind,
55 pub text: SmolStr,
56 pub range: TextRange,
57 pub id: SyntheticTokenId,
58 }
60 // The following items are what `rustc` macro can be parsed into :
61 // link: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/9ebf47851a357faa4cd97f4b1dc7835f6376e639/src/libsyntax/ext/expand.rs#L141
62 // * Expr(P<ast::Expr>) -> token_tree_to_expr
63 // * Pat(P<ast::Pat>) -> token_tree_to_pat
64 // * Ty(P<ast::Ty>) -> token_tree_to_ty
65 // * Stmts(SmallVec<[ast::Stmt; 1]>) -> token_tree_to_stmts
66 // * Items(SmallVec<[P<ast::Item>; 1]>) -> token_tree_to_items
67 //
68 // * TraitItems(SmallVec<[ast::TraitItem; 1]>)
69 // * AssocItems(SmallVec<[ast::AssocItem; 1]>)
70 // * ForeignItems(SmallVec<[ast::ForeignItem; 1]>
72 pub fn token_tree_to_syntax_node(
73 tt: &tt::Subtree,
74 entry_point: parser::TopEntryPoint,
75 ) -> (Parse<SyntaxNode>, TokenMap) {
76 let buffer = match tt {
77 tt::Subtree { delimiter: None, token_trees } => {
78 TokenBuffer::from_tokens(token_trees.as_slice())
79 }
80 _ => TokenBuffer::from_subtree(tt),
81 };
82 let parser_input = to_parser_input(&buffer);
83 let parser_output = entry_point.parse(&parser_input);
84 let mut tree_sink = TtTreeSink::new(buffer.begin());
85 for event in parser_output.iter() {
86 match event {
87 parser::Step::Token { kind, n_input_tokens: n_raw_tokens } => {
88 tree_sink.token(kind, n_raw_tokens)
89 }
90 parser::Step::Enter { kind } => tree_sink.start_node(kind),
91 parser::Step::Exit => tree_sink.finish_node(),
92 parser::Step::Error { msg } => tree_sink.error(msg.to_string()),
93 }
94 }
95 let (parse, range_map) = tree_sink.finish();
96 (parse, range_map)
97 }
99 /// Convert a string to a `TokenTree`
100 pub fn parse_to_token_tree(text: &str) -> Option<(tt::Subtree, TokenMap)> {
101 let lexed = parser::LexedStr::new(text);
102 if lexed.errors().next().is_some() {
103 return None;
104 }
106 let mut conv = RawConverter {
107 lexed,
108 pos: 0,
109 id_alloc: TokenIdAlloc {
110 map: Default::default(),
111 global_offset: TextSize::default(),
112 next_id: 0,
113 },
114 };
116 let subtree = convert_tokens(&mut conv);
117 Some((subtree, conv.id_alloc.map))
118 }
120 /// Split token tree with separate expr: $($e:expr)SEP*
121 pub fn parse_exprs_with_sep(tt: &tt::Subtree, sep: char) -> Vec<tt::Subtree> {
122 if tt.token_trees.is_empty() {
123 return Vec::new();
124 }
126 let mut iter = TtIter::new(tt);
127 let mut res = Vec::new();
129 while iter.peek_n(0).is_some() {
130 let expanded = iter.expect_fragment(parser::PrefixEntryPoint::Expr);
132 res.push(match expanded.value {
133 None => break,
134 Some(tt @ tt::TokenTree::Leaf(_)) => {
135 tt::Subtree { delimiter: None, token_trees: vec![tt] }
136 }
137 Some(tt::TokenTree::Subtree(tt)) => tt,
138 });
140 let mut fork = iter.clone();
141 if fork.expect_char(sep).is_err() {
142 break;
143 }
144 iter = fork;
145 }
147 if iter.peek_n(0).is_some() {
148 res.push(tt::Subtree { delimiter: None, token_trees: iter.into_iter().cloned().collect() });
149 }
151 res
152 }
154 fn convert_tokens<C: TokenConverter>(conv: &mut C) -> tt::Subtree {
155 struct StackEntry {
156 subtree: tt::Subtree,
157 idx: usize,
158 open_range: TextRange,
159 }
161 let entry = StackEntry {
162 subtree: tt::Subtree { delimiter: None, ..Default::default() },
163 // never used (delimiter is `None`)
164 idx: !0,
165 open_range: TextRange::empty(TextSize::of('.')),
166 };
167 let mut stack = NonEmptyVec::new(entry);
