]> git.proxmox.com Git - mirror_ovs.git/blob - utilities/ovs-sim.1.xml
ovs-tcpdump: Do not import unused "select" module.
[mirror_ovs.git] / utilities / ovs-sim.1.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2 <manpage program="ovs-sim" section="1" title="ovs-sim">
3 <h1>Name</h1>
4 <p>ovs-sim -- Open vSwitch simulator environment</p>
6 <h1>Synopsis</h1>
7 <p><code>ovs-sim</code> [<var>option</var>]... [<var>script</var>]...</p>
9 <h1>Description</h1>
10 <p>
11 <code>ovs-sim</code> provides a convenient environment for running one or
12 more Open vSwitch instances and related software in a sandboxed
13 simulation environment.
14 </p>
16 <p>
17 To use <code>ovs-sim</code>, first build Open vSwitch, then invoke it
18 directly from the build directory, e.g.:
19 </p>
21 <pre>
22 git clone https://github.com/openvswitch/ovs.git
23 cd ovs
24 ./configure
25 make
26 utilities/ovs-sim
27 </pre>
29 <p>
30 When invoked in the most ordinary way as shown above,
31 <code>ovs-sim</code> does the following:
32 </p>
34 <ol>
35 <li>
36 Creates a directory <code>sandbox</code> as a subdirectory of the
37 current directory (first destroying such a directory if it already
38 exists) and <code>cd</code>s into that directory.
39 </li>
41 <li>
42 Installs all of the Open vSwitch manpages into a <code>man</code>
43 subdirectory of <code>sandbox</code> and adjusts the <env>MANPATH</env>
44 environment variable so that <code>man</code> and other manpage viewers
45 can find them.
46 </li>
48 <li>
49 <p>
50 Creates a simulated Open vSwitch named <code>main</code> and sets it
51 up as the default target for OVS commands, as if the following
52 <code>ovs-sim</code> commands had been run:
53 </p>
55 <pre>
56 sim_add main
57 as main
58 </pre>
60 <p>
61 See <code>Commands</code>, below, for an explanation.
62 </p>
63 </li>
65 <li>
66 Runs any scripts specified on the command line (see
67 <code>Options</code> below). The scripts can use arbitrary Bash
68 syntax, plus the additional commands described under
69 <code>Commands</code>, below.
70 </li>
72 <li>
73 If no scripts were specified, or if <option>-i</option> or
74 <option>--interactive</option> was specified, invokes an interactive
75 Bash subshell. The user can use arbitrary Bash commands, plus the
76 additional commands described under <code>Commands</code>, below.
77 </li>
78 </ol>
80 <p>
81 <code>ovs-sim</code> and the sandbox environment that it creates does not
82 require superuser or other special privileges. Generally, it should not
83 be run with such privileges.
84 </p>
86 <h1>Options</h1>
88 <p>
89 <code>ovs-sim</code> accepts the following options and arguments:
90 </p>
92 <dl>
93 <dt><var>script</var></dt>
94 <dd>
95 Runs <var>script</var>, which should be a Bash script, within a
96 subshell after initializing. If multiple <var>script</var> arguments
97 are given, then they are run in the order given. If any
98 <var>script</var> exits with a nonzero exit code, then
99 <code>ovs-sim</code> exits immediately with the same exit code.
100 </dd>
102 <dt><option>-i</option></dt>
103 <dt><option>--interactive</option></dt>
104 <dd>
105 By default, if any <var>script</var> is specified, <code>ovs-sim</code>
106 exits as soon as the scripts finish executing. With this option, or if
107 no scripts are specified, <code>ovs-sim</code> instead starts an
108 interactive Bash session.
109 </dd>
110 </dl>
112 <h1>Commands</h1>
114 <p>
115 Scripts and interactive usage may use the following commands implemented
116 by <code>ovs-sim</code>. They are implemented as Bash shell functions
117 exported to subshells.
118 </p>
120 <h2>Basic Commands</h2>
122 <p>
123 These are the basic commands for working with sandboxed Open vSwitch
124 instances.
125 </p>
127 <dl>
128 <dt><code>sim_add</code> <var>sandbox</var></dt>
129 <dd>
130 <p>
131 Starts a new simulated Open vSwitch instance named
132 <var>sandbox</var>. Files related to the instance, such as logs,
133 databases, sockets, and pidfiles, are created in a subdirectory also
134 named <var>sandbox</var>. Afterward, the <code>as</code> command
135 (see below) can be used to run Open vSwitch utilities in the context
136 of the new sandbox.
137 </p>
139 <p>
140 The new sandbox starts out without any bridges. Use
141 <code>ovs-vsctl</code> in the context of the new sandbox to create a
142 bridge, e.g.:
143 </p>
145 <pre>
146 sim_add hv0 # Create sandbox hv0.
147 as hv0 # Set hv0 as default sandbox.
148 ovs-vsctl add-br br0 # Add bridge br0 inside hv0.
