]> git.proxmox.com Git - ovs.git/blob - utilities/ovs-parse-leaks.in
ofproto-dpif: Implement PACKET_IN in userspace.
[ovs.git] / utilities / ovs-parse-leaks.in
1 #! @PERL@
3 # Copyright (c) 2009, 2010 Nicira Networks.
4 #
5 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7 # You may obtain a copy of the License at:
8 #
9 # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10 #
11 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15 # limitations under the License.
17 use strict;
18 use warnings;
20 if (grep($_ eq '--help', @ARGV)) {
21 print <<EOF;
22 $0, for parsing leak checker logs
23 usage: $0 [BINARY] < LOG
24 where LOG is a file produced by an Open vSwitch program's --check-leaks option
25 and BINARY is the binary that wrote LOG.
26 EOF
27 exit 0;
28 }
30 die "$0: zero or one arguments required; use --help for help\n" if @ARGV > 1;
31 die "$0: $ARGV[0] does not exist" if @ARGV > 0 && ! -e $ARGV[0];
33 our ($binary);
34 our ($a2l) = search_path("addr2line");
35 my ($no_syms) = "symbols will not be translated (use --help for help)";
36 if (!@ARGV) {
37 print "no binary specified; $no_syms\n";
38 } elsif (! -e $ARGV[0]) {
39 print "$ARGV[0] does not exist; $no_syms";
40 } elsif (!defined($a2l)) {
41 print "addr2line not found in PATH; $no_syms";
42 } else {
43 $binary = $ARGV[0];
44 }
46 our ($objdump) = search_path("objdump");
47 print "objdump not found; dynamic library symbols will not be translated\n"
48 if !defined($objdump);
50 our %blocks;
51 our @segments;
52 while (<STDIN>) {
53 my $ptr = "((?:0x)?[0-9a-fA-F]+|\\(nil\\))";
54 my $callers = ":((?: $ptr)+)";
55 if (/^malloc\((\d+)\) -> $ptr$callers$/) {
56 allocated($., $2, $1, $3);
57 } elsif (/^claim\($ptr\)$callers$/) {
58 claimed($., $1, $2);
59 } elsif (/realloc\($ptr, (\d+)\) -> $ptr$callers$/) {
60 my ($callers) = $4;
61 freed($., $1, $callers);
62 allocated($., $3, $2, $callers);
63 } elsif (/^free\($ptr\)$callers$/) {
64 freed($., $1, $2);
65 } elsif (/^segment: $ptr-$ptr $ptr [-r][-w][-x][sp] (.*)/) {
66 add_segment(hex($1), hex($2), hex($3), $4);
67 } else {
68 print "stdin:$.: syntax error\n";
69 }
70 }
71 if (%blocks) {
72 my $n_blocks = scalar(keys(%blocks));
73 my $n_bytes = 0;
74 $n_bytes += $_->{SIZE} foreach values(%blocks);
75 print "$n_bytes bytes in $n_blocks blocks not freed at end of run\n";
76 my %blocks_by_callers;
77 foreach my $block (values(%blocks)) {
78 my ($trimmed_callers) = trim_callers($block->{CALLERS});
79 push (@{$blocks_by_callers{$trimmed_callers}}, $block);
80 }
81 foreach my $callers (sort {@{$b} <=> @{$a}} (values(%blocks_by_callers))) {
82 $n_blocks = scalar(@{$callers});
83 $n_bytes = 0;
84 $n_bytes += $_->{SIZE} foreach @{$callers};
85 print "$n_bytes bytes in these $n_blocks blocks were not freed:\n";
86 my $i = 0;
87 my $max = 5;
88 foreach my $block (sort {$a->{LINE} <=> $b->{LINE}} (@{$callers})) {
89 printf "\t%d-byte block at 0x%08x allocated on stdin:%d\n",
90 $block->{SIZE}, $block->{BASE}, $block->{LINE};
91 last if $i++ > $max;
92 }
93 print "\t...and ", $n_blocks - $max, " others...\n"
94 if $n_blocks > $max;
95 print "The blocks listed above were allocated by:\n";
96 print_callers("\t", ${$callers}[0]->{CALLERS});
97 }
98 }
99 sub interp_pointer {
100 my ($s_ptr) = @_;
101 return $s_ptr eq '(nil)' ? 0 : hex($s_ptr);
102 }
104 sub allocated {
105 my ($line, $s_base, $size, $callers) = @_;
106 my ($base) = interp_pointer($s_base);
107 return if !$base;
108 my ($info) = {LINE => $line,
109 BASE => $base,
110 SIZE => $size,
111 CALLERS => $callers};
112 if (exists($blocks{$base})) {
113 print "In-use address returned by allocator:\n";
114 print "\tInitial allocation:\n";
115 print_block("\t\t", $blocks{$base});
116 print "\tNew allocation:\n";
117 print_block("\t\t", $info);
118 }
119 $blocks{$base} = $info;
120 }
122 sub claimed {
123 my ($line, $s_base, $callers) = @_;
124 my ($base) = interp_pointer($s_base);
125 return if !$base;
126 if (exists($blocks{$base})) {
127 $blocks{$base}{LINE} = $line;
128 $blocks{$base}{CALLERS} = $callers;
129 } else {
130 printf "Claim asserted on not-in-use block 0x%08x by:\n", $base;
131 print_callers('', $callers);
132 }
133 }
135 sub freed {
136 my ($line, $s_base, $callers) = @_;
137 my ($base) = interp_pointer($s_base);
