]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/vendor/string_cache/src/atom.rs
New upstream version 1.22.1+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / vendor / string_cache / src / atom.rs
1 // Copyright 2014 The Servo Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
2 // file at the top-level directory of this distribution.
3 //
4 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
5 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
6 // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
7 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
8 // except according to those terms.
10 #![allow(non_upper_case_globals)]
12 #[cfg(feature = "heapsize")]
13 use heapsize::HeapSizeOf;
15 use phf_shared;
16 use serde::{Deserialize, Deserializer, Serialize, Serializer};
18 use std::ascii::AsciiExt;
19 use std::borrow::Cow;
20 use std::cmp::Ordering::{self, Equal};
21 use std::fmt;
22 use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
23 use std::marker::PhantomData;
24 use std::mem;
25 use std::ops;
26 use std::slice;
27 use std::str;
28 use std::sync::Mutex;
29 use std::sync::atomic::AtomicIsize;
30 use std::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst;
33 ENTRY_ALIGNMENT, pack_static};
34 use self::UnpackedAtom::{Dynamic, Inline, Static};
36 #[cfg(feature = "log-events")]
37 use event::Event;
39 #[cfg(not(feature = "log-events"))]
40 macro_rules! log (($e:expr) => (()));
42 const NB_BUCKETS: usize = 1 << 12; // 4096
43 const BUCKET_MASK: u64 = (1 << 12) - 1;
45 struct StringCache {
46 buckets: [Option<Box<StringCacheEntry>>; NB_BUCKETS],
47 }
49 #[cfg(feature = "heapsize")]
50 impl HeapSizeOf for StringCache {
51 fn heap_size_of_children(&self) -> usize {
52 self.buckets.iter().fold(0, |size, bucket| size + bucket.heap_size_of_children())
53 }
54 }
56 lazy_static! {
57 static ref STRING_CACHE: Mutex<StringCache> = Mutex::new(StringCache::new());
58 }
60 /// A token that represents the heap used by the dynamic string cache.
61 #[cfg(feature = "heapsize")]
62 pub struct StringCacheHeap;
64 #[cfg(feature = "heapsize")]
65 impl HeapSizeOf for StringCacheHeap {
66 fn heap_size_of_children(&self) -> usize {
67 STRING_CACHE.lock().unwrap().heap_size_of_children()
68 }
69 }
71 struct StringCacheEntry {
72 next_in_bucket: Option<Box<StringCacheEntry>>,
73 hash: u64,
74 ref_count: AtomicIsize,
75 string: Box<str>,
76 }
78 #[cfg(feature = "heapsize")]
79 impl HeapSizeOf for StringCacheEntry {
80 fn heap_size_of_children(&self) -> usize {
81 self.next_in_bucket.heap_size_of_children() +
82 self.string.heap_size_of_children()
83 }
84 }
86 impl StringCacheEntry {
87 fn new(next: Option<Box<StringCacheEntry>>, hash: u64, string: String)
88 -> StringCacheEntry {
89 StringCacheEntry {
90 next_in_bucket: next,
91 hash: hash,
92 ref_count: AtomicIsize::new(1),
93 string: string.into_boxed_str(),
94 }
95 }
96 }
98 impl StringCache {
99 fn new() -> StringCache {
100 StringCache {
101 buckets: unsafe { mem::zeroed() },
102 }
103 }
105 fn add(&mut self, string: Cow<str>, hash: u64) -> *mut StringCacheEntry {
106 let bucket_index = (hash & BUCKET_MASK) as usize;
107 {
108 let mut ptr: Option<&mut Box<StringCacheEntry>> =
109 self.buckets[bucket_index].as_mut();
111 while let Some(entry) = ptr.take() {
112 if entry.hash == hash && &*entry.string == &*string {
113 if entry.ref_count.fetch_add(1, SeqCst) > 0 {
114 return &mut **entry;
115 }
116 // Uh-oh. The pointer's reference count was zero, which means someone may try
117 // to free it. (Naive attempts to defend against this, for example having the
118 // destructor check to see whether the reference count is indeed zero, don't
119 // work due to ABA.) Thus we need to temporarily add a duplicate string to the
120 // list.
