]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/tools/rust-analyzer/crates/project-model/src/build_scripts.rs
New upstream version 1.68.2+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / tools / rust-analyzer / crates / project-model / src / build_scripts.rs
1 //! Workspace information we get from cargo consists of two pieces. The first is
2 //! the output of `cargo metadata`. The second is the output of running
3 //! `build.rs` files (`OUT_DIR` env var, extra cfg flags) and compiling proc
4 //! macro.
5 //!
6 //! This module implements this second part. We use "build script" terminology
7 //! here, but it covers procedural macros as well.
9 use std::{
10 cell::RefCell,
11 io, mem,
12 path::{self, PathBuf},
13 process::Command,
14 };
16 use cargo_metadata::{camino::Utf8Path, Message};
17 use la_arena::ArenaMap;
18 use paths::AbsPathBuf;
19 use rustc_hash::FxHashMap;
20 use semver::Version;
21 use serde::Deserialize;
23 use crate::{
24 cfg_flag::CfgFlag, CargoConfig, CargoFeatures, CargoWorkspace, InvocationLocation,
25 InvocationStrategy, Package,
26 };
28 #[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
29 pub struct WorkspaceBuildScripts {
30 outputs: ArenaMap<Package, BuildScriptOutput>,
31 error: Option<String>,
32 }
34 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Default, PartialEq, Eq)]
35 pub(crate) struct BuildScriptOutput {
36 /// List of config flags defined by this package's build script.
37 pub(crate) cfgs: Vec<CfgFlag>,
38 /// List of cargo-related environment variables with their value.
39 ///
40 /// If the package has a build script which defines environment variables,
41 /// they can also be found here.
42 pub(crate) envs: Vec<(String, String)>,
43 /// Directory where a build script might place its output.
44 pub(crate) out_dir: Option<AbsPathBuf>,
45 /// Path to the proc-macro library file if this package exposes proc-macros.
46 pub(crate) proc_macro_dylib_path: Option<AbsPathBuf>,
47 }
49 impl BuildScriptOutput {
50 fn is_unchanged(&self) -> bool {
51 self.cfgs.is_empty()
52 && self.envs.is_empty()
53 && self.out_dir.is_none()
54 && self.proc_macro_dylib_path.is_none()
55 }
56 }
58 impl WorkspaceBuildScripts {
59 fn build_command(config: &CargoConfig) -> io::Result<Command> {
60 let mut cmd = match config.run_build_script_command.as_deref() {
61 Some([program, args @ ..]) => {
62 let mut cmd = Command::new(program);
63 cmd.args(args);
64 cmd
65 }
66 _ => {
67 let mut cmd = Command::new(toolchain::cargo());
69 cmd.args(["check", "--quiet", "--workspace", "--message-format=json"]);
71 // --all-targets includes tests, benches and examples in addition to the
72 // default lib and bins. This is an independent concept from the --target
73 // flag below.
74 cmd.arg("--all-targets");
76 if let Some(target) = &config.target {
77 cmd.args(["--target", target]);
78 }
80 match &config.features {
81 CargoFeatures::All => {
82 cmd.arg("--all-features");
83 }
84 CargoFeatures::Selected { features, no_default_features } => {
85 if *no_default_features {
86 cmd.arg("--no-default-features");
87 }
88 if !features.is_empty() {
89 cmd.arg("--features");
90 cmd.arg(features.join(" "));
91 }
92 }
93 }
95 cmd
96 }
97 };
99 cmd.envs(&config.extra_env);
100 if config.wrap_rustc_in_build_scripts {
101 // Setup RUSTC_WRAPPER to point to `rust-analyzer` binary itself. We use
102 // that to compile only proc macros and build scripts during the initial
103 // `cargo check`.
104 let myself = std::env::current_exe()?;
105 cmd.env("RUSTC_WRAPPER", myself);
106 cmd.env("RA_RUSTC_WRAPPER", "1");
107 }
109 Ok(cmd)
110 }
112 /// Runs the build scripts for the given workspace
113 pub(crate) fn run_for_workspace(
114 config: &CargoConfig,
115 workspace: &CargoWorkspace,
116 progress: &dyn Fn(String),
117 toolchain: &Option<Version>,
118 ) -> io::Result<WorkspaceBuildScripts> {
119 const RUST_1_62: Version = Version::new(1, 62, 0);
121 let current_dir = match &config.invocation_location {
122 InvocationLocation::Root(root) if config.run_build_script_command.is_some() => {
123 root.as_path()
124 }
125 _ => workspace.workspace_root(),
126 }
127 .as_ref();
129 match Self::run_per_ws(Self::build_command(config)?, workspace, current_dir, progress) {
130 Ok(WorkspaceBuildScripts { error: Some(error), .. })
131 if toolchain.as_ref().map_or(false, |it| *it >= RUST_1_62) =>
132 {
133 // building build scripts failed, attempt to build with --keep-going so
134 // that we potentially get more build data
135 let mut cmd = Self::build_command(config)?;
136 cmd.args(["-Z", "unstable-options", "--keep-going"]).env("RUSTC_BOOTSTRAP", "1");
137 let mut res = Self::run_per_ws(cmd, workspace, current_dir, progress)?;
138 res.error = Some(error);
139 Ok(res)
140 }
141 res => res,
142 }
143 }
145 /// Runs the build scripts by invoking the configured command *once*.
