]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - tests/ui/proc-macro/meta-macro-hygiene.stdout
New upstream version 1.68.2+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / tests / ui / proc-macro / meta-macro-hygiene.stdout
1 Def site: $DIR/auxiliary/make-macro.rs:7:9: 7:56 (#5)
2 Input: TokenStream [Ident { ident: "$crate", span: $DIR/meta-macro-hygiene.rs:24:37: 24:43 (#4) }, Punct { ch: ':', spacing: Joint, span: $DIR/meta-macro-hygiene.rs:24:43: 24:44 (#4) }, Punct { ch: ':', spacing: Alone, span: $DIR/meta-macro-hygiene.rs:24:44: 24:45 (#4) }, Ident { ident: "dummy", span: $DIR/meta-macro-hygiene.rs:24:45: 24:50 (#4) }, Punct { ch: '!', spacing: Alone, span: $DIR/meta-macro-hygiene.rs:24:50: 24:51 (#4) }, Group { delimiter: Parenthesis, stream: TokenStream [], span: $DIR/meta-macro-hygiene.rs:24:51: 24:53 (#4) }]
3 Respanned: TokenStream [Ident { ident: "$crate", span: $DIR/auxiliary/make-macro.rs:7:9: 7:56 (#5) }, Punct { ch: ':', spacing: Joint, span: $DIR/auxiliary/make-macro.rs:7:9: 7:56 (#5) }, Punct { ch: ':', spacing: Alone, span: $DIR/auxiliary/make-macro.rs:7:9: 7:56 (#5) }, Ident { ident: "dummy", span: $DIR/auxiliary/make-macro.rs:7:9: 7:56 (#5) }, Punct { ch: '!', spacing: Alone, span: $DIR/auxiliary/make-macro.rs:7:9: 7:56 (#5) }, Group { delimiter: Parenthesis, stream: TokenStream [], span: $DIR/auxiliary/make-macro.rs:7:9: 7:56 (#5) }]
4 #![feature /* 0#0 */(prelude_import)]
5 // aux-build:make-macro.rs
6 // aux-build:meta-macro.rs
7 // edition:2018
8 // compile-flags: -Z span-debug -Z macro-backtrace -Z unpretty=expanded,hygiene -Z trim-diagnostic-paths=no
9 // check-pass
10 // normalize-stdout-test "\d+#" -> "0#"
11 // normalize-stdout-test "expn\d{3,}" -> "expnNNN"
12 //
13 // We don't care about symbol ids, so we set them all to 0
14 // in the stdout
16 #![no_std /* 0#0 */]
17 #[prelude_import /* 0#1 */]
18 use core /* 0#1 */::prelude /* 0#1 */::rust_2018 /* 0#1 */::*;
19 #[macro_use /* 0#1 */]
20 extern crate core /* 0#1 */;
21 #[macro_use /* 0#1 */]
22 extern crate compiler_builtins /* 0#1 */;
23 // Don't load unnecessary hygiene information from std
24 extern crate std /* 0#0 */;
26 extern crate meta_macro /* 0#0 */;
28 macro_rules! produce_it
29 /*
30 0#0
31 */ {
32 () =>
33 {
34 meta_macro :: print_def_site! ($crate :: dummy! ()) ;
35 // `print_def_site!` will respan the `$crate` identifier
36 // with `Span::def_site()`. This should cause it to resolve
37 // relative to `meta_macro`, *not* `make_macro` (despite
38 // the fact that `print_def_site` is produced by a
39 // `macro_rules!` macro in `make_macro`).
40 }
41 }
43 fn main /* 0#0 */() { ; }
45 /*
46 Expansions:
47 crate0::{{expn0}}: parent: crate0::{{expn0}}, call_site_ctxt: #0, def_site_ctxt: #0, kind: Root
48 crate0::{{expn1}}: parent: crate0::{{expn0}}, call_site_ctxt: #0, def_site_ctxt: #0, kind: AstPass(StdImports)
49 crate0::{{expn2}}: parent: crate0::{{expn0}}, call_site_ctxt: #0, def_site_ctxt: #0, kind: Macro(Bang, "produce_it")
50 crate0::{{expn3}}: parent: crate0::{{expn2}}, call_site_ctxt: #4, def_site_ctxt: #0, kind: Macro(Bang, "meta_macro::print_def_site")
51 crate0::{{expn4}}: parent: crate0::{{expn3}}, call_site_ctxt: #5, def_site_ctxt: #0, kind: Macro(Bang, "$crate::dummy")
52 crate1::{{expnNNN}}: parent: crate0::{{expn0}}, call_site_ctxt: #0, def_site_ctxt: #0, kind: Macro(Attr, "derive")
53 crate1::{{expnNNN}}: parent: crate0::{{expn0}}, call_site_ctxt: #0, def_site_ctxt: #0, kind: Macro(Attr, "derive")
54 crate1::{{expnNNN}}: parent: crate0::{{expn0}}, call_site_ctxt: #0, def_site_ctxt: #0, kind: Macro(Bang, "include")
55 crate2::{{expn1}}: parent: crate0::{{expn0}}, call_site_ctxt: #0, def_site_ctxt: #0, kind: AstPass(StdImports)
57 SyntaxContexts:
58 #0: parent: #0, outer_mark: (crate0::{{expn0}}, Opaque)
59 #1: parent: #0, outer_mark: (crate0::{{expn1}}, Opaque)
60 #2: parent: #0, outer_mark: (crate0::{{expn1}}, Transparent)
61 #3: parent: #0, outer_mark: (crate2::{{expn1}}, Opaque)
62 #4: parent: #0, outer_mark: (crate0::{{expn2}}, SemiTransparent)
63 #5: parent: #0, outer_mark: (crate0::{{expn3}}, Opaque)
64 #6: parent: #4, outer_mark: (crate0::{{expn3}}, Transparent)
65 #7: parent: #0, outer_mark: (crate0::{{expn3}}, SemiTransparent)
66 #8: parent: #0, outer_mark: (crate0::{{expn4}}, Opaque)
67 #9: parent: #5, outer_mark: (crate0::{{expn4}}, Transparent)
68 #10: parent: #5, outer_mark: (crate0::{{expn4}}, SemiTransparent)
69 */