]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/vendor/compiletest_rs/src/runtest.rs
New upstream version 1.25.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / vendor / compiletest_rs / src / runtest.rs
1 // Copyright 2012-2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
2 // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
3 // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
4 //
5 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
6 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
7 // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
8 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
9 // except according to those terms.
11 use common::{Config, TestPaths};
12 use common::{CompileFail, ParseFail, Pretty, RunFail, RunPass, RunPassValgrind};
13 use common::{Codegen, DebugInfoLldb, DebugInfoGdb, Rustdoc, CodegenUnits};
14 use common::{Incremental, RunMake, Ui, MirOpt};
15 use diff;
16 use errors::{self, ErrorKind, Error};
17 use filetime::FileTime;
18 use json;
19 use header::TestProps;
20 use util::logv;
22 use std::collections::HashMap;
23 use std::collections::HashSet;
24 use std::env;
25 use std::ffi::OsString;
26 use std::fs::{self, File, create_dir_all};
27 use std::fmt;
28 use std::io::prelude::*;
29 use std::io::{self, BufReader};
30 use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
31 use std::process::{Command, Output, ExitStatus, Stdio, Child};
32 use std::str;
34 use extract_gdb_version;
36 /// The name of the environment variable that holds dynamic library locations.
37 pub fn dylib_env_var() -> &'static str {
38 if cfg!(windows) {
39 "PATH"
40 } else if cfg!(target_os = "macos") {
42 } else if cfg!(target_os = "haiku") {
44 } else {
46 }
47 }
49 pub fn run(config: Config, testpaths: &TestPaths) {
50 match &*config.target {
52 "arm-linux-androideabi" | "armv7-linux-androideabi" | "aarch64-linux-android" => {
53 if !config.adb_device_status {
54 panic!("android device not available");
55 }
56 }
58 _ => {
59 // android has its own gdb handling
60 if config.mode == DebugInfoGdb && config.gdb.is_none() {
61 panic!("gdb not available but debuginfo gdb debuginfo test requested");
62 }
63 }
64 }
66 if config.verbose {
67 // We're going to be dumping a lot of info. Start on a new line.
68 print!("\n\n");
69 }
70 debug!("running {:?}", testpaths.file.display());
71 let base_props = TestProps::from_file(&testpaths.file, None, &config);
73 let base_cx = TestCx { config: &config,
74 props: &base_props,
75 testpaths,
76 revision: None };
77 base_cx.init_all();
79 if base_props.revisions.is_empty() {
80 base_cx.run_revision()
81 } else {
82 for revision in &base_props.revisions {
83 let revision_props = TestProps::from_file(&testpaths.file,
84 Some(revision),
85 &config);
86 let rev_cx = TestCx {
87 config: &config,
88 props: &revision_props,
89 testpaths,
90 revision: Some(revision)
91 };
92 rev_cx.run_revision();
93 }
94 }
96 base_cx.complete_all();
98 File::create(::stamp(&config, testpaths)).unwrap();
99 }
101 struct TestCx<'test> {
102 config: &'test Config,
103 props: &'test TestProps,
104 testpaths: &'test TestPaths,
105 revision: Option<&'test str>
106 }
108 struct DebuggerCommands {
109 commands: Vec<String>,
110 check_lines: Vec<String>,
111 breakpoint_lines: Vec<usize>,
112 }
114 impl<'test> TestCx<'test> {
115 /// invoked once before any revisions have been processed
116 fn init_all(&self) {
117 assert!(self.revision.is_none(), "init_all invoked for a revision");
118 if let Incremental = self.config.mode {
119 self.init_incremental_test()
120 }
121 }
123 /// Code executed for each revision in turn (or, if there are no
124 /// revisions, exactly once, with revision == None).
125 fn run_revision(&self) {
126 match self.config.mode {
127 CompileFail |
128 ParseFail => self.run_cfail_test(),
129 RunFail => self.run_rfail_test(),
130 RunPass => self.run_rpass_test(),
131 RunPassValgrind => self.run_valgrind_test(),
132 Pretty => self.run_pretty_test(),
133 DebugInfoGdb => self.run_debuginfo_gdb_test(),
134 DebugInfoLldb => self.run_debuginfo_lldb_test(),
135 Codegen => self.run_codegen_test(),
136 Rustdoc => self.run_rustdoc_test(),
137 CodegenUnits => self.run_codegen_units_test(),
138 Incremental => self.run_incremental_test(),
139 RunMake => self.run_rmake_test(),
140 Ui => self.run_ui_test(),
141 MirOpt => self.run_mir_opt_test(),
142 }
143 }
145 /// Invoked after all revisions have executed.
146 fn complete_all(&self) {
147 assert!(self.revision.is_none(), "init_all invoked for a revision");
148 }
150 fn run_cfail_test(&self) {
151 let proc_res = self.compile_test();
153 if self.props.must_compile_successfully {
154 if !proc_res.status.success() {
155 self.fatal_proc_rec(
156 "test compilation failed although it shouldn't!",
157 &proc_res);
158 }
159 } else {
160 if proc_res.status.success() {
161 self.fatal_proc_rec(
162 &format!("{} test compiled successfully!", self.config.mode)[..],
163 &proc_res);
164 }
166 self.check_correct_failure_status(&proc_res);
167 }
169 let output_to_check = self.get_output(&proc_res);
170 let expected_errors = errors::load_errors(&self.testpaths.file, self.revision);
171 if !expected_errors.is_empty() {
172 if !self.props.error_patterns.is_empty() {
173 self.fatal("both error pattern and expected errors specified");
174 }
175 self.check_expected_errors(expected_errors, &proc_res);
176 } else {
177 self.check_error_patterns(&output_to_check, &proc_res);
178 }
180 self.check_no_compiler_crash(&proc_res);
181 self.check_forbid_output(&output_to_check, &proc_res);
182 }
184 fn run_rfail_test(&self) {
185 let proc_res = self.compile_test();
187 if !proc_res.status.success() {
188 self.fatal_proc_rec("compilation failed!", &proc_res);
189 }
191 let proc_res = self.exec_compiled_test();
193 // The value our Makefile configures valgrind to return on failure
194 const VALGRIND_ERR: i32 = 100;
195 if proc_res.status.code() == Some(VALGRIND_ERR) {
196 self.fatal_proc_rec("run-fail test isn't valgrind-clean!", &proc_res);
197 }
199 let output_to_check = self.get_output(&proc_res);
200 self.check_correct_failure_status(&proc_res);
201 self.check_error_patterns(&output_to_check, &proc_res);
202 }
204 fn get_output(&self, proc_res: &ProcRes) -> String {
205 if self.props.check_stdout {
206 format!("{}{}", proc_res.stdout, proc_res.stderr)
207 } else {
208 proc_res.stderr.clone()
209 }
210 }
212 fn check_correct_failure_status(&self, proc_res: &ProcRes) {
213 // The value the rust runtime returns on failure
214 const RUST_ERR: i32 = 101;
215 if proc_res.status.code() != Some(RUST_ERR) {
216 self.fatal_proc_rec(
217 &format!("failure produced the wrong error: {}",
218 proc_res.status),
219 proc_res);
220 }
221 }
223 fn run_rpass_test(&self) {
224 let proc_res = self.compile_test();
226 if !proc_res.status.success() {
227 self.fatal_proc_rec("compilation failed!", &proc_res);
228 }
230 // FIXME(#41968): Move this check to tidy?
231 let expected_errors = errors::load_errors(&self.testpaths.file, self.revision);
232 assert!(expected_errors.is_empty(),
233 "run-pass tests with expected warnings should be moved to ui/");
235 let proc_res = self.exec_compiled_test();
237 if !proc_res.status.success() {
238 self.fatal_proc_rec("test run failed!", &proc_res);
239 }
240 }
242 fn run_valgrind_test(&self) {
243 assert!(self.revision.is_none(), "revisions not relevant here");
245 if self.config.valgrind_path.is_none() {
246 assert!(!self.config.force_valgrind);
247 return self.run_rpass_test();
248 }
250 let mut proc_res = self.compile_test();
252 if !proc_res.status.success() {
253 self.fatal_proc_rec("compilation failed!", &proc_res);
254 }
256 let mut new_config = self.config.clone();
257 new_config.runtool = new_config.valgrind_path.clone();
258 let new_cx = TestCx { config: &new_config, ..*self };
259 proc_res = new_cx.exec_compiled_test();
261 if !proc_res.status.success() {
262 self.fatal_proc_rec("test run failed!", &proc_res);
263 }
264 }
266 fn run_pretty_test(&self) {
267 if self.props.pp_exact.is_some() {
268 logv(self.config, "testing for exact pretty-printing".to_owned());
269 } else {
270 logv(self.config, "testing for converging pretty-printing".to_owned());
271 }
273 let rounds = match self.props.pp_exact { Some(_) => 1, None => 2 };
275 let mut src = String::new();
276 File::open(&self.testpaths.file).unwrap().read_to_string(&mut src).unwrap();
277 let mut srcs = vec![src];
279 let mut round = 0;
280 while round < rounds {
281 logv(self.config, format!("pretty-printing round {} revision {:?}",
282 round, self.revision));
283 let proc_res = self.print_source(srcs[round].to_owned(), &self.props.pretty_mode);
285 if !proc_res.status.success() {
286 self.fatal_proc_rec(&format!("pretty-printing failed in round {} revision {:?}",
287 round, self.revision),
288 &proc_res);
289 }
291 let ProcRes{ stdout, .. } = proc_res;
292 srcs.push(stdout);
293 round += 1;
294 }
296 let mut expected = match self.props.pp_exact {
297 Some(ref file) => {
298 let filepath = self.testpaths.file.parent().unwrap().join(file);
299 let mut s = String::new();
300 File::open(&filepath).unwrap().read_to_string(&mut s).unwrap();
301 s
302 }
303 None => { srcs[srcs.len() - 2].clone() }
304 };
305 let mut actual = srcs[srcs.len() - 1].clone();
307 if self.props.pp_exact.is_some() {
308 // Now we have to care about line endings
309 let cr = "\r".to_owned();
310 actual = actual.replace(&cr, "").to_owned();
311 expected = expected.replace(&cr, "").to_owned();
312 }
314 self.compare_source(&expected, &actual);
316 // If we're only making sure that the output matches then just stop here
317 if self.props.pretty_compare_only { return; }
319 // Finally, let's make sure it actually appears to remain valid code
320 let proc_res = self.typecheck_source(actual);
321 if !proc_res.status.success() {
322 self.fatal_proc_rec("pretty-printed source does not typecheck", &proc_res);
323 }
325 if !self.props.pretty_expanded { return }
327 // additionally, run `--pretty expanded` and try to build it.