169 loop {
170 let StackEntry { subtree, .. } = stack.last_mut();
171 let result = &mut subtree.token_trees;
172 let (token, range) = match conv.bump() {
173 Some(it) => it,
174 None => break,
175 };
176 let synth_id = token.synthetic_id(conv);
178 let kind = token.kind(conv);
179 if kind == COMMENT {
180 if let Some(tokens) = conv.convert_doc_comment(&token) {
181 // FIXME: There has to be a better way to do this
182 // Add the comments token id to the converted doc string
183 let id = conv.id_alloc().alloc(range, synth_id);
184 result.extend(tokens.into_iter().map(|mut tt| {
185 if let tt::TokenTree::Subtree(sub) = &mut tt {
186 if let Some(tt::TokenTree::Leaf(tt::Leaf::Literal(lit))) =
187 sub.token_trees.get_mut(2)
188 {
189 lit.id = id
190 }
191 }
192 tt
193 }));
194 }
195 continue;
196 }
197 let tt = if kind.is_punct() && kind != UNDERSCORE {
198 if synth_id.is_none() {
199 assert_eq!(range.len(), TextSize::of('.'));
200 }
202 if let Some(delim) = subtree.delimiter {
203 let expected = match delim.kind {
204 tt::DelimiterKind::Parenthesis => T![')'],
205 tt::DelimiterKind::Brace => T!['}'],
206 tt::DelimiterKind::Bracket => T![']'],
207 };
209 if kind == expected {
210 if let Some(entry) = stack.pop() {
211 conv.id_alloc().close_delim(entry.idx, Some(range));
212 stack.last_mut().subtree.token_trees.push(entry.subtree.into());
213 }
214 continue;
215 }
216 }
218 let delim = match kind {
219 T!['('] => Some(tt::DelimiterKind::Parenthesis),
220 T!['{'] => Some(tt::DelimiterKind::Brace),
221 T!['['] => Some(tt::DelimiterKind::Bracket),
222 _ => None,
223 };
225 if let Some(kind) = delim {
226 let mut subtree = tt::Subtree::default();
227 let (id, idx) = conv.id_alloc().open_delim(range, synth_id);
228 subtree.delimiter = Some(tt::Delimiter { id, kind });
229 stack.push(StackEntry { subtree, idx, open_range: range });
230 continue;
231 }
233 let spacing = match conv.peek().map(|next| next.kind(conv)) {
234 Some(kind) if is_single_token_op(kind) => tt::Spacing::Joint,
235 _ => tt::Spacing::Alone,
236 };
237 let char = match token.to_char(conv) {
238 Some(c) => c,
239 None => {
240 panic!("Token from lexer must be single char: token = {:#?}", token);
241 }
242 };
243 tt::Leaf::from(tt::Punct { char, spacing, id: conv.id_alloc().alloc(range, synth_id) })
244 .into()
245 } else {
246 macro_rules! make_leaf {
247 ($i:ident) => {
248 tt::$i { id: conv.id_alloc().alloc(range, synth_id), text: token.to_text(conv) }
249 .into()
250 };
251 }
252 let leaf: tt::Leaf = match kind {
253 T![true] | T![false] => make_leaf!(Ident),
254 IDENT => make_leaf!(Ident),
255 UNDERSCORE => make_leaf!(Ident),
256 k if k.is_keyword() => make_leaf!(Ident),
257 k if k.is_literal() => make_leaf!(Literal),
259 let char_unit = TextSize::of('\'');
260 let r = TextRange::at(range.start(), char_unit);
261 let apostrophe = tt::Leaf::from(tt::Punct {
262 char: '\'',
263 spacing: tt::Spacing::Joint,
264 id: conv.id_alloc().alloc(r, synth_id),
265 });
266 result.push(apostrophe.into());
268 let r = TextRange::at(range.start() + char_unit, range.len() - char_unit);
269 let ident = tt::Leaf::from(tt::Ident {
270 text: SmolStr::new(&token.to_text(conv)[1..]),
271 id: conv.id_alloc().alloc(r, synth_id),
272 });
273 result.push(ident.into());
274 continue;
275 }
276 _ => continue,
277 };
279 leaf.into()
280 };
281 result.push(tt);
282 }
284 // If we get here, we've consumed all input tokens.
