]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/tools/tidy/src/style.rs
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[rustc.git] / src / tools / tidy / src / style.rs
1 //! Tidy check to enforce various stylistic guidelines on the Rust codebase.
2 //!
3 //! Example checks are:
4 //!
5 //! * No lines over 100 characters (in non-Rust files).
6 //! * No files with over 3000 lines (in non-Rust files).
7 //! * No tabs.
8 //! * No trailing whitespace.
9 //! * No CR characters.
10 //! * No `TODO` or `XXX` directives.
11 //! * No unexplained ` ```ignore ` or ` ```rust,ignore ` doc tests.
12 //!
13 //! Note that some of these rules are excluded from Rust files because we enforce rustfmt. It is
14 //! preferable to be formatted rather than tidy-clean.
15 //!
16 //! A number of these checks can be opted-out of with various directives of the form:
17 //! `// ignore-tidy-CHECK-NAME`.
19 use regex::Regex;
20 use std::path::Path;
22 /// Error code markdown is restricted to 80 columns because they can be
23 /// displayed on the console with --example.
24 const ERROR_CODE_COLS: usize = 80;
25 const COLS: usize = 100;
27 const LINES: usize = 3000;
29 const UNEXPLAINED_IGNORE_DOCTEST_INFO: &str = r#"unexplained "```ignore" doctest; try one:
31 * make the test actually pass, by adding necessary imports and declarations, or
32 * use "```text", if the code is not Rust code, or
33 * use "```compile_fail,Ennnn", if the code is expected to fail at compile time, or
34 * use "```should_panic", if the code is expected to fail at run time, or
35 * use "```no_run", if the code should type-check but not necessary linkable/runnable, or
36 * explain it like "```ignore (cannot-test-this-because-xxxx)", if the annotation cannot be avoided.
38 "#;
40 const LLVM_UNREACHABLE_INFO: &str = r"\
41 C++ code used llvm_unreachable, which triggers undefined behavior
42 when executed when assertions are disabled.
43 Use llvm::report_fatal_error for increased robustness.";
45 const ANNOTATIONS_TO_IGNORE: &[&str] = &[
46 "// @!has",
47 "// @has",
48 "// @matches",
49 "// CHECK",
50 "// EMIT_MIR",
51 "// compile-flags",
52 "// error-pattern",
53 "// gdb",
54 "// lldb",
55 "// cdb",
56 "// normalize-stderr-test",
57 ];
59 /// Parser states for `line_is_url`.
60 #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
61 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
62 enum LIUState {
67 }
69 /// Returns `true` if `line` appears to be a line comment containing a URL,
70 /// possibly with a Markdown link label in front, and nothing else.
71 /// The Markdown link label, if present, may not contain whitespace.
72 /// Lines of this form are allowed to be overlength, because Markdown
73 /// offers no way to split a line in the middle of a URL, and the lengths
74 /// of URLs to external references are beyond our control.
75 fn line_is_url(is_error_code: bool, columns: usize, line: &str) -> bool {
76 // more basic check for markdown, to avoid complexity in implementing two state machines
77 if is_error_code {
78 return line.starts_with('[') && line.contains("]:") && line.contains("http");
79 }
81 use self::LIUState::*;
82 let mut state: LIUState = EXP_COMMENT_START;
83 let is_url = |w: &str| w.starts_with("http://") || w.starts_with("https://");
85 for tok in line.split_whitespace() {
86 match (state, tok) {
87 (EXP_COMMENT_START, "//") | (EXP_COMMENT_START, "///") | (EXP_COMMENT_START, "//!") => {
89 }
92 if w.len() >= 4 && w.starts_with('[') && w.ends_with("]:") =>
93 {
94 state = EXP_URL
95 }
97 (EXP_LINK_LABEL_OR_URL, w) if is_url(w) => state = EXP_END,
99 (EXP_URL, w) if is_url(w) || w.starts_with("../") => state = EXP_END,
101 (_, w) if w.len() > columns && is_url(w) => state = EXP_END,
103 (_, _) => {}
104 }
105 }
107 state == EXP_END
108 }
110 /// Returns `true` if `line` can be ignored. This is the case when it contains
111 /// an annotation that is explicitly ignored.
