]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/tools/rust-analyzer/crates/rust-analyzer/src/handlers.rs
New upstream version 1.68.2+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / tools / rust-analyzer / crates / rust-analyzer / src / handlers.rs
1 //! This module is responsible for implementing handlers for Language Server
2 //! Protocol. The majority of requests are fulfilled by calling into the
3 //! `ide` crate.
5 use std::{
6 io::Write as _,
7 process::{self, Stdio},
8 };
10 use anyhow::Context;
11 use ide::{
12 AnnotationConfig, AssistKind, AssistResolveStrategy, Cancellable, FileId, FilePosition,
13 FileRange, HoverAction, HoverGotoTypeData, Query, RangeInfo, ReferenceCategory, Runnable,
14 RunnableKind, SingleResolve, SourceChange, TextEdit,
15 };
16 use ide_db::SymbolKind;
17 use lsp_server::ErrorCode;
18 use lsp_types::{
19 CallHierarchyIncomingCall, CallHierarchyIncomingCallsParams, CallHierarchyItem,
20 CallHierarchyOutgoingCall, CallHierarchyOutgoingCallsParams, CallHierarchyPrepareParams,
21 CodeLens, CompletionItem, Diagnostic, DiagnosticTag, DocumentFormattingParams, FoldingRange,
22 FoldingRangeParams, HoverContents, InlayHint, InlayHintParams, Location, LocationLink,
23 NumberOrString, Position, PrepareRenameResponse, Range, RenameParams,
24 SemanticTokensDeltaParams, SemanticTokensFullDeltaResult, SemanticTokensParams,
25 SemanticTokensRangeParams, SemanticTokensRangeResult, SemanticTokensResult, SymbolInformation,
26 SymbolTag, TextDocumentIdentifier, Url, WorkspaceEdit,
27 };
28 use project_model::{ManifestPath, ProjectWorkspace, TargetKind};
29 use serde_json::json;
30 use stdx::{format_to, never};
31 use syntax::{algo, ast, AstNode, TextRange, TextSize};
32 use tracing::error;
33 use vfs::AbsPathBuf;
35 use crate::{
36 cargo_target_spec::CargoTargetSpec,
37 config::{RustfmtConfig, WorkspaceSymbolConfig},
38 diff::diff,
39 from_proto,
40 global_state::{GlobalState, GlobalStateSnapshot},
41 line_index::LineEndings,
42 lsp_ext::{self, PositionOrRange, ViewCrateGraphParams, WorkspaceSymbolParams},
43 lsp_utils::{all_edits_are_disjoint, invalid_params_error},
44 to_proto, LspError, Result,
45 };
47 pub(crate) fn handle_workspace_reload(state: &mut GlobalState, _: ()) -> Result<()> {
48 state.proc_macro_clients.clear();
49 state.proc_macro_changed = false;
50 state.fetch_workspaces_queue.request_op("reload workspace request".to_string());
51 state.fetch_build_data_queue.request_op("reload workspace request".to_string());
52 Ok(())
53 }
55 pub(crate) fn handle_cancel_flycheck(state: &mut GlobalState, _: ()) -> Result<()> {
56 let _p = profile::span("handle_stop_flycheck");
57 state.flycheck.iter().for_each(|flycheck| flycheck.cancel());
58 Ok(())
59 }
61 pub(crate) fn handle_analyzer_status(
62 snap: GlobalStateSnapshot,
63 params: lsp_ext::AnalyzerStatusParams,
64 ) -> Result<String> {
65 let _p = profile::span("handle_analyzer_status");
67 let mut buf = String::new();
69 let mut file_id = None;
70 if let Some(tdi) = params.text_document {
71 match from_proto::file_id(&snap, &tdi.uri) {
72 Ok(it) => file_id = Some(it),
73 Err(_) => format_to!(buf, "file {} not found in vfs", tdi.uri),
74 }
75 }
77 if snap.workspaces.is_empty() {
78 buf.push_str("No workspaces\n")
79 } else {
80 buf.push_str("Workspaces:\n");
81 format_to!(
82 buf,
83 "Loaded {:?} packages across {} workspace{}.\n",
84 snap.workspaces.iter().map(|w| w.n_packages()).sum::<usize>(),
85 snap.workspaces.len(),
86 if snap.workspaces.len() == 1 { "" } else { "s" }
87 );
88 }
89 buf.push_str("\nAnalysis:\n");
90 buf.push_str(
91 &snap
92 .analysis
93 .status(file_id)
94 .unwrap_or_else(|_| "Analysis retrieval was cancelled".to_owned()),
95 );
96 Ok(buf)
97 }
99 pub(crate) fn handle_memory_usage(state: &mut GlobalState, _: ()) -> Result<String> {
100 let _p = profile::span("handle_memory_usage");
101 let mut mem = state.analysis_host.per_query_memory_usage();
102 mem.push(("Remaining".into(), profile::memory_usage().allocated));
104 let mut out = String::new();
105 for (name, bytes) in mem {
106 format_to!(out, "{:>8} {}\n", bytes, name);
107 }
108 Ok(out)
109 }
111 pub(crate) fn handle_shuffle_crate_graph(state: &mut GlobalState, _: ()) -> Result<()> {
112 state.analysis_host.shuffle_crate_graph();
113 Ok(())
114 }
116 pub(crate) fn handle_syntax_tree(
117 snap: GlobalStateSnapshot,
118 params: lsp_ext::SyntaxTreeParams,
119 ) -> Result<String> {
120 let _p = profile::span("handle_syntax_tree");
121 let id = from_proto::file_id(&snap, &params.text_document.uri)?;
122 let line_index = snap.file_line_index(id)?;
123 let text_range = params.range.and_then(|r| from_proto::text_range(&line_index, r).ok());
124 let res = snap.analysis.syntax_tree(id, text_range)?;
125 Ok(res)
126 }
128 pub(crate) fn handle_view_hir(
129 snap: GlobalStateSnapshot,
130 params: lsp_types::TextDocumentPositionParams,
131 ) -> Result<String> {
132 let _p = profile::span("handle_view_hir");
133 let position = from_proto::file_position(&snap, params)?;
134 let res = snap.analysis.view_hir(position)?;
135 Ok(res)
136 }
138 pub(crate) fn handle_view_file_text(
139 snap: GlobalStateSnapshot,
140 params: lsp_types::TextDocumentIdentifier,
141 ) -> Result<String> {
142 let file_id = from_proto::file_id(&snap, &params.uri)?;
143 Ok(snap.analysis.file_text(file_id)?.to_string())
144 }
146 pub(crate) fn handle_view_item_tree(
147 snap: GlobalStateSnapshot,
148 params: lsp_ext::ViewItemTreeParams,
149 ) -> Result<String> {
150 let _p = profile::span("handle_view_item_tree");
151 let file_id = from_proto::file_id(&snap, &params.text_document.uri)?;
152 let res = snap.analysis.view_item_tree(file_id)?;
153 Ok(res)
154 }
156 pub(crate) fn handle_view_crate_graph(
157 snap: GlobalStateSnapshot,
158 params: ViewCrateGraphParams,
159 ) -> Result<String> {
160 let _p = profile::span("handle_view_crate_graph");
161 let dot = snap.analysis.view_crate_graph(params.full)??;
162 Ok(dot)
163 }
165 pub(crate) fn handle_expand_macro(
166 snap: GlobalStateSnapshot,
167 params: lsp_ext::ExpandMacroParams,
168 ) -> Result<Option<lsp_ext::ExpandedMacro>> {
169 let _p = profile::span("handle_expand_macro");
170 let file_id = from_proto::file_id(&snap, &params.text_document.uri)?;
171 let line_index = snap.file_line_index(file_id)?;
172 let offset = from_proto::offset(&line_index, params.position)?;
174 let res = snap.analysis.expand_macro(FilePosition { file_id, offset })?;
175 Ok(res.map(|it| lsp_ext::ExpandedMacro { name: it.name, expansion: it.expansion }))
176 }
178 pub(crate) fn handle_selection_range(
179 snap: GlobalStateSnapshot,
180 params: lsp_types::SelectionRangeParams,
181 ) -> Result<Option<Vec<lsp_types::SelectionRange>>> {
182 let _p = profile::span("handle_selection_range");
183 let file_id = from_proto::file_id(&snap, &params.text_document.uri)?;
184 let line_index = snap.file_line_index(file_id)?;
185 let res: Result<Vec<lsp_types::SelectionRange>> = params
186 .positions
187 .into_iter()
188 .map(|position| {
189 let offset = from_proto::offset(&line_index, position)?;
190 let mut ranges = Vec::new();
191 {
192 let mut range = TextRange::new(offset, offset);
193 loop {
194 ranges.push(range);
195 let frange = FileRange { file_id, range };
196 let next = snap.analysis.extend_selection(frange)?;
197 if next == range {
198 break;
199 } else {
200 range = next
201 }
202 }
203 }
204 let mut range = lsp_types::SelectionRange {
205 range: to_proto::range(&line_index, *ranges.last().unwrap()),
206 parent: None,
207 };
208 for &r in ranges.iter().rev().skip(1) {
209 range = lsp_types::SelectionRange {
210 range: to_proto::range(&line_index, r),
211 parent: Some(Box::new(range)),
212 }
213 }
214 Ok(range)
215 })
216 .collect();