328 let proc_res = self.print_source(srcs[round].clone(), "expanded");
329 if !proc_res.status.success() {
330 self.fatal_proc_rec("pretty-printing (expanded) failed", &proc_res);
331 }
333 let ProcRes{ stdout: expanded_src, .. } = proc_res;
334 let proc_res = self.typecheck_source(expanded_src);
335 if !proc_res.status.success() {
336 self.fatal_proc_rec(
337 "pretty-printed source (expanded) does not typecheck",
338 &proc_res);
339 }
340 }
342 fn print_source(&self, src: String, pretty_type: &str) -> ProcRes {
343 let aux_dir = self.aux_output_dir_name();
345 let mut rustc = Command::new(&self.config.rustc_path);
346 rustc.arg("-")
347 .arg("-Zunstable-options")
348 .args(&["--unpretty", &pretty_type])
349 .args(&["--target", &self.config.target])
350 .arg("-L").arg(&aux_dir)
351 .args(self.split_maybe_args(&self.config.target_rustcflags))
352 .args(&self.props.compile_flags)
353 .envs(self.props.exec_env.clone());
355 self.compose_and_run(rustc,
356 self.config.compile_lib_path.to_str().unwrap(),
357 Some(aux_dir.to_str().unwrap()),
358 Some(src))
359 }
361 fn compare_source(&self,
362 expected: &str,
363 actual: &str) {
364 if expected != actual {
365 self.error("pretty-printed source does not match expected source");
366 println!("\n\
367 expected:\n\
368 ------------------------------------------\n\
369 {}\n\
370 ------------------------------------------\n\
371 actual:\n\
372 ------------------------------------------\n\
373 {}\n\
374 ------------------------------------------\n\
375 \n",
376 expected, actual);
377 panic!();
378 }
379 }
381 fn typecheck_source(&self, src: String) -> ProcRes {
382 let mut rustc = Command::new(&self.config.rustc_path);
384 let out_dir = self.output_base_name().with_extension("pretty-out");
385 let _ = fs::remove_dir_all(&out_dir);
386 create_dir_all(&out_dir).unwrap();
388 let target = if self.props.force_host {
389 &*self.config.host
390 } else {
391 &*self.config.target
392 };
394 let aux_dir = self.aux_output_dir_name();
396 rustc.arg("-")
397 .arg("-Zno-trans")
398 .arg("--out-dir").arg(&out_dir)
399 .arg(&format!("--target={}", target))
400 .arg("-L").arg(&self.config.build_base)
401 .arg("-L").arg(aux_dir);
403 if let Some(revision) = self.revision {
404 rustc.args(&["--cfg", revision]);
405 }
407 rustc.args(self.split_maybe_args(&self.config.target_rustcflags));
408 rustc.args(&self.props.compile_flags);
410 self.compose_and_run_compiler(rustc, Some(src))
411 }
413 fn run_debuginfo_gdb_test(&self) {
414 assert!(self.revision.is_none(), "revisions not relevant here");
416 let config = Config {
417 target_rustcflags: self.cleanup_debug_info_options(&self.config.target_rustcflags),
418 host_rustcflags: self.cleanup_debug_info_options(&self.config.host_rustcflags),
419 .. self.config.clone()
420 };
422 let test_cx = TestCx {
423 config: &config,
424 ..*self
425 };
427 test_cx.run_debuginfo_gdb_test_no_opt();
428 }
430 fn run_debuginfo_gdb_test_no_opt(&self) {
431 let prefixes = if self.config.gdb_native_rust {
432 // GDB with Rust
433 static PREFIXES: &'static [&'static str] = &["gdb", "gdbr"];
434 println!("NOTE: compiletest thinks it is using GDB with native rust support");
436 } else {
437 // Generic GDB
438 static PREFIXES: &'static [&'static str] = &["gdb", "gdbg"];
439 println!("NOTE: compiletest thinks it is using GDB without native rust support");
441 };
443 let DebuggerCommands {
444 commands,
445 check_lines,
446 breakpoint_lines
447 } = self.parse_debugger_commands(prefixes);
448 let mut cmds = commands.join("\n");
450 // compile test file (it should have 'compile-flags:-g' in the header)
451 let compiler_run_result = self.compile_test();
452 if !compiler_run_result.status.success() {
453 self.fatal_proc_rec("compilation failed!", &compiler_run_result);
454 }
456 let exe_file = self.make_exe_name();
458 let debugger_run_result;
459 match &*self.config.target {
460 "arm-linux-androideabi" |
461 "armv7-linux-androideabi" |
462 "aarch64-linux-android" => {
464 cmds = cmds.replace("run", "continue");
466 let tool_path = match self.config.android_cross_path.to_str() {
467 Some(x) => x.to_owned(),
468 None => self.fatal("cannot find android cross path")
469 };
471 // write debugger script
472 let mut script_str = String::with_capacity(2048);
473 script_str.push_str(&format!("set charset {}\n", Self::charset()));
474 script_str.push_str(&format!("set sysroot {}\n", tool_path));
475 script_str.push_str(&format!("file {}\n", exe_file.to_str().unwrap()));
476 script_str.push_str("target remote :5039\n");
477 script_str.push_str(&format!("set solib-search-path \
478 ./{}/stage2/lib/rustlib/{}/lib/\n",
479 self.config.host, self.config.target));
480 for line in &breakpoint_lines {
481 script_str.push_str(&format!("break {:?}:{}\n",
482 self.testpaths.file.file_name()
483 .unwrap()
484 .to_string_lossy(),
485 *line)[..]);
486 }
487 script_str.push_str(&cmds);
488 script_str.push_str("\nquit\n");
490 debug!("script_str = {}", script_str);
491 self.dump_output_file(&script_str, "debugger.script");
493 let adb_path = &self.config.adb_path;
495 Command::new(adb_path)
496 .arg("push")
497 .arg(&exe_file)
498 .arg(&self.config.adb_test_dir)
499 .status()
500 .expect(&format!("failed to exec `{:?}`", adb_path));
502 Command::new(adb_path)
503 .args(&["forward", "tcp:5039", "tcp:5039"])
504 .status()
505 .expect(&format!("failed to exec `{:?}`", adb_path));
507 let adb_arg = format!("export LD_LIBRARY_PATH={}; \
508 gdbserver{} :5039 {}/{}",
509 self.config.adb_test_dir.clone(),
510 if self.config.target.contains("aarch64")
511 {"64"} else {""},
512 self.config.adb_test_dir.clone(),
513 exe_file.file_name().unwrap().to_str()
514 .unwrap());
516 debug!("adb arg: {}", adb_arg);
517 let mut adb = Command::new(adb_path)
518 .args(&["shell", &adb_arg])
519 .stdout(Stdio::piped())
520 .stderr(Stdio::inherit())
521 .spawn()
522 .expect(&format!("failed to exec `{:?}`", adb_path));
524 // Wait for the gdbserver to print out "Listening on port ..."
525 // at which point we know that it's started and then we can
526 // execute the debugger below.
527 let mut stdout = BufReader::new(adb.stdout.take().unwrap());
528 let mut line = String::new();
529 loop {
530 line.truncate(0);
531 stdout.read_line(&mut line).unwrap();
532 if line.starts_with("Listening on port 5039") {
533 break
534 }
535 }
536 drop(stdout);
538 let debugger_script = self.make_out_name("debugger.script");
539 // FIXME (#9639): This needs to handle non-utf8 paths
540 let debugger_opts =
541 vec!["-quiet".to_owned(),
542 "-batch".to_owned(),
543 "-nx".to_owned(),
544 format!("-command={}", debugger_script.to_str().unwrap())];
546 let mut gdb_path = tool_path;
547 gdb_path.push_str("/bin/gdb");
548 let Output {
549 status,
550 stdout,
551 stderr
552 } = Command::new(&gdb_path)
553 .args(&debugger_opts)
554 .output()
555 .expect(&format!("failed to exec `{:?}`", gdb_path));
556 let cmdline = {
557 let mut gdb = Command::new(&format!("{}-gdb", self.config.target));
558 gdb.args(&debugger_opts);
559 let cmdline = self.make_cmdline(&gdb, "");
560 logv(self.config, format!("executing {}", cmdline));
561 cmdline
562 };
564 debugger_run_result = ProcRes {
565 status,
566 stdout: String::from_utf8(stdout).unwrap(),
567 stderr: String::from_utf8(stderr).unwrap(),
568 cmdline,
569 };
570 if adb.kill().is_err() {
571 println!("Adb process is already finished.");
572 }
573 }
575 _ => {
576 let rust_src_root = self.config.find_rust_src_root().expect(
577 "Could not find Rust source root",
578 );
579 let rust_pp_module_rel_path = Path::new("./src/etc");
580 let rust_pp_module_abs_path = rust_src_root.join(rust_pp_module_rel_path)
581 .to_str()
582 .unwrap()
583 .to_owned();
584 // write debugger script
585 let mut script_str = String::with_capacity(2048);
586 script_str.push_str(&format!("set charset {}\n", Self::charset()));
587 script_str.push_str("show version\n");
589 match self.config.gdb_version {
590 Some(version) => {
591 println!("NOTE: compiletest thinks it is using GDB version {}",
592 version);
594 if version > extract_gdb_version("7.4").unwrap() {
595 // Add the directory containing the pretty printers to
596 // GDB's script auto loading safe path
597 script_str.push_str(
598 &format!("add-auto-load-safe-path {}\n",
599 rust_pp_module_abs_path.replace(r"\", r"\\"))
600 );
601 }
602 }
603 _ => {
604 println!("NOTE: compiletest does not know which version of \
605 GDB it is using");
606 }
607 }
609 // The following line actually doesn't have to do anything with
610 // pretty printing, it just tells GDB to print values on one line:
611 script_str.push_str("set print pretty off\n");
613 // Add the pretty printer directory to GDB's source-file search path
614 script_str.push_str(&format!("directory {}\n",
615 rust_pp_module_abs_path));
617 // Load the target executable
618 script_str.push_str(&format!("file {}\n",
619 exe_file.to_str().unwrap()
620 .replace(r"\", r"\\")));
622 // Force GDB to print values in the Rust format.
623 if self.config.gdb_native_rust {
624 script_str.push_str("set language rust\n");
625 }
627 // Add line breakpoints
628 for line in &breakpoint_lines {
629 script_str.push_str(&format!("break '{}':{}\n",
630 self.testpaths.file.file_name().unwrap()
631 .to_string_lossy(),
632 *line));
633 }
635 script_str.push_str(&cmds);
636 script_str.push_str("\nquit\n");
638 debug!("script_str = {}", script_str);
639 self.dump_output_file(&script_str, "debugger.script");
641 let debugger_script = self.make_out_name("debugger.script");
643 // FIXME (#9639): This needs to handle non-utf8 paths
644 let debugger_opts =
645 vec!["-quiet".to_owned(),
646 "-batch".to_owned(),
647 "-nx".to_owned(),
648 format!("-command={}", debugger_script.to_str().unwrap())];
650 let mut gdb = Command::new(self.config.gdb.as_ref().unwrap());
651 gdb.args(&debugger_opts)
652 .env("PYTHONPATH", rust_pp_module_abs_path);
654 debugger_run_result =
655 self.compose_and_run(gdb,
656 self.config.run_lib_path.to_str().unwrap(),
657 None,
658 None);
659 }
660 }
662 if !debugger_run_result.status.success() {
663 self.fatal_proc_rec("gdb failed to execute", &debugger_run_result);
664 }
666 self.check_debugger_output(&debugger_run_result, &check_lines);
667 }
669 fn run_debuginfo_lldb_test(&self) {
670 assert!(self.revision.is_none(), "revisions not relevant here");
672 if self.config.lldb_python_dir.is_none() {
673 self.fatal("Can't run LLDB test because LLDB's python path is not set.");
674 }
676 let config = Config {
677 target_rustcflags: self.cleanup_debug_info_options(&self.config.target_rustcflags),
678 host_rustcflags: self.cleanup_debug_info_options(&self.config.host_rustcflags),
679 .. self.config.clone()
680 };
683 let test_cx = TestCx {
684 config: &config,
685 ..*self
686 };
688 test_cx.run_debuginfo_lldb_test_no_opt();
689 }
691 fn run_debuginfo_lldb_test_no_opt(&self) {
692 // compile test file (it should have 'compile-flags:-g' in the header)
693 let compile_result = self.compile_test();
694 if !compile_result.status.success() {
695 self.fatal_proc_rec("compilation failed!", &compile_result);
696 }
698 let exe_file = self.make_exe_name();
700 match self.config.lldb_version {
701 Some(ref version) => {
702 println!("NOTE: compiletest thinks it is using LLDB version {}",
703 version);
704 }
705 _ => {
706 println!("NOTE: compiletest does not know which version of \
707 LLDB it is using");
708 }
709 }
711 // Parse debugger commands etc from test files
712 let DebuggerCommands {
713 commands,
714 check_lines,
715 breakpoint_lines,
716 ..
