]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/tools/tidy/src/features.rs
New upstream version 1.43.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / tools / tidy / src / features.rs
1 //! Tidy check to ensure that unstable features are all in order.
2 //!
3 //! This check will ensure properties like:
4 //!
5 //! * All stability attributes look reasonably well formed.
6 //! * The set of library features is disjoint from the set of language features.
7 //! * Library features have at most one stability level.
8 //! * Library features have at most one `since` value.
9 //! * All unstable lang features have tests to ensure they are actually unstable.
10 //! * Language features in a group are sorted by `since` value.
12 use std::collections::HashMap;
13 use std::fmt;
14 use std::fs;
15 use std::num::NonZeroU32;
16 use std::path::Path;
18 use regex::Regex;
20 #[cfg(test)]
21 mod tests;
23 mod version;
24 use version::Version;
26 const FEATURE_GROUP_START_PREFIX: &str = "// feature-group-start";
27 const FEATURE_GROUP_END_PREFIX: &str = "// feature-group-end";
29 #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)]
30 pub enum Status {
31 Stable,
32 Removed,
33 Unstable,
34 }
36 impl fmt::Display for Status {
37 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
38 let as_str = match *self {
39 Status::Stable => "stable",
40 Status::Unstable => "unstable",
41 Status::Removed => "removed",
42 };
43 fmt::Display::fmt(as_str, f)
44 }
45 }
47 #[derive(Debug, Clone)]
48 pub struct Feature {
49 pub level: Status,
50 pub since: Option<Version>,
51 pub has_gate_test: bool,
52 pub tracking_issue: Option<NonZeroU32>,
53 }
55 pub type Features = HashMap<String, Feature>;
57 pub struct CollectedFeatures {
58 pub lib: Features,
59 pub lang: Features,
60 }
62 // Currently only used for unstable book generation
63 pub fn collect_lib_features(base_src_path: &Path) -> Features {
64 let mut lib_features = Features::new();
66 map_lib_features(base_src_path, &mut |res, _, _| {
67 if let Ok((name, feature)) = res {
68 lib_features.insert(name.to_owned(), feature);
69 }
70 });
71 lib_features
72 }
74 pub fn check(path: &Path, bad: &mut bool, verbose: bool) -> CollectedFeatures {
75 let mut features = collect_lang_features(path, bad);
76 assert!(!features.is_empty());
78 let lib_features = get_and_check_lib_features(path, bad, &features);
79 assert!(!lib_features.is_empty());
81 super::walk_many(
82 &[&path.join("test/ui"), &path.join("test/ui-fulldeps"), &path.join("test/compile-fail")],
83 &mut |path| super::filter_dirs(path),
84 &mut |entry, contents| {
85 let file = entry.path();
86 let filename = file.file_name().unwrap().to_string_lossy();
87 if !filename.ends_with(".rs")
88 || filename == "features.rs"
89 || filename == "diagnostic_list.rs"
90 {
91 return;
92 }
94 let filen_underscore = filename.replace('-', "_").replace(".rs", "");
95 let filename_is_gate_test = test_filen_gate(&filen_underscore, &mut features);
97 for (i, line) in contents.lines().enumerate() {
98 let mut err = |msg: &str| {
99 tidy_error!(bad, "{}:{}: {}", file.display(), i + 1, msg);
100 };
102 let gate_test_str = "gate-test-";
104 let feature_name = match line.find(gate_test_str) {
105 Some(i) => line[i + gate_test_str.len()..].splitn(2, ' ').next().unwrap(),
106 None => continue,
107 };
108 match features.get_mut(feature_name) {
109 Some(f) => {
110 if filename_is_gate_test {
111 err(&format!(
112 "The file is already marked as gate test \
113 through its name, no need for a \
114 'gate-test-{}' comment",
115 feature_name
116 ));
117 }
118 f.has_gate_test = true;
119 }
120 None => {
121 err(&format!(
122 "gate-test test found referencing a nonexistent feature '{}'",
123 feature_name
124 ));
125 }
126 }
127 }
128 },
129 );
131 // Only check the number of lang features.