218 Ok(Some(res?))
219 }
221 pub(crate) fn handle_matching_brace(
222 snap: GlobalStateSnapshot,
223 params: lsp_ext::MatchingBraceParams,
224 ) -> Result<Vec<Position>> {
225 let _p = profile::span("handle_matching_brace");
226 let file_id = from_proto::file_id(&snap, &params.text_document.uri)?;
227 let line_index = snap.file_line_index(file_id)?;
228 params
229 .positions
230 .into_iter()
231 .map(|position| {
232 let offset = from_proto::offset(&line_index, position);
233 offset.map(|offset| {
234 let offset = match snap.analysis.matching_brace(FilePosition { file_id, offset }) {
235 Ok(Some(matching_brace_offset)) => matching_brace_offset,
236 Err(_) | Ok(None) => offset,
237 };
238 to_proto::position(&line_index, offset)
239 })
240 })
241 .collect()
242 }
244 pub(crate) fn handle_join_lines(
245 snap: GlobalStateSnapshot,
246 params: lsp_ext::JoinLinesParams,
247 ) -> Result<Vec<lsp_types::TextEdit>> {
248 let _p = profile::span("handle_join_lines");
250 let config = snap.config.join_lines();
251 let file_id = from_proto::file_id(&snap, &params.text_document.uri)?;
252 let line_index = snap.file_line_index(file_id)?;
254 let mut res = TextEdit::default();
255 for range in params.ranges {
256 let range = from_proto::text_range(&line_index, range)?;
257 let edit = snap.analysis.join_lines(&config, FileRange { file_id, range })?;
258 match res.union(edit) {
259 Ok(()) => (),
260 Err(_edit) => {
261 // just ignore overlapping edits
262 }
263 }
264 }
266 Ok(to_proto::text_edit_vec(&line_index, res))
267 }
269 pub(crate) fn handle_on_enter(
270 snap: GlobalStateSnapshot,
271 params: lsp_types::TextDocumentPositionParams,
272 ) -> Result<Option<Vec<lsp_ext::SnippetTextEdit>>> {
273 let _p = profile::span("handle_on_enter");
274 let position = from_proto::file_position(&snap, params)?;
275 let edit = match snap.analysis.on_enter(position)? {
276 None => return Ok(None),
277 Some(it) => it,
278 };
279 let line_index = snap.file_line_index(position.file_id)?;
280 let edit = to_proto::snippet_text_edit_vec(&line_index, true, edit);
281 Ok(Some(edit))
282 }
284 pub(crate) fn handle_on_type_formatting(
285 snap: GlobalStateSnapshot,
286 params: lsp_types::DocumentOnTypeFormattingParams,
287 ) -> Result<Option<Vec<lsp_ext::SnippetTextEdit>>> {
288 let _p = profile::span("handle_on_type_formatting");
289 let mut position = from_proto::file_position(&snap, params.text_document_position)?;
290 let line_index = snap.file_line_index(position.file_id)?;
292 // in `ide`, the `on_type` invariant is that
293 // `text.char_at(position) == typed_char`.
294 position.offset -= TextSize::of('.');
295 let char_typed = params.ch.chars().next().unwrap_or('\0');
297 let text = snap.analysis.file_text(position.file_id)?;
298 if stdx::never!(!text[usize::from(position.offset)..].starts_with(char_typed)) {
299 return Ok(None);
300 }
302 // We have an assist that inserts ` ` after typing `->` in `fn foo() ->{`,
303 // but it requires precise cursor positioning to work, and one can't
304 // position the cursor with on_type formatting. So, let's just toggle this
305 // feature off here, hoping that we'll enable it one day, 😿.
306 if char_typed == '>' {
307 return Ok(None);
308 }
310 let edit =
311 snap.analysis.on_char_typed(position, char_typed, snap.config.typing_autoclose_angle())?;
312 let edit = match edit {
313 Some(it) => it,
314 None => return Ok(None),
315 };
317 // This should be a single-file edit
318 let (_, text_edit) = edit.source_file_edits.into_iter().next().unwrap();
320 let change = to_proto::snippet_text_edit_vec(&line_index, edit.is_snippet, text_edit);
321 Ok(Some(change))
322 }
324 pub(crate) fn handle_document_symbol(
325 snap: GlobalStateSnapshot,
326 params: lsp_types::DocumentSymbolParams,
327 ) -> Result<Option<lsp_types::DocumentSymbolResponse>> {
328 let _p = profile::span("handle_document_symbol");
329 let file_id = from_proto::file_id(&snap, &params.text_document.uri)?;
330 let line_index = snap.file_line_index(file_id)?;
332 let mut parents: Vec<(lsp_types::DocumentSymbol, Option<usize>)> = Vec::new();
334 for symbol in snap.analysis.file_structure(file_id)? {
335 let mut tags = Vec::new();
336 if symbol.deprecated {
337 tags.push(SymbolTag::DEPRECATED)
338 };
340 #[allow(deprecated)]
341 let doc_symbol = lsp_types::DocumentSymbol {
342 name: symbol.label,
343 detail: symbol.detail,
344 kind: to_proto::structure_node_kind(symbol.kind),
345 tags: Some(tags),
346 deprecated: Some(symbol.deprecated),
347 range: to_proto::range(&line_index, symbol.node_range),
348 selection_range: to_proto::range(&line_index, symbol.navigation_range),
349 children: None,
350 };
351 parents.push((doc_symbol, symbol.parent));
352 }
354 // Builds hierarchy from a flat list, in reverse order (so that indices
355 // makes sense)
356 let document_symbols = {
357 let mut acc = Vec::new();
358 while let Some((mut node, parent_idx)) = parents.pop() {
359 if let Some(children) = &mut node.children {
360 children.reverse();
361 }
362 let parent = match parent_idx {
363 None => &mut acc,
364 Some(i) => parents[i].0.children.get_or_insert_with(Vec::new),
365 };
366 parent.push(node);
367 }
368 acc.reverse();
369 acc
370 };
372 let res = if snap.config.hierarchical_symbols() {
373 document_symbols.into()
374 } else {
375 let url = to_proto::url(&snap, file_id);
376 let mut symbol_information = Vec::<SymbolInformation>::new();
377 for symbol in document_symbols {
378 flatten_document_symbol(&symbol, None, &url, &mut symbol_information);
379 }
380 symbol_information.into()
381 };
382 return Ok(Some(res));
384 fn flatten_document_symbol(
385 symbol: &lsp_types::DocumentSymbol,
386 container_name: Option<String>,
387 url: &Url,
388 res: &mut Vec<SymbolInformation>,
389 ) {
390 let mut tags = Vec::new();
392 #[allow(deprecated)]
393 if let Some(true) = symbol.deprecated {
394 tags.push(SymbolTag::DEPRECATED)
395 }
397 #[allow(deprecated)]
398 res.push(SymbolInformation {
399 name: symbol.name.clone(),
400 kind: symbol.kind,
401 tags: Some(tags),
402 deprecated: symbol.deprecated,
403 location: Location::new(url.clone(), symbol.range),
404 container_name,
405 });
407 for child in symbol.children.iter().flatten() {
408 flatten_document_symbol(child, Some(symbol.name.clone()), url, res);
409 }
410 }
411 }
413 pub(crate) fn handle_workspace_symbol(
414 snap: GlobalStateSnapshot,
415 params: WorkspaceSymbolParams,
416 ) -> Result<Option<Vec<SymbolInformation>>> {
417 let _p = profile::span("handle_workspace_symbol");
419 let config = snap.config.workspace_symbol();
420 let (all_symbols, libs) = decide_search_scope_and_kind(&params, &config);
421 let limit = config.search_limit;
423 let query = {
424 let query: String = params.query.chars().filter(|&c| c != '#' && c != '*').collect();
425 let mut q = Query::new(query);
426 if !all_symbols {
427 q.only_types();
428 }
429 if libs {
430 q.libs();
431 }
432 q.limit(limit);
433 q
434 };
435 let mut res = exec_query(&snap, query)?;
436 if res.is_empty() && !all_symbols {
437 let mut query = Query::new(params.query);
438 query.limit(limit);
439 res = exec_query(&snap, query)?;
440 }
442 return Ok(Some(res));
444 fn decide_search_scope_and_kind(
445 params: &WorkspaceSymbolParams,
446 config: &WorkspaceSymbolConfig,
447 ) -> (bool, bool) {
448 // Support old-style parsing of markers in the query.
449 let mut all_symbols = params.query.contains('#');
450 let mut libs = params.query.contains('*');
452 // If no explicit marker was set, check request params. If that's also empty
453 // use global config.