138 return if !$base;
140 if (!delete($blocks{$base})) {
141 printf "Bad free of not-allocated address 0x%08x on stdin:%d by:\n", $base, $line;
142 print_callers('', $callers);
143 }
144 }
146 sub print_block {
147 my ($prefix, $info) = @_;
148 printf '%s%d-byte block at 0x%08x allocated on stdin:%d by:' . "\n",
149 $prefix, $info->{SIZE}, $info->{BASE}, $info->{LINE};
150 print_callers($prefix, $info->{CALLERS});
151 }
153 sub print_callers {
154 my ($prefix, $callers) = @_;
155 foreach my $pc (split(' ', $callers)) {
156 print "$prefix\t", lookup_pc($pc), "\n";
157 }
158 }
160 our (%cache);
161 sub lookup_pc {
162 my ($s_pc) = @_;
163 if (defined($binary)) {
164 my ($pc) = hex($s_pc);
165 my ($output) = "$s_pc: ";
166 if (!exists($cache{$pc})) {
167 open(A2L, "$a2l -fe $binary --demangle $s_pc|");
168 chomp(my $function = <A2L>);
169 chomp(my $line = <A2L>);
170 close(A2L);
171 if ($function eq '??') {
172 ($function, $line) = lookup_pc_by_segment($pc);
173 }
174 $line =~ s/^(\.\.\/)*//;
175 $line = "..." . substr($line, -25) if length($line) > 28;
176 $cache{$pc} = "$s_pc: $function ($line)";
177 }
178 return $cache{$pc};
179 } else {
180 return "$s_pc";
181 }
182 }
184 sub trim_callers {
185 my ($in) = @_;
186 my (@out);
187 foreach my $pc (split(' ', $in)) {
188 my $xlated = lookup_pc($pc);
189 if ($xlated =~ /\?\?/) {
190 push(@out, "...") if !@out || $out[$#out] ne '...';
191 } else {
192 push(@out, $pc);
193 }
194 }
195 return join(' ', @out);
196 }
198 sub search_path {
199 my ($target) = @_;
200 for my $dir (split (':', $ENV{PATH})) {
201 my ($file) = "$dir/$target";
202 return $file if -e $file;
203 }
204 return undef;
205 }
207 sub add_segment {
208 my ($vm_start, $vm_end, $vm_pgoff, $file) = @_;
209 for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#segments; $i++) {
210 my ($s) = $segments[$i];
211 next if $vm_end <= $s->{START} || $vm_start >= $s->{END};
212 if ($vm_start <= $s->{START} && $vm_end >= $s->{END}) {
213 splice(@segments, $i, 1);
214 --$i;
215 } else {
216 $s->{START} = $vm_end if $vm_end > $s->{START};
217 $s->{END} = $vm_start if $vm_start <= $s->{END};
218 }
219 }
220 push(@segments, {START => $vm_start,
221 END => $vm_end,
222 PGOFF => $vm_pgoff,
223 FILE => $file});
224 @segments = sort { $a->{START} <=> $b->{START} } @segments;
225 }
227 sub binary_search {
228 my ($array, $value) = @_;
229 my $l = 0;
230 my $r = $#{$array};
231 while ($l <= $r) {
232 my $m = int(($l + $r) / 2);
233 my $e = $array->[$m];
234 if ($value < $e->{START}) {
235 $r = $m - 1;
236 } elsif ($value >= $e->{END}) {
237 $l = $m + 1;
238 } else {
239 return $e;
240 }
241 }
242 return undef;
243 }
245 sub read_sections {
246 my ($file) = @_;
247 my (@sections);
248 open(OBJDUMP, "$objdump -h $file|");
249 while (<OBJDUMP>) {
250 my $ptr = "([0-9a-fA-F]+)";
251 my ($name, $size, $vma, $lma, $file_off)
252 = /^\s*\d+\s+(\S+)\s+$ptr\s+$ptr\s+$ptr\s+$ptr/
253 or next;
254 push(@sections, {START => hex($file_off),
255 END => hex($file_off) + hex($size),
256 NAME => $name});
257 }
258 close(OBJDUMP);
259 return [sort { $a->{START} <=> $b->{START} } @sections ];
260 }
262 our %file_to_sections;
263 sub segment_to_section {
264 my ($file, $file_offset) = @_;
265 if (!defined($file_to_sections{$file})) {
266 $file_to_sections{$file} = read_sections($file);
267 }
268 return binary_search($file_to_sections{$file}, $file_offset);
269 }
271 sub address_to_segment {
272 my ($pc) = @_;
273 return binary_search(\@segments, $pc);
274 }
276 sub lookup_pc_by_segment {
277 return ('??', 0) if !defined($objdump);
279 my ($pc) = @_;
280 my ($segment) = address_to_segment($pc);
281 return ('??', 0) if !defined($segment) || $segment->{FILE} eq '';
283 my ($file_offset) = $pc - $segment->{START} + $segment->{PGOFF};
284 my ($section) = segment_to_section($segment->{FILE}, $file_offset);
285 return ('??', 0) if !defined($section);
287 my ($section_offset) = $file_offset - $section->{START};
288 open(A2L, sprintf("%s -fe %s --demangle --section=$section->{NAME} 0x%x|",
289 $a2l, $segment->{FILE}, $section_offset));
290 chomp(my $function = <A2L>);
291 chomp(my $line = <A2L>);
292 close(A2L);
294 return ($function, $line);
295 }
297 # Local Variables:
298 # mode: perl
299 # End: