]> git.proxmox.com Git - proxmox-backup.git/blob - src/tools/zip.rs
tools/zip: fix doc tests
[proxmox-backup.git] / src / tools / zip.rs
1 //! ZIP Helper
2 //!
3 //! Provides an interface to create a ZIP File from ZipEntries
4 //! for a more detailed description of the ZIP format, see:
5 //! https://pkware.cachefly.net/webdocs/casestudies/APPNOTE.TXT
7 use std::convert::TryInto;
8 use std::ffi::OsString;
9 use std::io;
10 use std::mem::size_of;
11 use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt;
12 use std::path::{Component, Path, PathBuf};
14 use anyhow::{Error, Result};
15 use endian_trait::Endian;
16 use tokio::io::{AsyncRead, AsyncWrite, AsyncWriteExt};
18 use crc32fast::Hasher;
19 use proxmox::tools::time::gmtime;
20 use proxmox::tools::byte_buffer::ByteBuffer;
22 const LOCAL_FH_SIG: u32 = 0x04034B50;
23 const LOCAL_FF_SIG: u32 = 0x08074B50;
24 const CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_FH_SIG: u32 = 0x02014B50;
25 const END_OF_CENTRAL_DIR: u32 = 0x06054B50;
26 const VERSION_NEEDED: u16 = 0x002d;
27 const VERSION_MADE_BY: u16 = 0x032d;
29 const ZIP64_EOCD_RECORD: u32 = 0x06064B50;
30 const ZIP64_EOCD_LOCATOR: u32 = 0x07064B50;
32 // bits for time:
33 // 0-4: day of the month (1-31)
34 // 5-8: month: (1 = jan, etc.)
35 // 9-15: year offset from 1980
36 //
37 // bits for date:
38 // 0-4: second / 2
39 // 5-10: minute (0-59)
40 // 11-15: hour (0-23)
41 //
42 // see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winbase/nf-winbase-filetimetodosdatetime
43 fn epoch_to_dos(epoch: i64) -> (u16, u16) {
44 let gmtime = match gmtime(epoch) {
45 Ok(gmtime) => gmtime,
46 Err(_) => return (0, 0),
47 };
49 let seconds = (gmtime.tm_sec / 2) & 0b11111;
50 let minutes = gmtime.tm_min & 0xb111111;
51 let hours = gmtime.tm_hour & 0b11111;
52 let time: u16 = ((hours << 11) | (minutes << 5) | (seconds)) as u16;
54 let date: u16 = if gmtime.tm_year > (2108 - 1900) || gmtime.tm_year < (1980 - 1900) {
55 0
56 } else {
57 let day = gmtime.tm_mday & 0b11111;
58 let month = (gmtime.tm_mon + 1) & 0b1111;
59 let year = (gmtime.tm_year + 1900 - 1980) & 0b1111111;
60 ((year << 9) | (month << 5) | (day)) as u16
61 };
63 (date, time)
64 }
66 #[derive(Endian)]
67 #[repr(C, packed)]
68 struct Zip64Field {
69 field_type: u16,
70 field_size: u16,
71 uncompressed_size: u64,
72 compressed_size: u64,
73 }
75 #[derive(Endian)]
76 #[repr(C, packed)]
77 struct Zip64FieldWithOffset {
78 field_type: u16,
79 field_size: u16,
80 uncompressed_size: u64,
81 compressed_size: u64,
82 offset: u64,
83 }
85 #[derive(Endian)]
86 #[repr(C, packed)]
87 struct LocalFileHeader {
88 signature: u32,
89 version_needed: u16,
90 flags: u16,
91 compression: u16,
92 time: u16,
93 date: u16,
94 crc32: u32,
95 compressed_size: u32,
96 uncompressed_size: u32,
97 filename_len: u16,
98 extra_field_len: u16,
99 }
101 #[derive(Endian)]
102 #[repr(C, packed)]
103 struct LocalFileFooter {
104 signature: u32,
105 crc32: u32,
106 compressed_size: u64,
107 uncompressed_size: u64,
108 }
110 #[derive(Endian)]
111 #[repr(C, packed)]
112 struct CentralDirectoryFileHeader {
113 signature: u32,