717 } = self.parse_debugger_commands(&["lldb"]);
719 // Write debugger script:
720 // We don't want to hang when calling `quit` while the process is still running
721 let mut script_str = String::from("settings set auto-confirm true\n");
723 // Make LLDB emit its version, so we have it documented in the test output
724 script_str.push_str("version\n");
726 // Switch LLDB into "Rust mode"
727 let rust_src_root = self.config.find_rust_src_root().expect(
728 "Could not find Rust source root",
729 );
730 let rust_pp_module_rel_path = Path::new("./src/etc/lldb_rust_formatters.py");
731 let rust_pp_module_abs_path = rust_src_root.join(rust_pp_module_rel_path)
732 .to_str()
733 .unwrap()
734 .to_owned();
736 script_str.push_str(&format!("command script import {}\n",
737 &rust_pp_module_abs_path[..])[..]);
738 script_str.push_str("type summary add --no-value ");
739 script_str.push_str("--python-function lldb_rust_formatters.print_val ");
740 script_str.push_str("-x \".*\" --category Rust\n");
741 script_str.push_str("type category enable Rust\n");
743 // Set breakpoints on every line that contains the string "#break"
744 let source_file_name = self.testpaths.file.file_name().unwrap().to_string_lossy();
745 for line in &breakpoint_lines {
746 script_str.push_str(&format!("breakpoint set --file '{}' --line {}\n",
747 source_file_name,
748 line));
749 }
751 // Append the other commands
752 for line in &commands {
753 script_str.push_str(line);
754 script_str.push_str("\n");
755 }
757 // Finally, quit the debugger
758 script_str.push_str("\nquit\n");
760 // Write the script into a file
761 debug!("script_str = {}", script_str);
762 self.dump_output_file(&script_str, "debugger.script");
763 let debugger_script = self.make_out_name("debugger.script");
765 // Let LLDB execute the script via lldb_batchmode.py
766 let debugger_run_result = self.run_lldb(&exe_file,
767 &debugger_script,
768 &rust_src_root);
770 if !debugger_run_result.status.success() {
771 self.fatal_proc_rec("Error while running LLDB", &debugger_run_result);
772 }
774 self.check_debugger_output(&debugger_run_result, &check_lines);
775 }
777 fn run_lldb(&self,
778 test_executable: &Path,
779 debugger_script: &Path,
780 rust_src_root: &Path)
781 -> ProcRes {
782 // Prepare the lldb_batchmode which executes the debugger script
783 let lldb_script_path = rust_src_root.join("src/etc/lldb_batchmode.py");
784 self.cmd2procres(Command::new(&self.config.lldb_python)
785 .arg(&lldb_script_path)
786 .arg(test_executable)
787 .arg(debugger_script)
788 .env("PYTHONPATH",
789 self.config.lldb_python_dir.as_ref().unwrap()))
790 }
792 fn cmd2procres(&self, cmd: &mut Command) -> ProcRes {
793 let (status, out, err) = match cmd.output() {
794 Ok(Output { status, stdout, stderr }) => {
795 (status,
796 String::from_utf8(stdout).unwrap(),
797 String::from_utf8(stderr).unwrap())
798 },
799 Err(e) => {
800 self.fatal(&format!("Failed to setup Python process for \
801 LLDB script: {}", e))
802 }
803 };
805 self.dump_output(&out, &err);
806 ProcRes {
807 status,
808 stdout: out,
809 stderr: err,
810 cmdline: format!("{:?}", cmd)
811 }
812 }
814 fn parse_debugger_commands(&self, debugger_prefixes: &[&str]) -> DebuggerCommands {
815 let directives = debugger_prefixes.iter().map(|prefix| (
816 format!("{}-command", prefix),
817 format!("{}-check", prefix),
818 )).collect::<Vec<_>>();
820 let mut breakpoint_lines = vec![];
821 let mut commands = vec![];
822 let mut check_lines = vec![];
823 let mut counter = 1;
824 let reader = BufReader::new(File::open(&self.testpaths.file).unwrap());
825 for line in reader.lines() {
826 match line {
827 Ok(line) => {
828 if line.contains("#break") {
829 breakpoint_lines.push(counter);
830 }
832 for &(ref command_directive, ref check_directive) in &directives {
833 self.config.parse_name_value_directive(
834 &line,
835 command_directive).map(|cmd| {
836 commands.push(cmd)
837 });
839 self.config.parse_name_value_directive(
840 &line,
841 check_directive).map(|cmd| {
842 check_lines.push(cmd)
843 });
844 }
845 }
846 Err(e) => {
847 self.fatal(&format!("Error while parsing debugger commands: {}", e))
848 }
849 }
850 counter += 1;
851 }
853 DebuggerCommands {
854 commands,
855 check_lines,
856 breakpoint_lines,
857 }
858 }
860 fn cleanup_debug_info_options(&self, options: &Option<String>) -> Option<String> {
861 if options.is_none() {
862 return None;
863 }
865 // Remove options that are either unwanted (-O) or may lead to duplicates due to RUSTFLAGS.
866 let options_to_remove = [
867 "-O".to_owned(),
868 "-g".to_owned(),
869 "--debuginfo".to_owned()
870 ];
871 let new_options =
872 self.split_maybe_args(options).into_iter()
873 .filter(|x| !options_to_remove.contains(x))
874 .collect::<Vec<String>>();
876 Some(new_options.join(" "))
877 }
879 fn check_debugger_output(&self, debugger_run_result: &ProcRes, check_lines: &[String]) {
880 let num_check_lines = check_lines.len();
882 let mut check_line_index = 0;
883 for line in debugger_run_result.stdout.lines() {
884 if check_line_index >= num_check_lines {
885 break;
886 }
888 if check_single_line(line, &(check_lines[check_line_index])[..]) {
889 check_line_index += 1;
890 }
891 }
892 if check_line_index != num_check_lines && num_check_lines > 0 {
893 self.fatal_proc_rec(&format!("line not found in debugger output: {}",
894 check_lines[check_line_index]),
895 debugger_run_result);
896 }
898 fn check_single_line(line: &str, check_line: &str) -> bool {
899 // Allow check lines to leave parts unspecified (e.g., uninitialized
900 // bits in the wrong case of an enum) with the notation "[...]".
901 let line = line.trim();
902 let check_line = check_line.trim();
903 let can_start_anywhere = check_line.starts_with("[...]");
904 let can_end_anywhere = check_line.ends_with("[...]");
906 let check_fragments: Vec<&str> = check_line.split("[...]")
907 .filter(|frag| !frag.is_empty())
908 .collect();
909 if check_fragments.is_empty() {
910 return true;
911 }
913 let (mut rest, first_fragment) = if can_start_anywhere {
914 match line.find(check_fragments[0]) {
915 Some(pos) => (&line[pos + check_fragments[0].len() ..], 1),
916 None => return false
917 }
918 } else {
919 (line, 0)
920 };
922 for current_fragment in &check_fragments[first_fragment..] {
923 match rest.find(current_fragment) {
924 Some(pos) => {
925 rest = &rest[pos + current_fragment.len() .. ];
926 }
927 None => return false
928 }
929 }
931 if !can_end_anywhere && !rest.is_empty() {
932 return false;
933 }
935 true
936 }
937 }
939 fn check_error_patterns(&self,
940 output_to_check: &str,
941 proc_res: &ProcRes) {
942 if self.props.error_patterns.is_empty() {
943 if self.props.must_compile_successfully {
944 return
945 } else {
946 self.fatal(&format!("no error pattern specified in {:?}",
947 self.testpaths.file.display()));
948 }
949 }
950 let mut next_err_idx = 0;
951 let mut next_err_pat = self.props.error_patterns[next_err_idx].trim();
952 let mut done = false;
953 for line in output_to_check.lines() {
954 if line.contains(next_err_pat) {
955 debug!("found error pattern {}", next_err_pat);
956 next_err_idx += 1;
957 if next_err_idx == self.props.error_patterns.len() {
958 debug!("found all error patterns");
959 done = true;
960 break;
961 }
962 next_err_pat = self.props.error_patterns[next_err_idx].trim();
963 }
964 }
965 if done { return; }
967 let missing_patterns = &self.props.error_patterns[next_err_idx..];
968 if missing_patterns.len() == 1 {
969 self.fatal_proc_rec(
970 &format!("error pattern '{}' not found!", missing_patterns[0]),
971 proc_res);
972 } else {
973 for pattern in missing_patterns {
974 self.error(&format!("error pattern '{}' not found!", *pattern));
975 }
976 self.fatal_proc_rec("multiple error patterns not found", proc_res);
977 }
978 }
980 fn check_no_compiler_crash(&self, proc_res: &ProcRes) {
981 for line in proc_res.stderr.lines() {
982 if line.contains("error: internal compiler error") {
983 self.fatal_proc_rec("compiler encountered internal error", proc_res);
984 }
985 }
986 }
988 fn check_forbid_output(&self,
989 output_to_check: &str,
990 proc_res: &ProcRes) {
991 for pat in &self.props.forbid_output {
992 if output_to_check.contains(pat) {
993 self.fatal_proc_rec("forbidden pattern found in compiler output", proc_res);
994 }
995 }
996 }
998 fn check_expected_errors(&self,
999 expected_errors: Vec<errors::Error>,
1000 proc_res: &ProcRes) {
1001 if proc_res.status.success() &&
1002 expected_errors.iter().any(|x| x.kind == Some(ErrorKind::Error)) {
1003 self.fatal_proc_rec("process did not return an error status", proc_res);
1004 }
1006 let file_name =
1007 format!("{}", self.testpaths.file.display())
1008 .replace(r"\", "/"); // on windows, translate all '\' path separators to '/'
1010 // If the testcase being checked contains at least one expected "help"
1011 // message, then we'll ensure that all "help" messages are expected.
1012 // Otherwise, all "help" messages reported by the compiler will be ignored.
1013 // This logic also applies to "note" messages.
1014 let expect_help = expected_errors.iter().any(|ee| ee.kind == Some(ErrorKind::Help));
1015 let expect_note = expected_errors.iter().any(|ee| ee.kind == Some(ErrorKind::Note));
1017 // Parse the JSON output from the compiler and extract out the messages.
