]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/tools/rust-analyzer/crates/tt/src/lib.rs
New upstream version 1.76.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / tools / rust-analyzer / crates / tt / src / lib.rs
1 //! `tt` crate defines a `TokenTree` data structure: this is the interface (both
2 //! input and output) of macros. It closely mirrors `proc_macro` crate's
3 //! `TokenTree`.
5 #![warn(rust_2018_idioms, unused_lifetimes)]
7 use std::fmt;
9 use stdx::impl_from;
11 pub use smol_str::SmolStr;
12 pub use text_size::{TextRange, TextSize};
14 #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug)]
15 pub struct SpanData<Anchor, Ctx> {
16 /// The text range of this span, relative to the anchor.
17 /// We need the anchor for incrementality, as storing absolute ranges will require
18 /// recomputation on every change in a file at all times.
19 pub range: TextRange,
20 pub anchor: Anchor,
21 /// The syntax context of the span.
22 pub ctx: Ctx,
23 }
25 impl<Anchor: SpanAnchor, Ctx: SyntaxContext> Span for SpanData<Anchor, Ctx> {
26 #[allow(deprecated)]
27 const DUMMY: Self = SpanData {
28 range: TextRange::empty(TextSize::new(0)),
29 anchor: Anchor::DUMMY,
30 ctx: Ctx::DUMMY,
31 };
32 }
34 pub trait Span: std::fmt::Debug + Copy + Sized + Eq {
35 // FIXME: Should not exist. Dummy spans will always be wrong if they leak somewhere. Instead,
36 // the call site or def site spans should be used in relevant places, its just that we don't
37 // expose those everywhere in the yet.
38 const DUMMY: Self;
39 }
41 // FIXME: Should not exist
42 pub trait SpanAnchor:
43 std::fmt::Debug + Copy + Sized + Eq + Copy + fmt::Debug + std::hash::Hash
44 {
45 #[deprecated(note = "this should not exist")]
46 const DUMMY: Self;
47 }
49 // FIXME: Should not exist
50 pub trait SyntaxContext: std::fmt::Debug + Copy + Sized + Eq {
51 #[deprecated(note = "this should not exist")]
52 const DUMMY: Self;
53 }
55 #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
56 pub enum TokenTree<S> {
57 Leaf(Leaf<S>),
58 Subtree(Subtree<S>),
59 }
60 impl_from!(Leaf<S>, Subtree<S> for TokenTree);
61 impl<S: Span> TokenTree<S> {
62 pub const fn empty(span: S) -> Self {
63 Self::Subtree(Subtree {
64 delimiter: Delimiter::invisible_spanned(span),
65 token_trees: vec![],
66 })
67 }
69 pub fn subtree_or_wrap(self) -> Subtree<S> {
70 match self {
71 TokenTree::Leaf(_) => {
72 Subtree { delimiter: Delimiter::DUMMY_INVISIBLE, token_trees: vec![self] }
73 }
74 TokenTree::Subtree(s) => s,
75 }
76 }
77 pub fn subtree_or_wrap2(self, span: DelimSpan<S>) -> Subtree<S> {
78 match self {
79 TokenTree::Leaf(_) => Subtree {
80 delimiter: Delimiter::invisible_delim_spanned(span),
81 token_trees: vec![self],
82 },
83 TokenTree::Subtree(s) => s,
84 }
85 }
86 }
88 #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
89 pub enum Leaf<S> {
90 Literal(Literal<S>),
91 Punct(Punct<S>),
92 Ident(Ident<S>),
93 }
95 impl<S> Leaf<S> {
96 pub fn span(&self) -> &S {
97 match self {
98 Leaf::Literal(it) => &it.span,
99 Leaf::Punct(it) => &it.span,
100 Leaf::Ident(it) => &it.span,
101 }
102 }
103 }
104 impl_from!(Literal<S>, Punct<S>, Ident<S> for Leaf);
106 #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
107 pub struct Subtree<S> {
108 pub delimiter: Delimiter<S>,
109 pub token_trees: Vec<TokenTree<S>>,
110 }
112 impl<S: Span> Subtree<S> {
113 pub const fn empty(span: DelimSpan<S>) -> Self {
114 Subtree { delimiter: Delimiter::invisible_delim_spanned(span), token_trees: vec![] }
115 }
117 pub fn visit_ids(&mut self, f: &mut impl FnMut(S) -> S) {
118 self.delimiter.open = f(self.delimiter.open);
119 self.delimiter.close = f(self.delimiter.close);
120 self.token_trees.iter_mut().for_each(|tt| match tt {
121 crate::TokenTree::Leaf(leaf) => match leaf {
122 crate::Leaf::Literal(it) => it.span = f(it.span),
123 crate::Leaf::Punct(it) => it.span = f(it.span),
124 crate::Leaf::Ident(it) => it.span = f(it.span),
125 },
126 crate::TokenTree::Subtree(s) => s.visit_ids(f),
127 })
128 }
129 }
131 #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