114 version_made_by: u16,
115 version_needed: u16,
116 flags: u16,
117 compression: u16,
118 time: u16,
119 date: u16,
120 crc32: u32,
121 compressed_size: u32,
122 uncompressed_size: u32,
123 filename_len: u16,
124 extra_field_len: u16,
125 comment_len: u16,
126 start_disk: u16,
127 internal_flags: u16,
128 external_flags: u32,
129 offset: u32,
130 }
132 #[derive(Endian)]
133 #[repr(C, packed)]
134 struct EndOfCentralDir {
135 signature: u32,
136 disk_number: u16,
137 start_disk: u16,
138 disk_record_count: u16,
139 total_record_count: u16,
140 directory_size: u32,
141 directory_offset: u32,
142 comment_len: u16,
143 }
145 #[derive(Endian)]
146 #[repr(C, packed)]
147 struct Zip64EOCDRecord {
148 signature: u32,
149 field_size: u64,
150 version_made_by: u16,
151 version_needed: u16,
152 disk_number: u32,
153 disk_number_central_dir: u32,
154 disk_record_count: u64,
155 total_record_count: u64,
156 directory_size: u64,
157 directory_offset: u64,
158 }
160 #[derive(Endian)]
161 #[repr(C, packed)]
162 struct Zip64EOCDLocator {
163 signature: u32,
164 disk_number: u32,
165 offset: u64,
166 disk_count: u32,
167 }
169 async fn write_struct<E, T>(output: &mut T, data: E) -> io::Result<()>
170 where
171 T: AsyncWrite + ?Sized + Unpin,
172 E: Endian,
173 {
174 let data = data.to_le();
176 let data = unsafe {
177 std::slice::from_raw_parts(
178 &data as *const E as *const u8,
179 core::mem::size_of_val(&data),
180 )
181 };
182 output.write_all(data).await
183 }
185 /// Represents an Entry in a ZIP File
186 ///
187 /// used to add to a ZipEncoder
188 pub struct ZipEntry {
189 filename: OsString,
190 mtime: i64,
191 mode: u16,
192 crc32: u32,
193 uncompressed_size: u64,
194 compressed_size: u64,
195 offset: u64,
196 is_file: bool,
197 }
199 impl ZipEntry {
200 /// Creates a new ZipEntry
201 ///
202 /// if is_file is false the path will contain an trailing separator,
203 /// so that the zip file understands that it is a directory
204 pub fn new<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P, mtime: i64, mode: u16, is_file: bool) -> Self {
205 let mut relpath = PathBuf::new();
207 for comp in path.as_ref().components() {
208 if let Component::Normal(_) = comp {
209 relpath.push(comp);
210 }
211 }
213 if !is_file {
214 relpath.push(""); // adds trailing slash
215 }
217 Self {
218 filename: relpath.into(),
219 crc32: 0,
220 mtime,
221 mode,
222 uncompressed_size: 0,
223 compressed_size: 0,
224 offset: 0,
225 is_file,
226 }
227 }
229 async fn write_local_header<W>(&self, mut buf: &mut W) -> io::Result<usize>
230 where
231 W: AsyncWrite + Unpin + ?Sized,
232 {
233 let filename = self.filename.as_bytes();
234 let filename_len = filename.len();
235 let header_size = size_of::<LocalFileHeader>();
236 let zip_field_size = size_of::<Zip64Field>();
237 let size: usize = header_size + filename_len + zip_field_size;
239 let (date, time) = epoch_to_dos(self.mtime);
241 write_struct(
242 &mut buf,
243 LocalFileHeader {
244 signature: LOCAL_FH_SIG,
245 version_needed: 0x2d,
246 flags: 1 << 3,
247 compression: 0,
248 time,
249 date,
250 crc32: 0,
251 compressed_size: 0xFFFFFFFF,
