]> git.proxmox.com Git - mirror_frr.git/blob - tools/frr
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[mirror_frr.git] / tools / frr
1 #!/bin/bash
2 #
4 # Provides: frr
5 # Required-Start: $local_fs $network $remote_fs $syslog
6 # Required-Stop: $local_fs $network $remote_fs $syslog
7 # Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
8 # Default-Stop: 0 1 6
9 # Short-Description: start and stop the Frr routing suite
10 # Description: Frr is a routing suite for IP routing protocols like
11 # BGP, OSPF, RIP and others. This script contols the main
12 # daemon "frr" as well as the individual protocol daemons.
14 #
16 PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin
17 D_PATH=/usr/lib/frr
18 C_PATH=/etc/frr
19 V_PATH=/var/run/frr
21 # Local Daemon selection may be done by using /etc/frr/daemons.
22 # See /usr/share/doc/frr/README.Debian.gz for further information.
23 # Keep zebra first and do not list watchfrr!
24 DAEMONS="zebra bgpd ripd ripngd ospfd ospf6d isisd babeld pimd ldpd nhrpd eigrpd"
26 RELOAD_SCRIPT=/usr/lib/frr/frr-reload.py
28 . /lib/lsb/init-functions
30 if [ -f /usr/lib/frr/ssd ]; then
31 SSD=/usr/lib/frr/ssd
32 else
33 SSD=`which start-stop-daemon`
34 fi
36 # Print the name of the pidfile.
37 pidfile()
38 {
39 echo "$V_PATH/$1.pid"
40 }
42 # Print the name of the vtysh.
43 vtyfile()
44 {
45 echo "$V_PATH/$1.vty"
46 }
48 # Check if daemon is started by using the pidfile.
49 started()
50 {
51 [ ! -e `pidfile $1` ] && return 3
52 if [ -n "$2" ] && [ "$2" == "log" ]; then
53 status_of_proc -p `pidfile $1` $1 $1 && return 0 || return $?
54 else
55 kill -0 `cat \`pidfile $1\`` 2> /dev/null || return 1
56 return 0
57 fi
58 }
60 # Loads the config via vtysh -b if configured to do so.
61 vtysh_b ()
62 {
63 # Rember, that all variables have been incremented by 1 in convert_daemon_prios()
64 if [ "$vtysh_enable" = 2 -a -f $C_PATH/frr.conf ]; then
65 /usr/bin/vtysh -b -n
66 fi
67 }
69 # Check if the daemon is activated and if its executable and config files
70 # are in place.
71 # params: daemon name
72 # returns: 0=ok, 1=error
73 check_daemon()
74 {
75 # If the integrated config file is used the others are not checked.
76 if [ -r "$C_PATH/frr.conf" ]; then
77 return 0
78 fi
80 # vtysh_enable has no config file nor binary so skip check.
81 # (Not sure why vtysh_enable is in this list but does not hurt)
82 if [ $1 != "watchfrr" -a $1 != "vtysh_enable" ]; then
83 # check for daemon binary
84 if [ ! -x "$D_PATH/$1" ]; then return 1; fi
86 # check for config file
87 if [ -n "$2" ]; then
88 if [ ! -r "$C_PATH/$1-$2.conf" ]; then
89 touch "$C_PATH/$1-$2.conf"
90 chown frr:frr "$C_PATH/$1-$2.conf"
91 fi
92 elif [ ! -r "$C_PATH/$1.conf" ]; then
93 touch "$C_PATH/$1.conf"
94 chown frr:frr "$C_PATH/$1.conf"
95 fi
96 fi
97 return 0
98 }
100 # Starts the server if it's not alrady running according to the pid file.
101 # The Frr daemons creates the pidfile when starting.
102 start()
103 {
104 ulimit -n $MAX_FDS
105 if [ "$1" = "watchfrr" ]; then
107 # We may need to restart watchfrr if new daemons are added and/or
108 # removed
109 if started "$1" ; then
110 stop watchfrr
111 else
112 # Echo only once. watchfrr is printed in the stop above
113 echo -n " $1"
114 fi
116 if [ -e /var/run/frr/watchfrr.started ] ; then
117 rm /var/run/frr/watchfrr.started
118 fi
119 ${SSD} \
120 --start \
121 --pidfile=`pidfile $1` \
122 --exec "$D_PATH/$1" \
123 -- \
124 "${watchfrr_options[@]}"
125 for i in `seq 1 10`;
126 do
127 if [ -e /var/run/frr/watchfrr.started ] ; then
128 break
129 else
130 sleep 1
131 fi
132 done
133 elif [ -n "$2" ]; then
134 echo -n " $1-$2"
135 if ! check_daemon $1 $2 ; then
136 echo -n " (binary does not exist)"
137 return;
138 fi
140 ${SSD} \
141 --start \
142 --pidfile=`pidfile $1-$2` \
143 --exec "$D_PATH/$1" \
144 -- \
145 `eval echo "$""$1""_options"` -n "$2"
146 else
147 echo -n " $1"
148 if ! check_daemon $1; then
149 echo -n " (binary does not exist)"
150 return;
151 fi
153 ${SSD} \
154 --start \
155 --pidfile=`pidfile $1` \
156 --exec "$D_PATH/$1" \
157 -- \
158 `eval echo "$""$1""_options"`
159 fi
160 }
162 # Stop the daemon given in the parameter, printing its name to the terminal.
163 stop()
164 {
165 local inst
167 if [ -n "$2" ]; then
168 inst="$1-$2"
169 else
170 inst="$1"
171 fi
173 if ! started "$inst" ; then
174 echo -n " ($inst)"
175 return 0
176 else
177 PIDFILE=`pidfile $inst`
178 PID=`cat $PIDFILE 2>/dev/null`
179 ${SSD} --stop --quiet --retry=TERM/30/KILL/5 --oknodo --pidfile "$PIDFILE" --exec "$D_PATH/$1"
180 #
181 # Now we have to wait until $DAEMON has _really_ stopped.
182 #
183 if test -n "$PID" && kill -0 $PID 2>/dev/null; then
184 echo -n " (waiting) ."
185 cnt=0
186 while kill -0 $PID 2>/dev/null; do
187 cnt=`expr $cnt + 1`
188 if [ $cnt -gt 60 ]; then
189 # Waited 120 secs now, fail.
190 echo -n "Failed.. "
191 break
192 fi
193 sleep 2
194 echo -n "."
195 done
196 fi
197 echo -n " $inst"
198 rm -f `pidfile $inst`
199 rm -f `vtyfile $inst`
200 fi
201 }
203 # Converts values from /etc/frr/daemons to all-numeric values.
204 convert_daemon_prios()
205 {
206 for name in $DAEMONS zebra vtysh_enable watchfrr_enable; do
207 # First, assign the value set by the user to $value
208 eval value=\${${name}:0:3}
210 # Daemon not activated or entry missing?
211 if [ "$value" = "no" -o "$value" = "" ]; then value=0; fi
213 # These strings parsed for backwards compatibility.
214 if [ "$value" = "yes" -o "$value" = "true" ]; then
215 value=1;
216 fi
218 # Zebra is threatened special. It must be between 0=off and the first
219 # user assigned value "1" so we increase all other enabled daemons' values.
220 if [ "$name" != "zebra" -a "$value" -gt 0 ]; then value=`expr "$value" + 1`; fi
222 # If e.g. name is zebra then we set "zebra=yes".
223 eval $name=$value
224 done
225 }
227 # Starts watchfrr for all wanted daemons.
228 start_watchfrr()
229 {
230 local daemon_name
231 local daemon_prio
232 local found_one
233 local daemon_inst
235 # Start the monitor daemon only if desired.
236 if [ 0 -eq "$watchfrr_enable" ]; then
237 return
238 fi
240 # Check variable type
241 if ! declare -p watchfrr_options | grep -q '^declare \-a'; then
242 echo
243 echo "ERROR: The variable watchfrr_options from /etc/frr/debian.cnf must be a BASH array!"
244 echo "ERROR: Please convert config file and restart!"
245 exit 1
246 fi
248 # Which daemons have been started?
249 found_one=0
250 for daemon_name in $DAEMONS; do
251 eval daemon_prio=\$$daemon_name
252 if [ "$daemon_prio" -gt 0 ]; then
253 eval "daemon_inst=\${${daemon_name}_instances//,/ }"
254 if [ -n "$daemon_inst" ]; then
255 for inst in ${daemon_inst}; do
256 eval "inst_disable=\${${daemon_name}_${inst}}"
257 if [ -z ${inst_disable} ] || [ ${inst_disable} != 0 ]; then
258 if check_daemon $daemon_name $inst; then
259 watchfrr_options+=("${daemon_name}-${inst}")
260 fi
261 fi
262 done
263 else
264 if check_daemon $daemon_name; then
265 watchfrr_options+=($daemon_name)
266 fi
267 fi
268 found_one=1
269 fi
270 done
272 # Start if at least one daemon is activated.
273 if [ $found_one -eq 1 ]; then
274 echo -n "Starting Frr monitor daemon:"
275 start watchfrr
276 echo "."
277 fi
278 }
280 # Stopps watchfrr.
281 stop_watchfrr()
282 {
283 echo -n "Stopping Frr monitor daemon:"
284 stop watchfrr
285 echo "."
286 }
288 # Stops all daemons that have a lower level of priority than the given.