121 entry.ref_count.fetch_sub(1, SeqCst);
122 break;
123 }
124 ptr = entry.next_in_bucket.as_mut();
125 }
126 }
127 debug_assert!(mem::align_of::<StringCacheEntry>() >= ENTRY_ALIGNMENT);
128 let string = string.into_owned();
129 let _string_clone = if cfg!(feature = "log-events") {
130 string.clone()
131 } else {
132 "".to_owned()
133 };
134 let mut entry = Box::new(StringCacheEntry::new(
135 self.buckets[bucket_index].take(), hash, string));
136 let ptr: *mut StringCacheEntry = &mut *entry;
137 self.buckets[bucket_index] = Some(entry);
138 log!(Event::Insert(ptr as u64, _string_clone));
140 ptr
141 }
143 fn remove(&mut self, key: u64) {
144 let ptr = key as *mut StringCacheEntry;
145 let bucket_index = {
146 let value: &StringCacheEntry = unsafe { &*ptr };
147 debug_assert!(value.ref_count.load(SeqCst) == 0);
148 (value.hash & BUCKET_MASK) as usize
149 };
152 let mut current: &mut Option<Box<StringCacheEntry>> = &mut self.buckets[bucket_index];
154 loop {
155 let entry_ptr: *mut StringCacheEntry = match current.as_mut() {
156 Some(entry) => &mut **entry,
157 None => break,
158 };
159 if entry_ptr == ptr {
160 mem::drop(mem::replace(current, unsafe { (*entry_ptr).next_in_bucket.take() }));
161 break;
162 }
163 current = unsafe { &mut (*entry_ptr).next_in_bucket };
164 }
166 log!(Event::Remove(key));
167 }
168 }
170 pub trait StaticAtomSet {
171 fn get() -> &'static PhfStrSet;
172 fn empty_string_index() -> u32;
173 }
175 pub struct PhfStrSet {
176 pub key: u64,
177 pub disps: &'static [(u32, u32)],
178 pub atoms: &'static [&'static str],
179 pub hashes: &'static [u32],
180 }
182 pub struct EmptyStaticAtomSet;
184 impl StaticAtomSet for EmptyStaticAtomSet {
185 fn get() -> &'static PhfStrSet {
186 // The name is a lie: this set is not empty (it contains the empty string)
187 // but that’s only to avoid divisions by zero in rust-phf.
188 static SET: PhfStrSet = PhfStrSet {
189 key: 0,
190 disps: &[(0, 0)],
191 atoms: &[""],
192 // "" SipHash'd, and xored with u64_hash_to_u32.
193 hashes: &[0x3ddddef3],
194 };
195 &SET
196 }
198 fn empty_string_index() -> u32 {
199 0
200 }
201 }
203 /// Use this if you don’t care about static atoms.
204 pub type DefaultAtom = Atom<EmptyStaticAtomSet>;
206 pub struct Atom<Static: StaticAtomSet> {
207 /// This field is public so that the `atom!()` macros can use it.
208 /// You should not otherwise access this field.
209 #[doc(hidden)]
210 pub unsafe_data: u64,
212 #[doc(hidden)]
213 pub phantom: PhantomData<Static>,
214 }
216 #[cfg(feature = "heapsize")]
217 impl<Static: StaticAtomSet> HeapSizeOf for Atom<Static> {
218 #[inline(always)]
219 fn heap_size_of_children(&self) -> usize {
220 0
221 }
222 }
224 impl<Static: StaticAtomSet> ::precomputed_hash::PrecomputedHash for Atom<Static> {
225 fn precomputed_hash(&self) -> u32 {
226 self.get_hash()
227 }
228 }
230 fn u64_hash_as_u32(h: u64) -> u32 {
231 // This may or may not be great...