252 uncompressed_size: 0xFFFFFFFF,
253 filename_len: filename_len as u16,
254 extra_field_len: zip_field_size as u16,
255 },
256 )
257 .await?;
259 buf.write_all(filename).await?;
261 write_struct(
262 &mut buf,
263 Zip64Field {
264 field_type: 0x0001,
265 field_size: 2 * 8,
266 uncompressed_size: 0,
267 compressed_size: 0,
268 },
269 )
270 .await?;
272 Ok(size)
273 }
275 async fn write_data_descriptor<W: AsyncWrite + Unpin + ?Sized>(
276 &self,
277 mut buf: &mut W,
278 ) -> io::Result<usize> {
279 let size = size_of::<LocalFileFooter>();
281 write_struct(
282 &mut buf,
283 LocalFileFooter {
284 signature: LOCAL_FF_SIG,
285 crc32: self.crc32,
286 compressed_size: self.compressed_size,
287 uncompressed_size: self.uncompressed_size,
288 },
289 )
290 .await?;
292 Ok(size)
293 }
295 async fn write_central_directory_header<W: AsyncWrite + Unpin + ?Sized>(
296 &self,
297 mut buf: &mut W,
298 ) -> io::Result<usize> {
299 let filename = self.filename.as_bytes();
300 let filename_len = filename.len();
301 let header_size = size_of::<CentralDirectoryFileHeader>();
302 let zip_field_size = size_of::<Zip64FieldWithOffset>();
303 let size: usize = header_size + filename_len + zip_field_size;
305 let (date, time) = epoch_to_dos(self.mtime);
307 write_struct(
308 &mut buf,
309 CentralDirectoryFileHeader {
311 version_made_by: VERSION_MADE_BY,
312 version_needed: VERSION_NEEDED,
313 flags: 1 << 3,
314 compression: 0,
315 time,
316 date,
317 crc32: self.crc32,
318 compressed_size: 0xFFFFFFFF,
319 uncompressed_size: 0xFFFFFFFF,
320 filename_len: filename_len as u16,
321 extra_field_len: zip_field_size as u16,
322 comment_len: 0,
323 start_disk: 0,
324 internal_flags: 0,
325 external_flags: (self.mode as u32) << 16 | (!self.is_file as u32) << 4,
326 offset: 0xFFFFFFFF,
327 },
328 )
329 .await?;
331 buf.write_all(filename).await?;
333 write_struct(
334 &mut buf,
335 Zip64FieldWithOffset {
336 field_type: 1,
337 field_size: 3 * 8,
338 uncompressed_size: self.uncompressed_size,
339 compressed_size: self.compressed_size,
340 offset: self.offset,
341 },
342 )
343 .await?;
345 Ok(size)
346 }
347 }
349 /// Wraps a writer that implements AsyncWrite for creating a ZIP archive
350 ///
351 /// This will create a ZIP archive on the fly with files added with
352 /// 'add_entry'. To Finish the file, call 'finish'
353 /// Example:
354 /// ```no_run
355 /// use proxmox_backup::tools::zip::*;
356 /// use tokio::fs::File;
357 /// use tokio::prelude::*;
358 /// use anyhow::{Error, Result};
359 ///
360 /// #[tokio::main]
361 /// async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
362 /// let target = File::open("foo.zip").await?;
363 /// let mut source = File::open("foo.txt").await?;
364 ///
365 /// let mut zip = ZipEncoder::new(target);
366 /// zip.add_entry(ZipEntry::new(
367 /// "foo.txt",
368 /// 0,
369 /// 0o100755,
370 /// true,
371 /// ), Some(source)).await?;
372 ///
373 /// zip.finish().await?;
374 ///
375 /// Ok(())
376 /// }
377 /// ```
378 pub struct ZipEncoder<W>
379 where
380 W: AsyncWrite + Unpin,
381 {
382 byte_count: usize,
383 files: Vec<ZipEntry>,
384 target: W,
385 buf: ByteBuffer,
386 }
388 impl<W: AsyncWrite + Unpin> ZipEncoder<W> {
389 pub fn new(target: W) -> Self {
390 Self {
391 byte_count: 0,
392 files: Vec::new(),
393 target,
394 buf: ByteBuffer::with_capacity(1024*1024),
395 }
396 }
398 pub async fn add_entry<R: AsyncRead + Unpin>(
399 &mut self,
400 mut entry: ZipEntry,
401 content: Option<R>,
402 ) -> Result<(), Error> {
403 entry.offset = self.byte_count.try_into()?;
404 self.byte_count += entry.write_local_header(&mut self.target).await?;
405 if let Some(mut content) = content {
406 let mut hasher = Hasher::new();
407 let mut size = 0;
408 loop {
410 let count = self.buf.read_from_async(&mut content).await?;
412 // end of file
413 if count == 0 {
414 break;
415 }
417 size += count;
418 hasher.update(&self.buf);
419 self.target.write_all(&self.buf).await?;
420 self.buf.consume(count);
421 }
423 self.byte_count += size;
424 entry.compressed_size = size.try_into()?;
425 entry.uncompressed_size = size.try_into()?;
426 entry.crc32 = hasher.finalize();
427 }
428 self.byte_count += entry.write_data_descriptor(&mut self.target).await?;
430 self.files.push(entry);
432 Ok(())
433 }
435 async fn write_eocd(
436 &mut self,
437 central_dir_size: usize,
438 central_dir_offset: usize,
439 ) -> Result<(), Error> {
440 let entrycount = self.files.len();
442 let mut count = entrycount as u16;
443 let mut directory_size = central_dir_size as u32;
444 let mut directory_offset = central_dir_offset as u32;
446 if central_dir_size > u32::MAX as usize
447 || central_dir_offset > u32::MAX as usize
448 || entrycount > u16::MAX as usize
449 {
450 count = 0xFFFF;
451 directory_size = 0xFFFFFFFF;
452 directory_offset = 0xFFFFFFFF;
454 write_struct(
455 &mut self.target,
456 Zip64EOCDRecord {
457 signature: ZIP64_EOCD_RECORD,
458 field_size: 44,
459 version_made_by: VERSION_MADE_BY,
460 version_needed: VERSION_NEEDED,
461 disk_number: 0,
462 disk_number_central_dir: 0,
463 disk_record_count: entrycount.try_into()?,
464 total_record_count: entrycount.try_into()?,
465 directory_size: central_dir_size.try_into()?,
466 directory_offset: central_dir_offset.try_into()?,
467 },
468 )
469 .await?;
471 let locator_offset = central_dir_offset + central_dir_size;
473 write_struct(
474 &mut self.target,
475 Zip64EOCDLocator {
476 signature: ZIP64_EOCD_LOCATOR,
477 disk_number: 0,
478 offset: locator_offset.try_into()?,
479 disk_count: 1,
480 },
481 )
482 .await?;
483 }
485 write_struct(
486 &mut self.target,
487 EndOfCentralDir {
488 signature: END_OF_CENTRAL_DIR,
489 disk_number: 0,
490 start_disk: 0,
491 disk_record_count: count,
492 total_record_count: count,
493 directory_size,
494 directory_offset,
495 comment_len: 0,
496 },
497 )
498 .await?;
500 Ok(())
501 }
503 pub async fn finish(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
504 let central_dir_offset = self.byte_count;
505 let mut central_dir_size = 0;
507 for file in &self.files {
508 central_dir_size += file
509 .write_central_directory_header(&mut self.target)
510 .await?;
511 }
513 self.write_eocd(central_dir_size, central_dir_offset)
514 .await?;
516 self.target.flush().await?;
518 Ok(())
519 }
520 }