289 # (technically if daemon_prio >= wanted_prio)
290 stop_prio()
291 {
292 local wanted_prio
293 local daemon_prio
294 local daemon_list
295 local daemon_inst
296 local inst
298 if [ -n "$2" ] && [[ "$2" =~ (.*)-(.*) ]]; then
299 daemon=${BASH_REMATCH[1]}
300 inst=${BASH_REMATCH[2]}
301 else
302 daemon="$2"
303 fi
305 wanted_prio=$1
306 daemon_list=${daemon:-$DAEMONS}
308 echo -n "Stopping Frr daemons (prio:$wanted_prio):"
310 for prio_i in `seq 10 -1 $wanted_prio`; do
311 for daemon_name in $daemon_list; do
312 eval daemon_prio=\${${daemon_name}:0:3}
313 daemon_inst=""
314 if [ $daemon_prio -eq $prio_i ]; then
315 eval "daemon_inst=\${${daemon_name}_instances//,/ }"
316 if [ -n "$daemon_inst" ]; then
317 for i in ${daemon_inst}; do
318 if [ -n "$inst" ] && [ "$i" == "$inst" ]; then
319 stop "$daemon_name" "$inst"
320 elif [ x"$inst" == x ]; then
321 stop "$daemon_name" "$i"
322 fi
323 done
324 else
325 stop "$daemon_name"
326 fi
327 fi
328 done
329 done
331 echo "."
332 if [ -z "$inst" ]; then
333 # Now stop other daemons that're prowling, coz the daemons file changed
334 echo -n "Stopping other frr daemons"
335 if [ -n "$daemon" ]; then
336 eval "file_list_suffix="$V_PATH"/"$daemon*""
337 else
338 eval "file_list_suffix="$V_PATH/*""
339 fi
340 for pidfile in $file_list_suffix.pid; do
341 PID=`cat $pidfile 2>/dev/null`
342 ${SSD} --stop --quiet --oknodo --pidfile "$pidfile"
343 echo -n "."
344 rm -rf "$pidfile"
345 done
346 echo "."
348 echo -n "Removing remaining .vty files"
349 for vtyfile in $file_list_suffix.vty; do
350 rm -rf "$vtyfile"
351 done
352 echo "."
353 fi
354 }
356 # Starts all daemons that have a higher level of priority than the given.
357 # (technically if daemon_prio <= wanted_prio)
358 start_prio()
359 {
360 local wanted_prio
361 local daemon_prio
362 local daemon_list
363 local daemon_name
364 local daemon_inst
365 local inst
367 if [ -n "$2" ] && [[ "$2" =~ (.*)-(.*) ]]; then
368 daemon=${BASH_REMATCH[1]}
369 inst=${BASH_REMATCH[2]}
370 else
371 daemon="$2"
372 fi
374 wanted_prio=$1
375 daemon_list=${daemon:-$DAEMONS}
377 echo -n "Starting Frr daemons (prio:$wanted_prio):"
379 for prio_i in `seq 1 $wanted_prio`; do
380 for daemon_name in $daemon_list; do
381 eval daemon_prio=\$${daemon_name}
382 daemon_inst=""
383 if [ $daemon_prio -eq $prio_i ]; then
384 eval "daemon_inst=\${${daemon_name}_instances//,/ }"
385 if [ -n "$daemon_inst" ]; then
386 if [ `echo "$daemon_inst" | wc -w` -gt ${MAX_INSTANCES} ]; then
387 echo "Max instances supported is ${MAX_INSTANCES}. Aborting"
388 exit 1
389 fi
390 # Check if we're starting again by switching from single instance
391 # to MI version
392 if started "$daemon_name"; then
393 PIDFILE=`pidfile $daemon_name`
394 ${SSD} \
395 --stop --quiet --oknodo \
396 --pidfile "$PIDFILE" \
397 --exec "$D_PATH/$daemon_name"
399 rm -f `pidfile $1`
400 rm -f `vtyfile $1`
401 fi
403 for i in ${daemon_inst}; do
404 if [ -n "$inst" ] && [ "$i" == "$inst" ]; then
405 start "$daemon_name" "$inst"
406 elif [ x"$inst" == x ]; then
407 start "$daemon_name" "$i"
408 fi
409 done
410 else
411 # Check if we're starting again by switching from
412 # single instance to MI version
413 eval "file_list_suffix="$V_PATH"/"$daemon_name-*""
414 for pidfile in $file_list_suffix.pid; do
415 ${SSD} --stop --quiet --oknodo --pidfile "$pidfile"
416 echo -n "."
417 rm -rf "$pidfile"
418 done
419 for vtyfile in $file_list_suffix.vty; do
420 rm -rf "$vtyfile"
421 done
423 start "$daemon_name"
424 fi
425 fi
426 done
427 done
428 echo "."