232 ((h >> 32) ^ h) as u32
233 }
235 impl<Static: StaticAtomSet> Atom<Static> {
236 #[inline(always)]
237 unsafe fn unpack(&self) -> UnpackedAtom {
238 UnpackedAtom::from_packed(self.unsafe_data)
239 }
241 pub fn get_hash(&self) -> u32 {
242 match unsafe { self.unpack() } {
243 Static(index) => {
244 let static_set = Static::get();
245 static_set.hashes[index as usize]
246 }
247 Dynamic(entry) => {
248 let entry = entry as *mut StringCacheEntry;
249 u64_hash_as_u32(unsafe { (*entry).hash })
250 }
251 Inline(..) => {
252 u64_hash_as_u32(self.unsafe_data)
253 }
254 }
255 }
256 }
258 impl<Static: StaticAtomSet> Default for Atom<Static> {
259 #[inline]
260 fn default() -> Self {
261 Atom {
262 unsafe_data: pack_static(Static::empty_string_index()),
263 phantom: PhantomData
264 }
265 }
266 }
268 impl<Static: StaticAtomSet> Hash for Atom<Static> {
269 #[inline]
270 fn hash<H>(&self, state: &mut H) where H: Hasher {
271 state.write_u32(self.get_hash())
272 }
273 }
275 impl<Static: StaticAtomSet> Eq for Atom<Static> {}
277 // NOTE: This impl requires that a given string must always be interned the same way.
278 impl<Static: StaticAtomSet> PartialEq for Atom<Static> {
279 #[inline]
280 fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
281 self.unsafe_data == other.unsafe_data
282 }
283 }
285 impl<Static: StaticAtomSet> PartialEq<str> for Atom<Static> {
286 fn eq(&self, other: &str) -> bool {
287 &self[..] == other
288 }
289 }
291 impl<Static: StaticAtomSet> PartialEq<Atom<Static>> for str {
292 fn eq(&self, other: &Atom<Static>) -> bool {
293 self == &other[..]
294 }
295 }
297 impl<Static: StaticAtomSet> PartialEq<String> for Atom<Static> {
298 fn eq(&self, other: &String) -> bool {
299 &self[..] == &other[..]
300 }
301 }
303 impl<'a, Static: StaticAtomSet> From<Cow<'a, str>> for Atom<Static> {
304 #[inline]
305 fn from(string_to_add: Cow<'a, str>) -> Self {
306 let static_set = Static::get();
307 let hash = phf_shared::hash(&*string_to_add, static_set.key);
308 let index = phf_shared::get_index(hash, static_set.disps, static_set.atoms.len());
310 let unpacked = if static_set.atoms[index as usize] == string_to_add {
311 Static(index)
312 } else {
313 let len = string_to_add.len();
314 if len <= MAX_INLINE_LEN {
315 let mut buf: [u8; 7] = [0; 7];
316 buf[..len].copy_from_slice(string_to_add.as_bytes());
317 Inline(len as u8, buf)
318 } else {
319 Dynamic(STRING_CACHE.lock().unwrap().add(string_to_add, hash) as *mut ())
320 }
321 };
323 let data = unsafe { unpacked.pack() };
324 log!(Event::Intern(data));
325 Atom { unsafe_data: data, phantom: PhantomData }
326 }
327 }
329 impl<'a, Static: StaticAtomSet> From<&'a str> for Atom<Static> {
330 #[inline]
331 fn from(string_to_add: &str) -> Self {
332 Atom::from(Cow::Borrowed(string_to_add))
333 }
334 }
336 impl<Static: StaticAtomSet> From<String> for Atom<Static> {
337 #[inline]
338 fn from(string_to_add: String) -> Self {
339 Atom::from(Cow::Owned(string_to_add))
340 }
341 }
343 impl<Static: StaticAtomSet> Clone for Atom<Static> {
344 #[inline(always)]
345 fn clone(&self) -> Self {
346 unsafe {
347 match from_packed_dynamic(self.unsafe_data) {
348 Some(entry) => {
349 let entry = entry as *mut StringCacheEntry;
350 (*entry).ref_count.fetch_add(1, SeqCst);
351 },
352 None => (),
353 }
354 }
355 Atom {
356 unsafe_data: self.unsafe_data,
357 phantom: PhantomData,
358 }
359 }
360 }
362 impl<Static: StaticAtomSet> Drop for Atom<Static> {
363 #[inline]
364 fn drop(&mut self) {
365 // Out of line to guide inlining.