112 fn should_ignore(line: &str) -> bool {
113 // Matches test annotations like `//~ ERROR text`.
114 // This mirrors the regex in src/tools/compiletest/src/runtest.rs, please
115 // update both if either are changed.
116 let re = Regex::new("\\s*//(\\[.*\\])?~.*").unwrap();
117 re.is_match(line) || ANNOTATIONS_TO_IGNORE.iter().any(|a| line.contains(a))
118 }
120 /// Returns `true` if `line` is allowed to be longer than the normal limit.
121 fn long_line_is_ok(extension: &str, is_error_code: bool, max_columns: usize, line: &str) -> bool {
122 if extension != "md" || is_error_code {
123 if line_is_url(is_error_code, max_columns, line) || should_ignore(line) {
124 return true;
125 }
126 } else if extension == "md" {
127 // non-error code markdown is allowed to be any length
128 return true;
129 }
131 false
132 }
134 enum Directive {
135 /// By default, tidy always warns against style issues.
136 Deny,
138 /// `Ignore(false)` means that an `ignore-tidy-*` directive
139 /// has been provided, but is unnecessary. `Ignore(true)`
140 /// means that it is necessary (i.e. a warning would be
141 /// produced if `ignore-tidy-*` was not present).
142 Ignore(bool),
143 }
145 fn contains_ignore_directive(can_contain: bool, contents: &str, check: &str) -> Directive {
146 if !can_contain {
147 return Directive::Deny;
148 }
149 // Update `can_contain` when changing this
150 if contents.contains(&format!("// ignore-tidy-{}", check))
151 || contents.contains(&format!("# ignore-tidy-{}", check))
152 || contents.contains(&format!("/* ignore-tidy-{} */", check))
153 {
154 Directive::Ignore(false)
155 } else {
156 Directive::Deny
157 }
158 }
160 macro_rules! suppressible_tidy_err {
161 ($err:ident, $skip:ident, $msg:expr) => {
162 if let Directive::Deny = $skip {
163 $err($msg);
164 } else {
165 $skip = Directive::Ignore(true);
166 }
167 };
168 }
170 pub fn is_in(full_path: &Path, parent_folder_to_find: &str, folder_to_find: &str) -> bool {
171 if let Some(parent) = full_path.parent() {
172 if parent.file_name().map_or_else(
173 || false,
174 |f| {
175 f.to_string_lossy() == folder_to_find
176 && parent
177 .parent()
178 .and_then(|f| f.file_name())
179 .map_or_else(|| false, |f| f == parent_folder_to_find)
180 },
181 ) {
182 true
183 } else {
184 is_in(parent, parent_folder_to_find, folder_to_find)
185 }
186 } else {
187 false
188 }
189 }
191 fn skip_markdown_path(path: &Path) -> bool {
192 // These aren't ready for tidy.
193 const SKIP_MD: &[&str] = &[
194 "src/doc/edition-guide",
195 "src/doc/embedded-book",
196 "src/doc/nomicon",
197 "src/doc/reference",
198 "src/doc/rust-by-example",
199 "src/doc/rustc-dev-guide",
200 ];
201 SKIP_MD.iter().any(|p| path.ends_with(p))
202 }
204 fn is_unexplained_ignore(extension: &str, line: &str) -> bool {
205 if !line.ends_with("```ignore") && !line.ends_with("```rust,ignore") {
206 return false;
207 }
208 if extension == "md" && line.trim().starts_with("//") {
209 // Markdown examples may include doc comments with ignore inside a
210 // code block.
