]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/tools/rustfmt/src/patterns.rs
New upstream version 1.58.1+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / tools / rustfmt / src / patterns.rs
1 use rustc_ast::ast::{self, BindingMode, Pat, PatField, PatKind, RangeEnd, RangeSyntax};
2 use rustc_ast::ptr;
3 use rustc_span::{BytePos, Span};
5 use crate::comment::{combine_strs_with_missing_comments, FindUncommented};
6 use crate::config::lists::*;
7 use crate::config::Version;
8 use crate::expr::{can_be_overflowed_expr, rewrite_unary_prefix, wrap_struct_field};
9 use crate::lists::{
10 definitive_tactic, itemize_list, shape_for_tactic, struct_lit_formatting, struct_lit_shape,
11 struct_lit_tactic, write_list, ListFormatting, ListItem, Separator,
12 };
13 use crate::macros::{rewrite_macro, MacroPosition};
14 use crate::overflow;
15 use crate::pairs::{rewrite_pair, PairParts};
16 use crate::rewrite::{Rewrite, RewriteContext};
17 use crate::shape::Shape;
18 use crate::source_map::SpanUtils;
19 use crate::spanned::Spanned;
20 use crate::types::{rewrite_path, PathContext};
21 use crate::utils::{format_mutability, mk_sp, mk_sp_lo_plus_one, rewrite_ident};
23 /// Returns `true` if the given pattern is "short".
24 /// A short pattern is defined by the following grammar:
25 ///
26 /// `[small, ntp]`:
27 /// - single token
28 /// - `&[single-line, ntp]`
29 ///
30 /// `[small]`:
31 /// - `[small, ntp]`
32 /// - unary tuple constructor `([small, ntp])`
33 /// - `&[small]`
34 pub(crate) fn is_short_pattern(pat: &ast::Pat, pat_str: &str) -> bool {
35 // We also require that the pattern is reasonably 'small' with its literal width.
36 pat_str.len() <= 20 && !pat_str.contains('\n') && is_short_pattern_inner(pat)
37 }
39 fn is_short_pattern_inner(pat: &ast::Pat) -> bool {
40 match pat.kind {
41 ast::PatKind::Rest | ast::PatKind::Wild | ast::PatKind::Lit(_) => true,
42 ast::PatKind::Ident(_, _, ref pat) => pat.is_none(),
43 ast::PatKind::Struct(..)
44 | ast::PatKind::MacCall(..)
45 | ast::PatKind::Slice(..)
46 | ast::PatKind::Path(..)
47 | ast::PatKind::Range(..) => false,
48 ast::PatKind::Tuple(ref subpats) => subpats.len() <= 1,
49 ast::PatKind::TupleStruct(_, ref path, ref subpats) => {
50 path.segments.len() <= 1 && subpats.len() <= 1
51 }
52 ast::PatKind::Box(ref p) | ast::PatKind::Ref(ref p, _) | ast::PatKind::Paren(ref p) => {
53 is_short_pattern_inner(&*p)
54 }
55 PatKind::Or(ref pats) => pats.iter().all(|p| is_short_pattern_inner(p)),
56 }
57 }
59 struct RangeOperand<'a>(&'a Option<ptr::P<ast::Expr>>);
61 impl<'a> Rewrite for RangeOperand<'a> {
62 fn rewrite(&self, context: &RewriteContext<'_>, shape: Shape) -> Option<String> {
63 match &self.0 {
64 None => Some("".to_owned()),
65 Some(ref exp) => exp.rewrite(context, shape),
66 }
67 }
68 }
70 impl Rewrite for Pat {
71 fn rewrite(&self, context: &RewriteContext<'_>, shape: Shape) -> Option<String> {
72 match self.kind {
73 PatKind::Or(ref pats) => {
74 let pat_strs = pats
75 .iter()
76 .map(|p| p.rewrite(context, shape))
77 .collect::<Option<Vec<_>>>()?;
79 let use_mixed_layout = pats
80 .iter()
81 .zip(pat_strs.iter())
82 .all(|(pat, pat_str)| is_short_pattern(pat, pat_str));
83 let items: Vec<_> = pat_strs.into_iter().map(ListItem::from_str).collect();
84 let tactic = if use_mixed_layout {
85 DefinitiveListTactic::Mixed
86 } else {
87 definitive_tactic(
88 &items,
89 ListTactic::HorizontalVertical,
90 Separator::VerticalBar,
91 shape.width,
92 )
93 };
94 let fmt = ListFormatting::new(shape, context.config)
95 .tactic(tactic)
96 .separator(" |")
97 .separator_place(context.config.binop_separator())
98 .ends_with_newline(false);
99 write_list(&items, &fmt)
100 }
101 PatKind::Box(ref pat) => rewrite_unary_prefix(context, "box ", &**pat, shape),
102 PatKind::Ident(binding_mode, ident, ref sub_pat) => {
103 let (prefix, mutability) = match binding_mode {
104 BindingMode::ByRef(mutability) => ("ref", mutability),
105 BindingMode::ByValue(mutability) => ("", mutability),
106 };
107 let mut_infix = format_mutability(mutability).trim();
108 let id_str = rewrite_ident(context, ident);
109 let sub_pat = match *sub_pat {
110 Some(ref p) => {
111 // 2 - `@ `.
112 let width = shape
113 .width
114 .checked_sub(prefix.len() + mut_infix.len() + id_str.len() + 2)?;
115 let lo = context.snippet_provider.span_after(self.span, "@");
116 combine_strs_with_missing_comments(
117 context,
118 "@",
119 &p.rewrite(context, Shape::legacy(width, shape.indent))?,
120 mk_sp(lo, p.span.lo()),
121 shape,
122 true,
123 )?
124 }
125 None => "".to_owned(),
126 };
128 // combine prefix and mut
129 let (first_lo, first) = if !prefix.is_empty() && !mut_infix.is_empty() {
130 let hi = context.snippet_provider.span_before(self.span, "mut");
131 let lo = context.snippet_provider.span_after(self.span, "ref");
132 (
133 context.snippet_provider.span_after(self.span, "mut"),
134 combine_strs_with_missing_comments(
135 context,
136 prefix,
137 mut_infix,
138 mk_sp(lo, hi),
139 shape,
140 true,
141 )?,
142 )
143 } else if !prefix.is_empty() {
144 (
145 context.snippet_provider.span_after(self.span, "ref"),
146 prefix.to_owned(),
147 )
148 } else if !mut_infix.is_empty() {
149 (
150 context.snippet_provider.span_after(self.span, "mut"),
151 mut_infix.to_owned(),
152 )
153 } else {
154 (self.span.lo(), "".to_owned())
155 };
157 let next = if !sub_pat.is_empty() {
158 let hi = context.snippet_provider.span_before(self.span, "@");
159 combine_strs_with_missing_comments(
160 context,
161 id_str,
162 &sub_pat,
163 mk_sp(ident.span.hi(), hi),
164 shape,
165 true,
166 )?
