]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/tools/rust-analyzer/crates/test-utils/src/fixture.rs
New upstream version 1.70.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / tools / rust-analyzer / crates / test-utils / src / fixture.rs
1 //! Defines `Fixture` -- a convenient way to describe the initial state of
2 //! rust-analyzer database from a single string.
3 //!
4 //! Fixtures are strings containing rust source code with optional metadata.
5 //! A fixture without metadata is parsed into a single source file.
6 //! Use this to test functionality local to one file.
7 //!
8 //! Simple Example:
9 //! ```
10 //! r#"
11 //! fn main() {
12 //! println!("Hello World")
13 //! }
14 //! "#
15 //! ```
16 //!
17 //! Metadata can be added to a fixture after a `//-` comment.
18 //! The basic form is specifying filenames,
19 //! which is also how to define multiple files in a single test fixture
20 //!
21 //! Example using two files in the same crate:
22 //! ```
23 //! "
24 //! //- /main.rs
25 //! mod foo;
26 //! fn main() {
27 //! foo::bar();
28 //! }
29 //!
30 //! //- /foo.rs
31 //! pub fn bar() {}
32 //! "
33 //! ```
34 //!
35 //! Example using two crates with one file each, with one crate depending on the other:
36 //! ```
37 //! r#"
38 //! //- /main.rs crate:a deps:b
39 //! fn main() {
40 //! b::foo();
41 //! }
42 //! //- /lib.rs crate:b
43 //! pub fn b() {
44 //! println!("Hello World")
45 //! }
46 //! "#
47 //! ```
48 //!
49 //! Metadata allows specifying all settings and variables
50 //! that are available in a real rust project:
51 //! - crate names via `crate:cratename`
52 //! - dependencies via `deps:dep1,dep2`
53 //! - configuration settings via `cfg:dbg=false,opt_level=2`
54 //! - environment variables via `env:PATH=/bin,RUST_LOG=debug`
55 //!
56 //! Example using all available metadata:
57 //! ```
58 //! "
59 //! //- /lib.rs crate:foo deps:bar,baz cfg:foo=a,bar=b env:OUTDIR=path/to,OTHER=foo
60 //! fn insert_source_code_here() {}
61 //! "
62 //! ```
64 use std::iter;
66 use rustc_hash::FxHashMap;
67 use stdx::trim_indent;
69 #[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
70 pub struct Fixture {
71 pub path: String,
72 pub text: String,
73 pub krate: Option<String>,
74 pub deps: Vec<String>,
75 pub extern_prelude: Option<Vec<String>>,
76 pub cfg_atoms: Vec<String>,
77 pub cfg_key_values: Vec<(String, String)>,
78 pub edition: Option<String>,
79 pub env: FxHashMap<String, String>,
80 pub introduce_new_source_root: Option<String>,
81 pub target_data_layout: Option<String>,
82 }
84 pub struct MiniCore {
85 activated_flags: Vec<String>,
86 valid_flags: Vec<String>,
87 }
89 impl Fixture {
90 /// Parses text which looks like this:
91 ///
92 /// ```not_rust
93 /// //- some meta
94 /// line 1
95 /// line 2
96 /// //- other meta
97 /// ```
98 ///
99 /// Fixture can also start with a proc_macros and minicore declaration(in that order):
100 ///
101 /// ```
102 /// //- proc_macros: identity
103 /// //- minicore: sized
104 /// ```
105 ///
106 /// That will include predefined proc macros and a subset of `libcore` into the fixture, see
107 /// `minicore.rs` for what's available.
108 pub fn parse(ra_fixture: &str) -> (Option<MiniCore>, Vec<String>, Vec<Fixture>) {
109 let fixture = trim_indent(ra_fixture);
110 let mut fixture = fixture.as_str();
111 let mut mini_core = None;
112 let mut res: Vec<Fixture> = Vec::new();
113 let mut test_proc_macros = vec![];
115 if fixture.starts_with("//- proc_macros:") {
116 let first_line = fixture.split_inclusive('\n').next().unwrap();
117 test_proc_macros = first_line
118 .strip_prefix("//- proc_macros:")
119 .unwrap()
120 .split(',')
121 .map(|it| it.trim().to_string())
122 .collect();
123 fixture = &fixture[first_line.len()..];
124 }
126 if fixture.starts_with("//- minicore:") {
127 let first_line = fixture.split_inclusive('\n').next().unwrap();
128 mini_core = Some(MiniCore::parse(first_line));
129 fixture = &fixture[first_line.len()..];
130 }
132 let default = if fixture.contains("//-") { None } else { Some("//- /main.rs") };
134 for (ix, line) in default.into_iter().chain(fixture.split_inclusive('\n')).enumerate() {
135 if line.contains("//-") {
136 assert!(
137 line.starts_with("//-"),
138 "Metadata line {ix} has invalid indentation. \
139 All metadata lines need to have the same indentation.\n\
140 The offending line: {line:?}"
141 );
142 }
144 if line.starts_with("//-") {
145 let meta = Fixture::parse_meta_line(line);
146 res.push(meta);
147 } else {
148 if line.starts_with("// ")
149 && line.contains(':')
150 && !line.contains("::")
151 && !line.contains('.')