366 fn drop_slow<Static: StaticAtomSet>(this: &mut Atom<Static>) {
367 STRING_CACHE.lock().unwrap().remove(this.unsafe_data);
368 }
370 unsafe {
371 match from_packed_dynamic(self.unsafe_data) {
372 Some(entry) => {
373 let entry = entry as *mut StringCacheEntry;
374 if (*entry).ref_count.fetch_sub(1, SeqCst) == 1 {
375 drop_slow(self);
376 }
377 }
378 _ => (),
379 }
380 }
381 }
382 }
384 impl<Static: StaticAtomSet> ops::Deref for Atom<Static> {
385 type Target = str;
387 #[inline]
388 fn deref(&self) -> &str {
389 unsafe {
390 match self.unpack() {
391 Inline(..) => {
392 let buf = inline_orig_bytes(&self.unsafe_data);
393 str::from_utf8_unchecked(buf)
394 },
395 Static(idx) => Static::get().atoms.get(idx as usize).expect("bad static atom"),
396 Dynamic(entry) => {
397 let entry = entry as *mut StringCacheEntry;
398 &(*entry).string
399 }
400 }
401 }
402 }
403 }
405 impl<Static: StaticAtomSet> fmt::Display for Atom<Static> {
406 #[inline]
407 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
408 <str as fmt::Display>::fmt(self, f)
409 }
410 }
412 impl<Static: StaticAtomSet> fmt::Debug for Atom<Static> {
413 #[inline]
414 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
415 let ty_str = unsafe {
416 match self.unpack() {
417 Dynamic(..) => "dynamic",
418 Inline(..) => "inline",
419 Static(..) => "static",
420 }
421 };
423 write!(f, "Atom('{}' type={})", &*self, ty_str)
424 }
425 }
427 impl<Static: StaticAtomSet> PartialOrd for Atom<Static> {
428 #[inline]
429 fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {
430 if self.unsafe_data == other.unsafe_data {
431 return Some(Equal);
432 }
433 self.as_ref().partial_cmp(other.as_ref())
434 }
435 }
437 impl<Static: StaticAtomSet> Ord for Atom<Static> {
438 #[inline]
439 fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
440 if self.unsafe_data == other.unsafe_data {
441 return Equal;
442 }
443 self.as_ref().cmp(other.as_ref())
444 }
445 }
447 impl<Static: StaticAtomSet> AsRef<str> for Atom<Static> {
448 fn as_ref(&self) -> &str {
449 &self
450 }
451 }
453 impl<Static: StaticAtomSet> Serialize for Atom<Static> {
454 fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error> where S: Serializer {
455 let string: &str = self.as_ref();
456 string.serialize(serializer)
457 }
458 }
460 impl<'a, Static: StaticAtomSet> Deserialize<'a> for Atom<Static> {
461 fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error> where D: Deserializer<'a> {
462 let string: String = try!(Deserialize::deserialize(deserializer));
463 Ok(Atom::from(string))
464 }
465 }
467 // AsciiExt requires mutating methods, so we just implement the non-mutating ones.
468 // We don't need to implement is_ascii because there's no performance improvement
469 // over the one from &str.