132 pub struct DelimSpan<S> {
133 pub open: S,
134 pub close: S,
135 }
137 impl<S: Span> DelimSpan<S> {
138 // FIXME should not exist
139 pub const DUMMY: Self = Self { open: S::DUMMY, close: S::DUMMY };
140 }
142 #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
143 pub struct Delimiter<S> {
144 pub open: S,
145 pub close: S,
146 pub kind: DelimiterKind,
147 }
149 impl<S: Span> Delimiter<S> {
150 // FIXME should not exist
151 pub const DUMMY_INVISIBLE: Self =
152 Self { open: S::DUMMY, close: S::DUMMY, kind: DelimiterKind::Invisible };
154 // FIXME should not exist
155 pub const fn dummy_invisible() -> Self {
157 }
159 pub const fn invisible_spanned(span: S) -> Self {
160 Delimiter { open: span, close: span, kind: DelimiterKind::Invisible }
161 }
163 pub const fn invisible_delim_spanned(span: DelimSpan<S>) -> Self {
164 Delimiter { open: span.open, close: span.close, kind: DelimiterKind::Invisible }
165 }
167 pub fn delim_span(&self) -> DelimSpan<S> {
168 DelimSpan { open: self.open, close: self.close }
169 }
170 }
172 #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
173 pub enum DelimiterKind {
174 Parenthesis,
175 Brace,
176 Bracket,
177 Invisible,
178 }
180 #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
181 pub struct Literal<S> {
182 pub text: SmolStr,
183 pub span: S,
184 }
186 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
187 pub struct Punct<S> {
188 pub char: char,
189 pub spacing: Spacing,
190 pub span: S,
191 }
193 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
194 pub enum Spacing {
195 Alone,
196 Joint,
197 }
199 #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
200 /// Identifier or keyword. Unlike rustc, we keep "r#" prefix when it represents a raw identifier.
201 pub struct Ident<S> {
202 pub text: SmolStr,
203 pub span: S,
204 }
206 impl<S> Ident<S> {
207 pub fn new(text: impl Into<SmolStr>, span: S) -> Self {
208 Ident { text: text.into(), span }
209 }
210 }
212 fn print_debug_subtree<S: fmt::Debug>(
213 f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>,
214 subtree: &Subtree<S>,
215 level: usize,
216 ) -> fmt::Result {
217 let align = " ".repeat(level);
219 let Delimiter { kind, open, close } = &subtree.delimiter;
220 let aux = match kind {
221 DelimiterKind::Invisible => format!("$$ {:?} {:?}", open, close),
222 DelimiterKind::Parenthesis => format!("() {:?} {:?}", open, close),
223 DelimiterKind::Brace => format!("{{}} {:?} {:?}", open, close),
224 DelimiterKind::Bracket => format!("[] {:?} {:?}", open, close),
225 };
227 if subtree.token_trees.is_empty() {
228 write!(f, "{align}SUBTREE {aux}")?;
229 } else {
230 writeln!(f, "{align}SUBTREE {aux}")?;
231 for (idx, child) in subtree.token_trees.iter().enumerate() {
232 print_debug_token(f, child, level + 1)?;
233 if idx != subtree.token_trees.len() - 1 {
234 writeln!(f)?;
235 }
236 }
237 }
239 Ok(())
240 }
242 fn print_debug_token<S: fmt::Debug>(
243 f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>,
244 tkn: &TokenTree<S>,
245 level: usize,
246 ) -> fmt::Result {
247 let align = " ".repeat(level);
249 match tkn {
250 TokenTree::Leaf(leaf) => match leaf {
251 Leaf::Literal(lit) => write!(f, "{}LITERAL {} {:?}", align, lit.text, lit.span)?,
252 Leaf::Punct(punct) => write!(
253 f,
254 "{}PUNCH {} [{}] {:?}",
255 align,
256 punct.char,
257 if punct.spacing == Spacing::Alone { "alone" } else { "joint" },
258 punct.span
259 )?,
260 Leaf::Ident(ident) => write!(f, "{}IDENT {} {:?}", align, ident.text, ident.span)?,
261 },
262 TokenTree::Subtree(subtree) => {
263 print_debug_subtree(f, subtree, level)?;
264 }
265 }
267 Ok(())
268 }
270 impl<S: fmt::Debug> fmt::Debug for Subtree<S> {
271 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
272 print_debug_subtree(f, self, 0)
273 }
274 }
276 impl<S> fmt::Display for TokenTree<S> {
277 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
278 match self {
279 TokenTree::Leaf(it) => fmt::Display::fmt(it, f),
280 TokenTree::Subtree(it) => fmt::Display::fmt(it, f),
281 }
282 }
283 }