454 if !all_symbols {
455 let search_kind = match params.search_kind {
456 Some(ref search_kind) => search_kind,
457 None => &config.search_kind,
458 };
459 all_symbols = match search_kind {
460 lsp_ext::WorkspaceSymbolSearchKind::OnlyTypes => false,
461 lsp_ext::WorkspaceSymbolSearchKind::AllSymbols => true,
462 }
463 }
465 if !libs {
466 let search_scope = match params.search_scope {
467 Some(ref search_scope) => search_scope,
468 None => &config.search_scope,
469 };
470 libs = match search_scope {
471 lsp_ext::WorkspaceSymbolSearchScope::Workspace => false,
472 lsp_ext::WorkspaceSymbolSearchScope::WorkspaceAndDependencies => true,
473 }
474 }
476 (all_symbols, libs)
477 }
479 fn exec_query(snap: &GlobalStateSnapshot, query: Query) -> Result<Vec<SymbolInformation>> {
480 let mut res = Vec::new();
481 for nav in snap.analysis.symbol_search(query)? {
482 let container_name = nav.container_name.as_ref().map(|v| v.to_string());
484 #[allow(deprecated)]
485 let info = SymbolInformation {
486 name: nav.name.to_string(),
487 kind: nav
488 .kind
489 .map(to_proto::symbol_kind)
490 .unwrap_or(lsp_types::SymbolKind::VARIABLE),
491 tags: None,
492 location: to_proto::location_from_nav(snap, nav)?,
493 container_name,
494 deprecated: None,
495 };
496 res.push(info);
497 }
498 Ok(res)
499 }
500 }
502 pub(crate) fn handle_will_rename_files(
503 snap: GlobalStateSnapshot,
504 params: lsp_types::RenameFilesParams,
505 ) -> Result<Option<lsp_types::WorkspaceEdit>> {
506 let _p = profile::span("handle_will_rename_files");
508 let source_changes: Vec<SourceChange> = params
509 .files
510 .into_iter()
511 .filter_map(|file_rename| {
512 let from = Url::parse(&file_rename.old_uri).ok()?;
513 let to = Url::parse(&file_rename.new_uri).ok()?;
515 let from_path = from.to_file_path().ok()?;
516 let to_path = to.to_file_path().ok()?;
518 // Limit to single-level moves for now.
519 match (from_path.parent(), to_path.parent()) {
520 (Some(p1), Some(p2)) if p1 == p2 => {
521 if from_path.is_dir() {
522 // add '/' to end of url -- from `file://path/to/folder` to `file://path/to/folder/`
523 let mut old_folder_name = from_path.file_stem()?.to_str()?.to_string();
524 old_folder_name.push('/');
525 let from_with_trailing_slash = from.join(&old_folder_name).ok()?;
527 let imitate_from_url = from_with_trailing_slash.join("mod.rs").ok()?;
528 let new_file_name = to_path.file_name()?.to_str()?;
529 Some((
530 snap.url_to_file_id(&imitate_from_url).ok()?,
531 new_file_name.to_string(),
532 ))
533 } else {
534 let old_name = from_path.file_stem()?.to_str()?;
535 let new_name = to_path.file_stem()?.to_str()?;
536 match (old_name, new_name) {
537 ("mod", _) => None,
538 (_, "mod") => None,
539 _ => Some((snap.url_to_file_id(&from).ok()?, new_name.to_string())),
540 }
541 }
542 }
543 _ => None,
544 }
545 })
546 .filter_map(|(file_id, new_name)| {
547 snap.analysis.will_rename_file(file_id, &new_name).ok()?
548 })
549 .collect();
551 // Drop file system edits since we're just renaming things on the same level
552 let mut source_changes = source_changes.into_iter();
553 let mut source_change = source_changes.next().unwrap_or_default();
554 source_change.file_system_edits.clear();
555 // no collect here because we want to merge text edits on same file ids
556 source_change.extend(source_changes.flat_map(|it| it.source_file_edits));
557 if source_change.source_file_edits.is_empty() {
558 Ok(None)
559 } else {
560 Ok(Some(to_proto::workspace_edit(&snap, source_change)?))
561 }
562 }
564 pub(crate) fn handle_goto_definition(
565 snap: GlobalStateSnapshot,
566 params: lsp_types::GotoDefinitionParams,
567 ) -> Result<Option<lsp_types::GotoDefinitionResponse>> {
568 let _p = profile::span("handle_goto_definition");
569 let position = from_proto::file_position(&snap, params.text_document_position_params)?;
570 let nav_info = match snap.analysis.goto_definition(position)? {
571 None => return Ok(None),
572 Some(it) => it,
573 };
574 let src = FileRange { file_id: position.file_id, range: nav_info.range };
575 let res = to_proto::goto_definition_response(&snap, Some(src), nav_info.info)?;
576 Ok(Some(res))
577 }
579 pub(crate) fn handle_goto_declaration(
580 snap: GlobalStateSnapshot,
581 params: lsp_types::request::GotoDeclarationParams,
582 ) -> Result<Option<lsp_types::request::GotoDeclarationResponse>> {
583 let _p = profile::span("handle_goto_declaration");
584 let position = from_proto::file_position(&snap, params.text_document_position_params.clone())?;
585 let nav_info = match snap.analysis.goto_declaration(position)? {
586 None => return handle_goto_definition(snap, params),
587 Some(it) => it,
588 };
589 let src = FileRange { file_id: position.file_id, range: nav_info.range };
590 let res = to_proto::goto_definition_response(&snap, Some(src), nav_info.info)?;
591 Ok(Some(res))
592 }
594 pub(crate) fn handle_goto_implementation(
595 snap: GlobalStateSnapshot,
596 params: lsp_types::request::GotoImplementationParams,
597 ) -> Result<Option<lsp_types::request::GotoImplementationResponse>> {
598 let _p = profile::span("handle_goto_implementation");
599 let position = from_proto::file_position(&snap, params.text_document_position_params)?;
600 let nav_info = match snap.analysis.goto_implementation(position)? {
601 None => return Ok(None),
602 Some(it) => it,
603 };
604 let src = FileRange { file_id: position.file_id, range: nav_info.range };
605 let res = to_proto::goto_definition_response(&snap, Some(src), nav_info.info)?;
606 Ok(Some(res))
607 }
609 pub(crate) fn handle_goto_type_definition(
610 snap: GlobalStateSnapshot,
611 params: lsp_types::request::GotoTypeDefinitionParams,
612 ) -> Result<Option<lsp_types::request::GotoTypeDefinitionResponse>> {
613 let _p = profile::span("handle_goto_type_definition");
614 let position = from_proto::file_position(&snap, params.text_document_position_params)?;
615 let nav_info = match snap.analysis.goto_type_definition(position)? {
616 None => return Ok(None),
617 Some(it) => it,
618 };
619 let src = FileRange { file_id: position.file_id, range: nav_info.range };
620 let res = to_proto::goto_definition_response(&snap, Some(src), nav_info.info)?;
621 Ok(Some(res))
622 }
624 pub(crate) fn handle_parent_module(
625 snap: GlobalStateSnapshot,
626 params: lsp_types::TextDocumentPositionParams,
627 ) -> Result<Option<lsp_types::GotoDefinitionResponse>> {
628 let _p = profile::span("handle_parent_module");
629 if let Ok(file_path) = &params.text_document.uri.to_file_path() {
630 if file_path.file_name().unwrap_or_default() == "Cargo.toml" {
631 // search workspaces for parent packages or fallback to workspace root
632 let abs_path_buf = match AbsPathBuf::try_from(file_path.to_path_buf()).ok() {
633 Some(abs_path_buf) => abs_path_buf,
634 None => return Ok(None),
635 };
637 let manifest_path = match ManifestPath::try_from(abs_path_buf).ok() {
638 Some(manifest_path) => manifest_path,
639 None => return Ok(None),
640 };
642 let links: Vec<LocationLink> = snap
643 .workspaces
644 .iter()
645 .filter_map(|ws| match ws {
646 ProjectWorkspace::Cargo { cargo, .. } => cargo.parent_manifests(&manifest_path),
647 _ => None,
648 })
649 .flatten()
650 .map(|parent_manifest_path| LocationLink {
651 origin_selection_range: None,
652 target_uri: to_proto::url_from_abs_path(&parent_manifest_path),
653 target_range: Range::default(),
654 target_selection_range: Range::default(),
655 })
656 .collect::<_>();
657 return Ok(Some(links.into()));
658 }
660 // check if invoked at the crate root
661 let file_id = from_proto::file_id(&snap, &params.text_document.uri)?;
662 let crate_id = match snap.analysis.crates_for(file_id)?.first() {
663 Some(&crate_id) => crate_id,
664 None => return Ok(None),
665 };
666 let cargo_spec = match CargoTargetSpec::for_file(&snap, file_id)? {
667 Some(it) => it,
668 None => return Ok(None),
669 };
671 if snap.analysis.crate_root(crate_id)? == file_id {
672 let cargo_toml_url = to_proto::url_from_abs_path(&cargo_spec.cargo_toml);
673 let res = vec![LocationLink {
674 origin_selection_range: None,
675 target_uri: cargo_toml_url,
676 target_range: Range::default(),
677 target_selection_range: Range::default(),
678 }]
679 .into();
680 return Ok(Some(res));
681 }
682 }
684 // locate parent module by semantics
685 let position = from_proto::file_position(&snap, params)?;
686 let navs = snap.analysis.parent_module(position)?;
687 let res = to_proto::goto_definition_response(&snap, None, navs)?;
688 Ok(Some(res))
689 }
691 pub(crate) fn handle_runnables(
692 snap: GlobalStateSnapshot,
693 params: lsp_ext::RunnablesParams,
694 ) -> Result<Vec<lsp_ext::Runnable>> {
695 let _p = profile::span("handle_runnables");
696 let file_id = from_proto::file_id(&snap, &params.text_document.uri)?;
697 let line_index = snap.file_line_index(file_id)?;