167 } else {
168 id_str.to_owned()
169 };
171 combine_strs_with_missing_comments(
172 context,
173 &first,
174 &next,
175 mk_sp(first_lo, ident.span.lo()),
176 shape,
177 true,
178 )
179 }
180 PatKind::Wild => {
181 if 1 <= shape.width {
182 Some("_".to_owned())
183 } else {
184 None
185 }
186 }
187 PatKind::Rest => {
188 if 1 <= shape.width {
189 Some("..".to_owned())
190 } else {
191 None
192 }
193 }
194 PatKind::Range(ref lhs, ref rhs, ref end_kind) => {
195 let infix = match end_kind.node {
196 RangeEnd::Included(RangeSyntax::DotDotDot) => "...",
197 RangeEnd::Included(RangeSyntax::DotDotEq) => "..=",
198 RangeEnd::Excluded => "..",
199 };
200 let infix = if context.config.spaces_around_ranges() {
201 let lhs_spacing = match lhs {
202 None => "",
203 Some(_) => " ",
204 };
205 let rhs_spacing = match rhs {
206 None => "",
207 Some(_) => " ",
208 };
209 format!("{}{}{}", lhs_spacing, infix, rhs_spacing)
210 } else {
211 infix.to_owned()
212 };
213 rewrite_pair(
214 &RangeOperand(lhs),
215 &RangeOperand(rhs),
216 PairParts::infix(&infix),
217 context,
218 shape,
219 SeparatorPlace::Front,
220 )
221 }
222 PatKind::Ref(ref pat, mutability) => {
223 let prefix = format!("&{}", format_mutability(mutability));
224 rewrite_unary_prefix(context, &prefix, &**pat, shape)
225 }
226 PatKind::Tuple(ref items) => rewrite_tuple_pat(items, None, self.span, context, shape),
227 PatKind::Path(ref q_self, ref path) => {
228 rewrite_path(context, PathContext::Expr, q_self.as_ref(), path, shape)
229 }
230 PatKind::TupleStruct(ref q_self, ref path, ref pat_vec) => {
231 let path_str =
232 rewrite_path(context, PathContext::Expr, q_self.as_ref(), path, shape)?;
233 rewrite_tuple_pat(pat_vec, Some(path_str), self.span, context, shape)
234 }
235 PatKind::Lit(ref expr) => expr.rewrite(context, shape),
236 PatKind::Slice(ref slice_pat) if context.config.version() == Version::One => {
237 let rw: Vec<String> = slice_pat
238 .iter()
239 .map(|p| {
240 if let Some(rw) = p.rewrite(context, shape) {
241 rw
242 } else {
243 context.snippet(p.span).to_string()
244 }
245 })
246 .collect();
247 Some(format!("[{}]", rw.join(", ")))
248 }
249 PatKind::Slice(ref slice_pat) => overflow::rewrite_with_square_brackets(
250 context,
251 "",
252 slice_pat.iter(),
253 shape,
254 self.span,
255 None,
256 None,
257 ),
258 PatKind::Struct(ref qself, ref path, ref fields, ellipsis) => {
259 rewrite_struct_pat(qself, path, fields, ellipsis, self.span, context, shape)
260 }
261 PatKind::MacCall(ref mac) => {
262 rewrite_macro(mac, None, context, shape, MacroPosition::Pat)
263 }
264 PatKind::Paren(ref pat) => pat
265 .rewrite(context, shape.offset_left(1)?.sub_width(1)?)
266 .map(|inner_pat| format!("({})", inner_pat)),
267 }
268 }
269 }
271 fn rewrite_struct_pat(
272 qself: &Option<ast::QSelf>,
273 path: &ast::Path,
274 fields: &[ast::PatField],
275 ellipsis: bool,
276 span: Span,
277 context: &RewriteContext<'_>,
278 shape: Shape,
279 ) -> Option<String> {
280 // 2 = ` {`
281 let path_shape = shape.sub_width(2)?;
282 let path_str = rewrite_path(context, PathContext::Expr, qself.as_ref(), path, path_shape)?;
284 if fields.is_empty() && !ellipsis {
285 return Some(format!("{} {{}}", path_str));
286 }
288 let (ellipsis_str, terminator) = if ellipsis { (", ..", "..") } else { ("", "}") };
290 // 3 = ` { `, 2 = ` }`.