285 // We might have more than one subtree in the stack, if the delimiters are improperly balanced.
286 // Merge them so we're left with one.
287 while let Some(entry) = stack.pop() {
288 let parent = stack.last_mut();
290 conv.id_alloc().close_delim(entry.idx, None);
291 let leaf: tt::Leaf = tt::Punct {
292 id: conv.id_alloc().alloc(entry.open_range, None),
293 char: match entry.subtree.delimiter.unwrap().kind {
294 tt::DelimiterKind::Parenthesis => '(',
295 tt::DelimiterKind::Brace => '{',
296 tt::DelimiterKind::Bracket => '[',
297 },
298 spacing: tt::Spacing::Alone,
299 }
300 .into();
301 parent.subtree.token_trees.push(leaf.into());
302 parent.subtree.token_trees.extend(entry.subtree.token_trees);
303 }
305 let subtree = stack.into_last().subtree;
306 if let [tt::TokenTree::Subtree(first)] = &*subtree.token_trees {
307 first.clone()
308 } else {
309 subtree
310 }
311 }
313 fn is_single_token_op(kind: SyntaxKind) -> bool {
314 matches!(
315 kind,
316 EQ | L_ANGLE
317 | R_ANGLE
318 | BANG
319 | AMP
320 | PIPE
321 | TILDE
322 | AT
323 | DOT
324 | COMMA
326 | COLON
327 | POUND
328 | DOLLAR
330 | PLUS
331 | MINUS
332 | STAR
333 | SLASH
335 | CARET
336 // LIFETIME_IDENT will be split into a sequence of `'` (a single quote) and an
337 // identifier.
339 )
340 }
342 /// Returns the textual content of a doc comment block as a quoted string
343 /// That is, strips leading `///` (or `/**`, etc)
344 /// and strips the ending `*/`
345 /// And then quote the string, which is needed to convert to `tt::Literal`
346 fn doc_comment_text(comment: &ast::Comment) -> SmolStr {
347 let prefix_len = comment.prefix().len();
348 let mut text = &comment.text()[prefix_len..];
350 // Remove ending "*/"
351 if comment.kind().shape == ast::CommentShape::Block {
352 text = &text[0..text.len() - 2];
353 }
355 // Quote the string
356 // Note that `tt::Literal` expect an escaped string
357 let text = format!("\"{}\"", text.escape_debug());
358 text.into()
359 }
361 fn convert_doc_comment(token: &syntax::SyntaxToken) -> Option<Vec<tt::TokenTree>> {
362 cov_mark::hit!(test_meta_doc_comments);
363 let comment = ast::Comment::cast(token.clone())?;
364 let doc = comment.kind().doc?;
366 // Make `doc="\" Comments\""
367 let meta_tkns = vec![mk_ident("doc"), mk_punct('='), mk_doc_literal(&comment)];
369 // Make `#![]`
370 let mut token_trees = Vec::with_capacity(3);
371 token_trees.push(mk_punct('#'));
372 if let ast::CommentPlacement::Inner = doc {
373 token_trees.push(mk_punct('!'));
374 }
375 token_trees.push(tt::TokenTree::from(tt::Subtree {
376 delimiter: Some(tt::Delimiter {
377 kind: tt::DelimiterKind::Bracket,
378 id: tt::TokenId::unspecified(),
379 }),
380 token_trees: meta_tkns,
381 }));
383 return Some(token_trees);
385 // Helper functions
386 fn mk_ident(s: &str) -> tt::TokenTree {
387 tt::TokenTree::from(tt::Leaf::from(tt::Ident {
388 text: s.into(),
389 id: tt::TokenId::unspecified(),
390 }))
391 }
393 fn mk_punct(c: char) -> tt::TokenTree {
394 tt::TokenTree::from(tt::Leaf::from(tt::Punct {
395 char: c,
396 spacing: tt::Spacing::Alone,
397 id: tt::TokenId::unspecified(),
398 }))
399 }
401 fn mk_doc_literal(comment: &ast::Comment) -> tt::TokenTree {
402 let lit = tt::Literal { text: doc_comment_text(comment), id: tt::TokenId::unspecified() };
404 tt::TokenTree::from(tt::Leaf::from(lit))
405 }
406 }
408 struct TokenIdAlloc {