698 let offset = params.position.and_then(|it| from_proto::offset(&line_index, it).ok());
699 let cargo_spec = CargoTargetSpec::for_file(&snap, file_id)?;
701 let expect_test = match offset {
702 Some(offset) => {
703 let source_file = snap.analysis.parse(file_id)?;
704 algo::find_node_at_offset::<ast::MacroCall>(source_file.syntax(), offset)
705 .and_then(|it| it.path()?.segment()?.name_ref())
706 .map_or(false, |it| it.text() == "expect" || it.text() == "expect_file")
707 }
708 None => false,
709 };
711 let mut res = Vec::new();
712 for runnable in snap.analysis.runnables(file_id)? {
713 if should_skip_for_offset(&runnable, offset) {
714 continue;
715 }
716 if should_skip_target(&runnable, cargo_spec.as_ref()) {
717 continue;
718 }
719 let mut runnable = to_proto::runnable(&snap, runnable)?;
720 if expect_test {
721 runnable.label = format!("{} + expect", runnable.label);
722 runnable.args.expect_test = Some(true);
723 }
724 res.push(runnable);
725 }
727 // Add `cargo check` and `cargo test` for all targets of the whole package
728 let config = snap.config.runnables();
729 match cargo_spec {
730 Some(spec) => {
731 for cmd in ["check", "test"] {
732 res.push(lsp_ext::Runnable {
733 label: format!("cargo {cmd} -p {} --all-targets", spec.package),
734 location: None,
735 kind: lsp_ext::RunnableKind::Cargo,
736 args: lsp_ext::CargoRunnable {
737 workspace_root: Some(spec.workspace_root.clone().into()),
738 override_cargo: config.override_cargo.clone(),
739 cargo_args: vec![
740 cmd.to_string(),
741 "--package".to_string(),
742 spec.package.clone(),
743 "--all-targets".to_string(),
744 ],
745 cargo_extra_args: config.cargo_extra_args.clone(),
746 executable_args: Vec::new(),
747 expect_test: None,
748 },
749 })
750 }
751 }
752 None => {
753 if !snap.config.linked_projects().is_empty()
754 || !snap
755 .config
756 .discovered_projects
757 .as_ref()
758 .map(|projects| projects.is_empty())
759 .unwrap_or(true)
760 {
761 res.push(lsp_ext::Runnable {
762 label: "cargo check --workspace".to_string(),
763 location: None,
764 kind: lsp_ext::RunnableKind::Cargo,
765 args: lsp_ext::CargoRunnable {
766 workspace_root: None,
767 override_cargo: config.override_cargo,
768 cargo_args: vec!["check".to_string(), "--workspace".to_string()],
769 cargo_extra_args: config.cargo_extra_args,
770 executable_args: Vec::new(),
771 expect_test: None,
772 },
773 });
774 }
775 }
776 }
777 Ok(res)
778 }
780 fn should_skip_for_offset(runnable: &Runnable, offset: Option<TextSize>) -> bool {
781 match offset {
782 None => false,
783 _ if matches!(&runnable.kind, RunnableKind::TestMod { .. }) => false,
784 Some(offset) => !runnable.nav.full_range.contains_inclusive(offset),
785 }
786 }
788 pub(crate) fn handle_related_tests(
789 snap: GlobalStateSnapshot,
790 params: lsp_types::TextDocumentPositionParams,
791 ) -> Result<Vec<lsp_ext::TestInfo>> {
792 let _p = profile::span("handle_related_tests");
793 let position = from_proto::file_position(&snap, params)?;
795 let tests = snap.analysis.related_tests(position, None)?;
796 let mut res = Vec::new();
797 for it in tests {
798 if let Ok(runnable) = to_proto::runnable(&snap, it) {
799 res.push(lsp_ext::TestInfo { runnable })
800 }
801 }
803 Ok(res)
804 }
806 pub(crate) fn handle_completion(
807 snap: GlobalStateSnapshot,
808 params: lsp_types::CompletionParams,
809 ) -> Result<Option<lsp_types::CompletionResponse>> {
810 let _p = profile::span("handle_completion");
811 let text_document_position = params.text_document_position.clone();
812 let position = from_proto::file_position(&snap, params.text_document_position)?;
813 let completion_trigger_character =
814 params.context.and_then(|ctx| ctx.trigger_character).and_then(|s| s.chars().next());
816 let completion_config = &snap.config.completion();
817 let items = match snap.analysis.completions(
818 completion_config,
819 position,
820 completion_trigger_character,
821 )? {
822 None => return Ok(None),
823 Some(items) => items,
824 };
825 let line_index = snap.file_line_index(position.file_id)?;
827 let items =
828 to_proto::completion_items(&snap.config, &line_index, text_document_position, items);
830 let completion_list = lsp_types::CompletionList { is_incomplete: true, items };
831 Ok(Some(completion_list.into()))
832 }
834 pub(crate) fn handle_completion_resolve(
835 snap: GlobalStateSnapshot,
836 mut original_completion: CompletionItem,
837 ) -> Result<CompletionItem> {
838 let _p = profile::span("handle_completion_resolve");
840 if !all_edits_are_disjoint(&original_completion, &[]) {
841 return Err(invalid_params_error(
842 "Received a completion with overlapping edits, this is not LSP-compliant".to_string(),
843 )
844 .into());
845 }
847 let data = match original_completion.data.take() {
848 Some(it) => it,
849 None => return Ok(original_completion),
850 };
852 let resolve_data: lsp_ext::CompletionResolveData = serde_json::from_value(data)?;
854 let file_id = from_proto::file_id(&snap, &resolve_data.position.text_document.uri)?;
855 let line_index = snap.file_line_index(file_id)?;
856 let offset = from_proto::offset(&line_index, resolve_data.position.position)?;
858 let additional_edits = snap
859 .analysis
860 .resolve_completion_edits(
861 &snap.config.completion(),
862 FilePosition { file_id, offset },
863 resolve_data
864 .imports
865 .into_iter()
866 .map(|import| (import.full_import_path, import.imported_name)),
867 )?
868 .into_iter()
869 .flat_map(|edit| edit.into_iter().map(|indel| to_proto::text_edit(&line_index, indel)))
870 .collect::<Vec<_>>();
872 if !all_edits_are_disjoint(&original_completion, &additional_edits) {
873 return Err(LspError::new(
874 ErrorCode::InternalError as i32,
875 "Import edit overlaps with the original completion edits, this is not LSP-compliant"
876 .into(),
877 )
878 .into());
879 }
881 if let Some(original_additional_edits) = original_completion.additional_text_edits.as_mut() {
882 original_additional_edits.extend(additional_edits.into_iter())
883 } else {
884 original_completion.additional_text_edits = Some(additional_edits);
885 }
887 Ok(original_completion)
888 }
890 pub(crate) fn handle_folding_range(
891 snap: GlobalStateSnapshot,
892 params: FoldingRangeParams,
893 ) -> Result<Option<Vec<FoldingRange>>> {
894 let _p = profile::span("handle_folding_range");
895 let file_id = from_proto::file_id(&snap, &params.text_document.uri)?;
896 let folds = snap.analysis.folding_ranges(file_id)?;
897 let text = snap.analysis.file_text(file_id)?;
898 let line_index = snap.file_line_index(file_id)?;
899 let line_folding_only = snap.config.line_folding_only();
900 let res = folds
901 .into_iter()
902 .map(|it| to_proto::folding_range(&text, &line_index, line_folding_only, it))
903 .collect();
904 Ok(Some(res))
905 }
907 pub(crate) fn handle_signature_help(
908 snap: GlobalStateSnapshot,
909 params: lsp_types::SignatureHelpParams,
910 ) -> Result<Option<lsp_types::SignatureHelp>> {
911 let _p = profile::span("handle_signature_help");
912 let position = from_proto::file_position(&snap, params.text_document_position_params)?;
913 let help = match snap.analysis.signature_help(position)? {
914 Some(it) => it,
915 None => return Ok(None),
916 };
917 let config = snap.config.call_info();
918 let res = to_proto::signature_help(help, config, snap.config.signature_help_label_offsets());
919 Ok(Some(res))
920 }
922 pub(crate) fn handle_hover(
923 snap: GlobalStateSnapshot,
924 params: lsp_ext::HoverParams,
925 ) -> Result<Option<lsp_ext::Hover>> {
926 let _p = profile::span("handle_hover");
927 let range = match params.position {
928 PositionOrRange::Position(position) => Range::new(position, position),
929 PositionOrRange::Range(range) => range,
930 };
932 let file_range = from_proto::file_range(&snap, params.text_document, range)?;
933 let info = match snap.analysis.hover(&snap.config.hover(), file_range)? {
934 None => return Ok(None),
935 Some(info) => info,
936 };
938 let line_index = snap.file_line_index(file_range.file_id)?;
939 let range = to_proto::range(&line_index, info.range);
940 let markup_kind =
941 snap.config.hover().documentation.map_or(ide::HoverDocFormat::Markdown, |kind| kind);
942 let hover = lsp_ext::Hover {
943 hover: lsp_types::Hover {
944 contents: HoverContents::Markup(to_proto::markup_content(
945 info.info.markup,
946 markup_kind,
947 )),
948 range: Some(range),
949 },
950 actions: if snap.config.hover_actions().none() {
951 Vec::new()
952 } else {
953 prepare_hover_actions(&snap, &info.info.actions)
954 },
955 };
957 Ok(Some(hover))
958 }
960 pub(crate) fn handle_prepare_rename(
961 snap: GlobalStateSnapshot,
962 params: lsp_types::TextDocumentPositionParams,
963 ) -> Result<Option<PrepareRenameResponse>> {
964 let _p = profile::span("handle_prepare_rename");