152 && line.chars().all(|it| !it.is_uppercase())
153 {
154 panic!("looks like invalid metadata line: {line:?}");
155 }
157 if let Some(entry) = res.last_mut() {
158 entry.text.push_str(line);
159 }
160 }
161 }
163 (mini_core, test_proc_macros, res)
164 }
166 //- /lib.rs crate:foo deps:bar,baz cfg:foo=a,bar=b env:OUTDIR=path/to,OTHER=foo
167 fn parse_meta_line(meta: &str) -> Fixture {
168 assert!(meta.starts_with("//-"));
169 let meta = meta["//-".len()..].trim();
170 let components = meta.split_ascii_whitespace().collect::<Vec<_>>();
172 let path = components[0].to_string();
173 assert!(path.starts_with('/'), "fixture path does not start with `/`: {path:?}");
175 let mut krate = None;
176 let mut deps = Vec::new();
177 let mut extern_prelude = None;
178 let mut edition = None;
179 let mut cfg_atoms = Vec::new();
180 let mut cfg_key_values = Vec::new();
181 let mut env = FxHashMap::default();
182 let mut introduce_new_source_root = None;
183 let mut target_data_layout = Some(
184 "e-m:e-p270:32:32-p271:32:32-p272:64:64-i64:64-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128".to_string(),
185 );
186 for component in components[1..].iter() {
187 let (key, value) =
188 component.split_once(':').unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("invalid meta line: {meta:?}"));
189 match key {
190 "crate" => krate = Some(value.to_string()),
191 "deps" => deps = value.split(',').map(|it| it.to_string()).collect(),
192 "extern-prelude" => {
193 if value.is_empty() {
194 extern_prelude = Some(Vec::new());
195 } else {
196 extern_prelude =
197 Some(value.split(',').map(|it| it.to_string()).collect::<Vec<_>>());
198 }
199 }
200 "edition" => edition = Some(value.to_string()),
201 "cfg" => {
202 for entry in value.split(',') {
203 match entry.split_once('=') {
204 Some((k, v)) => cfg_key_values.push((k.to_string(), v.to_string())),
205 None => cfg_atoms.push(entry.to_string()),
206 }
207 }
208 }
209 "env" => {
210 for key in value.split(',') {
211 if let Some((k, v)) = key.split_once('=') {
212 env.insert(k.into(), v.into());
213 }
214 }
215 }
216 "new_source_root" => introduce_new_source_root = Some(value.to_string()),
217 "target_data_layout" => target_data_layout = Some(value.to_string()),
218 _ => panic!("bad component: {component:?}"),
219 }
220 }
222 for prelude_dep in extern_prelude.iter().flatten() {
223 assert!(
224 deps.contains(prelude_dep),
225 "extern-prelude {extern_prelude:?} must be a subset of deps {deps:?}"
226 );
227 }
229 Fixture {
230 path,
231 text: String::new(),
232 krate,
233 deps,
234 extern_prelude,
235 cfg_atoms,
236 cfg_key_values,
237 edition,
238 env,
239 introduce_new_source_root,
240 target_data_layout,
241 }
242 }
243 }
245 impl MiniCore {
246 fn has_flag(&self, flag: &str) -> bool {
247 self.activated_flags.iter().any(|it| it == flag)
248 }
250 #[track_caller]
251 fn assert_valid_flag(&self, flag: &str) {
252 if !self.valid_flags.iter().any(|it| it == flag) {
253 panic!("invalid flag: {flag:?}, valid flags: {:?}", self.valid_flags);
254 }
255 }
257 fn parse(line: &str) -> MiniCore {
258 let mut res = MiniCore { activated_flags: Vec::new(), valid_flags: Vec::new() };
260 let line = line.strip_prefix("//- minicore:").unwrap().trim();
261 for entry in line.split(", ") {
262 if res.has_flag(entry) {
263 panic!("duplicate minicore flag: {entry:?}");
264 }
265 res.activated_flags.push(entry.to_owned());
266 }
268 res
269 }
271 /// Strips parts of minicore.rs which are flagged by inactive flags.