1018 let actual_errors = json::parse_output(&file_name, &proc_res.stderr, proc_res);
1019 let mut unexpected = Vec::new();
1020 let mut found = vec![false; expected_errors.len()];
1021 for actual_error in &actual_errors {
1022 let opt_index =
1023 expected_errors
1024 .iter()
1025 .enumerate()
1026 .position(|(index, expected_error)| {
1027 !found[index] &&
1028 actual_error.line_num == expected_error.line_num &&
1029 (expected_error.kind.is_none() ||
1030 actual_error.kind == expected_error.kind) &&
1031 actual_error.msg.contains(&expected_error.msg)
1032 });
1034 match opt_index {
1035 Some(index) => {
1036 // found a match, everybody is happy
1037 assert!(!found[index]);
1038 found[index] = true;
1039 }
1041 None => {
1042 if self.is_unexpected_compiler_message(actual_error, expect_help, expect_note) {
1043 self.error(
1044 &format!("{}:{}: unexpected {}: '{}'",
1045 file_name,
1046 actual_error.line_num,
1047 actual_error.kind.as_ref()
1048 .map_or(String::from("message"),
1049 |k| k.to_string()),
1050 actual_error.msg));
1051 unexpected.push(actual_error);
1052 }
1053 }
1054 }
1055 }
1057 let mut not_found = Vec::new();
1058 // anything not yet found is a problem
1059 for (index, expected_error) in expected_errors.iter().enumerate() {
1060 if !found[index] {
1061 self.error(
1062 &format!("{}:{}: expected {} not found: {}",
1063 file_name,
1064 expected_error.line_num,
1065 expected_error.kind.as_ref()
1066 .map_or("message".into(),
1067 |k| k.to_string()),
1068 expected_error.msg));
1069 not_found.push(expected_error);
1070 }
1071 }
1073 if !unexpected.is_empty() || !not_found.is_empty() {
1074 self.error(
1075 &format!("{} unexpected errors found, {} expected errors not found",
1076 unexpected.len(), not_found.len()));
1077 println!("status: {}\ncommand: {}",
1078 proc_res.status, proc_res.cmdline);
1079 if !unexpected.is_empty() {
1080 println!("unexpected errors (from JSON output): {:#?}\n", unexpected);
1081 }
1082 if !not_found.is_empty() {
1083 println!("not found errors (from test file): {:#?}\n", not_found);
1084 }
1085 panic!();
1086 }
1087 }
1089 /// Returns true if we should report an error about `actual_error`,
1090 /// which did not match any of the expected error. We always require
1091 /// errors/warnings to be explicitly listed, but only require
1092 /// helps/notes if there are explicit helps/notes given.
1093 fn is_unexpected_compiler_message(&self,
1094 actual_error: &Error,
1095 expect_help: bool,
1096 expect_note: bool)
1097 -> bool {
1098 match actual_error.kind {
1099 Some(ErrorKind::Help) => expect_help,
1100 Some(ErrorKind::Note) => expect_note,
1101 Some(ErrorKind::Error) |
1102 Some(ErrorKind::Warning) => true,
1103 Some(ErrorKind::Suggestion) |
1104 None => false
1105 }
1106 }
1108 fn compile_test(&self) -> ProcRes {
1109 let mut rustc = self.make_compile_args(
1110 &self.testpaths.file, TargetLocation::ThisFile(self.make_exe_name()));
1112 rustc.arg("-L").arg(&self.aux_output_dir_name());
1114 match self.config.mode {
1115 CompileFail | Ui => {
1116 // compile-fail and ui tests tend to have tons of unused code as
1117 // it's just testing various pieces of the compile, but we don't
1118 // want to actually assert warnings about all this code. Instead
1119 // let's just ignore unused code warnings by defaults and tests
1120 // can turn it back on if needed.
1121 rustc.args(&["-A", "unused"]);
1122 }
1123 _ => {}
1124 }
1126 self.compose_and_run_compiler(rustc, None)
1127 }
1129 fn document(&self, out_dir: &Path) -> ProcRes {
1130 if self.props.build_aux_docs {
1131 for rel_ab in &self.props.aux_builds {
1132 let aux_testpaths = self.compute_aux_test_paths(rel_ab);
1133 let aux_props = self.props.from_aux_file(&aux_testpaths.file,
1134 self.revision,
1135 self.config);
1136 let aux_cx = TestCx {
1137 config: self.config,
1138 props: &aux_props,
1139 testpaths: &aux_testpaths,
1140 revision: self.revision
1141 };
1142 let auxres = aux_cx.document(out_dir);
1143 if !auxres.status.success() {
1144 return auxres;
1145 }
1146 }
1147 }
1149 let aux_dir = self.aux_output_dir_name();
1151 let rustdoc_path = self.config.rustdoc_path.as_ref().expect("--rustdoc-path passed");
1152 let mut rustdoc = Command::new(rustdoc_path);
1154 rustdoc.arg("-L").arg(aux_dir)
1155 .arg("-o").arg(out_dir)
1156 .arg(&self.testpaths.file)
1157 .args(&self.props.compile_flags);
1158 if let Some(ref linker) = self.config.linker {
1159 rustdoc.arg("--linker").arg(linker).arg("-Z").arg("unstable-options");
1160 }
1162 self.compose_and_run_compiler(rustdoc, None)
1163 }
1165 fn exec_compiled_test(&self) -> ProcRes {
1166 let env = &self.props.exec_env;
1168 match &*self.config.target {
1169 // This is pretty similar to below, we're transforming:
1170 //
1171 // program arg1 arg2
1172 //
1173 // into
1174 //
1175 // remote-test-client run program:support-lib.so arg1 arg2
1176 //
1177 // The test-client program will upload `program` to the emulator
1178 // along with all other support libraries listed (in this case
1179 // `support-lib.so`. It will then execute the program on the
1180 // emulator with the arguments specified (in the environment we give
1181 // the process) and then report back the same result.
1182 _ if self.config.remote_test_client.is_some() => {
1183 let aux_dir = self.aux_output_dir_name();
1184 let ProcArgs { mut prog, args } = self.make_run_args();
1185 if let Ok(entries) = aux_dir.read_dir() {
1186 for entry in entries {
1187 let entry = entry.unwrap();
1188 if !entry.path().is_file() {
1189 continue
1190 }
1191 prog.push_str(":");
1192 prog.push_str(entry.path().to_str().unwrap());
1193 }
1194 }
1195 let mut test_client = Command::new(
1196 self.config.remote_test_client.as_ref().unwrap());
1197 test_client
1198 .args(&["run", &prog])
1199 .args(args)
1200 .envs(env.clone());
1201 self.compose_and_run(test_client,
1202 self.config.run_lib_path.to_str().unwrap(),
1203 Some(aux_dir.to_str().unwrap()),
1204 None)
1205 }
1206 _ => {
1207 let aux_dir = self.aux_output_dir_name();
1208 let ProcArgs { prog, args } = self.make_run_args();
1209 let mut program = Command::new(&prog);
1210 program.args(args)
1211 .current_dir(&self.output_base_name().parent().unwrap())
1212 .envs(env.clone());
1213 self.compose_and_run(program,
1214 self.config.run_lib_path.to_str().unwrap(),
1215 Some(aux_dir.to_str().unwrap()),
1216 None)
1217 }
1218 }
1219 }
1221 /// For each `aux-build: foo/bar` annotation, we check to find the
1222 /// file in a `aux` directory relative to the test itself.
1223 fn compute_aux_test_paths(&self, rel_ab: &str) -> TestPaths {
1224 let test_ab = self.testpaths.file
1225 .parent()
1226 .expect("test file path has no parent")
1227 .join("auxiliary")
1228 .join(rel_ab);
1229 if !test_ab.exists() {
1230 self.fatal(&format!("aux-build `{}` source not found", test_ab.display()))
1231 }
1233 TestPaths {
1234 file: test_ab,
1235 base: self.testpaths.base.clone(),
1236 relative_dir: self.testpaths.relative_dir
1237 .join("auxiliary")
1238 .join(rel_ab)
1239 .parent()
1240 .expect("aux-build path has no parent")
1241 .to_path_buf()
1242 }
1243 }
1245 fn compose_and_run_compiler(&self, mut rustc: Command, input: Option<String>) -> ProcRes {
1246 if !self.props.aux_builds.is_empty() {
1247 create_dir_all(&self.aux_output_dir_name()).unwrap();
1248 }
1250 let aux_dir = self.aux_output_dir_name();
1252 for rel_ab in &self.props.aux_builds {
1253 let aux_testpaths = self.compute_aux_test_paths(rel_ab);
1254 let aux_props = self.props.from_aux_file(&aux_testpaths.file,
1255 self.revision,
1256 self.config);
1257 let aux_output = {
1258 let f = self.make_lib_name(&self.testpaths.file);
1259 let parent = f.parent().unwrap();
1260 TargetLocation::ThisDirectory(parent.to_path_buf())
1261 };
1262 let aux_cx = TestCx {
1263 config: self.config,
1264 props: &aux_props,
1265 testpaths: &aux_testpaths,
1266 revision: self.revision
1267 };
1268 let mut aux_rustc = aux_cx.make_compile_args(&aux_testpaths.file, aux_output);
1270 let crate_type = if aux_props.no_prefer_dynamic {
1271 None
1272 } else if (self.config.target.contains("musl") && !aux_props.force_host) ||
1273 self.config.target.contains("wasm32") ||
1274 self.config.target.contains("emscripten") {
1275 // We primarily compile all auxiliary libraries as dynamic libraries
1276 // to avoid code size bloat and large binaries as much as possible
1277 // for the test suite (otherwise including libstd statically in all
1278 // executables takes up quite a bit of space).
1279 //
1280 // For targets like MUSL or Emscripten, however, there is no support for
1281 // dynamic libraries so we just go back to building a normal library. Note,
1282 // however, that for MUSL if the library is built with `force_host` then
1283 // it's ok to be a dylib as the host should always support dylibs.
1284 Some("lib")
1285 } else {
1286 Some("dylib")
1287 };
1289 if let Some(crate_type) = crate_type {
1290 aux_rustc.args(&["--crate-type", crate_type]);
1291 }
1293 aux_rustc.arg("-L").arg(&aux_dir);
1295 let auxres = aux_cx.compose_and_run(aux_rustc,
1296 aux_cx.config.compile_lib_path.to_str().unwrap(),
1297 Some(aux_dir.to_str().unwrap()),
1298 None);
1299 if !auxres.status.success() {
1300 self.fatal_proc_rec(
1301 &format!("auxiliary build of {:?} failed to compile: ",
1302 aux_testpaths.file.display()),
1303 &auxres);
1304 }
1305 }
1307 rustc.envs(self.props.rustc_env.clone());
1308 self.compose_and_run(rustc,
1309 self.config.compile_lib_path.to_str().unwrap(),
1310 Some(aux_dir.to_str().unwrap()),
1311 input)
1312 }
1314 fn compose_and_run(&self,
1315 mut command: Command,
1316 lib_path: &str,
1317 aux_path: Option<&str>,
1318 input: Option<String>) -> ProcRes {
1319 let cmdline =
1320 {
1321 let cmdline = self.make_cmdline(&command, lib_path);
1322 logv(self.config, format!("executing {}", cmdline));
1323 cmdline
1324 };
1326 command
1327 .stdout(Stdio::piped())
1328 .stderr(Stdio::piped())
1329 .stdin(Stdio::piped());
1331 // Need to be sure to put both the lib_path and the aux path in the dylib
1332 // search path for the child.
1333 let mut path = env::split_paths(&env::var_os(dylib_env_var()).unwrap_or(OsString::new()))
1334 .collect::<Vec<_>>();
1335 if let Some(p) = aux_path {
1336 path.insert(0, PathBuf::from(p))
1337 }
1338 path.insert(0, PathBuf::from(lib_path));
1340 // Add the new dylib search path var
1341 let newpath = env::join_paths(&path).unwrap();
1342 command.env(dylib_env_var(), newpath);
1344 let mut child = command.spawn().expect(&format!("failed to exec `{:?}`", &command));
1345 if let Some(input) = input {
1346 child.stdin.as_mut().unwrap().write_all(input.as_bytes()).unwrap();
1347 }
1349 let Output { status, stdout, stderr } = read2_abbreviated(child)
1350 .expect("failed to read output");
1352 let result = ProcRes {
1353 status,
1354 stdout: String::from_utf8_lossy(&stdout).into_owned(),
1355 stderr: String::from_utf8_lossy(&stderr).into_owned(),
1356 cmdline,
1357 };
1359 self.dump_output(&result.stdout, &result.stderr);
1361 result
1362 }
1364 fn make_compile_args(&self, input_file: &Path, output_file: TargetLocation) -> Command {
1365 let mut rustc = Command::new(&self.config.rustc_path);
1366 rustc.arg(input_file)
1367 .arg("-L").arg(&self.config.build_base);
1369 // Optionally prevent default --target if specified in test compile-flags.