291 let (h_shape, v_shape) =
292 struct_lit_shape(shape, context, path_str.len() + 3, ellipsis_str.len() + 2)?;
294 let items = itemize_list(
295 context.snippet_provider,
296 fields.iter(),
297 terminator,
298 ",",
299 |f| {
300 if f.attrs.is_empty() {
301 f.span.lo()
302 } else {
303 f.attrs.first().unwrap().span.lo()
304 }
305 },
306 |f| f.span.hi(),
307 |f| f.rewrite(context, v_shape),
308 context.snippet_provider.span_after(span, "{"),
309 span.hi(),
310 false,
311 );
312 let item_vec = items.collect::<Vec<_>>();
314 let tactic = struct_lit_tactic(h_shape, context, &item_vec);
315 let nested_shape = shape_for_tactic(tactic, h_shape, v_shape);
316 let fmt = struct_lit_formatting(nested_shape, tactic, context, false);
318 let mut fields_str = write_list(&item_vec, &fmt)?;
319 let one_line_width = h_shape.map_or(0, |shape| shape.width);
321 if ellipsis {
322 if fields_str.contains('\n') || fields_str.len() > one_line_width {
323 // Add a missing trailing comma.
324 if context.config.trailing_comma() == SeparatorTactic::Never {
325 fields_str.push(',');
326 }
327 fields_str.push('\n');
328 fields_str.push_str(&nested_shape.indent.to_string(context.config));
329 } else {
330 if !fields_str.is_empty() {
331 // there are preceding struct fields being matched on
332 if tactic == DefinitiveListTactic::Vertical {
333 // if the tactic is Vertical, write_list already added a trailing ,
334 fields_str.push(' ');
335 } else {
336 fields_str.push_str(", ");
337 }
338 }
339 }
340 fields_str.push_str("..");
341 }
343 // ast::Pat doesn't have attrs so use &[]
344 let fields_str = wrap_struct_field(context, &[], &fields_str, shape, v_shape, one_line_width)?;
345 Some(format!("{} {{{}}}", path_str, fields_str))
346 }
348 impl Rewrite for PatField {
349 fn rewrite(&self, context: &RewriteContext<'_>, shape: Shape) -> Option<String> {
350 let hi_pos = if let Some(last) = self.attrs.last() {
351 last.span.hi()
352 } else {
353 self.pat.span.lo()
354 };
356 let attrs_str = if self.attrs.is_empty() {
357 String::from("")
358 } else {
359 self.attrs.rewrite(context, shape)?
360 };
362 let pat_str = self.pat.rewrite(context, shape)?;
363 if self.is_shorthand {
364 combine_strs_with_missing_comments(
365 context,
366 &attrs_str,
367 &pat_str,
368 mk_sp(hi_pos, self.pat.span.lo()),
369 shape,
370 false,
371 )
372 } else {
373 let nested_shape = shape.block_indent(context.config.tab_spaces());
374 let id_str = rewrite_ident(context, self.ident);
375 let one_line_width = id_str.len() + 2 + pat_str.len();
376 let pat_and_id_str = if one_line_width <= shape.width {
377 format!("{}: {}", id_str, pat_str)
378 } else {
379 format!(
380 "{}:\n{}{}",
381 id_str,
382 nested_shape.indent.to_string(context.config),
383 self.pat.rewrite(context, nested_shape)?
384 )
385 };
386 combine_strs_with_missing_comments(
387 context,
388 &attrs_str,
389 &pat_and_id_str,
390 mk_sp(hi_pos, self.pat.span.lo()),
391 nested_shape,
392 false,
393 )
394 }
395 }
396 }
398 #[derive(Debug)]
399 pub(crate) enum TuplePatField<'a> {
400 Pat(&'a ptr::P<ast::Pat>),
401 Dotdot(Span),
402 }
404 impl<'a> Rewrite for TuplePatField<'a> {
405 fn rewrite(&self, context: &RewriteContext<'_>, shape: Shape) -> Option<String> {
406 match *self {
407 TuplePatField::Pat(p) => p.rewrite(context, shape),
408 TuplePatField::Dotdot(_) => Some("..".to_string()),
409 }
410 }
411 }
413 impl<'a> Spanned for TuplePatField<'a> {
414 fn span(&self) -> Span {
415 match *self {
416 TuplePatField::Pat(p) => p.span(),
417 TuplePatField::Dotdot(span) => span,
418 }
419 }
420 }
422 impl<'a> TuplePatField<'a> {
423 fn is_dotdot(&self) -> bool {
424 match self {
425 TuplePatField::Pat(pat) => matches!(pat.kind, ast::PatKind::Rest),
426 TuplePatField::Dotdot(_) => true,
427 }
428 }
429 }
431 pub(crate) fn can_be_overflowed_pat(
432 context: &RewriteContext<'_>,
433 pat: &TuplePatField<'_>,
434 len: usize,
435 ) -> bool {
436 match *pat {
437 TuplePatField::Pat(pat) => match pat.kind {
438 ast::PatKind::Path(..)