965 let position = from_proto::file_position(&snap, params)?;
967 let change = snap.analysis.prepare_rename(position)?.map_err(to_proto::rename_error)?;
969 let line_index = snap.file_line_index(position.file_id)?;
970 let range = to_proto::range(&line_index, change.range);
971 Ok(Some(PrepareRenameResponse::Range(range)))
972 }
974 pub(crate) fn handle_rename(
975 snap: GlobalStateSnapshot,
976 params: RenameParams,
977 ) -> Result<Option<WorkspaceEdit>> {
978 let _p = profile::span("handle_rename");
979 let position = from_proto::file_position(&snap, params.text_document_position)?;
981 let mut change =
982 snap.analysis.rename(position, &params.new_name)?.map_err(to_proto::rename_error)?;
984 // this is kind of a hack to prevent double edits from happening when moving files
985 // When a module gets renamed by renaming the mod declaration this causes the file to move
986 // which in turn will trigger a WillRenameFiles request to the server for which we reply with a
987 // a second identical set of renames, the client will then apply both edits causing incorrect edits
988 // with this we only emit source_file_edits in the WillRenameFiles response which will do the rename instead
989 // See https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-languageserver-node/issues/752 for more info
990 if !change.file_system_edits.is_empty() && snap.config.will_rename() {
991 change.source_file_edits.clear();
992 }
993 let workspace_edit = to_proto::workspace_edit(&snap, change)?;
994 Ok(Some(workspace_edit))
995 }
997 pub(crate) fn handle_references(
998 snap: GlobalStateSnapshot,
999 params: lsp_types::ReferenceParams,
1000 ) -> Result<Option<Vec<Location>>> {
1001 let _p = profile::span("handle_references");
1002 let position = from_proto::file_position(&snap, params.text_document_position)?;
1004 let exclude_imports = snap.config.find_all_refs_exclude_imports();
1006 let refs = match snap.analysis.find_all_refs(position, None)? {
1007 None => return Ok(None),
1008 Some(refs) => refs,
1009 };
1011 let include_declaration = params.context.include_declaration;
1012 let locations = refs
1013 .into_iter()
1014 .flat_map(|refs| {
1015 let decl = if include_declaration {
1016 refs.declaration.map(|decl| FileRange {
1017 file_id: decl.nav.file_id,
1018 range: decl.nav.focus_or_full_range(),
1019 })
1020 } else {
1021 None
1022 };
1023 refs.references
1024 .into_iter()
1025 .flat_map(|(file_id, refs)| {
1026 refs.into_iter()
1027 .filter(|&(_, category)| {
1028 !exclude_imports || category != Some(ReferenceCategory::Import)
1029 })
1030 .map(move |(range, _)| FileRange { file_id, range })
1031 })
1032 .chain(decl)
1033 })
1034 .filter_map(|frange| to_proto::location(&snap, frange).ok())
1035 .collect();
1037 Ok(Some(locations))
1038 }
1040 pub(crate) fn handle_formatting(
1041 snap: GlobalStateSnapshot,
1042 params: DocumentFormattingParams,
1043 ) -> Result<Option<Vec<lsp_types::TextEdit>>> {
1044 let _p = profile::span("handle_formatting");
1046 run_rustfmt(&snap, params.text_document, None)
1047 }
1049 pub(crate) fn handle_range_formatting(
1050 snap: GlobalStateSnapshot,
1051 params: lsp_types::DocumentRangeFormattingParams,
1052 ) -> Result<Option<Vec<lsp_types::TextEdit>>> {
1053 let _p = profile::span("handle_range_formatting");
1055 run_rustfmt(&snap, params.text_document, Some(params.range))
1056 }
1058 pub(crate) fn handle_code_action(
1059 snap: GlobalStateSnapshot,
1060 params: lsp_types::CodeActionParams,
1061 ) -> Result<Option<Vec<lsp_ext::CodeAction>>> {
1062 let _p = profile::span("handle_code_action");
1064 if !snap.config.code_action_literals() {
1065 // We intentionally don't support command-based actions, as those either
1066 // require either custom client-code or server-initiated edits. Server
1067 // initiated edits break causality, so we avoid those.
1068 return Ok(None);
1069 }
1071 let line_index =
1072 snap.file_line_index(from_proto::file_id(&snap, &params.text_document.uri)?)?;
1073 let frange = from_proto::file_range(&snap, params.text_document.clone(), params.range)?;
1075 let mut assists_config = snap.config.assist();
1076 assists_config.allowed = params
1077 .context
1078 .only
1079 .clone()
1080 .map(|it| it.into_iter().filter_map(from_proto::assist_kind).collect());
1082 let mut res: Vec<lsp_ext::CodeAction> = Vec::new();
1084 let code_action_resolve_cap = snap.config.code_action_resolve();
1085 let resolve = if code_action_resolve_cap {
1086 AssistResolveStrategy::None
1087 } else {
1088 AssistResolveStrategy::All
1089 };
1090 let assists = snap.analysis.assists_with_fixes(
1091 &assists_config,
1092 &snap.config.diagnostics(),
1093 resolve,
1094 frange,
1095 )?;
1096 for (index, assist) in assists.into_iter().enumerate() {
1097 let resolve_data =
1098 if code_action_resolve_cap { Some((index, params.clone())) } else { None };
1099 let code_action = to_proto::code_action(&snap, assist, resolve_data)?;
1100 res.push(code_action)
1101 }
1103 // Fixes from `cargo check`.
1104 for fix in snap.check_fixes.values().filter_map(|it| it.get(&frange.file_id)).flatten() {
1105 // FIXME: this mapping is awkward and shouldn't exist. Refactor
1106 // `snap.check_fixes` to not convert to LSP prematurely.
1107 let intersect_fix_range = fix
1108 .ranges
1109 .iter()
1110 .copied()
1111 .filter_map(|range| from_proto::text_range(&line_index, range).ok())
1112 .any(|fix_range| fix_range.intersect(frange.range).is_some());
1113 if intersect_fix_range {
1114 res.push(fix.action.clone());
1115 }
1116 }
1118 Ok(Some(res))
1119 }
1121 pub(crate) fn handle_code_action_resolve(
1122 snap: GlobalStateSnapshot,
1123 mut code_action: lsp_ext::CodeAction,
1124 ) -> Result<lsp_ext::CodeAction> {
1125 let _p = profile::span("handle_code_action_resolve");
1126 let params = match code_action.data.take() {
1127 Some(it) => it,
1128 None => return Err(invalid_params_error("code action without data".to_string()).into()),
1129 };
1131 let file_id = from_proto::file_id(&snap, &params.code_action_params.text_document.uri)?;
1132 let line_index = snap.file_line_index(file_id)?;
1133 let range = from_proto::text_range(&line_index, params.code_action_params.range)?;
1134 let frange = FileRange { file_id, range };
1136 let mut assists_config = snap.config.assist();
1137 assists_config.allowed = params
1138 .code_action_params
1139 .context
1140 .only
1141 .map(|it| it.into_iter().filter_map(from_proto::assist_kind).collect());
1143 let (assist_index, assist_resolve) = match parse_action_id(&params.id) {
1144 Ok(parsed_data) => parsed_data,
1145 Err(e) => {
1146 return Err(invalid_params_error(format!(
1147 "Failed to parse action id string '{}': {e}",
1148 params.id
1149 ))
1150 .into())
1151 }
1152 };
1154 let expected_assist_id = assist_resolve.assist_id.clone();
1155 let expected_kind = assist_resolve.assist_kind;
1157 let assists = snap.analysis.assists_with_fixes(
1158 &assists_config,
1159 &snap.config.diagnostics(),
1160 AssistResolveStrategy::Single(assist_resolve),
1161 frange,
1162 )?;
1164 let assist = match assists.get(assist_index) {
1165 Some(assist) => assist,
1166 None => return Err(invalid_params_error(format!(
1167 "Failed to find the assist for index {} provided by the resolve request. Resolve request assist id: {}",
1168 assist_index, params.id,
1169 ))
1170 .into())
1171 };
1172 if assist.id.0 != expected_assist_id || assist.id.1 != expected_kind {
1173 return Err(invalid_params_error(format!(
1174 "Mismatching assist at index {} for the resolve parameters given. Resolve request assist id: {}, actual id: {:?}.",
1175 assist_index, params.id, assist.id
1176 ))
1177 .into());
1178 }
1179 let ca = to_proto::code_action(&snap, assist.clone(), None)?;
1180 code_action.edit = ca.edit;
1181 code_action.command = ca.command;
1182 Ok(code_action)
1183 }
1185 fn parse_action_id(action_id: &str) -> Result<(usize, SingleResolve), String> {
1186 let id_parts = action_id.split(':').collect::<Vec<_>>();
1187 match id_parts.as_slice() {
1188 [assist_id_string, assist_kind_string, index_string] => {
1189 let assist_kind: AssistKind = assist_kind_string.parse()?;
1190 let index: usize = match index_string.parse() {
1191 Ok(index) => index,
1192 Err(e) => return Err(format!("Incorrect index string: {e}")),
1193 };
1194 Ok((index, SingleResolve { assist_id: assist_id_string.to_string(), assist_kind }))
1195 }
1196 _ => Err("Action id contains incorrect number of segments".to_string()),
1197 }
1198 }
1200 pub(crate) fn handle_code_lens(
1201 snap: GlobalStateSnapshot,
1202 params: lsp_types::CodeLensParams,
1203 ) -> Result<Option<Vec<CodeLens>>> {
1204 let _p = profile::span("handle_code_lens");
1206 let lens_config = snap.config.lens();
1207 if lens_config.none() {
1208 // early return before any db query!