409 map: TokenMap,
410 global_offset: TextSize,
411 next_id: u32,
412 }
414 impl TokenIdAlloc {
415 fn alloc(
416 &mut self,
417 absolute_range: TextRange,
418 synthetic_id: Option<SyntheticTokenId>,
419 ) -> tt::TokenId {
420 let relative_range = absolute_range - self.global_offset;
421 let token_id = tt::TokenId(self.next_id);
422 self.next_id += 1;
423 self.map.insert(token_id, relative_range);
424 if let Some(id) = synthetic_id {
425 self.map.insert_synthetic(token_id, id);
426 }
427 token_id
428 }
430 fn open_delim(
431 &mut self,
432 open_abs_range: TextRange,
433 synthetic_id: Option<SyntheticTokenId>,
434 ) -> (tt::TokenId, usize) {
435 let token_id = tt::TokenId(self.next_id);
436 self.next_id += 1;
437 let idx = self.map.insert_delim(
438 token_id,
439 open_abs_range - self.global_offset,
440 open_abs_range - self.global_offset,
441 );
442 if let Some(id) = synthetic_id {
443 self.map.insert_synthetic(token_id, id);
444 }
445 (token_id, idx)
446 }
448 fn close_delim(&mut self, idx: usize, close_abs_range: Option<TextRange>) {
449 match close_abs_range {
450 None => {
451 self.map.remove_delim(idx);
452 }
453 Some(close) => {
454 self.map.update_close_delim(idx, close - self.global_offset);
455 }
456 }
457 }
458 }
460 /// A raw token (straight from lexer) converter
461 struct RawConverter<'a> {
462 lexed: parser::LexedStr<'a>,
463 pos: usize,
464 id_alloc: TokenIdAlloc,
465 }
467 trait SrcToken<Ctx>: std::fmt::Debug {
468 fn kind(&self, ctx: &Ctx) -> SyntaxKind;
470 fn to_char(&self, ctx: &Ctx) -> Option<char>;
472 fn to_text(&self, ctx: &Ctx) -> SmolStr;
474 fn synthetic_id(&self, ctx: &Ctx) -> Option<SyntheticTokenId>;
475 }
477 trait TokenConverter: Sized {
478 type Token: SrcToken<Self>;
480 fn convert_doc_comment(&self, token: &Self::Token) -> Option<Vec<tt::TokenTree>>;
482 fn bump(&mut self) -> Option<(Self::Token, TextRange)>;
484 fn peek(&self) -> Option<Self::Token>;
486 fn id_alloc(&mut self) -> &mut TokenIdAlloc;
487 }
489 impl<'a> SrcToken<RawConverter<'a>> for usize {
490 fn kind(&self, ctx: &RawConverter<'a>) -> SyntaxKind {
491 ctx.lexed.kind(*self)
492 }
494 fn to_char(&self, ctx: &RawConverter<'a>) -> Option<char> {
495 ctx.lexed.text(*self).chars().next()
496 }
498 fn to_text(&self, ctx: &RawConverter<'_>) -> SmolStr {
499 ctx.lexed.text(*self).into()
500 }
502 fn synthetic_id(&self, _ctx: &RawConverter<'a>) -> Option<SyntheticTokenId> {
503 None
504 }
505 }
507 impl<'a> TokenConverter for RawConverter<'a> {
508 type Token = usize;
510 fn convert_doc_comment(&self, &token: &usize) -> Option<Vec<tt::TokenTree>> {
511 let text = self.lexed.text(token);
512 convert_doc_comment(&doc_comment(text))
513 }
515 fn bump(&mut self) -> Option<(Self::Token, TextRange)> {
516 if self.pos == self.lexed.len() {
517 return None;
518 }
519 let token = self.pos;
520 self.pos += 1;
521 let range = self.lexed.text_range(token);
522 let range = TextRange::new(range.start.try_into().unwrap(), range.end.try_into().unwrap());
524 Some((token, range))
525 }
527 fn peek(&self) -> Option<Self::Token> {
528 if self.pos == self.lexed.len() {
529 return None;
530 }
531 Some(self.pos)
532 }
534 fn id_alloc(&mut self) -> &mut TokenIdAlloc {
535 &mut self.id_alloc
536 }
537 }
539 struct Converter {
540 id_alloc: TokenIdAlloc,
541 current: Option<SyntaxToken>,
542 current_synthetic: Vec<SyntheticToken>,