1370 let custom_target = self.props.compile_flags
1371 .iter()
1372 .fold(false, |acc, x| acc || x.starts_with("--target"));
1374 if !custom_target {
1375 let target = if self.props.force_host {
1376 &*self.config.host
1377 } else {
1378 &*self.config.target
1379 };
1381 rustc.arg(&format!("--target={}", target));
1382 }
1384 if let Some(revision) = self.revision {
1385 rustc.args(&["--cfg", revision]);
1386 }
1388 if let Some(ref incremental_dir) = self.props.incremental_dir {
1389 rustc.args(&["-Z", &format!("incremental={}", incremental_dir.display())]);
1390 rustc.args(&["-Z", "incremental-verify-ich"]);
1391 rustc.args(&["-Z", "incremental-queries"]);
1392 }
1394 match self.config.mode {
1395 CompileFail |
1396 ParseFail |
1397 Incremental => {
1398 // If we are extracting and matching errors in the new
1399 // fashion, then you want JSON mode. Old-skool error
1400 // patterns still match the raw compiler output.
1401 if self.props.error_patterns.is_empty() {
1402 rustc.args(&["--error-format", "json"]);
1403 }
1404 }
1405 MirOpt => {
1406 rustc.args(&[
1407 "-Zdump-mir=all",
1408 "-Zmir-opt-level=3",
1409 "-Zdump-mir-exclude-pass-number"]);
1411 let mir_dump_dir = self.get_mir_dump_dir();
1412 let _ = fs::remove_dir_all(&mir_dump_dir);
1413 create_dir_all(mir_dump_dir.as_path()).unwrap();
1414 let mut dir_opt = "-Zdump-mir-dir=".to_string();
1415 dir_opt.push_str(mir_dump_dir.to_str().unwrap());
1416 debug!("dir_opt: {:?}", dir_opt);
1418 rustc.arg(dir_opt);
1419 }
1420 RunPass |
1421 RunFail |
1422 RunPassValgrind |
1423 Pretty |
1424 DebugInfoGdb |
1425 DebugInfoLldb |
1426 Codegen |
1427 Rustdoc |
1428 RunMake |
1429 Ui |
1430 CodegenUnits => {
1431 // do not use JSON output
1432 }
1433 }
1436 if self.config.target == "wasm32-unknown-unknown" {
1437 // rustc.arg("-g"); // get any backtrace at all on errors
1438 } else if !self.props.no_prefer_dynamic {
1439 rustc.args(&["-C", "prefer-dynamic"]);
1440 }
1442 match output_file {
1443 TargetLocation::ThisFile(path) => {
1444 rustc.arg("-o").arg(path);
1445 }
1446 TargetLocation::ThisDirectory(path) => {
1447 rustc.arg("--out-dir").arg(path);
1448 }
1449 }
1451 if self.props.force_host {
1452 rustc.args(self.split_maybe_args(&self.config.host_rustcflags));
1453 } else {
1454 rustc.args(self.split_maybe_args(&self.config.target_rustcflags));
1455 }
1456 if let Some(ref linker) = self.config.linker {
1457 rustc.arg(format!("-Clinker={}", linker));
1458 }
1460 rustc.args(&self.props.compile_flags);
1462 rustc
1463 }
1465 fn make_lib_name(&self, auxfile: &Path) -> PathBuf {
1466 // what we return here is not particularly important, as it
1467 // happens; rustc ignores everything except for the directory.
1468 let auxname = self.output_testname(auxfile);
1469 self.aux_output_dir_name().join(&auxname)
1470 }
1472 fn make_exe_name(&self) -> PathBuf {
1473 let mut f = self.output_base_name();
1474 // FIXME: This is using the host architecture exe suffix, not target!
1475 if self.config.target.contains("emscripten") {
1476 let mut fname = f.file_name().unwrap().to_os_string();
1477 fname.push(".js");
1478 f.set_file_name(&fname);
1479 } else if self.config.target.contains("wasm32") {
1480 let mut fname = f.file_name().unwrap().to_os_string();
1481 fname.push(".wasm");
1482 f.set_file_name(&fname);
1483 } else if !env::consts::EXE_SUFFIX.is_empty() {
1484 let mut fname = f.file_name().unwrap().to_os_string();
1485 fname.push(env::consts::EXE_SUFFIX);
1486 f.set_file_name(&fname);
1487 }
1488 f
1489 }
1491 fn make_run_args(&self) -> ProcArgs {
1492 // If we've got another tool to run under (valgrind),
1493 // then split apart its command
1494 let mut args = self.split_maybe_args(&self.config.runtool);
1496 // If this is emscripten, then run tests under nodejs
1497 if self.config.target.contains("emscripten") {
1498 if let Some(ref p) = self.config.nodejs {
1499 args.push(p.clone());
1500 } else {
1501 self.fatal("no NodeJS binary found (--nodejs)");
1502 }
1503 }
1505 // If this is otherwise wasm , then run tests under nodejs with our
1506 // shim
1507 if self.config.target.contains("wasm32") {
1508 if let Some(ref p) = self.config.nodejs {
1509 args.push(p.clone());
1510 } else {
1511 self.fatal("no NodeJS binary found (--nodejs)");
1512 }
1514 let src = self.config.src_base
1515 .parent().unwrap() // chop off `run-pass`
1516 .parent().unwrap() // chop off `test`
1517 .parent().unwrap(); // chop off `src`
1518 args.push(src.join("src/etc/wasm32-shim.js").display().to_string());
1519 }
1521 let exe_file = self.make_exe_name();
1523 // FIXME (#9639): This needs to handle non-utf8 paths
1524 args.push(exe_file.to_str().unwrap().to_owned());
1526 // Add the arguments in the run_flags directive
1527 args.extend(self.split_maybe_args(&self.props.run_flags));
1529 let prog = args.remove(0);
1530 ProcArgs {
1531 prog,
1532 args,
1533 }
1534 }
1536 fn split_maybe_args(&self, argstr: &Option<String>) -> Vec<String> {
1537 match *argstr {
1538 Some(ref s) => {
1539 s
1540 .split(' ')
1541 .filter_map(|s| {
1542 if s.chars().all(|c| c.is_whitespace()) {
1543 None
1544 } else {
1545 Some(s.to_owned())
1546 }
1547 }).collect()
1548 }
1549 None => Vec::new()
1550 }
1551 }
1553 fn make_cmdline(&self, command: &Command, libpath: &str) -> String {
1554 use util;
1556 // Linux and mac don't require adjusting the library search path
1557 if cfg!(unix) {
1558 format!("{:?}", command)
1559 } else {
1560 // Build the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable as it would be seen on the command line
1561 // for diagnostic purposes
1562 fn lib_path_cmd_prefix(path: &str) -> String {
1563 format!("{}=\"{}\"", util::lib_path_env_var(), util::make_new_path(path))
1564 }
1566 format!("{} {:?}", lib_path_cmd_prefix(libpath), command)
1567 }
1568 }
1570 fn dump_output(&self, out: &str, err: &str) {
1571 let revision = if let Some(r) = self.revision {
1572 format!("{}.", r)
1573 } else {
1574 String::new()
1575 };
1577 self.dump_output_file(out, &format!("{}out", revision));
1578 self.dump_output_file(err, &format!("{}err", revision));
1579 self.maybe_dump_to_stdout(out, err);
1580 }
1582 fn dump_output_file(&self,
1583 out: &str,
1584 extension: &str) {
1585 let outfile = self.make_out_name(extension);
1586 File::create(&outfile).unwrap().write_all(out.as_bytes()).unwrap();
1587 }
1589 fn make_out_name(&self, extension: &str) -> PathBuf {
1590 self.output_base_name().with_extension(extension)
1591 }
1593 fn aux_output_dir_name(&self) -> PathBuf {
1594 let f = self.output_base_name();
1595 let mut fname = f.file_name().unwrap().to_os_string();
1596 fname.push(&format!("{}.aux", self.config.mode.disambiguator()));
1597 f.with_file_name(&fname)
1598 }
1600 fn output_testname(&self, filepath: &Path) -> PathBuf {
1601 PathBuf::from(filepath.file_stem().unwrap())
1602 }
1604 /// Given a test path like `compile-fail/foo/bar.rs` Returns a name like
1605 /// `<output>/foo/bar-stage1`
1606 fn output_base_name(&self) -> PathBuf {
1607 let dir = self.config.build_base.join(&self.testpaths.relative_dir);
1609 // Note: The directory `dir` is created during `collect_tests_from_dir`
1610 dir
1611 .join(&self.output_testname(&self.testpaths.file))
1612 .with_extension(&self.config.stage_id)
1613 }
1615 fn maybe_dump_to_stdout(&self, out: &str, err: &str) {
1616 if self.config.verbose {
1617 println!("------{}------------------------------", "stdout");
1618 println!("{}", out);
1619 println!("------{}------------------------------", "stderr");
1620 println!("{}", err);
1621 println!("------------------------------------------");
1622 }
1623 }
1625 fn error(&self, err: &str) {
1626 match self.revision {
1627 Some(rev) => println!("\nerror in revision `{}`: {}", rev, err),
1628 None => println!("\nerror: {}", err)
1629 }
1630 }
1632 fn fatal(&self, err: &str) -> ! {
1633 self.error(err); panic!();
1634 }
1636 fn fatal_proc_rec(&self, err: &str, proc_res: &ProcRes) -> ! {
1637 self.try_print_open_handles();
1638 self.error(err);
1639 proc_res.fatal(None);
1640 }
1642 // This function is a poor man's attempt to debug rust-lang/rust#38620, if
1643 // that's closed then this should be deleted
1644 //
1645 // This is a very "opportunistic" debugging attempt, so we ignore all
1646 // errors here.