1209 return Ok(Some(Vec::default()));
1210 }
1212 let file_id = from_proto::file_id(&snap, &params.text_document.uri)?;
1213 let cargo_target_spec = CargoTargetSpec::for_file(&snap, file_id)?;
1215 let annotations = snap.analysis.annotations(
1216 &AnnotationConfig {
1217 binary_target: cargo_target_spec
1218 .map(|spec| {
1219 matches!(
1220 spec.target_kind,
1221 TargetKind::Bin | TargetKind::Example | TargetKind::Test
1222 )
1223 })
1224 .unwrap_or(false),
1225 annotate_runnables: lens_config.runnable(),
1226 annotate_impls: lens_config.implementations,
1227 annotate_references: lens_config.refs_adt,
1228 annotate_method_references: lens_config.method_refs,
1229 annotate_enum_variant_references: lens_config.enum_variant_refs,
1230 location: lens_config.location.into(),
1231 },
1232 file_id,
1233 )?;
1235 let mut res = Vec::new();
1236 for a in annotations {
1237 to_proto::code_lens(&mut res, &snap, a)?;
1238 }
1240 Ok(Some(res))
1241 }
1243 pub(crate) fn handle_code_lens_resolve(
1244 snap: GlobalStateSnapshot,
1245 code_lens: CodeLens,
1246 ) -> Result<CodeLens> {
1247 let annotation = from_proto::annotation(&snap, code_lens.clone())?;
1248 let annotation = snap.analysis.resolve_annotation(annotation)?;
1250 let mut acc = Vec::new();
1251 to_proto::code_lens(&mut acc, &snap, annotation)?;
1253 let res = match acc.pop() {
1254 Some(it) if acc.is_empty() => it,
1255 _ => {
1256 never!();
1257 code_lens
1258 }
1259 };
1261 Ok(res)
1262 }
1264 pub(crate) fn handle_document_highlight(
1265 snap: GlobalStateSnapshot,
1266 params: lsp_types::DocumentHighlightParams,
1267 ) -> Result<Option<Vec<lsp_types::DocumentHighlight>>> {
1268 let _p = profile::span("handle_document_highlight");
1269 let position = from_proto::file_position(&snap, params.text_document_position_params)?;
1270 let line_index = snap.file_line_index(position.file_id)?;
1272 let refs = match snap.analysis.highlight_related(snap.config.highlight_related(), position)? {
1273 None => return Ok(None),
1274 Some(refs) => refs,
1275 };
1276 let res = refs
1277 .into_iter()
1278 .map(|ide::HighlightedRange { range, category }| lsp_types::DocumentHighlight {
1279 range: to_proto::range(&line_index, range),
1280 kind: category.and_then(to_proto::document_highlight_kind),
1281 })
1282 .collect();
1283 Ok(Some(res))
1284 }
1286 pub(crate) fn handle_ssr(
1287 snap: GlobalStateSnapshot,
1288 params: lsp_ext::SsrParams,
1289 ) -> Result<lsp_types::WorkspaceEdit> {
1290 let _p = profile::span("handle_ssr");
1291 let selections = params
1292 .selections
1293 .iter()
1294 .map(|range| from_proto::file_range(&snap, params.position.text_document.clone(), *range))
1295 .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?;
1296 let position = from_proto::file_position(&snap, params.position)?;
1297 let source_change = snap.analysis.structural_search_replace(
1298 &params.query,
1299 params.parse_only,
1300 position,
1301 selections,
1302 )??;
1303 to_proto::workspace_edit(&snap, source_change).map_err(Into::into)
1304 }
1306 pub(crate) fn publish_diagnostics(
1307 snap: &GlobalStateSnapshot,
1308 file_id: FileId,
1309 ) -> Result<Vec<Diagnostic>> {
1310 let _p = profile::span("publish_diagnostics");
1311 let line_index = snap.file_line_index(file_id)?;
1313 let diagnostics: Vec<Diagnostic> = snap
1314 .analysis
1315 .diagnostics(&snap.config.diagnostics(), AssistResolveStrategy::None, file_id)?
1316 .into_iter()
1317 .map(|d| Diagnostic {
1318 range: to_proto::range(&line_index, d.range),
1319 severity: Some(to_proto::diagnostic_severity(d.severity)),
1320 code: Some(NumberOrString::String(d.code.as_str().to_string())),
1321 code_description: Some(lsp_types::CodeDescription {
1322 href: lsp_types::Url::parse(&format!(
1323 "https://rust-analyzer.github.io/manual.html#{}",
1324 d.code.as_str()
1325 ))
1326 .unwrap(),
1327 }),
1328 source: Some("rust-analyzer".to_string()),
1329 message: d.message,
1330 related_information: None,
1331 tags: if d.unused { Some(vec![DiagnosticTag::UNNECESSARY]) } else { None },
1332 data: None,
1333 })
1334 .collect();
1335 Ok(diagnostics)
1336 }
1338 pub(crate) fn handle_inlay_hints(
1339 snap: GlobalStateSnapshot,
1340 params: InlayHintParams,
1341 ) -> Result<Option<Vec<InlayHint>>> {
1342 let _p = profile::span("handle_inlay_hints");
1343 let document_uri = &params.text_document.uri;
1344 let FileRange { file_id, range } = from_proto::file_range(
1345 &snap,
1346 TextDocumentIdentifier::new(document_uri.to_owned()),
1347 params.range,
1348 )?;
1349 let line_index = snap.file_line_index(file_id)?;
1350 let inlay_hints_config = snap.config.inlay_hints();
1351 Ok(Some(
1352 snap.analysis
1353 .inlay_hints(&inlay_hints_config, file_id, Some(range))?
1354 .into_iter()
1355 .map(|it| {
1356 to_proto::inlay_hint(&snap, &line_index, inlay_hints_config.render_colons, it)
1357 })
1358 .collect::<Cancellable<Vec<_>>>()?,
1359 ))
1360 }
1362 pub(crate) fn handle_inlay_hints_resolve(
1363 snap: GlobalStateSnapshot,
1364 mut hint: InlayHint,
1365 ) -> Result<InlayHint> {
1366 let _p = profile::span("handle_inlay_hints_resolve");
1367 let data = match hint.data.take() {
1368 Some(it) => it,
1369 None => return Ok(hint),
1370 };
1372 let resolve_data: lsp_ext::InlayHintResolveData = serde_json::from_value(data)?;
1374 match snap.url_file_version(&resolve_data.text_document.uri) {
1375 Some(version) if version == resolve_data.text_document.version => {}
1376 Some(version) => {
1377 error!(
1378 "attempted inlayHints/resolve of '{}' at version {} while server version is {}",
1379 resolve_data.text_document.uri, resolve_data.text_document.version, version,
1380 );
1381 return Ok(hint);
1382 }
1383 None => {
1384 error!(
1385 "attempted inlayHints/resolve of unknown file '{}' at version {}",
1386 resolve_data.text_document.uri, resolve_data.text_document.version,
1387 );
1388 return Ok(hint);
1389 }
1390 }
1391 let file_range = from_proto::file_range_uri(
1392 &snap,
1393 &resolve_data.text_document.uri,
1394 match resolve_data.position {
1395 PositionOrRange::Position(pos) => Range::new(pos, pos),
1396 PositionOrRange::Range(range) => range,
1397 },
1398 )?;
1399 let info = match snap.analysis.hover(&snap.config.hover(), file_range)? {
1400 None => return Ok(hint),
1401 Some(info) => info,
1402 };
1404 let markup_kind =
1405 snap.config.hover().documentation.map_or(ide::HoverDocFormat::Markdown, |kind| kind);
1407 // FIXME: hover actions?
1408 hint.tooltip = Some(lsp_types::InlayHintTooltip::MarkupContent(to_proto::markup_content(
1409 info.info.markup,
1410 markup_kind,
1411 )));
1412 Ok(hint)
1413 }
1415 pub(crate) fn handle_call_hierarchy_prepare(
1416 snap: GlobalStateSnapshot,
1417 params: CallHierarchyPrepareParams,
1418 ) -> Result<Option<Vec<CallHierarchyItem>>> {
1419 let _p = profile::span("handle_call_hierarchy_prepare");
1420 let position = from_proto::file_position(&snap, params.text_document_position_params)?;
1422 let nav_info = match snap.analysis.call_hierarchy(position)? {
1423 None => return Ok(None),
1424 Some(it) => it,
1425 };
1427 let RangeInfo { range: _, info: navs } = nav_info;
1428 let res = navs
1429 .into_iter()
1430 .filter(|it| it.kind == Some(SymbolKind::Function))
1431 .map(|it| to_proto::call_hierarchy_item(&snap, it))
1432 .collect::<Cancellable<Vec<_>>>()?;
1434 Ok(Some(res))
1435 }
1437 pub(crate) fn handle_call_hierarchy_incoming(
1438 snap: GlobalStateSnapshot,
1439 params: CallHierarchyIncomingCallsParams,
1440 ) -> Result<Option<Vec<CallHierarchyIncomingCall>>> {
1441 let _p = profile::span("handle_call_hierarchy_incoming");
1442 let item = params.item;
1444 let doc = TextDocumentIdentifier::new(item.uri);
1445 let frange = from_proto::file_range(&snap, doc, item.selection_range)?;
1446 let fpos = FilePosition { file_id: frange.file_id, offset: frange.range.start() };
1448 let call_items = match snap.analysis.incoming_calls(fpos)? {
1449 None => return Ok(None),
1450 Some(it) => it,
1451 };
1453 let mut res = vec![];
1455 for call_item in call_items.into_iter() {
1456 let file_id = call_item.target.file_id;
1457 let line_index = snap.file_line_index(file_id)?;
1458 let item = to_proto::call_hierarchy_item(&snap, call_item.target)?;
1459 res.push(CallHierarchyIncomingCall {
1460 from: item,
1461 from_ranges: call_item
1462 .ranges
1463 .into_iter()
1464 .map(|it| to_proto::range(&line_index, it))
1465 .collect(),
1466 });
1467 }
1469 Ok(Some(res))
1470 }
1472 pub(crate) fn handle_call_hierarchy_outgoing(
1473 snap: GlobalStateSnapshot,
1474 params: CallHierarchyOutgoingCallsParams,
1475 ) -> Result<Option<Vec<CallHierarchyOutgoingCall>>> {
1476 let _p = profile::span("handle_call_hierarchy_outgoing");
1477 let item = params.item;
1479 let doc = TextDocumentIdentifier::new(item.uri);
1480 let frange = from_proto::file_range(&snap, doc, item.selection_range)?;
1481 let fpos = FilePosition { file_id: frange.file_id, offset: frange.range.start() };
1483 let call_items = match snap.analysis.outgoing_calls(fpos)? {
1484 None => return Ok(None),
1485 Some(it) => it,
1486 };
1488 let mut res = vec![];
1490 for call_item in call_items.into_iter() {
1491 let file_id = call_item.target.file_id;
1492 let line_index = snap.file_line_index(file_id)?;
1493 let item = to_proto::call_hierarchy_item(&snap, call_item.target)?;
1494 res.push(CallHierarchyOutgoingCall {
1495 to: item,
1496 from_ranges: call_item
1497 .ranges
1498 .into_iter()
1499 .map(|it| to_proto::range(&line_index, it))
1500 .collect(),
1501 });
1502 }
1504 Ok(Some(res))
1505 }
1507 pub(crate) fn handle_semantic_tokens_full(
1508 snap: GlobalStateSnapshot,
1509 params: SemanticTokensParams,
1510 ) -> Result<Option<SemanticTokensResult>> {
1511 let _p = profile::span("handle_semantic_tokens_full");
1513 let file_id = from_proto::file_id(&snap, &params.text_document.uri)?;
1514 let text = snap.analysis.file_text(file_id)?;
1515 let line_index = snap.file_line_index(file_id)?;
1517 let mut highlight_config = snap.config.highlighting_config();
1518 // Avoid flashing a bunch of unresolved references when the proc-macro servers haven't been spawned yet.
1519 highlight_config.syntactic_name_ref_highlighting = !snap.proc_macros_loaded;
1521 let highlights = snap.analysis.highlight(highlight_config, file_id)?;
1522 let semantic_tokens = to_proto::semantic_tokens(&text, &line_index, highlights);
1524 // Unconditionally cache the tokens
1525 snap.semantic_tokens_cache.lock().insert(params.text_document.uri, semantic_tokens.clone());
1527 Ok(Some(semantic_tokens.into()))
1528 }
1530 pub(crate) fn handle_semantic_tokens_full_delta(
1531 snap: GlobalStateSnapshot,
1532 params: SemanticTokensDeltaParams,
1533 ) -> Result<Option<SemanticTokensFullDeltaResult>> {
1534 let _p = profile::span("handle_semantic_tokens_full_delta");
1536 let file_id = from_proto::file_id(&snap, &params.text_document.uri)?;
1537 let text = snap.analysis.file_text(file_id)?;
1538 let line_index = snap.file_line_index(file_id)?;
1540 let mut highlight_config = snap.config.highlighting_config();
1541 // Avoid flashing a bunch of unresolved references when the proc-macro servers haven't been spawned yet.
1542 highlight_config.syntactic_name_ref_highlighting = !snap.proc_macros_loaded;
1544 let highlights = snap.analysis.highlight(highlight_config, file_id)?;
1545 let semantic_tokens = to_proto::semantic_tokens(&text, &line_index, highlights);
1547 let mut cache = snap.semantic_tokens_cache.lock();
1548 let cached_tokens = cache.entry(params.text_document.uri).or_default();
1550 if let Some(prev_id) = &cached_tokens.result_id {
1551 if *prev_id == params.previous_result_id {
1552 let delta = to_proto::semantic_token_delta(cached_tokens, &semantic_tokens);
1553 *cached_tokens = semantic_tokens;
1554 return Ok(Some(delta.into()));
1555 }
1556 }
1558 *cached_tokens = semantic_tokens.clone();
1560 Ok(Some(semantic_tokens.into()))
1561 }
1563 pub(crate) fn handle_semantic_tokens_range(
1564 snap: GlobalStateSnapshot,
1565 params: SemanticTokensRangeParams,
1566 ) -> Result<Option<SemanticTokensRangeResult>> {
1567 let _p = profile::span("handle_semantic_tokens_range");
1569 let frange = from_proto::file_range(&snap, params.text_document, params.range)?;
1570 let text = snap.analysis.file_text(frange.file_id)?;
1571 let line_index = snap.file_line_index(frange.file_id)?;
1573 let highlights = snap.analysis.highlight_range(snap.config.highlighting_config(), frange)?;
1574 let semantic_tokens = to_proto::semantic_tokens(&text, &line_index, highlights);
1575 Ok(Some(semantic_tokens.into()))
1576 }
1578 pub(crate) fn handle_open_docs(
1579 snap: GlobalStateSnapshot,
1580 params: lsp_types::TextDocumentPositionParams,
1581 ) -> Result<Option<lsp_types::Url>> {
1582 let _p = profile::span("handle_open_docs");
1583 let position = from_proto::file_position(&snap, params)?;
1585 let remote = snap.analysis.external_docs(position)?;
1587 Ok(remote.and_then(|remote| Url::parse(&remote).ok()))
1588 }
1590 pub(crate) fn handle_open_cargo_toml(
1591 snap: GlobalStateSnapshot,
1592 params: lsp_ext::OpenCargoTomlParams,
1593 ) -> Result<Option<lsp_types::GotoDefinitionResponse>> {
1594 let _p = profile::span("handle_open_cargo_toml");
1595 let file_id = from_proto::file_id(&snap, &params.text_document.uri)?;
1597 let cargo_spec = match CargoTargetSpec::for_file(&snap, file_id)? {
1598 Some(it) => it,
1599 None => return Ok(None),
1600 };
1602 let cargo_toml_url = to_proto::url_from_abs_path(&cargo_spec.cargo_toml);
1603 let res: lsp_types::GotoDefinitionResponse =
1604 Location::new(cargo_toml_url, Range::default()).into();
1605 Ok(Some(res))
1606 }
1608 pub(crate) fn handle_move_item(
1609 snap: GlobalStateSnapshot,
1610 params: lsp_ext::MoveItemParams,
1611 ) -> Result<Vec<lsp_ext::SnippetTextEdit>> {
1612 let _p = profile::span("handle_move_item");
1613 let file_id = from_proto::file_id(&snap, &params.text_document.uri)?;
1614 let range = from_proto::file_range(&snap, params.text_document, params.range)?;
1616 let direction = match params.direction {
1617 lsp_ext::MoveItemDirection::Up => ide::Direction::Up,
1618 lsp_ext::MoveItemDirection::Down => ide::Direction::Down,
1619 };
1621 match snap.analysis.move_item(range, direction)? {
1622 Some(text_edit) => {
1623 let line_index = snap.file_line_index(file_id)?;
1624 Ok(to_proto::snippet_text_edit_vec(&line_index, true, text_edit))
1625 }
1626 None => Ok(vec![]),
1627 }
1628 }
1630 fn to_command_link(command: lsp_types::Command, tooltip: String) -> lsp_ext::CommandLink {
1631 lsp_ext::CommandLink { tooltip: Some(tooltip), command }
1632 }
1634 fn show_impl_command_link(
1635 snap: &GlobalStateSnapshot,
1636 position: &FilePosition,
1637 ) -> Option<lsp_ext::CommandLinkGroup> {
1638 if snap.config.hover_actions().implementations && snap.config.client_commands().show_reference {
1639 if let Some(nav_data) = snap.analysis.goto_implementation(*position).unwrap_or(None) {
1640 let uri = to_proto::url(snap, position.file_id);
1641 let line_index = snap.file_line_index(position.file_id).ok()?;
1642 let position = to_proto::position(&line_index, position.offset);
1643 let locations: Vec<_> = nav_data
1644 .info
1645 .into_iter()
1646 .filter_map(|nav| to_proto::location_from_nav(snap, nav).ok())
1647 .collect();
1648 let title = to_proto::implementation_title(locations.len());
1649 let command = to_proto::command::show_references(title, &uri, position, locations);