285 impl<S> fmt::Display for Subtree<S> {
286 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
287 let (l, r) = match self.delimiter.kind {
288 DelimiterKind::Parenthesis => ("(", ")"),
289 DelimiterKind::Brace => ("{", "}"),
290 DelimiterKind::Bracket => ("[", "]"),
291 DelimiterKind::Invisible => ("", ""),
292 };
293 f.write_str(l)?;
294 let mut needs_space = false;
295 for tt in &self.token_trees {
296 if needs_space {
297 f.write_str(" ")?;
298 }
299 needs_space = true;
300 match tt {
301 TokenTree::Leaf(Leaf::Punct(p)) => {
302 needs_space = p.spacing == Spacing::Alone;
303 fmt::Display::fmt(p, f)?;
304 }
305 tt => fmt::Display::fmt(tt, f)?,
306 }
307 }
308 f.write_str(r)?;
309 Ok(())
310 }
311 }
313 impl<S> fmt::Display for Leaf<S> {
314 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
315 match self {
316 Leaf::Ident(it) => fmt::Display::fmt(it, f),
317 Leaf::Literal(it) => fmt::Display::fmt(it, f),
318 Leaf::Punct(it) => fmt::Display::fmt(it, f),
319 }
320 }
321 }
323 impl<S> fmt::Display for Ident<S> {
324 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
325 fmt::Display::fmt(&self.text, f)
326 }
327 }
329 impl<S> fmt::Display for Literal<S> {
330 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
331 fmt::Display::fmt(&self.text, f)
332 }
333 }
335 impl<S> fmt::Display for Punct<S> {
336 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
337 fmt::Display::fmt(&self.char, f)
338 }
339 }
341 impl<S> Subtree<S> {
342 /// Count the number of tokens recursively
343 pub fn count(&self) -> usize {
344 let children_count = self
345 .token_trees
346 .iter()
347 .map(|c| match c {
348 TokenTree::Subtree(c) => c.count(),
349 TokenTree::Leaf(_) => 0,
350 })
351 .sum::<usize>();
353 self.token_trees.len() + children_count
354 }
355 }
357 impl<S> Subtree<S> {
358 /// A simple line string used for debugging
359 pub fn as_debug_string(&self) -> String {
360 let delim = match self.delimiter.kind {
361 DelimiterKind::Brace => ("{", "}"),
362 DelimiterKind::Bracket => ("[", "]"),
363 DelimiterKind::Parenthesis => ("(", ")"),
364 DelimiterKind::Invisible => ("$", "$"),
365 };
367 let mut res = String::new();
368 res.push_str(delim.0);
369 let mut last = None;
370 for child in &self.token_trees {
371 let s = match child {
372 TokenTree::Leaf(it) => {
373 let s = match it {
374 Leaf::Literal(it) => it.text.to_string(),
375 Leaf::Punct(it) => it.char.to_string(),
376 Leaf::Ident(it) => it.text.to_string(),
377 };
378 match (it, last) {
379 (Leaf::Ident(_), Some(&TokenTree::Leaf(Leaf::Ident(_)))) => {
380 " ".to_string() + &s
381 }
382 (Leaf::Punct(_), Some(TokenTree::Leaf(Leaf::Punct(punct)))) => {
383 if punct.spacing == Spacing::Alone {
384 " ".to_string() + &s
385 } else {
386 s
387 }
388 }
389 _ => s,
390 }
391 }
392 TokenTree::Subtree(it) => it.as_debug_string(),
393 };
394 res.push_str(&s);
395 last = Some(child);
396 }
398 res.push_str(delim.1);
399 res
400 }
401 }
403 pub mod buffer;
405 pub fn pretty<S>(tkns: &[TokenTree<S>]) -> String {
406 fn tokentree_to_text<S>(tkn: &TokenTree<S>) -> String {
407 match tkn {
408 TokenTree::Leaf(Leaf::Ident(ident)) => ident.text.clone().into(),
409 TokenTree::Leaf(Leaf::Literal(literal)) => literal.text.clone().into(),
410 TokenTree::Leaf(Leaf::Punct(punct)) => format!("{}", punct.char),
411 TokenTree::Subtree(subtree) => {
412 let content = pretty(&subtree.token_trees);
413 let (open, close) = match subtree.delimiter.kind {
414 DelimiterKind::Brace => ("{", "}"),
415 DelimiterKind::Bracket => ("[", "]"),
416 DelimiterKind::Parenthesis => ("(", ")"),
417 DelimiterKind::Invisible => ("", ""),
418 };
419 format!("{open}{content}{close}")
420 }
421 }
422 }
424 tkns.iter()
425 .fold((String::new(), true), |(last, last_to_joint), tkn| {
426 let s = [last, tokentree_to_text(tkn)].join(if last_to_joint { "" } else { " " });
427 let mut is_joint = false;
428 if let TokenTree::Leaf(Leaf::Punct(punct)) = tkn {
429 if punct.spacing == Spacing::Joint {
430 is_joint = true;
431 }
432 }
433 (s, is_joint)
434 })
435 .0
436 }