470 impl<Static: StaticAtomSet> Atom<Static> {
471 fn from_mutated_str<F: FnOnce(&mut str)>(s: &str, f: F) -> Self {
472 let mut buffer: [u8; 64] = unsafe { mem::uninitialized() };
473 if let Some(buffer_prefix) = buffer.get_mut(..s.len()) {
474 buffer_prefix.copy_from_slice(s.as_bytes());
475 // FIXME: use from std::str when stable https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/41119
476 pub unsafe fn from_utf8_unchecked_mut(v: &mut [u8]) -> &mut str {
477 mem::transmute(v)
478 }
479 let as_str = unsafe { from_utf8_unchecked_mut(buffer_prefix) };
480 f(as_str);
481 Atom::from(&*as_str)
482 } else {
483 let mut string = s.to_owned();
484 f(&mut string);
485 Atom::from(string)
486 }
487 }
489 pub fn to_ascii_uppercase(&self) -> Self {
490 for (i, b) in self.bytes().enumerate() {
491 if let b'a' ... b'z' = b {
492 return Atom::from_mutated_str(self, |s| s[i..].make_ascii_uppercase())
493 }
494 }
495 self.clone()
496 }
498 pub fn to_ascii_lowercase(&self) -> Self {
499 for (i, b) in self.bytes().enumerate() {
500 if let b'A' ... b'Z' = b {
501 return Atom::from_mutated_str(self, |s| s[i..].make_ascii_lowercase())
502 }
503 }
504 self.clone()
505 }
507 pub fn eq_ignore_ascii_case(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
508 (self == other) || self.eq_str_ignore_ascii_case(&**other)
509 }
511 pub fn eq_str_ignore_ascii_case(&self, other: &str) -> bool {
512 (&**self).eq_ignore_ascii_case(other)
513 }
514 }
516 // Atoms use a compact representation which fits this enum in a single u64.
517 // Inlining avoids actually constructing the unpacked representation in memory.
518 #[allow(missing_copy_implementations)]
519 enum UnpackedAtom {
520 /// Pointer to a dynamic table entry. Must be 16-byte aligned!
521 Dynamic(*mut ()),
523 /// Length + bytes of string.
524 Inline(u8, [u8; 7]),
526 /// Index in static interning table.
527 Static(u32),
528 }
530 #[inline(always)]
531 fn inline_atom_slice(x: &u64) -> &[u8] {
532 unsafe {
533 let x: *const u64 = x;
534 let mut data = x as *const u8;
535 // All except the lowest byte, which is first in little-endian, last in big-endian.
536 if cfg!(target_endian = "little") {
537 data = data.offset(1);
538 }
539 let len = 7;
540 slice::from_raw_parts(data, len)
541 }
542 }
544 #[inline(always)]
545 fn inline_atom_slice_mut(x: &mut u64) -> &mut [u8] {
546 unsafe {
547 let x: *mut u64 = x;
548 let mut data = x as *mut u8;
549 // All except the lowest byte, which is first in little-endian, last in big-endian.
550 if cfg!(target_endian = "little") {
551 data = data.offset(1);
552 }
553 let len = 7;
554 slice::from_raw_parts_mut(data, len)
555 }
556 }
558 impl UnpackedAtom {
559 #[inline(always)]
560 unsafe fn pack(self) -> u64 {
561 match self {
562 Static(n) => pack_static(n),
563 Dynamic(p) => {
564 let n = p as u64;
565 debug_assert!(0 == n & TAG_MASK);
566 n
567 }
568 Inline(len, buf) => {
569 debug_assert!((len as usize) <= MAX_INLINE_LEN);
570 let mut data: u64 = (INLINE_TAG as u64) | ((len as u64) << 4);
571 {
572 let dest = inline_atom_slice_mut(&mut data);
573 dest.copy_from_slice(&buf)
574 }
575 data
576 }
577 }
578 }
580 #[inline(always)]
581 unsafe fn from_packed(data: u64) -> UnpackedAtom {
582 debug_assert!(DYNAMIC_TAG == 0); // Dynamic is untagged
584 match (data & TAG_MASK) as u8 {
585 DYNAMIC_TAG => Dynamic(data as *mut ()),
586 STATIC_TAG => Static((data >> STATIC_SHIFT_BITS) as u32),
587 INLINE_TAG => {
588 let len = ((data & 0xf0) >> 4) as usize;
589 debug_assert!(len <= MAX_INLINE_LEN);
590 let mut buf: [u8; 7] = [0; 7];
591 let src = inline_atom_slice(&data);
592 buf.copy_from_slice(src);
593 Inline(len as u8, buf)
594 },
595 _ => debug_unreachable!(),
596 }
597 }
598 }
600 /// Used for a fast path in Clone and Drop.