211 return false;
212 }
213 true
214 }
216 pub fn check(path: &Path, bad: &mut bool) {
217 fn skip(path: &Path) -> bool {
218 super::filter_dirs(path) || skip_markdown_path(path)
219 }
220 super::walk(path, &mut skip, &mut |entry, contents| {
221 let file = entry.path();
222 let filename = file.file_name().unwrap().to_string_lossy();
223 let extensions = [".rs", ".py", ".js", ".sh", ".c", ".cpp", ".h", ".md", ".css"];
224 if extensions.iter().all(|e| !filename.ends_with(e)) || filename.starts_with(".#") {
225 return;
226 }
228 let is_style_file = filename.ends_with(".css");
229 let under_rustfmt = filename.ends_with(".rs") &&
230 // This list should ideally be sourced from rustfmt.toml but we don't want to add a toml
231 // parser to tidy.
232 !file.ancestors().any(|a| {
233 a.ends_with("src/test") ||
234 a.ends_with("src/doc/book")
235 });
237 if is_style_file && !is_in(file, "src", "librustdoc") {
238 // We only check CSS files in rustdoc.
239 return;
240 }
242 if contents.is_empty() {
243 tidy_error!(bad, "{}: empty file", file.display());
244 }
246 let extension = file.extension().unwrap().to_string_lossy();
247 let is_error_code = extension == "md" && is_in(file, "src", "error_codes");
249 let max_columns = if is_error_code { ERROR_CODE_COLS } else { COLS };
251 let can_contain = contents.contains("// ignore-tidy-")
252 || contents.contains("# ignore-tidy-")
253 || contents.contains("/* ignore-tidy-");
254 // Enable testing ICE's that require specific (untidy)
255 // file formats easily eg. `issue-1234-ignore-tidy.rs`
256 if filename.contains("ignore-tidy") {
257 return;
258 }
259 let mut skip_cr = contains_ignore_directive(can_contain, &contents, "cr");
260 let mut skip_undocumented_unsafe =
261 contains_ignore_directive(can_contain, &contents, "undocumented-unsafe");
262 let mut skip_tab = contains_ignore_directive(can_contain, &contents, "tab");
263 let mut skip_line_length = contains_ignore_directive(can_contain, &contents, "linelength");
264 let mut skip_file_length = contains_ignore_directive(can_contain, &contents, "filelength");
265 let mut skip_end_whitespace =
266 contains_ignore_directive(can_contain, &contents, "end-whitespace");
267 let mut skip_trailing_newlines =
268 contains_ignore_directive(can_contain, &contents, "trailing-newlines");
269 let mut skip_leading_newlines =
270 contains_ignore_directive(can_contain, &contents, "leading-newlines");
271 let mut skip_copyright = contains_ignore_directive(can_contain, &contents, "copyright");
272 let mut leading_new_lines = false;
273 let mut trailing_new_lines = 0;
274 let mut lines = 0;
275 let mut last_safety_comment = false;
276 for (i, line) in contents.split('\n').enumerate() {
277 let mut err = |msg: &str| {
278 tidy_error!(bad, "{}:{}: {}", file.display(), i + 1, msg);
279 };
280 if !under_rustfmt
281 && line.chars().count() > max_columns
282 && !long_line_is_ok(&extension, is_error_code, max_columns, line)
283 {
284 suppressible_tidy_err!(
285 err,
286 skip_line_length,
287 &format!("line longer than {} chars", max_columns)
288 );
289 }
290 if !is_style_file && line.contains('\t') {
291 suppressible_tidy_err!(err, skip_tab, "tab character");
292 }
293 if line.ends_with(' ') || line.ends_with('\t') {
294 suppressible_tidy_err!(err, skip_end_whitespace, "trailing whitespace");
295 }
296 if is_style_file && line.starts_with(' ') {
297 err("CSS files use tabs for indent");
298 }
299 if line.contains('\r') {
300 suppressible_tidy_err!(err, skip_cr, "CR character");
301 }
302 if filename != "style.rs" {