1651 return Some(lsp_ext::CommandLinkGroup {
1652 commands: vec![to_command_link(command, "Go to implementations".into())],
1653 ..Default::default()
1654 });
1655 }
1656 }
1657 None
1658 }
1660 fn show_ref_command_link(
1661 snap: &GlobalStateSnapshot,
1662 position: &FilePosition,
1663 ) -> Option<lsp_ext::CommandLinkGroup> {
1664 if snap.config.hover_actions().references && snap.config.client_commands().show_reference {
1665 if let Some(ref_search_res) = snap.analysis.find_all_refs(*position, None).unwrap_or(None) {
1666 let uri = to_proto::url(snap, position.file_id);
1667 let line_index = snap.file_line_index(position.file_id).ok()?;
1668 let position = to_proto::position(&line_index, position.offset);
1669 let locations: Vec<_> = ref_search_res
1670 .into_iter()
1671 .flat_map(|res| res.references)
1672 .flat_map(|(file_id, ranges)| {
1673 ranges.into_iter().filter_map(move |(range, _)| {
1674 to_proto::location(snap, FileRange { file_id, range }).ok()
1675 })
1676 })
1677 .collect();
1678 let title = to_proto::reference_title(locations.len());
1679 let command = to_proto::command::show_references(title, &uri, position, locations);
1681 return Some(lsp_ext::CommandLinkGroup {
1682 commands: vec![to_command_link(command, "Go to references".into())],
1683 ..Default::default()
1684 });
1685 }
1686 }
1687 None
1688 }
1690 fn runnable_action_links(
1691 snap: &GlobalStateSnapshot,
1692 runnable: Runnable,
1693 ) -> Option<lsp_ext::CommandLinkGroup> {
1694 let hover_actions_config = snap.config.hover_actions();
1695 if !hover_actions_config.runnable() {
1696 return None;
1697 }
1699 let cargo_spec = CargoTargetSpec::for_file(snap, runnable.nav.file_id).ok()?;
1700 if should_skip_target(&runnable, cargo_spec.as_ref()) {
1701 return None;
1702 }
1704 let client_commands_config = snap.config.client_commands();
1705 if !(client_commands_config.run_single || client_commands_config.debug_single) {
1706 return None;
1707 }
1709 let title = runnable.title();
1710 let r = to_proto::runnable(snap, runnable).ok()?;
1712 let mut group = lsp_ext::CommandLinkGroup::default();
1714 if hover_actions_config.run && client_commands_config.run_single {
1715 let run_command = to_proto::command::run_single(&r, &title);
1716 group.commands.push(to_command_link(run_command, r.label.clone()));
1717 }
1719 if hover_actions_config.debug && client_commands_config.debug_single {
1720 let dbg_command = to_proto::command::debug_single(&r);
1721 group.commands.push(to_command_link(dbg_command, r.label));
1722 }
1724 Some(group)
1725 }
1727 fn goto_type_action_links(
1728 snap: &GlobalStateSnapshot,
1729 nav_targets: &[HoverGotoTypeData],
1730 ) -> Option<lsp_ext::CommandLinkGroup> {
1731 if !snap.config.hover_actions().goto_type_def
1732 || nav_targets.is_empty()
1733 || !snap.config.client_commands().goto_location
1734 {
1735 return None;
1736 }
1738 Some(lsp_ext::CommandLinkGroup {
1739 title: Some("Go to ".into()),
1740 commands: nav_targets
1741 .iter()
1742 .filter_map(|it| {
1743 to_proto::command::goto_location(snap, &it.nav)
1744 .map(|cmd| to_command_link(cmd, it.mod_path.clone()))
1745 })
1746 .collect(),
1747 })
1748 }
1750 fn prepare_hover_actions(
1751 snap: &GlobalStateSnapshot,
1752 actions: &[HoverAction],
1753 ) -> Vec<lsp_ext::CommandLinkGroup> {
1754 actions
1755 .iter()
1756 .filter_map(|it| match it {
1757 HoverAction::Implementation(position) => show_impl_command_link(snap, position),
1758 HoverAction::Reference(position) => show_ref_command_link(snap, position),
1759 HoverAction::Runnable(r) => runnable_action_links(snap, r.clone()),
1760 HoverAction::GoToType(targets) => goto_type_action_links(snap, targets),
1761 })
1762 .collect()
1763 }
1765 fn should_skip_target(runnable: &Runnable, cargo_spec: Option<&CargoTargetSpec>) -> bool {
1766 match runnable.kind {
1767 RunnableKind::Bin => {
1768 // Do not suggest binary run on other target than binary
1769 match &cargo_spec {
1770 Some(spec) => !matches!(
1771 spec.target_kind,
1772 TargetKind::Bin | TargetKind::Example | TargetKind::Test
1773 ),
1774 None => true,
1775 }
1776 }
1777 _ => false,
1778 }
1779 }
1781 fn run_rustfmt(
1782 snap: &GlobalStateSnapshot,
1783 text_document: TextDocumentIdentifier,
1784 range: Option<lsp_types::Range>,
1785 ) -> Result<Option<Vec<lsp_types::TextEdit>>> {
1786 let file_id = from_proto::file_id(snap, &text_document.uri)?;
1787 let file = snap.analysis.file_text(file_id)?;
1789 // Determine the edition of the crate the file belongs to (if there's multiple, we pick the
1790 // highest edition).
1791 let editions = snap
1792 .analysis
1793 .relevant_crates_for(file_id)?
1794 .into_iter()
1795 .map(|crate_id| snap.analysis.crate_edition(crate_id))
1796 .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?;
1797 let edition = editions.iter().copied().max();
1799 let line_index = snap.file_line_index(file_id)?;
1801 let mut command = match snap.config.rustfmt() {
1802 RustfmtConfig::Rustfmt { extra_args, enable_range_formatting } => {
1803 let mut cmd = process::Command::new(toolchain::rustfmt());
1804 cmd.envs(snap.config.extra_env());
1805 cmd.args(extra_args);
1806 // try to chdir to the file so we can respect `rustfmt.toml`
1807 // FIXME: use `rustfmt --config-path` once
1808 // https://github.com/rust-lang/rustfmt/issues/4660 gets fixed
1809 match text_document.uri.to_file_path() {
1810 Ok(mut path) => {
1811 // pop off file name
1812 if path.pop() && path.is_dir() {
1813 cmd.current_dir(path);
1814 }
1815 }
1816 Err(_) => {
1817 tracing::error!(
1818 "Unable to get file path for {}, rustfmt.toml might be ignored",
1819 text_document.uri
1820 );
1821 }
1822 }
1823 if let Some(edition) = edition {
1824 cmd.arg("--edition");
1825 cmd.arg(edition.to_string());
1826 }
1828 if let Some(range) = range {
1829 if !enable_range_formatting {
1830 return Err(LspError::new(
1831 ErrorCode::InvalidRequest as i32,
1832 String::from(
1833 "rustfmt range formatting is unstable. \
1834 Opt-in by using a nightly build of rustfmt and setting \
1835 `rustfmt.rangeFormatting.enable` to true in your LSP configuration",
1836 ),
1837 )
1838 .into());
1839 }
1841 let frange = from_proto::file_range(snap, text_document, range)?;
1842 let start_line = line_index.index.line_col(frange.range.start()).line;
1843 let end_line = line_index.index.line_col(frange.range.end()).line;
1845 cmd.arg("--unstable-features");
1846 cmd.arg("--file-lines");
1847 cmd.arg(
1848 json!([{
1849 "file": "stdin",
1850 "range": [start_line, end_line]
1851 }])
1852 .to_string(),
1853 );
1854 }
1856 cmd
1857 }
1858 RustfmtConfig::CustomCommand { command, args } => {
1859 let mut cmd = process::Command::new(command);
1860 cmd.envs(snap.config.extra_env());
1861 cmd.args(args);
1862 cmd
1863 }
1864 };
1866 let mut rustfmt = command
1867 .stdin(Stdio::piped())
1868 .stdout(Stdio::piped())
1869 .stderr(Stdio::piped())
1870 .spawn()
1871 .context(format!("Failed to spawn {command:?}"))?;
1873 rustfmt.stdin.as_mut().unwrap().write_all(file.as_bytes())?;
1875 let output = rustfmt.wait_with_output()?;
1876 let captured_stdout = String::from_utf8(output.stdout)?;
1877 let captured_stderr = String::from_utf8(output.stderr).unwrap_or_default();
1879 if !output.status.success() {
1880 let rustfmt_not_installed =
1881 captured_stderr.contains("not installed") || captured_stderr.contains("not available");
1883 return match output.status.code() {
1884 Some(1) if !rustfmt_not_installed => {
1885 // While `rustfmt` doesn't have a specific exit code for parse errors this is the
1886 // likely cause exiting with 1. Most Language Servers swallow parse errors on
1887 // formatting because otherwise an error is surfaced to the user on top of the
1888 // syntax error diagnostics they're already receiving. This is especially jarring
1889 // if they have format on save enabled.
1890 tracing::warn!(
1891 ?command,
1892 %captured_stderr,
1893 "rustfmt exited with status 1"
1894 );
1895 Ok(None)
1896 }
1897 _ => {
1898 // Something else happened - e.g. `rustfmt` is missing or caught a signal
1899 Err(LspError::new(
1900 -32900,
1901 format!(
1902 r#"rustfmt exited with:
1903 Status: {}
1904 stdout: {captured_stdout}
1905 stderr: {captured_stderr}"#,
1906 output.status,
1907 ),
1908 )
1909 .into())
1910 }
1911 };
1912 }
1914 let (new_text, new_line_endings) = LineEndings::normalize(captured_stdout);
1916 if line_index.endings != new_line_endings {
1917 // If line endings are different, send the entire file.
1918 // Diffing would not work here, as the line endings might be the only
1919 // difference.
1920 Ok(Some(to_proto::text_edit_vec(
1921 &line_index,
1922 TextEdit::replace(TextRange::up_to(TextSize::of(&*file)), new_text),
1923 )))
1924 } else if *file == new_text {
1925 // The document is already formatted correctly -- no edits needed.
1926 Ok(None)
1927 } else {
1928 Ok(Some(to_proto::text_edit_vec(&line_index, diff(&file, &new_text))))
1929 }
1930 }