601 #[inline(always)]
602 unsafe fn from_packed_dynamic(data: u64) -> Option<*mut ()> {
603 if (DYNAMIC_TAG as u64) == (data & TAG_MASK) {
604 Some(data as *mut ())
605 } else {
606 None
607 }
608 }
610 /// For as_slice on inline atoms, we need a pointer into the original
611 /// string contents.
612 ///
613 /// It's undefined behavior to call this on a non-inline atom!!
614 #[inline(always)]
615 unsafe fn inline_orig_bytes<'a>(data: &'a u64) -> &'a [u8] {
616 match UnpackedAtom::from_packed(*data) {
617 Inline(len, _) => {
618 let src = inline_atom_slice(&data);
619 &src[..(len as usize)]
620 }
621 _ => debug_unreachable!(),
622 }
623 }
625 #[cfg(test)]
626 #[macro_use]
627 mod tests {
628 use std::mem;
629 use std::thread;
630 use super::{StaticAtomSet, StringCacheEntry};
631 use super::UnpackedAtom::{Dynamic, Inline, Static};
632 use shared::ENTRY_ALIGNMENT;
634 include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/test_atom.rs"));
635 pub type Atom = TestAtom;
637 #[test]
638 fn test_as_slice() {
639 let s0 = Atom::from("");
640 assert!(s0.as_ref() == "");
642 let s1 = Atom::from("class");
643 assert!(s1.as_ref() == "class");
645 let i0 = Atom::from("blah");
646 assert!(i0.as_ref() == "blah");
648 let s0 = Atom::from("BLAH");
649 assert!(s0.as_ref() == "BLAH");
651 let d0 = Atom::from("zzzzzzzzzz");
652 assert!(d0.as_ref() == "zzzzzzzzzz");
654 let d1 = Atom::from("ZZZZZZZZZZ");
655 assert!(d1.as_ref() == "ZZZZZZZZZZ");
656 }
658 macro_rules! unpacks_to (($e:expr, $t:pat) => (
659 match unsafe { Atom::from($e).unpack() } {
660 $t => (),
661 _ => panic!("atom has wrong type"),
662 }
663 ));
665 #[test]
666 fn test_types() {
667 unpacks_to!("", Static(..));
668 unpacks_to!("id", Static(..));
669 unpacks_to!("body", Static(..));
670 unpacks_to!("c", Inline(..)); // "z" is a static atom
671 unpacks_to!("zz", Inline(..));
672 unpacks_to!("zzz", Inline(..));
673 unpacks_to!("zzzz", Inline(..));
674 unpacks_to!("zzzzz", Inline(..));
675 unpacks_to!("zzzzzz", Inline(..));
676 unpacks_to!("zzzzzzz", Inline(..));
677 unpacks_to!("zzzzzzzz", Dynamic(..));
678 unpacks_to!("zzzzzzzzzzzzz", Dynamic(..));
679 }
681 #[test]
682 fn test_equality() {
683 let s0 = Atom::from("fn");
684 let s1 = Atom::from("fn");
685 let s2 = Atom::from("loop");
687 let i0 = Atom::from("blah");
688 let i1 = Atom::from("blah");
689 let i2 = Atom::from("blah2");
691 let d0 = Atom::from("zzzzzzzz");
692 let d1 = Atom::from("zzzzzzzz");
693 let d2 = Atom::from("zzzzzzzzz");
695 assert!(s0 == s1);
696 assert!(s0 != s2);
698 assert!(i0 == i1);
699 assert!(i0 != i2);
701 assert!(d0 == d1);
702 assert!(d0 != d2);
704 assert!(s0 != i0);
705 assert!(s0 != d0);
706 assert!(i0 != d0);
707 }
709 #[test]