429 }
431 check_status()
432 {
433 local daemon_name
434 local daemon_prio
435 local daemon_inst
436 local failed_status=0
438 if [ -n "$1" ] && [[ "$1" =~ (.*)-(.*) ]]; then
439 daemon=${BASH_REMATCH[1]}
440 inst=${BASH_REMATCH[2]}
441 else
442 daemon="$1"
443 fi
445 daemon_list=${daemon:-$DAEMONS}
447 # Which daemons have been started?
448 for daemon_name in $daemon_list; do
449 eval daemon_prio=\$$daemon_name
450 if [ "$daemon_prio" -gt 0 ]; then
451 eval "daemon_inst=\${${daemon_name}_instances//,/ }"
452 if [ -n "$daemon_inst" ]; then
453 for i in ${daemon_inst}; do
454 if [ -n "$inst" -a "$inst" = "$i" ]; then
455 started "$1" "log" || failed_status=$?
456 elif [ -z "$inst" ]; then
457 started "$daemon_name-$i" "log" || failed_status=$?
458 fi
459 done
460 else
461 started "$daemon_name" "log" || failed_status=$?
462 fi
463 fi
464 done
466 # All daemons that need to have been started are up and running
467 return $failed_status
468 }
470 #########################################################
471 # Main program #
472 #########################################################
474 # Config broken but script must exit silently.
475 [ ! -r "$C_PATH/daemons" ] && exit 0
477 # Load configuration
478 . "$C_PATH/daemons"
479 . "$C_PATH/debian.conf"
481 # Read configuration variable file if it is present
482 [ -r /etc/default/frr ] && . /etc/default/frr
486 # Set priority of un-startable daemons to 'no' and substitute 'yes' to '0'
487 convert_daemon_prios
489 if [ ! -d $V_PATH ]; then
490 echo "Creating $V_PATH"
491 mkdir -p $V_PATH
492 chown frr:frr $V_PATH
493 chmod 755 /$V_PATH
494 fi
496 if [ -n "$3" ] && [ "$3" != "all" ]; then
497 dmn="$2"-"$3"
498 elif [ -n "$2" ] && [ "$2" != "all" ]; then
499 dmn="$2"
500 fi
502 case "$1" in
503 start)
504 # Try to load this necessary (at least for 2.6) module.
505 if [ -d /lib/modules/`uname -r` ] ; then
506 echo "Loading capability module if not yet done."
507 set +e; LC_ALL=C modprobe -a capability 2>&1 | egrep -v "(not found|Can't locate)"; set -e
508 fi
510 # Start all daemons
511 cd $C_PATH/
512 if [ "$2" != "watchfrr" ]; then
513 start_prio 10 $dmn
514 fi
515 start_watchfrr
516 vtysh_b
517 ;;
519 1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10)
520 # Stop/start daemons for the appropriate priority level
521 stop_prio $1
522 start_prio $1
523 vtysh_b
524 ;;
526 stop|0)
527 # Stop all daemons at level '0' or 'stop'
528 stop_watchfrr
529 if [ "$dmn" != "watchfrr" ]; then
530 [ -n "${dmn}" ] && eval "${dmn/-/_}=0"
531 stop_prio 0 $dmn
532 fi
534 if [ -z "$dmn" -o "$dmn" = "zebra" ]; then
535 echo "Removing all routes made by zebra."
536 ip route flush proto zebra
537 else
538 [ -n "$dmn" ] && eval "${dmn/-/_}=0"
539 start_watchfrr
540 fi
541 ;;
543 reload)
544 # Just apply the commands that have changed, no restart necessary
545 [ ! -x "$RELOAD_SCRIPT" ] && echo "frr-reload script not available" && exit 0
546 NEW_CONFIG_FILE="${2:-$C_PATH/frr.conf}"
547 [ ! -r $NEW_CONFIG_FILE ] && echo "Unable to read new configuration file $NEW_CONFIG_FILE" && exit 1
548 echo "Applying only incremental changes to running configuration from frr.conf"
549 "$RELOAD_SCRIPT" --reload /etc/frr/frr.conf
550 exit $?
551 ;;
553 status)
554 check_status $dmn
555 exit $?
556 ;;
558 restart|force-reload)
559 $0 stop $dmn
560 sleep 1
561 $0 start $dmn
562 ;;
564 *)
565 echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/frr {start|stop|status|reload|restart|force-reload|<priority>} [daemon]"
566 echo " E.g. '/etc/init.d/frr 5' would start all daemons with a prio 1-5."
567 echo " reload applies only modifications from the running config to all daemons."
568 echo " reload neither restarts starts any daemon nor starts any new ones."
569 echo " Read /usr/share/doc/frr/README.Debian for details."
570 exit 1
571 ;;
572 esac
574 echo "Exiting from the script"
575 exit 0