132 // Obligatory testing for library features is dumb.
133 let gate_untested = features
134 .iter()
135 .filter(|&(_, f)| f.level == Status::Unstable)
136 .filter(|&(_, f)| !f.has_gate_test)
137 .collect::<Vec<_>>();
139 for &(name, _) in gate_untested.iter() {
140 println!("Expected a gate test for the feature '{}'.", name);
141 println!(
142 "Hint: create a failing test file named 'feature-gate-{}.rs'\
143 \n in the 'ui' test suite, with its failures due to\
144 \n missing usage of `#![feature({})]`.",
145 name, name
146 );
147 println!(
148 "Hint: If you already have such a test and don't want to rename it,\
149 \n you can also add a // gate-test-{} line to the test file.",
150 name
151 );
152 }
154 if !gate_untested.is_empty() {
155 tidy_error!(bad, "Found {} features without a gate test.", gate_untested.len());
156 }
158 if *bad {
159 return CollectedFeatures { lib: lib_features, lang: features };
160 }
162 if verbose {
163 let mut lines = Vec::new();
164 lines.extend(format_features(&features, "lang"));
165 lines.extend(format_features(&lib_features, "lib"));
167 lines.sort();
168 for line in lines {
169 println!("* {}", line);
170 }
171 } else {
172 println!("* {} features", features.len());
173 }
175 CollectedFeatures { lib: lib_features, lang: features }
176 }
178 fn format_features<'a>(
179 features: &'a Features,
180 family: &'a str,
181 ) -> impl Iterator<Item = String> + 'a {
182 features.iter().map(move |(name, feature)| {
183 format!(
184 "{:<32} {:<8} {:<12} {:<8}",
185 name,
186 family,
187 feature.level,
188 feature.since.map_or("None".to_owned(), |since| since.to_string())
189 )
190 })
191 }
193 fn find_attr_val<'a>(line: &'a str, attr: &str) -> Option<&'a str> {
194 lazy_static::lazy_static! {
195 static ref ISSUE: Regex = Regex::new(r#"issue\s*=\s*"([^"]*)""#).unwrap();
196 static ref FEATURE: Regex = Regex::new(r#"feature\s*=\s*"([^"]*)""#).unwrap();
197 static ref SINCE: Regex = Regex::new(r#"since\s*=\s*"([^"]*)""#).unwrap();
198 }
200 let r = match attr {
201 "issue" => &*ISSUE,
202 "feature" => &*FEATURE,
203 "since" => &*SINCE,
204 _ => unimplemented!("{} not handled", attr),
205 };
207 r.captures(line).and_then(|c| c.get(1)).map(|m| m.as_str())
208 }
210 fn test_filen_gate(filen_underscore: &str, features: &mut Features) -> bool {
211 let prefix = "feature_gate_";
212 if filen_underscore.starts_with(prefix) {
213 for (n, f) in features.iter_mut() {
214 // Equivalent to filen_underscore == format!("feature_gate_{}", n)
215 if &filen_underscore[prefix.len()..] == n {
216 f.has_gate_test = true;
217 return true;
218 }
219 }
220 }
221 false
222 }
224 pub fn collect_lang_features(base_src_path: &Path, bad: &mut bool) -> Features {
225 let mut all = collect_lang_features_in(base_src_path, "active.rs", bad);
226 all.extend(collect_lang_features_in(base_src_path, "accepted.rs", bad));
227 all.extend(collect_lang_features_in(base_src_path, "removed.rs", bad));
228 all
229 }
231 fn collect_lang_features_in(base: &Path, file: &str, bad: &mut bool) -> Features {
232 let path = base.join("librustc_feature").join(file);
233 let contents = t!(fs::read_to_string(&path));
235 // We allow rustc-internal features to omit a tracking issue.
236 // To make tidy accept omitting a tracking issue, group the list of features
237 // without one inside `// no-tracking-issue` and `// no-tracking-issue-end`.
