]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/vendor/quote-0.4.2/src/lib.rs
New upstream version 1.27.2+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / vendor / quote-0.4.2 / src / lib.rs
1 //! This crate provides the [`quote!`] macro for turning Rust syntax tree data
2 //! structures into tokens of source code.
3 //!
4 //! [`quote!`]: macro.quote.html
5 //!
6 //! Procedural macros in Rust receive a stream of tokens as input, execute
7 //! arbitrary Rust code to determine how to manipulate those tokens, and produce
8 //! a stream of tokens to hand back to the compiler to compile into the caller's
9 //! crate. Quasi-quoting is a solution to one piece of that -- producing tokens
10 //! to return to the compiler.
11 //!
12 //! The idea of quasi-quoting is that we write *code* that we treat as *data*.
13 //! Within the `quote!` macro, we can write what looks like code to our text
14 //! editor or IDE. We get all the benefits of the editor's brace matching,
15 //! syntax highlighting, indentation, and maybe autocompletion. But rather than
16 //! compiling that as code into the current crate, we can treat it as data, pass
17 //! it around, mutate it, and eventually hand it back to the compiler as tokens
18 //! to compile into the macro caller's crate.
19 //!
20 //! This crate is motivated by the procedural macro use case, but is a
21 //! general-purpose Rust quasi-quoting library and is not specific to procedural
22 //! macros.
23 //!
24 //! *Version requirement: Quote supports any compiler version back to Rust's
25 //! very first support for procedural macros in Rust 1.15.0.*
26 //!
27 //! ```toml
28 //! [dependencies]
29 //! quote = "0.4"
30 //! ```
31 //!
32 //! ```
33 //! #[macro_use]
34 //! extern crate quote;
35 //! #
36 //! # fn main() {}
37 //! ```
38 //!
39 //! # Example
40 //!
41 //! The following quasi-quoted block of code is something you might find in [a]
42 //! procedural macro having to do with data structure serialization. The `#var`
43 //! syntax performs interpolation of runtime variables into the quoted tokens.
44 //! Check out the documentation of the [`quote!`] macro for more detail about
45 //! the syntax. See also the [`quote_spanned!`] macro which is important for
46 //! implementing hygienic procedural macros.
47 //!
48 //! [a]: https://serde.rs/
49 //! [`quote_spanned!`]: macro.quote_spanned.html
50 //!
51 //! ```
52 //! # #[macro_use]
53 //! # extern crate quote;
54 //! #
55 //! # fn main() {
56 //! # let generics = "";
57 //! # let where_clause = "";
58 //! # let field_ty = "";
59 //! # let item_ty = "";
60 //! # let path = "";
61 //! # let value = "";
62 //! #
63 //! let tokens = quote! {
64 //! struct SerializeWith #generics #where_clause {
65 //! value: &'a #field_ty,
66 //! phantom: ::std::marker::PhantomData<#item_ty>,
67 //! }
68 //!
69 //! impl #generics serde::Serialize for SerializeWith #generics #where_clause {
70 //! fn serialize<S>(&self, s: &mut S) -> Result<(), S::Error>
71 //! where S: serde::Serializer
72 //! {
73 //! #path(self.value, s)
74 //! }
75 //! }
76 //!
77 //! SerializeWith {
78 //! value: #value,
79 //! phantom: ::std::marker::PhantomData::<#item_ty>,
80 //! }
81 //! };
82 //! #
83 //! # }
84 //! ```
85 //!
86 //! ## Recursion limit
87 //!
88 //! The `quote!` macro relies on deep recursion so some large invocations may
89 //! fail with "recursion limit reached" when you compile. If it fails, bump up
90 //! the recursion limit by adding `#![recursion_limit = "128"]` to your crate.
91 //! An even higher limit may be necessary for especially large invocations.
93 // Quote types in rustdoc of other crates get linked to here.
94 #![doc(html_root_url = "https://docs.rs/quote/0.4.2")]
96 extern crate proc_macro2;
97 extern crate proc_macro;
99 mod tokens;
100 pub use tokens::Tokens;
102 mod to_tokens;
103 pub use to_tokens::ToTokens;
105 // Not public API.
106 #[doc(hidden)]
107 pub mod __rt {
108 // Not public API.
109 pub use proc_macro2::*;
111 // Not public API.
112 pub fn parse(tokens: &mut ::Tokens, span: Span, s: &str) {
113 let s: TokenStream = s.parse().expect("invalid token stream");
114 tokens.append_all(s.into_iter().map(|mut t| {
115 t.span = span;
116 t
117 }));
118 }
120 // Not public API.
121 pub fn append_kind(tokens: &mut ::Tokens, span: Span, kind: TokenNode) {
122 tokens.append(TokenTree {
123 span: span,
124 kind: kind,
125 })
126 }
127 }
129 /// The whole point.