146 /// This populates the outputs for all passed in workspaces.
147 pub(crate) fn run_once(
148 config: &CargoConfig,
149 workspaces: &[&CargoWorkspace],
150 progress: &dyn Fn(String),
151 ) -> io::Result<Vec<WorkspaceBuildScripts>> {
152 assert_eq!(config.invocation_strategy, InvocationStrategy::Once);
154 let current_dir = match &config.invocation_location {
155 InvocationLocation::Root(root) => root,
156 InvocationLocation::Workspace => {
157 return Err(io::Error::new(
158 io::ErrorKind::Other,
159 "Cannot run build scripts from workspace with invocation strategy `once`",
160 ))
161 }
162 };
163 let cmd = Self::build_command(config)?;
164 // NB: Cargo.toml could have been modified between `cargo metadata` and
165 // `cargo check`. We shouldn't assume that package ids we see here are
166 // exactly those from `config`.
167 let mut by_id = FxHashMap::default();
168 // some workspaces might depend on the same crates, so we need to duplicate the outputs
169 // to those collisions
170 let mut collisions = Vec::new();
171 let mut res: Vec<_> = workspaces
172 .iter()
173 .enumerate()
174 .map(|(idx, workspace)| {
175 let mut res = WorkspaceBuildScripts::default();
176 for package in workspace.packages() {
177 res.outputs.insert(package, BuildScriptOutput::default());
178 if by_id.contains_key(&workspace[package].id) {
179 collisions.push((&workspace[package].id, idx, package));
180 } else {
181 by_id.insert(workspace[package].id.clone(), (package, idx));
182 }
183 }
184 res
185 })
186 .collect();
188 let errors = Self::run_command(
189 cmd,
190 current_dir.as_path().as_ref(),
191 |package, cb| {
192 if let Some(&(package, workspace)) = by_id.get(package) {
193 cb(&workspaces[workspace][package].name, &mut res[workspace].outputs[package]);
194 }
195 },
196 progress,
197 )?;
198 res.iter_mut().for_each(|it| it.error = errors.clone());
199 collisions.into_iter().for_each(|(id, workspace, package)| {
200 if let Some(&(p, w)) = by_id.get(id) {
201 res[workspace].outputs[package] = res[w].outputs[p].clone();
202 }
203 });
205 if tracing::enabled!(tracing::Level::INFO) {
206 for (idx, workspace) in workspaces.iter().enumerate() {
207 for package in workspace.packages() {
208 let package_build_data = &mut res[idx].outputs[package];
209 if !package_build_data.is_unchanged() {
210 tracing::info!(
211 "{}: {:?}",
212 workspace[package].manifest.parent().display(),
213 package_build_data,
214 );
215 }
216 }
217 }
218 }
220 Ok(res)
221 }
223 fn run_per_ws(
224 cmd: Command,
225 workspace: &CargoWorkspace,
226 current_dir: &path::Path,
227 progress: &dyn Fn(String),
228 ) -> io::Result<WorkspaceBuildScripts> {
229 let mut res = WorkspaceBuildScripts::default();
230 let outputs = &mut res.outputs;
231 // NB: Cargo.toml could have been modified between `cargo metadata` and
232 // `cargo check`. We shouldn't assume that package ids we see here are
233 // exactly those from `config`.