543 preorder: PreorderWithTokens,
544 replace: FxHashMap<SyntaxElement, Vec<SyntheticToken>>,
545 append: FxHashMap<SyntaxElement, Vec<SyntheticToken>>,
546 range: TextRange,
547 punct_offset: Option<(SyntaxToken, TextSize)>,
548 }
550 impl Converter {
551 fn new(
552 node: &SyntaxNode,
553 global_offset: TextSize,
554 existing_token_map: TokenMap,
555 next_id: u32,
556 mut replace: FxHashMap<SyntaxElement, Vec<SyntheticToken>>,
557 mut append: FxHashMap<SyntaxElement, Vec<SyntheticToken>>,
558 ) -> Converter {
559 let range = node.text_range();
560 let mut preorder = node.preorder_with_tokens();
561 let (first, synthetic) = Self::next_token(&mut preorder, &mut replace, &mut append);
562 Converter {
563 id_alloc: { TokenIdAlloc { map: existing_token_map, global_offset, next_id } },
564 current: first,
565 current_synthetic: synthetic,
566 preorder,
567 range,
568 replace,
569 append,
570 punct_offset: None,
571 }
572 }
574 fn next_token(
575 preorder: &mut PreorderWithTokens,
576 replace: &mut FxHashMap<SyntaxElement, Vec<SyntheticToken>>,
577 append: &mut FxHashMap<SyntaxElement, Vec<SyntheticToken>>,
578 ) -> (Option<SyntaxToken>, Vec<SyntheticToken>) {
579 while let Some(ev) = preorder.next() {
580 let ele = match ev {
581 WalkEvent::Enter(ele) => ele,
582 WalkEvent::Leave(ele) => {
583 if let Some(mut v) = append.remove(&ele) {
584 if !v.is_empty() {
585 v.reverse();
586 return (None, v);
587 }
588 }
589 continue;
590 }
591 };
592 if let Some(mut v) = replace.remove(&ele) {
593 preorder.skip_subtree();
594 if !v.is_empty() {
595 v.reverse();
596 return (None, v);
597 }
598 }
599 match ele {
600 SyntaxElement::Token(t) => return (Some(t), Vec::new()),
601 _ => {}
602 }
603 }
604 (None, Vec::new())
605 }
606 }
608 #[derive(Debug)]
609 enum SynToken {
610 Ordinary(SyntaxToken),
611 // FIXME is this supposed to be `Punct`?
612 Punch(SyntaxToken, TextSize),
613 Synthetic(SyntheticToken),
614 }
616 impl SynToken {
617 fn token(&self) -> Option<&SyntaxToken> {
618 match self {
619 SynToken::Ordinary(it) | SynToken::Punch(it, _) => Some(it),
620 SynToken::Synthetic(_) => None,
621 }
622 }
623 }
625 impl SrcToken<Converter> for SynToken {
626 fn kind(&self, ctx: &Converter) -> SyntaxKind {
627 match self {
628 SynToken::Ordinary(token) => token.kind(),
629 SynToken::Punch(..) => SyntaxKind::from_char(self.to_char(ctx).unwrap()).unwrap(),
630 SynToken::Synthetic(token) => token.kind,
631 }
632 }
633 fn to_char(&self, _ctx: &Converter) -> Option<char> {
634 match self {
635 SynToken::Ordinary(_) => None,
636 SynToken::Punch(it, i) => it.text().chars().nth((*i).into()),
637 SynToken::Synthetic(token) if token.text.len() == 1 => token.text.chars().next(),
638 SynToken::Synthetic(_) => None,
639 }
640 }
641 fn to_text(&self, _ctx: &Converter) -> SmolStr {
642 match self {
643 SynToken::Ordinary(token) => token.text().into(),
644 SynToken::Punch(token, _) => token.text().into(),
645 SynToken::Synthetic(token) => token.text.clone(),
646 }
647 }
649 fn synthetic_id(&self, _ctx: &Converter) -> Option<SyntheticTokenId> {
650 match self {
651 SynToken::Synthetic(token) => Some(token.id),
652 _ => None,
653 }
654 }
655 }
657 impl TokenConverter for Converter {
658 type Token = SynToken;
659 fn convert_doc_comment(&self, token: &Self::Token) -> Option<Vec<tt::TokenTree>> {
660 convert_doc_comment(token.token()?)