238 let mut next_feature_omits_tracking_issue = false;
240 let mut in_feature_group = false;
241 let mut prev_since = None;
243 contents
244 .lines()
245 .zip(1..)
246 .filter_map(|(line, line_number)| {
247 let line = line.trim();
249 // Within -start and -end, the tracking issue can be omitted.
250 match line {
251 "// no-tracking-issue-start" => {
252 next_feature_omits_tracking_issue = true;
253 return None;
254 }
255 "// no-tracking-issue-end" => {
256 next_feature_omits_tracking_issue = false;
257 return None;
258 }
259 _ => {}
260 }
262 if line.starts_with(FEATURE_GROUP_START_PREFIX) {
263 if in_feature_group {
264 tidy_error!(
265 bad,
266 "{}:{}: \
267 new feature group is started without ending the previous one",
268 path.display(),
269 line_number,
270 );
271 }
273 in_feature_group = true;
274 prev_since = None;
275 return None;
276 } else if line.starts_with(FEATURE_GROUP_END_PREFIX) {
277 in_feature_group = false;
278 prev_since = None;
279 return None;
280 }
282 let mut parts = line.split(',');
283 let level = match parts.next().map(|l| l.trim().trim_start_matches('(')) {
284 Some("active") => Status::Unstable,
285 Some("removed") => Status::Removed,
286 Some("accepted") => Status::Stable,
287 _ => return None,
288 };
289 let name = parts.next().unwrap().trim();
291 let since_str = parts.next().unwrap().trim().trim_matches('"');
292 let since = match since_str.parse() {
293 Ok(since) => Some(since),
294 Err(err) => {
295 tidy_error!(
296 bad,
297 "{}:{}: failed to parse since: {} ({:?})",
298 path.display(),
299 line_number,
300 since_str,
301 err,
302 );
303 None
304 }
305 };
306 if in_feature_group {
307 if prev_since > since {
308 tidy_error!(
309 bad,
310 "{}:{}: feature {} is not sorted by \"since\" (version number)",
311 path.display(),
312 line_number,
313 name,
314 );
315 }
316 prev_since = since;
317 }
319 let issue_str = parts.next().unwrap().trim();
320 let tracking_issue = if issue_str.starts_with("None") {
321 if level == Status::Unstable && !next_feature_omits_tracking_issue {
322 *bad = true;
323 tidy_error!(
324 bad,
325 "{}:{}: no tracking issue for feature {}",
326 path.display(),
327 line_number,
328 name,
329 );
330 }
331 None
332 } else {
333 let s = issue_str.split('(').nth(1).unwrap().split(')').next().unwrap();
334 Some(s.parse().unwrap())
335 };
336 Some((name.to_owned(), Feature { level, since, has_gate_test: false, tracking_issue }))
337 })
338 .collect()
339 }
341 fn get_and_check_lib_features(
342 base_src_path: &Path,
343 bad: &mut bool,
344 lang_features: &Features,
345 ) -> Features {
346 let mut lib_features = Features::new();
347 map_lib_features(base_src_path, &mut |res, file, line| match res {
348 Ok((name, f)) => {
349 let mut check_features = |f: &Feature, list: &Features, display: &str| {
350 if let Some(ref s) = list.get(name) {
351 if f.tracking_issue != s.tracking_issue && f.level != Status::Stable {
352 tidy_error!(
353 bad,
354 "{}:{}: mismatches the `issue` in {}",
355 file.display(),
356 line,
357 display
358 );
359 }
360 }
361 };
362 check_features(&f, &lang_features, "corresponding lang feature");
363 check_features(&f, &lib_features, "previous");
364 lib_features.insert(name.to_owned(), f);
365 }
366 Err(msg) => {
367 tidy_error!(bad, "{}:{}: {}", file.display(), line, msg);
368 }
369 });
370 lib_features
371 }
373 fn map_lib_features(
374 base_src_path: &Path,
375 mf: &mut dyn FnMut(Result<(&str, Feature), &str>, &Path, usize),
376 ) {
377 super::walk(
378 base_src_path,
379 &mut |path| super::filter_dirs(path) || path.ends_with("src/test"),
380 &mut |entry, contents| {
381 let file = entry.path();