130 ///
131 /// Performs variable interpolation against the input and produces it as
132 /// [`Tokens`]. For returning tokens to the compiler in a procedural macro, use
133 /// `into()` to build a `TokenStream`.
134 ///
135 /// [`Tokens`]: struct.Tokens.html
136 ///
137 /// # Interpolation
138 ///
139 /// Variable interpolation is done with `#var` (similar to `$var` in
140 /// `macro_rules!` macros). This grabs the `var` variable that is currently in
141 /// scope and inserts it in that location in the output tokens. The variable
142 /// must implement the [`ToTokens`] trait.
143 ///
144 /// [`ToTokens`]: trait.ToTokens.html
145 ///
146 /// Repetition is done using `#(...)*` or `#(...),*` again similar to
147 /// `macro_rules!`. This iterates through the elements of any variable
148 /// interpolated within the repetition and inserts a copy of the repetition body
149 /// for each one. The variables in an interpolation may be anything that
150 /// implements `IntoIterator`, including `Vec` or a pre-existing iterator.
151 ///
152 /// - `#(#var)*` — no separators
153 /// - `#(#var),*` — the character before the asterisk is used as a separator
154 /// - `#( struct #var; )*` — the repetition can contain other tokens
155 /// - `#( #k => println!("{}", #v), )*` — even multiple interpolations
156 ///
157 /// # Hygiene
158 ///
159 /// Any interpolated tokens preserve the `Span` information provided by their
160 /// `ToTokens` implementation. Tokens that originate within the `quote!`
161 /// invocation are spanned with [`Span::def_site()`].
162 ///
163 /// [`Span::def_site()`]: https://docs.rs/proc-macro2/0.2/proc_macro2/struct.Span.html#method.def_site
164 ///
165 /// A different span can be provided through the [`quote_spanned!`] macro.
166 ///
167 /// [`quote_spanned!`]: macro.quote_spanned.html
168 ///
169 /// # Example
170 ///
171 /// ```
172 /// extern crate proc_macro;
173 ///
174 /// #[macro_use]
175 /// extern crate quote;
176 ///
177 /// use proc_macro::TokenStream;
178 ///
179 /// # const IGNORE_TOKENS: &'static str = stringify! {
180 /// #[proc_macro_derive(HeapSize)]
181 /// # };
182 /// pub fn derive_heap_size(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
183 /// // Parse the input and figure out what implementation to generate...
184 /// # const IGNORE_TOKENS: &'static str = stringify! {
185 /// let name = /* ... */;
186 /// let expr = /* ... */;
187 /// # };
188 /// #
189 /// # let name = 0;
190 /// # let expr = 0;
191 ///
192 /// let expanded = quote! {
193 /// // The generated impl.
194 /// impl ::heapsize::HeapSize for #name {
195 /// fn heap_size_of_children(&self) -> usize {
196 /// #expr
197 /// }
198 /// }
199 /// };
200 ///
201 /// // Hand the output tokens back to the compiler.
202 /// expanded.into()
203 /// }
204 /// #
205 /// # fn main() {}
206 /// ```
207 #[macro_export]
208 macro_rules! quote {
209 ($($tt:tt)*) => (quote_spanned!($crate::__rt::Span::def_site()=> $($tt)*));
210 }
212 /// Same as `quote!`, but applies a given span to all tokens originating within
213 /// the macro invocation.
214 ///
215 /// # Syntax
216 ///
217 /// A span expression of type [`Span`], followed by `=>`, followed by the tokens
218 /// to quote. The span expression should be brief -- use a variable for anything
219 /// more than a few characters. There should be no space before the `=>` token.
220 ///
221 /// [`Span`]: https://docs.rs/proc-macro2/0.2/proc_macro2/struct.Span.html
222 ///
223 /// ```
224 /// # #[macro_use]
225 /// # extern crate quote;
226 /// # extern crate proc_macro2;
227 /// #
228 /// # use proc_macro2::Span;
229 /// #
230 /// # fn main() {
231 /// # const IGNORE_TOKENS: &'static str = stringify! {
232 /// let span = /* ... */;
233 /// # };
234 /// # let span = Span::call_site();
235 /// # let init = 0;
236 ///
237 /// // On one line, use parentheses.
238 /// let tokens = quote_spanned!(span=> Box::into_raw(Box::new(#init)));
239 ///
240 /// // On multiple lines, place the span at the top and use braces.
241 /// let tokens = quote_spanned! {span=>
242 /// Box::into_raw(Box::new(#init))
243 /// };
244 /// # }
245 /// ```
246 ///
247 /// # Hygiene
248 ///
249 /// Any interpolated tokens preserve the `Span` information provided by their
250 /// `ToTokens` implementation. Tokens that originate within the `quote_spanned!`
251 /// invocation are spanned with the given span argument.