661 }
663 fn bump(&mut self) -> Option<(Self::Token, TextRange)> {
664 if let Some((punct, offset)) = self.punct_offset.clone() {
665 if usize::from(offset) + 1 < punct.text().len() {
666 let offset = offset + TextSize::of('.');
667 let range = punct.text_range();
668 self.punct_offset = Some((punct.clone(), offset));
669 let range = TextRange::at(range.start() + offset, TextSize::of('.'));
670 return Some((SynToken::Punch(punct, offset), range));
671 }
672 }
674 if let Some(synth_token) = self.current_synthetic.pop() {
675 if self.current_synthetic.is_empty() {
676 let (new_current, new_synth) =
677 Self::next_token(&mut self.preorder, &mut self.replace, &mut self.append);
678 self.current = new_current;
679 self.current_synthetic = new_synth;
680 }
681 let range = synth_token.range;
682 return Some((SynToken::Synthetic(synth_token), range));
683 }
685 let curr = self.current.clone()?;
686 if !self.range.contains_range(curr.text_range()) {
687 return None;
688 }
689 let (new_current, new_synth) =
690 Self::next_token(&mut self.preorder, &mut self.replace, &mut self.append);
691 self.current = new_current;
692 self.current_synthetic = new_synth;
693 let token = if curr.kind().is_punct() {
694 self.punct_offset = Some((curr.clone(), 0.into()));
695 let range = curr.text_range();
696 let range = TextRange::at(range.start(), TextSize::of('.'));
697 (SynToken::Punch(curr, 0.into()), range)
698 } else {
699 self.punct_offset = None;
700 let range = curr.text_range();
701 (SynToken::Ordinary(curr), range)
702 };
704 Some(token)
705 }
707 fn peek(&self) -> Option<Self::Token> {
708 if let Some((punct, mut offset)) = self.punct_offset.clone() {
709 offset += TextSize::of('.');
710 if usize::from(offset) < punct.text().len() {
711 return Some(SynToken::Punch(punct, offset));
712 }
713 }
715 if let Some(synth_token) = self.current_synthetic.last() {
716 return Some(SynToken::Synthetic(synth_token.clone()));
717 }
719 let curr = self.current.clone()?;
720 if !self.range.contains_range(curr.text_range()) {
721 return None;
722 }
724 let token = if curr.kind().is_punct() {
725 SynToken::Punch(curr, 0.into())
726 } else {
727 SynToken::Ordinary(curr)
728 };
729 Some(token)
730 }
732 fn id_alloc(&mut self) -> &mut TokenIdAlloc {
733 &mut self.id_alloc
734 }
735 }
737 struct TtTreeSink<'a> {
738 buf: String,
739 cursor: Cursor<'a>,
740 open_delims: FxHashMap<tt::TokenId, TextSize>,
741 text_pos: TextSize,
742 inner: SyntaxTreeBuilder,
743 token_map: TokenMap,
744 }
746 impl<'a> TtTreeSink<'a> {
747 fn new(cursor: Cursor<'a>) -> Self {
748 TtTreeSink {
749 buf: String::new(),
750 cursor,
751 open_delims: FxHashMap::default(),
752 text_pos: 0.into(),
753 inner: SyntaxTreeBuilder::default(),
754 token_map: TokenMap::default(),
755 }
756 }
758 fn finish(mut self) -> (Parse<SyntaxNode>, TokenMap) {
759 self.token_map.shrink_to_fit();
760 (self.inner.finish(), self.token_map)
761 }
762 }
764 fn delim_to_str(d: tt::DelimiterKind, closing: bool) -> &'static str {
765 let texts = match d {