382 let filename = file.file_name().unwrap().to_string_lossy();
383 if !filename.ends_with(".rs")
384 || filename == "features.rs"
385 || filename == "diagnostic_list.rs"
386 || filename == "error_codes.rs"
387 {
388 return;
389 }
391 // This is an early exit -- all the attributes we're concerned with must contain this:
392 // * rustc_const_unstable(
393 // * unstable(
394 // * stable(
395 if !contents.contains("stable(") {
396 return;
397 }
399 let handle_issue_none = |s| match s {
400 "none" => None,
401 issue => {
402 let n = issue.parse().expect("issue number is not a valid integer");
403 assert_ne!(n, 0, "\"none\" should be used when there is no issue, not \"0\"");
404 NonZeroU32::new(n)
405 }
406 };
407 let mut becoming_feature: Option<(&str, Feature)> = None;
408 let mut iter_lines = contents.lines().enumerate().peekable();
409 while let Some((i, line)) = iter_lines.next() {
410 macro_rules! err {
411 ($msg:expr) => {{
412 mf(Err($msg), file, i + 1);
413 continue;
414 }};
415 };
416 if let Some((ref name, ref mut f)) = becoming_feature {
417 if f.tracking_issue.is_none() {
418 f.tracking_issue = find_attr_val(line, "issue").and_then(handle_issue_none);
419 }
420 if line.ends_with(']') {
421 mf(Ok((name, f.clone())), file, i + 1);
422 } else if !line.ends_with(',') && !line.ends_with('\\') && !line.ends_with('"')
423 {
424 // We need to bail here because we might have missed the
425 // end of a stability attribute above because the ']'
426 // might not have been at the end of the line.
427 // We could then get into the very unfortunate situation that
428 // we continue parsing the file assuming the current stability
429 // attribute has not ended, and ignoring possible feature
430 // attributes in the process.
431 err!("malformed stability attribute");
432 } else {
433 continue;
434 }
435 }
436 becoming_feature = None;
437 if line.contains("rustc_const_unstable(") {
438 // `const fn` features are handled specially.
439 let feature_name = match find_attr_val(line, "feature") {
440 Some(name) => name,
441 None => err!("malformed stability attribute: missing `feature` key"),
442 };
443 let feature = Feature {
444 level: Status::Unstable,
445 since: None,
446 has_gate_test: false,
447 // FIXME(#57563): #57563 is now used as a common tracking issue,
448 // although we would like to have specific tracking issues for each
449 // `rustc_const_unstable` in the future.
450 tracking_issue: NonZeroU32::new(57563),
451 };
452 mf(Ok((feature_name, feature)), file, i + 1);
453 continue;
454 }
455 let level = if line.contains("[unstable(") {
456 Status::Unstable
457 } else if line.contains("[stable(") {
458 Status::Stable
459 } else {
460 continue;
461 };
462 let feature_name = match find_attr_val(line, "feature")
463 .or_else(|| iter_lines.peek().and_then(|next| find_attr_val(next.1, "feature")))
464 {
465 Some(name) => name,
466 None => err!("malformed stability attribute: missing `feature` key"),
467 };
468 let since = match find_attr_val(line, "since").map(|x| x.parse()) {
469 Some(Ok(since)) => Some(since),
470 Some(Err(_err)) => {
471 err!("malformed stability attribute: can't parse `since` key");
472 }
473 None if level == Status::Stable => {
474 err!("malformed stability attribute: missing the `since` key");
475 }
476 None => None,
477 };
478 let tracking_issue = find_attr_val(line, "issue").and_then(handle_issue_none);
480 let feature = Feature { level, since, has_gate_test: false, tracking_issue };
481 if line.contains(']') {
482 mf(Ok((feature_name, feature)), file, i + 1);
483 } else {
484 becoming_feature = Some((feature_name, feature));
485 }
486 }
487 },
488 );
489 }