1647 fn try_print_open_handles(&self) {
1648 if !cfg!(windows) {
1649 return
1650 }
1651 if self.config.mode != Incremental {
1652 return
1653 }
1655 let filename = match self.testpaths.file.file_stem() {
1656 Some(path) => path,
1657 None => return,
1658 };
1660 let mut cmd = Command::new("handle.exe");
1661 cmd.arg("-a").arg("-u");
1662 cmd.arg(filename);
1663 cmd.arg("-nobanner");
1664 cmd.stdout(Stdio::piped());
1665 cmd.stderr(Stdio::piped());
1666 let output = match cmd.spawn().and_then(read2_abbreviated) {
1667 Ok(output) => output,
1668 Err(_) => return,
1669 };
1670 println!("---------------------------------------------------");
1671 println!("ran extra command to debug rust-lang/rust#38620: ");
1672 println!("{:?}", cmd);
1673 println!("result: {}", output.status);
1674 println!("--- stdout ----------------------------------------");
1675 println!("{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout));
1676 println!("--- stderr ----------------------------------------");
1677 println!("{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr));
1678 println!("---------------------------------------------------");
1679 }
1681 // codegen tests (using FileCheck)
1683 fn compile_test_and_save_ir(&self) -> ProcRes {
1684 let aux_dir = self.aux_output_dir_name();
1686 let output_file = TargetLocation::ThisDirectory(
1687 self.output_base_name().parent().unwrap().to_path_buf());
1688 let mut rustc = self.make_compile_args(&self.testpaths.file, output_file);
1689 rustc.arg("-L").arg(aux_dir)
1690 .arg("--emit=llvm-ir");
1692 self.compose_and_run_compiler(rustc, None)
1693 }
1695 fn check_ir_with_filecheck(&self) -> ProcRes {
1696 let irfile = self.output_base_name().with_extension("ll");
1697 let mut filecheck = Command::new(self.config.llvm_filecheck.as_ref().unwrap());
1698 filecheck.arg("--input-file").arg(irfile)
1699 .arg(&self.testpaths.file);
1700 self.compose_and_run(filecheck, "", None, None)
1701 }
1703 fn run_codegen_test(&self) {
1704 assert!(self.revision.is_none(), "revisions not relevant here");
1706 if self.config.llvm_filecheck.is_none() {
1707 self.fatal("missing --llvm-filecheck");
1708 }
1710 let mut proc_res = self.compile_test_and_save_ir();
1711 if !proc_res.status.success() {
1712 self.fatal_proc_rec("compilation failed!", &proc_res);
1713 }
1715 proc_res = self.check_ir_with_filecheck();
1716 if !proc_res.status.success() {
1717 self.fatal_proc_rec("verification with 'FileCheck' failed", &proc_res);
1718 }
1719 }
1721 fn charset() -> &'static str {
1722 // FreeBSD 10.1 defaults to GDB 6.1.1 which doesn't support "auto" charset
1723 if cfg!(target_os = "bitrig") {
1724 "auto"
1725 } else if cfg!(target_os = "freebsd") {
1726 "ISO-8859-1"
1727 } else {
1728 "UTF-8"
1729 }
1730 }
1732 fn run_rustdoc_test(&self) {
1733 assert!(self.revision.is_none(), "revisions not relevant here");
1735 let out_dir = self.output_base_name();
1736 let _ = fs::remove_dir_all(&out_dir);
1737 create_dir_all(&out_dir).unwrap();
1739 let proc_res = self.document(&out_dir);
1740 if !proc_res.status.success() {
1741 self.fatal_proc_rec("rustdoc failed!", &proc_res);
1742 }
1744 if self.props.check_test_line_numbers_match {
1745 self.check_rustdoc_test_option(proc_res);
1746 } else {
1747 let root = self.config.find_rust_src_root().unwrap();
1748 let res = self.cmd2procres(
1749 Command::new(&self.config.docck_python)
1750 .arg(root.join("src/etc/htmldocck.py"))
1751 .arg(out_dir)
1752 .arg(&self.testpaths.file),
1753 );
1754 if !res.status.success() {
1755 self.fatal_proc_rec("htmldocck failed!", &res);
1756 }
1757 }
1758 }
1760 fn get_lines<P: AsRef<Path>>(&self, path: &P,
1761 mut other_files: Option<&mut Vec<String>>) -> Vec<usize> {
1762 let mut file = fs::File::open(path)
1763 .expect("markdown_test_output_check_entry File::open failed");
1764 let mut content = String::new();
1765 file.read_to_string(&mut content)
1766 .expect("markdown_test_output_check_entry read_to_string failed");
1767 let mut ignore = false;
1768 content.lines()
1769 .enumerate()
1770 .filter_map(|(line_nb, line)| {
1771 if (line.trim_left().starts_with("pub mod ") ||
1772 line.trim_left().starts_with("mod ")) &&
1773 line.ends_with(';') {
1774 if let Some(ref mut other_files) = other_files {
1775 other_files.push(line.rsplit("mod ")
1776 .next()
1777 .unwrap()
1778 .replace(";", ""));
1779 }
1780 None
1781 } else {
1782 let sline = line.split("///").last().unwrap_or("");
1783 let line = sline.trim_left();
1784 if line.starts_with("```") {
1785 if ignore {
1786 ignore = false;
1787 None
1788 } else {
1789 ignore = true;
1790 Some(line_nb + 1)
1791 }
1792 } else {
1793 None
1794 }
1795 }
1796 })
1797 .collect()
1798 }
1800 fn check_rustdoc_test_option(&self, res: ProcRes) {
1801 let mut other_files = Vec::new();
1802 let mut files: HashMap<String, Vec<usize>> = HashMap::new();
1803 let cwd = env::current_dir().unwrap();
1804 files.insert(self.testpaths.file.strip_prefix(&cwd)
1805 .unwrap_or(&self.testpaths.file)
1806 .to_str()
1807 .unwrap()
1808 .replace('\\', "/"),
1809 self.get_lines(&self.testpaths.file, Some(&mut other_files)));
1810 for other_file in other_files {
1811 let mut path = self.testpaths.file.clone();
1812 path.set_file_name(&format!("{}.rs", other_file));
1813 files.insert(path.strip_prefix(&cwd)
1814 .unwrap_or(&path)
1815 .to_str()
1816 .unwrap()
1817 .replace('\\', "/"),
1818 self.get_lines(&path, None));
1819 }
1821 let mut tested = 0;
1822 for _ in res.stdout.split('\n')
1823 .filter(|s| s.starts_with("test "))
1824 .inspect(|s| {
1825 let tmp: Vec<&str> = s.split(" - ").collect();
1826 if tmp.len() == 2 {
1827 let path = tmp[0].rsplit("test ").next().unwrap();
1828 if let Some(ref mut v) = files.get_mut(
1829 &path.replace('\\', "/")) {
1830 tested += 1;
1831 let mut iter = tmp[1].split("(line ");
1832 iter.next();
1833 let line = iter.next()
1834 .unwrap_or(")")
1835 .split(')')
1836 .next()
1837 .unwrap_or("0")
1838 .parse()
1839 .unwrap_or(0);
1840 if let Ok(pos) = v.binary_search(&line) {
1841 v.remove(pos);
1842 } else {
1843 self.fatal_proc_rec(
1844 &format!("Not found doc test: \"{}\" in \"{}\":{:?}",
1845 s, path, v),
1846 &res);
1847 }
1848 }
1849 }
1850 }) {}
1851 if tested == 0 {
1852 self.fatal_proc_rec(&format!("No test has been found... {:?}", files), &res);
1853 } else {
1854 for (entry, v) in &files {
1855 if !v.is_empty() {
1856 self.fatal_proc_rec(&format!("Not found test at line{} \"{}\":{:?}",
1857 if v.len() > 1 { "s" } else { "" }, entry, v),
1858 &res);
1859 }
1860 }
1861 }
1862 }
1864 fn run_codegen_units_test(&self) {
1865 assert!(self.revision.is_none(), "revisions not relevant here");
1867 let proc_res = self.compile_test();
1869 if !proc_res.status.success() {
1870 self.fatal_proc_rec("compilation failed!", &proc_res);
1871 }
1873 self.check_no_compiler_crash(&proc_res);
1875 const PREFIX: &'static str = "TRANS_ITEM ";
1876 const CGU_MARKER: &'static str = "@@";
1878 let actual: Vec<TransItem> = proc_res
1879 .stdout
1880 .lines()
1881 .filter(|line| line.starts_with(PREFIX))
1882 .map(str_to_trans_item)
1883 .collect();
1885 let expected: Vec<TransItem> = errors::load_errors(&self.testpaths.file, None)
1886 .iter()
1887 .map(|e| str_to_trans_item(&e.msg[..]))
1888 .collect();
1890 let mut missing = Vec::new();
1891 let mut wrong_cgus = Vec::new();
1893 for expected_item in &expected {
1894 let actual_item_with_same_name = actual.iter()
1895 .find(|ti| ti.name == expected_item.name);
1897 if let Some(actual_item) = actual_item_with_same_name {
1898 if !expected_item.codegen_units.is_empty() &&
1899 // Also check for codegen units
1900 expected_item.codegen_units != actual_item.codegen_units {
1901 wrong_cgus.push((expected_item.clone(), actual_item.clone()));
1902 }
1903 } else {
1904 missing.push(expected_item.string.clone());
1905 }
1906 }
1908 let unexpected: Vec<_> =
1909 actual.iter()
1910 .filter(|acgu| !expected.iter().any(|ecgu| acgu.name == ecgu.name))
1911 .map(|acgu| acgu.string.clone())
1912 .collect();
1914 if !missing.is_empty() {
1915 missing.sort();
1917 println!("\nThese items should have been contained but were not:\n");
1919 for item in &missing {
1920 println!("{}", item);
1921 }
1923 println!("\n");
1924 }
1926 if !unexpected.is_empty() {
1927 let sorted = {
1928 let mut sorted = unexpected.clone();
1929 sorted.sort();
1930 sorted
1931 };
1933 println!("\nThese items were contained but should not have been:\n");
1935 for item in sorted {
1936 println!("{}", item);
1937 }
1939 println!("\n");
1940 }
1942 if !wrong_cgus.is_empty() {
1943 wrong_cgus.sort_by_key(|pair| pair.0.name.clone());
1944 println!("\nThe following items were assigned to wrong codegen units:\n");
1946 for &(ref expected_item, ref actual_item) in &wrong_cgus {
1947 println!("{}", expected_item.name);
1948 println!(" expected: {}", codegen_units_to_str(&expected_item.codegen_units));
1949 println!(" actual: {}", codegen_units_to_str(&actual_item.codegen_units));
1950 println!("");
1951 }
1952 }
1954 if !(missing.is_empty() && unexpected.is_empty() && wrong_cgus.is_empty())
1955 {
1956 panic!();
1957 }
1959 #[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
1960 struct TransItem {
1961 name: String,
1962 codegen_units: HashSet<String>,
1963 string: String,
1964 }
1966 // [TRANS_ITEM] name [@@ (cgu)+]
1967 fn str_to_trans_item(s: &str) -> TransItem {
1968 let s = if s.starts_with(PREFIX) {
1969 (&s[PREFIX.len()..]).trim()
1970 } else {
1971 s.trim()
1972 };
1974 let full_string = format!("{}{}", PREFIX, s.trim().to_owned());
1976 let parts: Vec<&str> = s.split(CGU_MARKER)
1977 .map(str::trim)
1978 .filter(|s| !s.is_empty())
1979 .collect();
1981 let name = parts[0].trim();
1983 let cgus = if parts.len() > 1 {
1984 let cgus_str = parts[1];
1986 cgus_str.split(' ')
1987 .map(str::trim)
1988 .filter(|s| !s.is_empty())
1989 .map(str::to_owned)
1990 .collect()
1991 }
1992 else {
1993 HashSet::new()
1994 };
1996 TransItem {
1997 name: name.to_owned(),
1998 codegen_units: cgus,
1999 string: full_string,
2000 }
2001 }
2003 fn codegen_units_to_str(cgus: &HashSet<String>) -> String
2004 {
2005 let mut cgus: Vec<_> = cgus.iter().collect();
2006 cgus.sort();
2008 let mut string = String::new();
2009 for cgu in cgus {
2010 string.push_str(&cgu[..]);
2011 string.push_str(" ");
2012 }
2014 string
2015 }
2016 }
2018 fn init_incremental_test(&self) {
2019 // (See `run_incremental_test` for an overview of how incremental tests work.)
2021 // Before any of the revisions have executed, create the
2022 // incremental workproduct directory. Delete any old
2023 // incremental work products that may be there from prior
2024 // runs.
