]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/tools/rust-analyzer/crates/proc-macro-srv/src/lib.rs
New upstream version 1.76.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / tools / rust-analyzer / crates / proc-macro-srv / src / lib.rs
1 //! RA Proc Macro Server
2 //!
3 //! This library is able to call compiled Rust custom derive dynamic libraries on arbitrary code.
4 //! The general idea here is based on <https://github.com/fedochet/rust-proc-macro-expander>.
5 //!
6 //! But we adapt it to better fit RA needs:
7 //!
8 //! * We use `tt` for proc-macro `TokenStream` server, it is easier to manipulate and interact with
9 //! RA than `proc-macro2` token stream.
10 //! * By **copying** the whole rustc `lib_proc_macro` code, we are able to build this with `stable`
11 //! rustc rather than `unstable`. (Although in general ABI compatibility is still an issue)…
13 #![cfg(any(feature = "sysroot-abi", rust_analyzer))]
14 #![feature(proc_macro_internals, proc_macro_diagnostic, proc_macro_span)]
15 #![warn(rust_2018_idioms, unused_lifetimes)]
16 #![allow(unreachable_pub, internal_features)]
18 extern crate proc_macro;
20 mod dylib;
21 mod server;
22 mod proc_macros;
24 use std::{
25 collections::{hash_map::Entry, HashMap},
26 env,
27 ffi::OsString,
28 fs,
29 path::{Path, PathBuf},
30 thread,
31 time::SystemTime,
32 };
34 use proc_macro_api::{
35 msg::{self, ExpnGlobals, TokenId, CURRENT_API_VERSION},
36 ProcMacroKind,
37 };
39 mod tt {
40 pub use proc_macro_api::msg::TokenId;
42 pub use ::tt::*;
44 pub type Subtree = ::tt::Subtree<TokenId>;
45 pub type TokenTree = ::tt::TokenTree<TokenId>;
46 pub type Delimiter = ::tt::Delimiter<TokenId>;
47 pub type Leaf = ::tt::Leaf<TokenId>;
48 pub type Literal = ::tt::Literal<TokenId>;
49 pub type Punct = ::tt::Punct<TokenId>;
50 pub type Ident = ::tt::Ident<TokenId>;
51 }
53 // see `build.rs`
54 include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/rustc_version.rs"));
56 #[derive(Default)]
57 pub struct ProcMacroSrv {
58 expanders: HashMap<(PathBuf, SystemTime), dylib::Expander>,
59 }
61 const EXPANDER_STACK_SIZE: usize = 8 * 1024 * 1024;
63 impl ProcMacroSrv {
64 pub fn expand(&mut self, task: msg::ExpandMacro) -> Result<msg::FlatTree, msg::PanicMessage> {
65 let expander = self.expander(task.lib.as_ref()).map_err(|err| {
66 debug_assert!(false, "should list macros before asking to expand");
67 msg::PanicMessage(format!("failed to load macro: {err}"))
68 })?;
70 let prev_env = EnvSnapshot::new();
71 for (k, v) in &task.env {
72 env::set_var(k, v);
73 }
74 let prev_working_dir = match task.current_dir {
75 Some(dir) => {
76 let prev_working_dir = std::env::current_dir().ok();
77 if let Err(err) = std::env::set_current_dir(&dir) {
78 eprintln!("Failed to set the current working dir to {dir}. Error: {err:?}")
79 }
80 prev_working_dir
81 }
82 None => None,
83 };
85 let ExpnGlobals { def_site, call_site, mixed_site, .. } = task.has_global_spans;
86 let def_site = TokenId(def_site as u32);
87 let call_site = TokenId(call_site as u32);
88 let mixed_site = TokenId(mixed_site as u32);
90 let macro_body = task.macro_body.to_subtree_unresolved(CURRENT_API_VERSION);
91 let attributes = task.attributes.map(|it| it.to_subtree_unresolved(CURRENT_API_VERSION));
92 let result = thread::scope(|s| {
93 let thread = thread::Builder::new()
94 .stack_size(EXPANDER_STACK_SIZE)
95 .name(task.macro_name.clone())
96 .spawn_scoped(s, || {
97 expander
98 .expand(
99 &task.macro_name,
100 &macro_body,
101 attributes.as_ref(),
102 def_site,
103 call_site,
104 mixed_site,
105 )
106 .map(|it| msg::FlatTree::new_raw(&it, CURRENT_API_VERSION))
107 });
108 let res = match thread {
109 Ok(handle) => handle.join(),
110 Err(e) => std::panic::resume_unwind(Box::new(e)),
111 };
113 match res {
114 Ok(res) => res,
115 Err(e) => std::panic::resume_unwind(e),
116 }
117 });
119 prev_env.rollback();
121 if let Some(dir) = prev_working_dir {
122 if let Err(err) = std::env::set_current_dir(&dir) {
123 eprintln!(
124 "Failed to set the current working dir to {}. Error: {:?}",
125 dir.display(),
126 err
127 )
128 }
129 }
131 result.map_err(msg::PanicMessage)
132 }
134 pub fn list_macros(
135 &mut self,
136 dylib_path: &Path,
137 ) -> Result<Vec<(String, ProcMacroKind)>, String> {
138 let expander = self.expander(dylib_path)?;
139 Ok(expander.list_macros())
140 }
142 fn expander(&mut self, path: &Path) -> Result<&dylib::Expander, String> {
143 let time = fs::metadata(path)
144 .and_then(|it| it.modified())
145 .map_err(|err| format!("Failed to get file metadata for {}: {err}", path.display()))?;
147 Ok(match self.expanders.entry((path.to_path_buf(), time)) {
148 Entry::Vacant(v) => {
149 v.insert(dylib::Expander::new(path).map_err(|err| {
150 format!("Cannot create expander for {}: {err}", path.display())
151 })?)
152 }
153 Entry::Occupied(e) => e.into_mut(),
154 })
155 }
156 }
158 pub struct PanicMessage {
159 message: Option<String>,
160 }
162 impl PanicMessage {
163 pub fn into_string(self) -> Option<String> {
164 self.message
165 }
166 }
168 struct EnvSnapshot {
169 vars: HashMap<OsString, OsString>,
170 }
172 impl EnvSnapshot {
173 fn new() -> EnvSnapshot {
174 EnvSnapshot { vars: env::vars_os().collect() }
175 }
177 fn rollback(self) {}
178 }
180 impl Drop for EnvSnapshot {
181 fn drop(&mut self) {
182 for (name, value) in env::vars_os() {
183 let old_value = self.vars.remove(&name);
184 if old_value != Some(value) {
185 match old_value {
186 None => env::remove_var(name),
187 Some(old_value) => env::set_var(name, old_value),
188 }
189 }
190 }
191 for (name, old_value) in self.vars.drain() {
192 env::set_var(name, old_value)
193 }
194 }
195 }
197 #[cfg(test)]
198 mod tests;
200 #[cfg(test)]
201 pub fn proc_macro_test_dylib_path() -> std::path::PathBuf {
202 proc_macro_test::PROC_MACRO_TEST_LOCATION.into()
203 }