252 ///
253 /// # Example
254 ///
255 /// The following procedural macro code uses `quote_spanned!` to assert that a
256 /// particular Rust type implements the [`Sync`] trait so that references can be
257 /// safely shared between threads.
258 ///
259 /// [`Sync`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/marker/trait.Sync.html
260 ///
261 /// ```
262 /// # #[macro_use]
263 /// # extern crate quote;
264 /// # extern crate proc_macro2;
265 /// #
266 /// # use quote::{Tokens, ToTokens};
267 /// # use proc_macro2::Span;
268 /// #
269 /// # struct Type;
270 /// #
271 /// # impl Type {
272 /// # fn span(&self) -> Span {
273 /// # Span::call_site()
274 /// # }
275 /// # }
276 /// #
277 /// # impl ToTokens for Type {
278 /// # fn to_tokens(&self, _tokens: &mut Tokens) {}
279 /// # }
280 /// #
281 /// # fn main() {
282 /// # let ty = Type;
283 /// # let def_site = Span::def_site();
284 /// #
285 /// let ty_span = ty.span().resolved_at(def_site);
286 /// let assert_sync = quote_spanned! {ty_span=>
287 /// struct _AssertSync where #ty: Sync;
288 /// };
289 /// # }
290 /// ```
291 ///
292 /// If the assertion fails, the user will see an error like the following. The
293 /// input span of their type is hightlighted in the error.
294 ///
295 /// ```text
296 /// error[E0277]: the trait bound `*const (): std::marker::Sync` is not satisfied
297 /// --> src/main.rs:10:21
298 /// |
299 /// 10 | static ref PTR: *const () = &();
300 /// | ^^^^^^^^^ `*const ()` cannot be shared between threads safely
301 /// ```
302 ///
303 /// In this example it is important for the where-clause to be spanned with the
304 /// line/column information of the user's input type so that error messages are
305 /// placed appropriately by the compiler. But it is also incredibly important
306 /// that `Sync` resolves at the macro definition site and not the macro call
307 /// site. If we resolve `Sync` at the same span that the user's type is going to
308 /// be resolved, then they could bypass our check by defining their own trait
309 /// named `Sync` that is implemented for their type.
310 #[macro_export]
311 macro_rules! quote_spanned {
312 ($span:expr=> $($tt:tt)*) => {
313 {
314 let mut _s = $crate::Tokens::new();
315 let _span = $span;
316 quote_each_token!(_s _span $($tt)*);
317 _s
318 }
319 };
320 }
322 // Extract the names of all #metavariables and pass them to the $finish macro.
323 //
324 // in: pounded_var_names!(then () a #b c #( #d )* #e)
325 // out: then!(() b d e)
326 #[macro_export]
327 #[doc(hidden)]
328 macro_rules! pounded_var_names {
329 ($finish:ident ($($found:ident)*) # ( $($inner:tt)* ) $($rest:tt)*) => {
330 pounded_var_names!($finish ($($found)*) $($inner)* $($rest)*)
331 };
333 ($finish:ident ($($found:ident)*) # [ $($inner:tt)* ] $($rest:tt)*) => {
334 pounded_var_names!($finish ($($found)*) $($inner)* $($rest)*)
335 };
337 ($finish:ident ($($found:ident)*) # { $($inner:tt)* } $($rest:tt)*) => {
338 pounded_var_names!($finish ($($found)*) $($inner)* $($rest)*)
339 };
341 ($finish:ident ($($found:ident)*) # $first:ident $($rest:tt)*) => {
342 pounded_var_names!($finish ($($found)* $first) $($rest)*)
343 };
345 ($finish:ident ($($found:ident)*) ( $($inner:tt)* ) $($rest:tt)*) => {
346 pounded_var_names!($finish ($($found)*) $($inner)* $($rest)*)
347 };
349 ($finish:ident ($($found:ident)*) [ $($inner:tt)* ] $($rest:tt)*) => {
350 pounded_var_names!($finish ($($found)*) $($inner)* $($rest)*)
351 };
353 ($finish:ident ($($found:ident)*) { $($inner:tt)* } $($rest:tt)*) => {
354 pounded_var_names!($finish ($($found)*) $($inner)* $($rest)*)
355 };
357 ($finish:ident ($($found:ident)*) $ignore:tt $($rest:tt)*) => {
358 pounded_var_names!($finish ($($found)*) $($rest)*)
359 };
361 ($finish:ident ($($found:ident)*)) => {