234 let mut by_id: FxHashMap<String, Package> = FxHashMap::default();
235 for package in workspace.packages() {
236 outputs.insert(package, BuildScriptOutput::default());
237 by_id.insert(workspace[package].id.clone(), package);
238 }
240 res.error = Self::run_command(
241 cmd,
242 current_dir,
243 |package, cb| {
244 if let Some(&package) = by_id.get(package) {
245 cb(&workspace[package].name, &mut outputs[package]);
246 }
247 },
248 progress,
249 )?;
251 if tracing::enabled!(tracing::Level::INFO) {
252 for package in workspace.packages() {
253 let package_build_data = &mut outputs[package];
254 if !package_build_data.is_unchanged() {
255 tracing::info!(
256 "{}: {:?}",
257 workspace[package].manifest.parent().display(),
258 package_build_data,
259 );
260 }
261 }
262 }
264 Ok(res)
265 }
267 fn run_command(
268 mut cmd: Command,
269 current_dir: &path::Path,
270 // ideally this would be something like:
271 // with_output_for: impl FnMut(&str, dyn FnOnce(&mut BuildScriptOutput)),
272 // but owned trait objects aren't a thing
273 mut with_output_for: impl FnMut(&str, &mut dyn FnMut(&str, &mut BuildScriptOutput)),
274 progress: &dyn Fn(String),
275 ) -> io::Result<Option<String>> {
276 let errors = RefCell::new(String::new());
277 let push_err = |err: &str| {
278 let mut e = errors.borrow_mut();
279 e.push_str(err);
280 e.push('\n');
281 };
283 tracing::info!("Running build scripts in {}: {:?}", current_dir.display(), cmd);
284 cmd.current_dir(current_dir);
285 let output = stdx::process::spawn_with_streaming_output(
286 cmd,
287 &mut |line| {
288 // Copy-pasted from existing cargo_metadata. It seems like we
289 // should be using serde_stacker here?
290 let mut deserializer = serde_json::Deserializer::from_str(line);
291 deserializer.disable_recursion_limit();
292 let message = Message::deserialize(&mut deserializer)
293 .unwrap_or_else(|_| Message::TextLine(line.to_string()));
295 match message {
296 Message::BuildScriptExecuted(mut message) => {
297 with_output_for(&message.package_id.repr, &mut |name, data| {
298 progress(format!("running build-script: {name}"));
299 let cfgs = {
300 let mut acc = Vec::new();
301 for cfg in &message.cfgs {
302 match cfg.parse::<CfgFlag>() {
303 Ok(it) => acc.push(it),
304 Err(err) => {
305 push_err(&format!(
306 "invalid cfg from cargo-metadata: {err}"
307 ));
308 return;
309 }
310 };
311 }
312 acc
313 };
314 if !message.env.is_empty() {
315 data.envs = mem::take(&mut message.env);
316 }
317 // cargo_metadata crate returns default (empty) path for
318 // older cargos, which is not absolute, so work around that.
319 let out_dir = mem::take(&mut message.out_dir).into_os_string();
320 if !out_dir.is_empty() {
321 let out_dir = AbsPathBuf::assert(PathBuf::from(out_dir));
322 // inject_cargo_env(package, package_build_data);
323 // NOTE: cargo and rustc seem to hide non-UTF-8 strings from env! and option_env!()
324 if let Some(out_dir) =
325 out_dir.as_os_str().to_str().map(|s| s.to_owned())
326 {
327 data.envs.push(("OUT_DIR".to_string(), out_dir));
328 }
329 data.out_dir = Some(out_dir);
330 data.cfgs = cfgs;
331 }
332 });
333 }
334 Message::CompilerArtifact(message) => {
335 with_output_for(&message.package_id.repr, &mut |name, data| {
336 progress(format!("building proc-macros: {name}"));
337 if message.target.kind.iter().any(|k| k == "proc-macro") {
338 // Skip rmeta file
339 if let Some(filename) =
340 message.filenames.iter().find(|name| is_dylib(name))
341 {
342 let filename = AbsPathBuf::assert(PathBuf::from(&filename));
343 data.proc_macro_dylib_path = Some(filename);
344 }
345 }
346 });
347 }
348 Message::CompilerMessage(message) => {
349 progress(message.target.name);
351 if let Some(diag) = message.message.rendered.as_deref() {
352 push_err(diag);
353 }
354 }
355 Message::BuildFinished(_) => {}
356 Message::TextLine(_) => {}
357 _ => {}
358 }
359 },
360 &mut |line| {
361 push_err(line);
362 },
363 )?;
365 let errors = if !output.status.success() {
366 let errors = errors.into_inner();
367 Some(if errors.is_empty() { "cargo check failed".to_string() } else { errors })
368 } else {
369 None
370 };
371 Ok(errors)
372 }
374 pub fn error(&self) -> Option<&str> {
375 self.error.as_deref()
376 }
378 pub(crate) fn get_output(&self, idx: Package) -> Option<&BuildScriptOutput> {
379 self.outputs.get(idx)
380 }
381 }
383 // FIXME: Find a better way to know if it is a dylib.
384 fn is_dylib(path: &Utf8Path) -> bool {
385 match path.extension().map(|e| e.to_string().to_lowercase()) {
386 None => false,
387 Some(ext) => matches!(ext.as_str(), "dll" | "dylib" | "so"),
388 }
389 }