766 tt::DelimiterKind::Parenthesis => "()",
767 tt::DelimiterKind::Brace => "{}",
768 tt::DelimiterKind::Bracket => "[]",
769 };
771 let idx = closing as usize;
772 &texts[idx..texts.len() - (1 - idx)]
773 }
775 impl<'a> TtTreeSink<'a> {
776 fn token(&mut self, kind: SyntaxKind, mut n_tokens: u8) {
777 if kind == LIFETIME_IDENT {
778 n_tokens = 2;
779 }
781 let mut last = self.cursor;
782 for _ in 0..n_tokens {
783 let tmp: u8;
784 if self.cursor.eof() {
785 break;
786 }
787 last = self.cursor;
788 let text: &str = loop {
789 break match self.cursor.token_tree() {
790 Some(tt::buffer::TokenTreeRef::Leaf(leaf, _)) => {
791 // Mark the range if needed
792 let (text, id) = match leaf {
793 tt::Leaf::Ident(ident) => (ident.text.as_str(), ident.id),
794 tt::Leaf::Punct(punct) => {
795 assert!(punct.char.is_ascii());
796 tmp = punct.char as u8;
797 (std::str::from_utf8(std::slice::from_ref(&tmp)).unwrap(), punct.id)
798 }
799 tt::Leaf::Literal(lit) => (lit.text.as_str(), lit.id),
800 };
801 let range = TextRange::at(self.text_pos, TextSize::of(text));
802 self.token_map.insert(id, range);
803 self.cursor = self.cursor.bump();
804 text
805 }
806 Some(tt::buffer::TokenTreeRef::Subtree(subtree, _)) => {
807 self.cursor = self.cursor.subtree().unwrap();
808 match subtree.delimiter {
809 Some(d) => {
810 self.open_delims.insert(d.id, self.text_pos);
811 delim_to_str(d.kind, false)
812 }
813 None => continue,
814 }
815 }
816 None => {
817 let parent = self.cursor.end().unwrap();
818 self.cursor = self.cursor.bump();
819 match parent.delimiter {
820 Some(d) => {
821 if let Some(open_delim) = self.open_delims.get(&d.id) {
822 let open_range = TextRange::at(*open_delim, TextSize::of('('));
823 let close_range =
824 TextRange::at(self.text_pos, TextSize::of('('));
825 self.token_map.insert_delim(d.id, open_range, close_range);
826 }
827 delim_to_str(d.kind, true)
828 }
829 None => continue,
830 }
831 }
832 };
833 };
834 self.buf += text;
835 self.text_pos += TextSize::of(text);
836 }
838 self.inner.token(kind, self.buf.as_str());
839 self.buf.clear();
840 // Add whitespace between adjoint puncts
841 let next = last.bump();
842 if let (
843 Some(tt::buffer::TokenTreeRef::Leaf(tt::Leaf::Punct(curr), _)),
844 Some(tt::buffer::TokenTreeRef::Leaf(tt::Leaf::Punct(next), _)),
845 ) = (last.token_tree(), next.token_tree())
846 {
847 // Note: We always assume the semi-colon would be the last token in
848 // other parts of RA such that we don't add whitespace here.
849 //
850 // When `next` is a `Punct` of `'`, that's a part of a lifetime identifier so we don't
851 // need to add whitespace either.
852 if curr.spacing == tt::Spacing::Alone && curr.char != ';' && next.char != '\'' {
853 self.inner.token(WHITESPACE, " ");
854 self.text_pos += TextSize::of(' ');
855 }
856 }
857 }
859 fn start_node(&mut self, kind: SyntaxKind) {
860 self.inner.start_node(kind);
861 }
863 fn finish_node(&mut self) {
864 self.inner.finish_node();
865 }
867 fn error(&mut self, error: String) {
868 self.inner.error(error, self.text_pos)
869 }
870 }