362 $finish!(() $($found)*)
363 };
364 }
366 // in: nested_tuples_pat!(() a b c d e)
367 // out: ((((a b) c) d) e)
368 //
369 // in: nested_tuples_pat!(() a)
370 // out: a
371 #[macro_export]
372 #[doc(hidden)]
373 macro_rules! nested_tuples_pat {
374 (()) => {
375 &()
376 };
378 (() $first:ident $($rest:ident)*) => {
379 nested_tuples_pat!(($first) $($rest)*)
380 };
382 (($pat:pat) $first:ident $($rest:ident)*) => {
383 nested_tuples_pat!((($pat, $first)) $($rest)*)
384 };
386 (($done:pat)) => {
387 $done
388 };
389 }
391 // in: multi_zip_expr!(() a b c d e)
392 // out: a.into_iter().zip(b).zip(c).zip(d).zip(e)
393 //
394 // in: multi_zip_iter!(() a)
395 // out: a
396 #[macro_export]
397 #[doc(hidden)]
398 macro_rules! multi_zip_expr {
399 (()) => {
400 &[]
401 };
403 (() $single:ident) => {
404 $single
405 };
407 (() $first:ident $($rest:ident)*) => {
408 multi_zip_expr!(($first.into_iter()) $($rest)*)
409 };
411 (($zips:expr) $first:ident $($rest:ident)*) => {
412 multi_zip_expr!(($zips.zip($first)) $($rest)*)
413 };
415 (($done:expr)) => {
416 $done
417 };
418 }
420 #[macro_export]
421 #[doc(hidden)]
422 macro_rules! quote_each_token {
423 ($tokens:ident $span:ident) => {};
425 ($tokens:ident $span:ident # ! $($rest:tt)*) => {
426 quote_each_token!($tokens $span #);
427 quote_each_token!($tokens $span !);
428 quote_each_token!($tokens $span $($rest)*);
429 };
431 ($tokens:ident $span:ident # ( $($inner:tt)* ) * $($rest:tt)*) => {
432 for pounded_var_names!(nested_tuples_pat () $($inner)*)
433 in pounded_var_names!(multi_zip_expr () $($inner)*) {
434 quote_each_token!($tokens $span $($inner)*);
435 }
436 quote_each_token!($tokens $span $($rest)*);
437 };
439 ($tokens:ident $span:ident # ( $($inner:tt)* ) $sep:tt * $($rest:tt)*) => {
440 for (_i, pounded_var_names!(nested_tuples_pat () $($inner)*))
441 in pounded_var_names!(multi_zip_expr () $($inner)*).into_iter().enumerate() {
442 if _i > 0 {
443 quote_each_token!($tokens $span $sep);
444 }
445 quote_each_token!($tokens $span $($inner)*);
446 }
447 quote_each_token!($tokens $span $($rest)*);
448 };
450 ($tokens:ident $span:ident # [ $($inner:tt)* ] $($rest:tt)*) => {
451 quote_each_token!($tokens $span #);
452 $crate::__rt::append_kind(&mut $tokens,
453 $span,
454 $crate::__rt::TokenNode::Group(
455 $crate::__rt::Delimiter::Bracket,
456 quote_spanned!($span=> $($inner)*).into()
457 ));
458 quote_each_token!($tokens $span $($rest)*);
459 };
461 ($tokens:ident $span:ident # $first:ident $($rest:tt)*) => {
462 $crate::ToTokens::to_tokens(&$first, &mut $tokens);
463 quote_each_token!($tokens $span $($rest)*);
464 };
466 ($tokens:ident $span:ident ( $($first:tt)* ) $($rest:tt)*) => {
467 $crate::__rt::append_kind(&mut $tokens,
468 $span,
469 $crate::__rt::TokenNode::Group(
470 $crate::__rt::Delimiter::Parenthesis,
471 quote_spanned!($span=> $($first)*).into()
472 ));
473 quote_each_token!($tokens $span $($rest)*);
474 };
476 ($tokens:ident $span:ident [ $($first:tt)* ] $($rest:tt)*) => {
477 $crate::__rt::append_kind(&mut $tokens,
478 $span,
479 $crate::__rt::TokenNode::Group(
480 $crate::__rt::Delimiter::Bracket,
481 quote_spanned!($span=> $($first)*).into()
482 ));
483 quote_each_token!($tokens $span $($rest)*);
484 };
486 ($tokens:ident $span:ident { $($first:tt)* } $($rest:tt)*) => {
487 $crate::__rt::append_kind(&mut $tokens,
488 $span,
489 $crate::__rt::TokenNode::Group(
490 $crate::__rt::Delimiter::Brace,
491 quote_spanned!($span=> $($first)*).into()
492 ));
493 quote_each_token!($tokens $span $($rest)*);
494 };
496 ($tokens:ident $span:ident $first:tt $($rest:tt)*) => {
497 // TODO: this seems slow... special case some `:tt` arguments?
498 $crate::__rt::parse(&mut $tokens, $span, stringify!($first));
499 quote_each_token!($tokens $span $($rest)*);
500 };
501 }