]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - tests/ui/issues/issue-66768.rs
New upstream version 1.68.2+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / tests / ui / issues / issue-66768.rs
1 // Regression test for #66768.
2 // check-pass
3 #![allow(dead_code)]
4 //-^ "dead code" is needed to reproduce the issue.
6 use std::marker::PhantomData;
7 use std::ops::{Add, Mul};
9 fn problematic_function<Space>(material_surface_element: Edge2dElement)
10 where
11 DefaultAllocator: FiniteElementAllocator<DimU1, Space>,
12 {
13 let _: Point2<f64> = material_surface_element.map_reference_coords().into();
14 }
16 impl<T> ArrayLength<T> for UTerm {
17 type ArrayType = ();
18 }
19 impl<T, N: ArrayLength<T>> ArrayLength<T> for UInt<N, B0> {
20 type ArrayType = GenericArrayImplEven<T, N>;
21 }
22 impl<T, N: ArrayLength<T>> ArrayLength<T> for UInt<N, B1> {
23 type ArrayType = GenericArrayImplOdd<T, N>;
24 }
25 impl<U> Add<U> for UTerm {
26 type Output = U;
27 fn add(self, _: U) -> Self::Output {
28 unimplemented!()
29 }
30 }
31 impl<Ul, Ur> Add<UInt<Ur, B1>> for UInt<Ul, B0>
32 where
33 Ul: Add<Ur>,
34 {
35 type Output = UInt<Sum<Ul, Ur>, B1>;
36 fn add(self, _: UInt<Ur, B1>) -> Self::Output {
37 unimplemented!()
38 }
39 }
40 impl<U> Mul<U> for UTerm {
41 type Output = UTerm;
42 fn mul(self, _: U) -> Self {
43 unimplemented!()
44 }
45 }
46 impl<Ul, B, Ur> Mul<UInt<Ur, B>> for UInt<Ul, B0>
47 where
48 Ul: Mul<UInt<Ur, B>>,
49 {
50 type Output = UInt<Prod<Ul, UInt<Ur, B>>, B0>;
51 fn mul(self, _: UInt<Ur, B>) -> Self::Output {
52 unimplemented!()
53 }
54 }
55 impl<Ul, B, Ur> Mul<UInt<Ur, B>> for UInt<Ul, B1>
56 where
57 Ul: Mul<UInt<Ur, B>>,
58 UInt<Prod<Ul, UInt<Ur, B>>, B0>: Add<UInt<Ur, B>>,
59 {
60 type Output = Sum<UInt<Prod<Ul, UInt<Ur, B>>, B0>, UInt<Ur, B>>;
61 fn mul(self, _: UInt<Ur, B>) -> Self::Output {
62 unimplemented!()
63 }
64 }
65 impl<N, R, C> Allocator<N, R, C> for DefaultAllocator
66 where
67 R: DimName,
68 C: DimName,
69 R::Value: Mul<C::Value>,
70 Prod<R::Value, C::Value>: ArrayLength<N>,
71 {
72 type Buffer = ArrayStorage<N, R, C>;
73 fn allocate_uninitialized(_: R, _: C) -> Self::Buffer {
74 unimplemented!()
75 }
76 fn allocate_from_iterator<I>(_: R, _: C, _: I) -> Self::Buffer {
77 unimplemented!()
78 }
79 }
80 impl<N, C> Allocator<N, Dynamic, C> for DefaultAllocator {
81 type Buffer = VecStorage<N, Dynamic, C>;
82 fn allocate_uninitialized(_: Dynamic, _: C) -> Self::Buffer {
83 unimplemented!()
84 }
85 fn allocate_from_iterator<I>(_: Dynamic, _: C, _: I) -> Self::Buffer {
86 unimplemented!()
87 }
88 }
89 impl DimName for DimU1 {
90 type Value = U1;
91 fn name() -> Self {
92 unimplemented!()
93 }
94 }
95 impl DimName for DimU2 {
96 type Value = U2;
97 fn name() -> Self {
98 unimplemented!()