272 ///
273 /// This is probably over-engineered to support flags dependencies.
274 pub fn source_code(mut self) -> String {
275 let mut buf = String::new();
276 let raw_mini_core = include_str!("./minicore.rs");
277 let mut lines = raw_mini_core.split_inclusive('\n');
279 let mut implications = Vec::new();
281 // Parse `//!` preamble and extract flags and dependencies.
282 let trim_doc: fn(&str) -> Option<&str> = |line| match line.strip_prefix("//!") {
283 Some(it) => Some(it),
284 None => {
285 assert!(line.trim().is_empty(), "expected empty line after minicore header");
286 None
287 }
288 };
289 for line in lines
290 .by_ref()
291 .map_while(trim_doc)
292 .skip_while(|line| !line.contains("Available flags:"))
293 .skip(1)
294 {
295 let (flag, deps) = line.split_once(':').unwrap();
296 let flag = flag.trim();
298 self.valid_flags.push(flag.to_string());
299 implications.extend(
300 iter::repeat(flag)
301 .zip(deps.split(", ").map(str::trim).filter(|dep| !dep.is_empty())),
302 );
303 }
305 for (_, dep) in &implications {
306 self.assert_valid_flag(dep);
307 }
309 for flag in &self.activated_flags {
310 self.assert_valid_flag(flag);
311 }
313 // Fixed point loop to compute transitive closure of flags.
314 loop {
315 let mut changed = false;
316 for &(u, v) in &implications {
317 if self.has_flag(u) && !self.has_flag(v) {
318 self.activated_flags.push(v.to_string());
319 changed = true;
320 }
321 }
322 if !changed {
323 break;
324 }
325 }
327 let mut active_regions = Vec::new();
328 let mut seen_regions = Vec::new();
329 for line in lines {
330 let trimmed = line.trim();
331 if let Some(region) = trimmed.strip_prefix("// region:") {
332 active_regions.push(region);
333 continue;
334 }
335 if let Some(region) = trimmed.strip_prefix("// endregion:") {
336 let prev = active_regions.pop().unwrap();
337 assert_eq!(prev, region, "unbalanced region pairs");
338 continue;
339 }
341 let mut line_region = false;
342 if let Some(idx) = trimmed.find("// :") {
343 line_region = true;
344 active_regions.push(&trimmed[idx + "// :".len()..]);
345 }
347 let mut keep = true;
348 for &region in &active_regions {
349 assert!(!region.starts_with(' '), "region marker starts with a space: {region:?}");
350 self.assert_valid_flag(region);
351 seen_regions.push(region);
352 keep &= self.has_flag(region);
353 }
355 if keep {
356 buf.push_str(line);
357 }
358 if line_region {
359 active_regions.pop().unwrap();
360 }
361 }
363 for flag in &self.valid_flags {
364 if !seen_regions.iter().any(|it| it == flag) {
365 panic!("unused minicore flag: {flag:?}");
366 }
367 }
368 buf
369 }
370 }
372 #[test]
373 #[should_panic]
374 fn parse_fixture_checks_further_indented_metadata() {
375 Fixture::parse(
376 r"
377 //- /lib.rs
378 mod bar;
380 fn foo() {}
381 //- /bar.rs
382 pub fn baz() {}
383 ",
384 );
385 }
387 #[test]
388 fn parse_fixture_gets_full_meta() {
389 let (mini_core, proc_macros, parsed) = Fixture::parse(
390 r#"
391 //- proc_macros: identity
392 //- minicore: coerce_unsized
393 //- /lib.rs crate:foo deps:bar,baz cfg:foo=a,bar=b,atom env:OUTDIR=path/to,OTHER=foo
394 mod m;
395 "#,
396 );
397 assert_eq!(proc_macros, vec!["identity".to_string()]);
398 assert_eq!(mini_core.unwrap().activated_flags, vec!["coerce_unsized".to_string()]);
399 assert_eq!(1, parsed.len());
401 let meta = &parsed[0];
402 assert_eq!("mod m;\n", meta.text);
404 assert_eq!("foo", meta.krate.as_ref().unwrap());
405 assert_eq!("/lib.rs", meta.path);
406 assert_eq!(2, meta.env.len());
407 }