2025 let incremental_dir = self.incremental_dir();
2026 if incremental_dir.exists() {
2027 // Canonicalizing the path will convert it to the //?/ format
2028 // on Windows, which enables paths longer than 260 character
2029 let canonicalized = incremental_dir.canonicalize().unwrap();
2030 fs::remove_dir_all(canonicalized).unwrap();
2031 }
2032 fs::create_dir_all(&incremental_dir).unwrap();
2034 if self.config.verbose {
2035 print!("init_incremental_test: incremental_dir={}", incremental_dir.display());
2036 }
2037 }
2039 fn run_incremental_test(&self) {
2040 // Basic plan for a test incremental/foo/bar.rs:
2041 // - load list of revisions rpass1, cfail2, rpass3
2042 // - each should begin with `rpass`, `cfail`, or `cfail`
2043 // - if `rpass`, expect compile and execution to succeed
2044 // - if `cfail`, expect compilation to fail
2045 // - if `rfail`, expect execution to fail
2046 // - create a directory build/foo/bar.incremental
2047 // - compile foo/bar.rs with -Z incremental=.../foo/bar.incremental and -C rpass1
2048 // - because name of revision starts with "rpass", expect success
2049 // - compile foo/bar.rs with -Z incremental=.../foo/bar.incremental and -C cfail2
2050 // - because name of revision starts with "cfail", expect an error
2051 // - load expected errors as usual, but filter for those that end in `[rfail2]`
2052 // - compile foo/bar.rs with -Z incremental=.../foo/bar.incremental and -C rpass3
2053 // - because name of revision starts with "rpass", expect success
2054 // - execute build/foo/bar.exe and save output
2055 //
2056 // FIXME -- use non-incremental mode as an oracle? That doesn't apply
2057 // to #[rustc_dirty] and clean tests I guess
2059 let revision = self.revision.expect("incremental tests require a list of revisions");
2061 // Incremental workproduct directory should have already been created.
2062 let incremental_dir = self.incremental_dir();
2063 assert!(incremental_dir.exists(), "init_incremental_test failed to create incremental dir");
2065 // Add an extra flag pointing at the incremental directory.
2066 let mut revision_props = self.props.clone();
2067 revision_props.incremental_dir = Some(incremental_dir);
2069 let revision_cx = TestCx {
2070 config: self.config,
2071 props: &revision_props,
2072 testpaths: self.testpaths,
2073 revision: self.revision,
2074 };
2076 if self.config.verbose {
2077 print!("revision={:?} revision_props={:#?}", revision, revision_props);
2078 }
2080 if revision.starts_with("rpass") {
2081 revision_cx.run_rpass_test();
2082 } else if revision.starts_with("rfail") {
2083 revision_cx.run_rfail_test();
2084 } else if revision.starts_with("cfail") {
2085 revision_cx.run_cfail_test();
2086 } else {
2087 revision_cx.fatal(
2088 "revision name must begin with rpass, rfail, or cfail");
2089 }
2090 }
2092 /// Directory where incremental work products are stored.
2093 fn incremental_dir(&self) -> PathBuf {
2094 self.output_base_name().with_extension("inc")
2095 }
2097 fn run_rmake_test(&self) {
2098 // FIXME(#11094): we should fix these tests
2099 if self.config.host != self.config.target {
2100 return
2101 }
2103 let cwd = env::current_dir().unwrap();
2104 let src_root = self.config.src_base.parent().unwrap()
2105 .parent().unwrap()
2106 .parent().unwrap();
2107 let src_root = cwd.join(&src_root);
2109 let tmpdir = cwd.join(self.output_base_name());
2110 if tmpdir.exists() {
2111 self.aggressive_rm_rf(&tmpdir).unwrap();
2112 }
2113 create_dir_all(&tmpdir).unwrap();
2115 let host = &self.config.host;
2116 let make = if host.contains("bitrig") || host.contains("dragonfly") ||
2117 host.contains("freebsd") || host.contains("netbsd") ||
2118 host.contains("openbsd") {
2119 "gmake"
2120 } else {
2121 "make"
2122 };
2124 let mut cmd = Command::new(make);
2125 cmd.current_dir(&self.testpaths.file)
2126 .stdout(Stdio::piped())
2127 .stderr(Stdio::piped())
2128 .env("TARGET", &self.config.target)
2129 .env("PYTHON", &self.config.docck_python)
2130 .env("S", src_root)
2131 .env("RUST_BUILD_STAGE", &self.config.stage_id)
2132 .env("RUSTC", cwd.join(&self.config.rustc_path))
2133 .env("RUSTDOC",
2134 cwd.join(&self.config.rustdoc_path.as_ref().expect("--rustdoc-path passed")))
2135 .env("TMPDIR", &tmpdir)
2136 .env("LD_LIB_PATH_ENVVAR", dylib_env_var())
2137 .env("HOST_RPATH_DIR", cwd.join(&self.config.compile_lib_path))
2138 .env("TARGET_RPATH_DIR", cwd.join(&self.config.run_lib_path))
2139 .env("LLVM_COMPONENTS", &self.config.llvm_components)
2140 .env("LLVM_CXXFLAGS", &self.config.llvm_cxxflags);
2142 if let Some(ref linker) = self.config.linker {
2143 cmd.env("RUSTC_LINKER", linker);
2144 }
2146 // We don't want RUSTFLAGS set from the outside to interfere with
2147 // compiler flags set in the test cases:
2148 cmd.env_remove("RUSTFLAGS");
2150 if self.config.target.contains("msvc") {
2151 // We need to pass a path to `lib.exe`, so assume that `cc` is `cl.exe`
2152 // and that `lib.exe` lives next to it.
2153 let lib = Path::new(&self.config.cc).parent().unwrap().join("lib.exe");
2155 // MSYS doesn't like passing flags of the form `/foo` as it thinks it's
2156 // a path and instead passes `C:\msys64\foo`, so convert all
2157 // `/`-arguments to MSVC here to `-` arguments.
2158 let cflags = self.config.cflags.split(' ').map(|s| s.replace("/", "-"))
2159 .collect::<Vec<_>>().join(" ");
2161 cmd.env("IS_MSVC", "1")
2162 .env("IS_WINDOWS", "1")
2163 .env("MSVC_LIB", format!("'{}' -nologo", lib.display()))
2164 .env("CC", format!("'{}' {}", self.config.cc, cflags))
2165 .env("CXX", &self.config.cxx);
2166 } else {
2167 cmd.env("CC", format!("{} {}", self.config.cc, self.config.cflags))
2168 .env("CXX", format!("{} {}", self.config.cxx, self.config.cflags))
2169 .env("AR", &self.config.ar);
2171 if self.config.target.contains("windows") {
2172 cmd.env("IS_WINDOWS", "1");
2173 }
2174 }
2176 let output = cmd.spawn().and_then(read2_abbreviated).expect("failed to spawn `make`");
2177 if !output.status.success() {
2178 let res = ProcRes {
2179 status: output.status,
2180 stdout: String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout).into_owned(),
2181 stderr: String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr).into_owned(),
2182 cmdline: format!("{:?}", cmd),
2183 };
2184 self.fatal_proc_rec("make failed", &res);
2185 }
2186 }
2188 fn aggressive_rm_rf(&self, path: &Path) -> io::Result<()> {
2189 for e in path.read_dir()? {
2190 let entry = e?;
2191 let path = entry.path();
2192 if entry.file_type()?.is_dir() {
2193 self.aggressive_rm_rf(&path)?;
2194 } else {
2195 // Remove readonly files as well on windows (by default we can't)
2196 fs::remove_file(&path).or_else(|e| {
2197 if cfg!(windows) && e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::PermissionDenied {
2198 let mut meta = entry.metadata()?.permissions();
2199 meta.set_readonly(false);
2200 fs::set_permissions(&path, meta)?;
2201 fs::remove_file(&path)
2202 } else {
2203 Err(e)
2204 }
2205 })?;
2206 }
2207 }
2208 fs::remove_dir(path)
2209 }
2211 fn run_ui_test(&self) {
2212 let proc_res = self.compile_test();
2214 let expected_stderr_path = self.expected_output_path("stderr");
2215 let expected_stderr = self.load_expected_output(&expected_stderr_path);
2217 let expected_stdout_path = self.expected_output_path("stdout");
2218 let expected_stdout = self.load_expected_output(&expected_stdout_path);
2220 let normalized_stdout =
2221 self.normalize_output(&proc_res.stdout, &self.props.normalize_stdout);
2222 let normalized_stderr =
2223 self.normalize_output(&proc_res.stderr, &self.props.normalize_stderr);
2225 let mut errors = 0;
2226 errors += self.compare_output("stdout", &normalized_stdout, &expected_stdout);
2227 errors += self.compare_output("stderr", &normalized_stderr, &expected_stderr);
2229 if errors > 0 {
2230 println!("To update references, run this command from build directory:");
2231 let relative_path_to_file =
2232 self.testpaths.relative_dir
2233 .join(self.testpaths.file.file_name().unwrap());
2234 println!("{}/update-references.sh '{}' '{}'",
2235 self.config.src_base.display(),
2236 self.config.build_base.display(),
2237 relative_path_to_file.display());
2238 self.fatal_proc_rec(&format!("{} errors occurred comparing output.", errors),
2239 &proc_res);
2240 }
2242 if self.props.run_pass {
2243 let proc_res = self.exec_compiled_test();
2245 if !proc_res.status.success() {
2246 self.fatal_proc_rec("test run failed!", &proc_res);
2247 }
2248 }
2249 }
2251 fn run_mir_opt_test(&self) {
2252 let proc_res = self.compile_test();
2254 if !proc_res.status.success() {
2255 self.fatal_proc_rec("compilation failed!", &proc_res);
2256 }
2258 let proc_res = self.exec_compiled_test();
2260 if !proc_res.status.success() {
2261 self.fatal_proc_rec("test run failed!", &proc_res);
2262 }
2263 self.check_mir_dump();
2264 }
2266 fn check_mir_dump(&self) {
2267 let mut test_file_contents = String::new();
2268 fs::File::open(self.testpaths.file.clone()).unwrap()
2269 .read_to_string(&mut test_file_contents)
2270 .unwrap();
2271 if let Some(idx) = test_file_contents.find("// END RUST SOURCE") {
2272 let (_, tests_text) = test_file_contents.split_at(idx + "// END_RUST SOURCE".len());
2273 let tests_text_str = String::from(tests_text);
2274 let mut curr_test : Option<&str> = None;
2275 let mut curr_test_contents = vec![ExpectedLine::Elision];
2276 for l in tests_text_str.lines() {
2277 debug!("line: {:?}", l);
2278 if l.starts_with("// START ") {
2279 let (_, t) = l.split_at("// START ".len());
2280 curr_test = Some(t);
2281 } else if l.starts_with("// END") {
2282 let (_, t) = l.split_at("// END ".len());
2283 if Some(t) != curr_test {
2284 panic!("mismatched START END test name");
2285 }
2286 self.compare_mir_test_output(curr_test.unwrap(), &curr_test_contents);
2287 curr_test = None;
2288 curr_test_contents.clear();
2289 curr_test_contents.push(ExpectedLine::Elision);
2290 } else if l.is_empty() {
2291 // ignore
2292 } else if l.starts_with("//") && l.split_at("//".len()).1.trim() == "..." {
2293 curr_test_contents.push(ExpectedLine::Elision)
2294 } else if l.starts_with("// ") {
2295 let (_, test_content) = l.split_at("// ".len());
2296 curr_test_contents.push(ExpectedLine::Text(test_content));
2297 }
2298 }
2299 }
2300 }
2302 fn check_mir_test_timestamp(&self, test_name: &str, output_file: &Path) {
2303 let t = |file| FileTime::from_last_modification_time(&fs::metadata(file).unwrap());
2304 let source_file = &self.testpaths.file;
2305 let output_time = t(output_file);
2306 let source_time = t(source_file);
2307 if source_time > output_time {
2308 debug!("source file time: {:?} output file time: {:?}", source_time, output_time);
2309 panic!("test source file `{}` is newer than potentially stale output file `{}`.",
2310 source_file.display(), test_name);
2311 }
2312 }
2314 fn compare_mir_test_output(&self, test_name: &str, expected_content: &[ExpectedLine<&str>]) {
2315 let mut output_file = PathBuf::new();
2316 output_file.push(self.get_mir_dump_dir());
2317 output_file.push(test_name);
2318 debug!("comparing the contests of: {:?}", output_file);
2319 debug!("with: {:?}", expected_content);
2320 if !output_file.exists() {
2321 panic!("Output file `{}` from test does not exist",
2322 output_file.into_os_string().to_string_lossy());
2323 }
2324 self.check_mir_test_timestamp(test_name, &output_file);
2326 let mut dumped_file = fs::File::open(output_file.clone()).unwrap();
2327 let mut dumped_string = String::new();
2328 dumped_file.read_to_string(&mut dumped_string).unwrap();
2329 let mut dumped_lines = dumped_string.lines().filter(|l| !l.is_empty());
2330 let mut expected_lines = expected_content.iter().filter(|&l| {
2331 if let &ExpectedLine::Text(l) = l {
2332 !l.is_empty()
2333 } else {
2334 true
2335 }
2336 }).peekable();
2338 let compare = |expected_line, dumped_line| {
2339 let e_norm = normalize_mir_line(expected_line);
2340 let d_norm = normalize_mir_line(dumped_line);
2341 debug!("found: {:?}", d_norm);
2342 debug!("expected: {:?}", e_norm);
2343 e_norm == d_norm
2344 };
2346 let error = |expected_line, extra_msg| {
2347 let normalize_all = dumped_string.lines()
2348 .map(nocomment_mir_line)
2349 .filter(|l| !l.is_empty())
2350 .collect::<Vec<_>>()
2351 .join("\n");
2352 let f = |l: &ExpectedLine<_>| match l {
2353 &ExpectedLine::Elision => "... (elided)".into(),
2354 &ExpectedLine::Text(t) => t
2355 };
2356 let expected_content = expected_content.iter()
2357 .map(|l| f(l))
2358 .collect::<Vec<_>>()
2359 .join("\n");
2360 panic!("Did not find expected line, error: {}\n\
2361 Actual Line: {:?}\n\
2362 Expected:\n{}\n\
2363 Actual:\n{}",
2364 extra_msg,
2365 expected_line,
2366 expected_content,
2367 normalize_all);
2368 };
2370 // We expect each non-empty line to appear consecutively, non-consecutive lines
2371 // must be separated by at least one Elision
2372 let mut start_block_line = None;
2373 while let Some(dumped_line) = dumped_lines.next() {
2374 match expected_lines.next() {
2375 Some(&ExpectedLine::Text(expected_line)) => {
2376 let normalized_expected_line = normalize_mir_line(expected_line);
2377 if normalized_expected_line.contains(":{") {
2378 start_block_line = Some(expected_line);
2379 }
2381 if !compare(expected_line, dumped_line) {
2382 error!("{:?}", start_block_line);
2383 error(expected_line,
2384 format!("Mismatch in lines\nCurrnt block: {}\nExpected Line: {:?}",
2385 start_block_line.unwrap_or("None"), dumped_line));
2386 }
2387 },
2388 Some(&ExpectedLine::Elision) => {
2389 // skip any number of elisions in a row.