303 if line.contains("TODO") {
304 err("TODO is deprecated; use FIXME")
305 }
306 if line.contains("//") && line.contains(" XXX") {
307 err("XXX is deprecated; use FIXME")
308 }
309 }
310 let is_test = || file.components().any(|c| c.as_os_str() == "tests");
311 // for now we just check libcore
312 if line.contains("unsafe {") && !line.trim().starts_with("//") && !last_safety_comment {
313 if file.components().any(|c| c.as_os_str() == "core") && !is_test() {
314 suppressible_tidy_err!(err, skip_undocumented_unsafe, "undocumented unsafe");
315 }
316 }
317 if line.contains("// SAFETY:") {
318 last_safety_comment = true;
319 } else if line.trim().starts_with("//") || line.trim().is_empty() {
320 // keep previous value
321 } else {
322 last_safety_comment = false;
323 }
324 if (line.starts_with("// Copyright")
325 || line.starts_with("# Copyright")
326 || line.starts_with("Copyright"))
327 && (line.contains("Rust Developers") || line.contains("Rust Project Developers"))
328 {
329 suppressible_tidy_err!(
330 err,
331 skip_copyright,
332 "copyright notices attributed to the Rust Project Developers are deprecated"
333 );
334 }
335 if is_unexplained_ignore(&extension, line) {
337 }
338 if filename.ends_with(".cpp") && line.contains("llvm_unreachable") {
340 }
341 if line.is_empty() {
342 if i == 0 {
343 leading_new_lines = true;
344 }
345 trailing_new_lines += 1;
346 } else {
347 trailing_new_lines = 0;
348 }
350 if !line.trim().starts_with("//") {
351 lines += 1;
352 }
353 }
354 if leading_new_lines {
355 let mut err = |_| {
356 tidy_error!(bad, "{}: leading newline", file.display());
357 };
358 suppressible_tidy_err!(err, skip_leading_newlines, "mising leading newline");
359 }
360 let mut err = |msg: &str| {
361 tidy_error!(bad, "{}: {}", file.display(), msg);
362 };
363 match trailing_new_lines {
364 0 => suppressible_tidy_err!(err, skip_trailing_newlines, "missing trailing newline"),
365 1 => {}
366 n => suppressible_tidy_err!(
367 err,
368 skip_trailing_newlines,
369 &format!("too many trailing newlines ({})", n)
370 ),
371 };
372 if lines > LINES {
373 let mut err = |_| {
374 tidy_error!(
375 bad,
376 "{}: too many lines ({}) (add `// \
377 ignore-tidy-filelength` to the file to suppress this error)",
378 file.display(),
379 lines
380 );
381 };
382 suppressible_tidy_err!(err, skip_file_length, "");
383 }
385 if let Directive::Ignore(false) = skip_cr {
386 tidy_error!(bad, "{}: ignoring CR characters unnecessarily", file.display());
387 }
388 if let Directive::Ignore(false) = skip_tab {
389 tidy_error!(bad, "{}: ignoring tab characters unnecessarily", file.display());
390 }
391 if let Directive::Ignore(false) = skip_line_length {
392 tidy_error!(bad, "{}: ignoring line length unnecessarily", file.display());
393 }
394 if let Directive::Ignore(false) = skip_file_length {
395 tidy_error!(bad, "{}: ignoring file length unnecessarily", file.display());
396 }
397 if let Directive::Ignore(false) = skip_end_whitespace {
398 tidy_error!(bad, "{}: ignoring trailing whitespace unnecessarily", file.display());
399 }
400 if let Directive::Ignore(false) = skip_trailing_newlines {
401 tidy_error!(bad, "{}: ignoring trailing newlines unnecessarily", file.display());
402 }
403 if let Directive::Ignore(false) = skip_leading_newlines {
404 tidy_error!(bad, "{}: ignoring leading newlines unnecessarily", file.display());
405 }
406 if let Directive::Ignore(false) = skip_copyright {
407 tidy_error!(bad, "{}: ignoring copyright unnecessarily", file.display());
408 }
409 })
410 }