439 | ast::PatKind::Tuple(..)
440 | ast::PatKind::Struct(..)
441 | ast::PatKind::TupleStruct(..) => context.use_block_indent() && len == 1,
442 ast::PatKind::Ref(ref p, _) | ast::PatKind::Box(ref p) => {
443 can_be_overflowed_pat(context, &TuplePatField::Pat(p), len)
444 }
445 ast::PatKind::Lit(ref expr) => can_be_overflowed_expr(context, expr, len),
446 _ => false,
447 },
448 TuplePatField::Dotdot(..) => false,
449 }
450 }
452 fn rewrite_tuple_pat(
453 pats: &[ptr::P<ast::Pat>],
454 path_str: Option<String>,
455 span: Span,
456 context: &RewriteContext<'_>,
457 shape: Shape,
458 ) -> Option<String> {
459 if pats.is_empty() {
460 return Some(format!("{}()", path_str.unwrap_or_default()));
461 }
462 let mut pat_vec: Vec<_> = pats.iter().map(TuplePatField::Pat).collect();
464 let wildcard_suffix_len = count_wildcard_suffix_len(context, &pat_vec, span, shape);
465 let (pat_vec, span) = if context.config.condense_wildcard_suffixes() && wildcard_suffix_len >= 2
466 {
467 let new_item_count = 1 + pat_vec.len() - wildcard_suffix_len;
468 let sp = pat_vec[new_item_count - 1].span();
469 let snippet = context.snippet(sp);
470 let lo = sp.lo() + BytePos(snippet.find_uncommented("_").unwrap() as u32);
471 pat_vec[new_item_count - 1] = TuplePatField::Dotdot(mk_sp_lo_plus_one(lo));
472 (
473 &pat_vec[..new_item_count],
474 mk_sp(span.lo(), lo + BytePos(1)),
475 )
476 } else {
477 (&pat_vec[..], span)
478 };
480 let is_last_pat_dotdot = pat_vec.last().map_or(false, |p| p.is_dotdot());
481 let add_comma = path_str.is_none() && pat_vec.len() == 1 && !is_last_pat_dotdot;
482 let path_str = path_str.unwrap_or_default();
484 overflow::rewrite_with_parens(
485 context,
486 &path_str,
487 pat_vec.iter(),
488 shape,
489 span,
490 context.config.max_width(),
491 if add_comma {
492 Some(SeparatorTactic::Always)
493 } else {
494 None
495 },
496 )
497 }
499 fn count_wildcard_suffix_len(
500 context: &RewriteContext<'_>,
501 patterns: &[TuplePatField<'_>],
502 span: Span,
503 shape: Shape,
504 ) -> usize {
505 let mut suffix_len = 0;
507 let items: Vec<_> = itemize_list(
508 context.snippet_provider,
509 patterns.iter(),
510 ")",
511 ",",
512 |item| item.span().lo(),
513 |item| item.span().hi(),
514 |item| item.rewrite(context, shape),
515 context.snippet_provider.span_after(span, "("),
516 span.hi() - BytePos(1),
517 false,
518 )
519 .collect();
521 for item in items
522 .iter()
523 .rev()
524 .take_while(|i| matches!(i.item, Some(ref internal_string) if internal_string == "_"))
525 {
526 suffix_len += 1;
528 if item.has_comment() {
529 break;
530 }
531 }
533 suffix_len
534 }