710 fn default() {
711 assert_eq!(TestAtom::default(), test_atom!(""));
712 assert_eq!(&*TestAtom::default(), "");
713 }
715 #[test]
716 fn ord() {
717 fn check(x: &str, y: &str) {
718 assert_eq!(x < y, Atom::from(x) < Atom::from(y));
719 assert_eq!(x.cmp(y), Atom::from(x).cmp(&Atom::from(y)));
720 assert_eq!(x.partial_cmp(y), Atom::from(x).partial_cmp(&Atom::from(y)));
721 }
723 check("a", "body");
724 check("asdf", "body");
725 check("zasdf", "body");
726 check("z", "body");
728 check("a", "bbbbb");
729 check("asdf", "bbbbb");
730 check("zasdf", "bbbbb");
731 check("z", "bbbbb");
732 }
734 #[test]
735 fn clone() {
736 let s0 = Atom::from("fn");
737 let s1 = s0.clone();
738 let s2 = Atom::from("loop");
740 let i0 = Atom::from("blah");
741 let i1 = i0.clone();
742 let i2 = Atom::from("blah2");
744 let d0 = Atom::from("zzzzzzzz");
745 let d1 = d0.clone();
746 let d2 = Atom::from("zzzzzzzzz");
748 assert!(s0 == s1);
749 assert!(s0 != s2);
751 assert!(i0 == i1);
752 assert!(i0 != i2);
754 assert!(d0 == d1);
755 assert!(d0 != d2);
757 assert!(s0 != i0);
758 assert!(s0 != d0);
759 assert!(i0 != d0);
760 }
762 macro_rules! assert_eq_fmt (($fmt:expr, $x:expr, $y:expr) => ({
763 let x = $x;
764 let y = $y;
765 if x != y {
766 panic!("assertion failed: {} != {}",
767 format_args!($fmt, x),
768 format_args!($fmt, y));
769 }
770 }));
772 #[test]
773 fn repr() {
774 fn check(s: &str, data: u64) {
775 assert_eq_fmt!("0x{:016X}", Atom::from(s).unsafe_data, data);
776 }
778 fn check_static(s: &str, x: Atom) {
779 assert_eq_fmt!("0x{:016X}", x.unsafe_data, Atom::from(s).unsafe_data);
780 assert_eq!(0x2, x.unsafe_data & 0xFFFF_FFFF);
781 // The index is unspecified by phf.
782 assert!((x.unsafe_data >> 32) <= TestAtomStaticSet::get().atoms.len() as u64);
783 }
785 // This test is here to make sure we don't change atom representation
786 // by accident. It may need adjusting if there are changes to the
787 // static atom table, the tag values, etc.
789 // Static atoms
790 check_static("a", test_atom!("a"));
791 check_static("address", test_atom!("address"));
792 check_static("area", test_atom!("area"));
794 // Inline atoms
795 check("e", 0x0000_0000_0000_6511);
796 check("xyzzy", 0x0000_797A_7A79_7851);
797 check("xyzzy01", 0x3130_797A_7A79_7871);
799 // Dynamic atoms. This is a pointer so we can't verify every bit.
800 assert_eq!(0x00, Atom::from("a dynamic string").unsafe_data & 0xf);
801 }
803 #[test]
804 fn assert_sizes() {
805 use std::mem;
806 struct EmptyWithDrop;
807 impl Drop for EmptyWithDrop {
808 fn drop(&mut self) {}
809 }
810 let compiler_uses_inline_drop_flags = mem::size_of::<EmptyWithDrop>() > 0;
812 // Guard against accidental changes to the sizes of things.