2390 while let Some(&&ExpectedLine::Elision) = expected_lines.peek() {
2391 expected_lines.next();
2392 }
2393 if let Some(&ExpectedLine::Text(expected_line)) = expected_lines.next() {
2394 let mut found = compare(expected_line, dumped_line);
2395 if found {
2396 continue;
2397 }
2398 while let Some(dumped_line) = dumped_lines.next() {
2399 found = compare(expected_line, dumped_line);
2400 if found {
2401 break;
2402 }
2403 }
2404 if !found {
2405 error(expected_line, "ran out of mir dump to match against".into());
2406 }
2407 }
2408 },
2409 None => {},
2410 }
2411 }
2412 }
2414 fn get_mir_dump_dir(&self) -> PathBuf {
2415 let mut mir_dump_dir = PathBuf::from(self.config.build_base.as_path());
2416 debug!("input_file: {:?}", self.testpaths.file);
2417 mir_dump_dir.push(&self.testpaths.relative_dir);
2418 mir_dump_dir.push(self.testpaths.file.file_stem().unwrap());
2419 mir_dump_dir
2420 }
2422 fn normalize_output(&self, output: &str, custom_rules: &[(String, String)]) -> String {
2423 let parent_dir = self.testpaths.file.parent().unwrap();
2424 let cflags = self.props.compile_flags.join(" ");
2425 let json = cflags.contains("--error-format json") ||
2426 cflags.contains("--error-format pretty-json");
2427 let parent_dir_str = if json {
2428 parent_dir.display().to_string().replace("\\", "\\\\")
2429 } else {
2430 parent_dir.display().to_string()
2431 };
2433 let mut normalized = output.replace(&parent_dir_str, "$DIR");
2435 if json {
2436 // escaped newlines in json strings should be readable
2437 // in the stderr files. There's no point int being correct,
2438 // since only humans process the stderr files.
2439 // Thus we just turn escaped newlines back into newlines.
2440 normalized = normalized.replace("\\n", "\n");
2441 }
2443 normalized = normalized.replace("\\\\", "\\") // denormalize for paths on windows
2444 .replace("\\", "/") // normalize for paths on windows
2445 .replace("\r\n", "\n") // normalize for linebreaks on windows
2446 .replace("\t", "\\t"); // makes tabs visible
2447 for rule in custom_rules {
2448 normalized = normalized.replace(&rule.0, &rule.1);
2449 }
2450 normalized
2451 }
2453 fn expected_output_path(&self, kind: &str) -> PathBuf {
2454 let extension = match self.revision {
2455 Some(r) => format!("{}.{}", r, kind),
2456 None => kind.to_string(),
2457 };
2458 self.testpaths.file.with_extension(extension)
2459 }
2461 fn load_expected_output(&self, path: &Path) -> String {
2462 if !path.exists() {
2463 return String::new();
2464 }
2466 let mut result = String::new();
2467 match File::open(path).and_then(|mut f| f.read_to_string(&mut result)) {
2468 Ok(_) => result,
2469 Err(e) => {
2470 self.fatal(&format!("failed to load expected output from `{}`: {}",
2471 path.display(), e))
2472 }
2473 }
2474 }
2476 fn compare_output(&self, kind: &str, actual: &str, expected: &str) -> usize {
2477 if actual == expected {
2478 return 0;
2479 }
2481 println!("normalized {}:\n{}\n", kind, actual);
2482 println!("expected {}:\n{}\n", kind, expected);
2483 println!("diff of {}:\n", kind);
2485 for diff in diff::lines(expected, actual) {
2486 match diff {
2487 diff::Result::Left(l) => println!("-{}", l),
2488 diff::Result::Both(l, _) => println!(" {}", l),
2489 diff::Result::Right(r) => println!("+{}", r),
2490 }
2491 }
2493 let output_file = self.output_base_name().with_extension(kind);
2494 match File::create(&output_file).and_then(|mut f| f.write_all(actual.as_bytes())) {
2495 Ok(()) => { }
2496 Err(e) => {
2497 self.fatal(&format!("failed to write {} to `{}`: {}",
2498 kind, output_file.display(), e))
2499 }
2500 }
2502 println!("\nThe actual {0} differed from the expected {0}.", kind);
2503 println!("Actual {} saved to {}", kind, output_file.display());
2504 1
2505 }
2506 }
2508 struct ProcArgs {
2509 prog: String,
2510 args: Vec<String>,
2511 }
2513 pub struct ProcRes {
2514 status: ExitStatus,
2515 stdout: String,
2516 stderr: String,
2517 cmdline: String,
2518 }
2520 impl ProcRes {
2521 pub fn fatal(&self, err: Option<&str>) -> ! {
2522 if let Some(e) = err {
2523 println!("\nerror: {}", e);
2524 }
2525 print!("\
2526 status: {}\n\
2527 command: {}\n\
2528 stdout:\n\
2529 ------------------------------------------\n\
2530 {}\n\
2531 ------------------------------------------\n\
2532 stderr:\n\
2533 ------------------------------------------\n\
2534 {}\n\
2535 ------------------------------------------\n\
2536 \n",
2537 self.status, self.cmdline, self.stdout,
2538 self.stderr);
2539 panic!();
2540 }
2541 }
2543 enum TargetLocation {
2544 ThisFile(PathBuf),
2545 ThisDirectory(PathBuf),
2546 }
2548 #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
2549 enum ExpectedLine<T: AsRef<str>> {
2550 Elision,
2551 Text(T)
2552 }
2554 impl<T> fmt::Debug for ExpectedLine<T>
2555 where
2556 T: AsRef<str> + fmt::Debug
2557 {
2558 fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
2559 if let &ExpectedLine::Text(ref t) = self {
2560 write!(formatter, "{:?}", t)
2561 } else {
2562 write!(formatter, "\"...\" (Elision)")
2563 }
2564 }
2565 }
2567 fn normalize_mir_line(line: &str) -> String {
2568 nocomment_mir_line(line).replace(char::is_whitespace, "")
2569 }
2571 fn nocomment_mir_line(line: &str) -> &str {
2572 if let Some(idx) = line.find("//") {
2573 let (l, _) = line.split_at(idx);
2574 l.trim_right()
2575 } else {
2576 line
2577 }
2578 }
2580 fn read2_abbreviated(mut child: Child) -> io::Result<Output> {
2581 use std::mem::replace;
2582 use read2::read2;
2584 const HEAD_LEN: usize = 160 * 1024;
2585 const TAIL_LEN: usize = 256 * 1024;
2587 enum ProcOutput {
2588 Full(Vec<u8>),
2589 Abbreviated {
2590 head: Vec<u8>,
2591 skipped: usize,
2592 tail: Box<[u8]>,
2593 }
2594 }
2596 impl ProcOutput {
2597 fn extend(&mut self, data: &[u8]) {
2598 let new_self = match *self {
2599 ProcOutput::Full(ref mut bytes) => {
2600 bytes.extend_from_slice(data);
2601 let new_len = bytes.len();
2602 if new_len <= HEAD_LEN + TAIL_LEN {
2603 return;
2604 }
2605 let tail = bytes.split_off(new_len - TAIL_LEN).into_boxed_slice();
2606 let head = replace(bytes, Vec::new());
2607 let skipped = new_len - HEAD_LEN - TAIL_LEN;
2608 ProcOutput::Abbreviated { head, skipped, tail }
2609 }
2610 ProcOutput::Abbreviated { ref mut skipped, ref mut tail, .. } => {
2611 *skipped += data.len();
2612 if data.len() <= TAIL_LEN {
2613 tail[..data.len()].copy_from_slice(data);
2614 tail.rotate(data.len());
2615 } else {
2616 tail.copy_from_slice(&data[(data.len() - TAIL_LEN)..]);
2617 }
2618 return;
2619 }
2620 };
2621 *self = new_self;
2622 }
2624 fn into_bytes(self) -> Vec<u8> {
2625 match self {
2626 ProcOutput::Full(bytes) => bytes,
2627 ProcOutput::Abbreviated { mut head, skipped, tail } => {
2628 write!(&mut head, "\n\n<<<<<< SKIPPED {} BYTES >>>>>>\n\n", skipped).unwrap();
2629 head.extend_from_slice(&tail);
2630 head
2631 }
2632 }
2633 }
2634 }
2636 let mut stdout = ProcOutput::Full(Vec::new());
2637 let mut stderr = ProcOutput::Full(Vec::new());
2639 drop(child.stdin.take());
2640 read2(child.stdout.take().unwrap(), child.stderr.take().unwrap(), &mut |is_stdout, data, _| {
2641 if is_stdout { &mut stdout } else { &mut stderr }.extend(data);
2642 data.clear();
2643 })?;
2644 let status = child.wait()?;
2646 Ok(Output {
2647 status,
2648 stdout: stdout.into_bytes(),
2649 stderr: stderr.into_bytes(),
2650 })
2651 }