]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - tests/ui/async-await/issue-105501.rs
New upstream version 1.68.2+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / tests / ui / async-await / issue-105501.rs
1 // check-pass
2 // edition:2018
4 // This is a regression test for https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/105501.
5 // It was minified from the published `msf-ice:0.2.1` crate which failed in a crater run.
6 // A faulty compiler was triggering a `higher-ranked lifetime error`:
7 //
8 // > could not prove `[async block@...]: Send`
10 use mini_futures::Stream;
12 fn is_send(_: impl Send) {}
14 pub fn main() {
15 let fut = async {
16 let mut stream = mini_futures::iter([()])
17 .then(|_| async {})
18 .map(|_| async { None })
19 .buffered()
20 .filter_map(std::future::ready);
22 stream.next().await
23 };
25 is_send(async move {
26 let _: Option<()> = fut.await;
27 });
28 }
30 // this is a simplified subset of `futures::StreamExt` and related types
31 mod mini_futures {
32 use std::future::Future;
33 use std::pin::Pin;
34 use std::task::{Context, Poll};
36 pub fn iter<I>(_: I) -> Iter<I::IntoIter>
37 where
38 I: IntoIterator,
39 {
40 todo!()
41 }
43 pub trait Stream {
44 type Item;
46 fn then<Fut, F>(self, _: F) -> Then<Self, Fut, F>
47 where
48 F: FnMut(Self::Item) -> Fut,
49 Fut: Future,
50 Self: Sized,
51 {
52 todo!()
53 }
55 fn map<T, F>(self, _: F) -> Map<Self, F>
56 where
57 F: FnMut(Self::Item) -> T,
58 Self: Sized,
59 {
60 todo!()
61 }
63 fn buffered(self) -> Buffered<Self>
64 where
65 Self::Item: Future,
66 Self: Sized,
67 {
68 todo!()
69 }
71 fn filter_map<Fut, T, F>(self, _: F) -> FilterMap<Self, Fut, F>
72 where
73 F: FnMut(Self::Item) -> Fut,
74 Fut: Future<Output = Option<T>>,
75 Self: Sized,
76 {
77 todo!()
78 }
80 fn next(&mut self) -> Next<'_, Self> {
81 todo!()
82 }
83 }
85 pub struct Iter<I> {
86 __: I,
87 }
88 impl<I> Stream for Iter<I>
89 where
90 I: Iterator,
91 {
92 type Item = I::Item;
93 }
95 pub struct Then<St, Fut, F> {
96 __: (St, Fut, F),
97 }
98 impl<St, Fut, F> Stream for Then<St, Fut, F>
99 where
100 St: Stream,
101 F: FnMut(St::Item) -> Fut,
102 Fut: Future,
103 {
104 type Item = Fut::Output;
105 }
107 pub struct Map<St, F> {
108 __: (St, F),
109 }
110 impl<St, F> Stream for Map<St, F>
111 where
112 St: Stream,
113 F: FnMut1<St::Item>,
114 {
115 type Item = F::Output;
116 }
118 pub trait FnMut1<A> {
119 type Output;
120 }
121 impl<T, A, R> FnMut1<A> for T
122 where
123 T: FnMut(A) -> R,
124 {
125 type Output = R;
126 }
128 pub struct Buffered<St>
129 where
130 St: Stream,
131 St::Item: Future,
132 {
133 __: (St, St::Item),
134 }
135 impl<St> Stream for Buffered<St>
136 where
137 St: Stream,
138 St::Item: Future,
139 {
140 type Item = <St::Item as Future>::Output;
141 }
143 pub struct FilterMap<St, Fut, F> {
144 __: (St, Fut, F),
145 }
146 impl<St, Fut, F, T> Stream for FilterMap<St, Fut, F>
147 where
148 St: Stream,
149 F: FnMut1<St::Item, Output = Fut>,
150 Fut: Future<Output = Option<T>>,
151 {
152 type Item = T;
153 }
155 pub struct Next<'a, St: ?Sized> {
156 __: &'a mut St,
157 }
158 impl<St: ?Sized + Stream> Future for Next<'_, St> {
159 type Output = Option<St::Item>;
161 fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, _: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
162 todo!()
163 }
164 }
165 }