99 }
100 }
101 impl<N, D> From<VectorN<N, D>> for Point<N, D>
102 where
103 DefaultAllocator: Allocator<N, D>,
104 {
105 fn from(_: VectorN<N, D>) -> Self {
106 unimplemented!()
107 }
108 }
109 impl<GeometryDim, NodalDim> FiniteElementAllocator<GeometryDim, NodalDim> for DefaultAllocator where
110 DefaultAllocator: Allocator<f64, GeometryDim> + Allocator<f64, NodalDim>
111 {
112 }
113 impl ReferenceFiniteElement for Edge2dElement {
114 type NodalDim = DimU1;
115 }
116 impl FiniteElement<DimU2> for Edge2dElement {
117 fn map_reference_coords(&self) -> Vector2<f64> {
118 unimplemented!()
119 }
120 }
122 type Owned<N, R, C> = <DefaultAllocator as Allocator<N, R, C>>::Buffer;
123 type MatrixMN<N, R, C> = Matrix<N, R, C, Owned<N, R, C>>;
124 type VectorN<N, D> = MatrixMN<N, D, DimU1>;
125 type Vector2<N> = VectorN<N, DimU2>;
126 type Point2<N> = Point<N, DimU2>;
127 type U1 = UInt<UTerm, B1>;
128 type U2 = UInt<UInt<UTerm, B1>, B0>;
129 type Sum<A, B> = <A as Add<B>>::Output;
130 type Prod<A, B> = <A as Mul<B>>::Output;
132 struct GenericArray<T, U: ArrayLength<T>> {
133 _data: U::ArrayType,
134 }
135 struct GenericArrayImplEven<T, U> {
136 _parent2: U,
137 _marker: T,
138 }
139 struct GenericArrayImplOdd<T, U> {
140 _parent2: U,
141 _data: T,
142 }
143 struct B0;
144 struct B1;
145 struct UTerm;
146 struct UInt<U, B> {
147 _marker: PhantomData<(U, B)>,
148 }
149 struct DefaultAllocator;
150 struct Dynamic;
151 struct DimU1;
152 struct DimU2;
153 struct Matrix<N, R, C, S> {
154 _data: S,
155 _phantoms: PhantomData<(N, R, C)>,
156 }
157 struct ArrayStorage<N, R, C>
158 where
159 R: DimName,
160 C: DimName,
161 R::Value: Mul<C::Value>,
162 Prod<R::Value, C::Value>: ArrayLength<N>,
163 {
164 _data: GenericArray<N, Prod<R::Value, C::Value>>,
165 }
166 struct VecStorage<N, R, C> {
167 _data: N,
168 _nrows: R,
169 _ncols: C,
170 }
171 struct Point<N, D>
172 where
173 DefaultAllocator: Allocator<N, D>,
174 {
175 _coords: VectorN<N, D>,
176 }
177 struct Edge2dElement;
179 trait ArrayLength<T> {
180 type ArrayType;
181 }
182 trait Allocator<Scalar, R, C = DimU1> {
183 type Buffer;
184 fn allocate_uninitialized(nrows: R, ncols: C) -> Self::Buffer;
185 fn allocate_from_iterator<I>(nrows: R, ncols: C, iter: I) -> Self::Buffer;
186 }
187 trait DimName {
188 type Value;
189 fn name() -> Self;
190 }
191 trait FiniteElementAllocator<GeometryDim, NodalDim>:
192 Allocator<f64, GeometryDim> + Allocator<f64, NodalDim>
193 {
194 }
195 trait ReferenceFiniteElement {
196 type NodalDim;
197 }
198 trait FiniteElement<GeometryDim>: ReferenceFiniteElement
199 where
200 DefaultAllocator: FiniteElementAllocator<GeometryDim, Self::NodalDim>,
201 {
202 fn map_reference_coords(&self) -> VectorN<f64, GeometryDim>;
203 }
205 fn main() {}