813 assert_eq!(mem::size_of::<Atom>(),
814 if compiler_uses_inline_drop_flags { 16 } else { 8 });
815 assert_eq!(mem::size_of::<super::StringCacheEntry>(),
816 8 + 4 * mem::size_of::<usize>());
817 }
819 #[test]
820 fn test_threads() {
821 for _ in 0_u32..100 {
822 thread::spawn(move || {
823 let _ = Atom::from("a dynamic string");
824 let _ = Atom::from("another string");
825 });
826 }
827 }
829 #[test]
830 fn atom_macro() {
831 assert_eq!(test_atom!("body"), Atom::from("body"));
832 assert_eq!(test_atom!("font-weight"), Atom::from("font-weight"));
833 }
835 #[test]
836 fn match_atom() {
837 assert_eq!(2, match Atom::from("head") {
838 test_atom!("br") => 1,
839 test_atom!("html") | test_atom!("head") => 2,
840 _ => 3,
841 });
843 assert_eq!(3, match Atom::from("body") {
844 test_atom!("br") => 1,
845 test_atom!("html") | test_atom!("head") => 2,
846 _ => 3,
847 });
849 assert_eq!(3, match Atom::from("zzzzzz") {
850 test_atom!("br") => 1,
851 test_atom!("html") | test_atom!("head") => 2,
852 _ => 3,
853 });
854 }
856 #[test]
857 fn ensure_deref() {
858 // Ensure we can Deref to a &str
859 let atom = Atom::from("foobar");
860 let _: &str = &atom;
861 }
863 #[test]
864 fn ensure_as_ref() {
865 // Ensure we can as_ref to a &str
866 let atom = Atom::from("foobar");
867 let _: &str = atom.as_ref();
868 }
870 #[test]
871 fn string_cache_entry_alignment_is_sufficient() {
872 assert!(mem::align_of::<StringCacheEntry>() >= ENTRY_ALIGNMENT);
873 }
875 #[test]
876 fn test_ascii_lowercase() {
877 assert_eq!(Atom::from("").to_ascii_lowercase(), Atom::from(""));
878 assert_eq!(Atom::from("aZ9").to_ascii_lowercase(), Atom::from("az9"));
879 assert_eq!(Atom::from("The Quick Brown Fox!").to_ascii_lowercase(), Atom::from("the quick brown fox!"));
880 assert_eq!(Atom::from("JE VAIS À PARIS").to_ascii_lowercase(), Atom::from("je vais À paris"));
881 }
883 #[test]
884 fn test_ascii_uppercase() {
885 assert_eq!(Atom::from("").to_ascii_uppercase(), Atom::from(""));
886 assert_eq!(Atom::from("aZ9").to_ascii_uppercase(), Atom::from("AZ9"));
887 assert_eq!(Atom::from("The Quick Brown Fox!").to_ascii_uppercase(), Atom::from("THE QUICK BROWN FOX!"));
888 assert_eq!(Atom::from("Je vais à Paris").to_ascii_uppercase(), Atom::from("JE VAIS à PARIS"));
889 }
891 #[test]
892 fn test_eq_ignore_ascii_case() {
893 assert!(Atom::from("").eq_ignore_ascii_case(&Atom::from("")));
894 assert!(Atom::from("aZ9").eq_ignore_ascii_case(&Atom::from("aZ9")));
895 assert!(Atom::from("aZ9").eq_ignore_ascii_case(&Atom::from("Az9")));
896 assert!(Atom::from("The Quick Brown Fox!").eq_ignore_ascii_case(&Atom::from("THE quick BROWN fox!")));
897 assert!(Atom::from("Je vais à Paris").eq_ignore_ascii_case(&Atom::from("je VAIS à PARIS")));
898 assert!(!Atom::from("").eq_ignore_ascii_case(&Atom::from("az9")));
899 assert!(!Atom::from("aZ9").eq_ignore_ascii_case(&Atom::from("")));
900 assert!(!Atom::from("aZ9").eq_ignore_ascii_case(&Atom::from("9Za")));
901 assert!(!Atom::from("The Quick Brown Fox!").eq_ignore_ascii_case(&Atom::from("THE quick BROWN fox!!")));
902 assert!(!Atom::from("Je vais à Paris").eq_ignore_ascii_case(&Atom::from("JE vais À paris")));
903 }
905 #[test]
906 fn test_from_string() {
907 assert!(Atom::from("camembert".to_owned()) == Atom::from("camembert"));
908 }
909 }
911 #[cfg(all(test, feature = "unstable"))]
912 #[path = "bench.rs"]
913 mod bench;