149 </pre>
151 <p>
152 The Open vSwitch instances that <code>sim_add</code> create enable
153 ``dummy'' devices. This means that bridges and interfaces can be
154 created with type <code>dummy</code> to indicate that they should be
155 totally simulated, without any reference to system entities. In
156 fact, <code>ovs-sim</code> also configures Open vSwitch so that the
157 default <code>system</code> type of bridges and interfaces are
158 replaced by <code>dummy</code> devices. Other types of devices,
159 however, retain their usual functions, which means that, e.g.,
160 <code>vxlan</code> tunnels still act as tunnels (see
161 <code>README-native-tunneling.rst</code>).
162 </p>
163 </dd>
165 <dt><code>as</code> <var>sandbox</var></dt>
166 <dd>
167 <p>
168 Sets <var>sandbox</var> as the default simulation target for Open
169 vSwitch commands (e.g. <code>ovs-vsctl</code>,
170 <code>ovs-ofctl</code>, <code>ovs-appctl</code>).
171 </p>
173 <p>
174 This command updates the beginning of the shell prompt to indicate
175 the new default target.
176 </p>
177 </dd>
179 <dt><code>as</code> <var>sandbox</var> <var>command</var> <var>arg</var>...</dt>
180 <dd>
181 Runs the given <var>command</var> with <var>sandbox</var> as the
182 simulation target, e.g. <code>as hv0 ovs-vsctl add-br br0</code> runs
183 <code>ovs-vsctl add-br br0</code> within sandbox <code>hv0</code>.
184 The default target is unchanged.
185 </dd>
186 </dl>
188 <h2>Interconnection Network Commands</h2>
190 <p>
191 When multiple sandboxed Open vSwitch instances exist, one will inevitably
192 want to connect them together. These commands allow for that.
193 Conceptually, an interconnection network is a switch that
194 <code>ovs-sim</code> makes it easy to plug into other switches in other
195 sandboxed Open vSwitch instances. Interconnection networks are
196 implemented as bridges in the <code>main</code> switch that
197 <code>ovs-sim</code> creates by default, so to use interconnection
198 networks please avoid working with <code>main</code> directly.
199 </p>
201 <dl>
202 <dt><code>net_add</code> <var>network</var></dt>
203 <dd>
204 Creates a new interconnection network named <var>network</var>.
205 </dd>
207 <dt><code>net_attach</code> <var>network</var> <var>bridge</var></dt>
208 <dd>
209 Adds a new port to <var>bridge</var> in the default sandbox (as set
210 with <code>as</code>) and plugs it into the <var>network</var>
211 interconnection network. <var>network</var> must already have been
212 created by a previous invocation of <code>net_add</code>. The default
213 sandbox must not be <code>main</code>.
214 </dd>
215 </dl>
217 <h2>OVN Commands</h2>
219 <p>
220 These commands interact with OVN, the Open Virtual Network.
221 </p>
223 <dl>
224 <dt><code>ovn_start</code></dt>
225 <dd>
226 Creates and initializes the central OVN databases (both
227 <code>ovn-sb</code>(5) and <code>ovn-nb</code>) and starts an instance
228 of <code>ovsdb-server</code> for each one. Also starts an instance of
229 <code>ovn-northd</code>.
230 </dd>
232 <dt><code>ovn_attach</code> <var>network</var> <var>bridge</var> <var>ip</var> [<var>masklen</var>]</dt>
233 <dd>
234 First, this command attaches <var>bridge</var> to interconnection
235 network <var>network</var>, just like <code>net_attach</code>
236 <var>network</var> <var>bridge</var>. Second, it configures
237 (simulated) IP address <var>ip</var> (with network mask length
238 <code>masklen</code>, which defaults to 24) on <var>bridge</var>.
239 Finally, it configures the Open vSwitch database to work with OVN and
240 starts <code>ovn-controller</code>.
241 </dd>
242 </dl>
244 <h1>Examples</h1>
246 <p>
247 The following creates a pair of Open vSwitch instances
248 <code>hv0</code> and <code>hv1</code>, adds a port named
249 <code>vif0</code> or <code>vif1</code>, respectively, to each
250 one, and then connects the two through an interconnection
251 network <code>n1</code>:
252 </p>
254 <pre>
255 net_add n1
256 for i in 0 1; do
257 sim_add hv$i
258 as hv$i ovs-vsctl add-br br0 -- add-port br0 vif$i
259 as hv$i net_attach n1 br0
260 done
261 </pre>
263 <p>
264 Here's an extended version that also starts OVN:
265 </p>
267 <pre>
268 ovn_start
269 ovn-nbctl ls-add lsw0
271 net_add n1
272 for i in 0 1; do
273 sim_add hv$i
274 as hv$i
275 ovs-vsctl add-br br-phys
276 ovn_attach n1 br-phys 192.168.0.`expr $i + 1`
277 ovs-vsctl add-port br-int vif$i -- set Interface vif$i external-ids:iface-id=lp$i
278 ovn-nbctl lsp-add lsw0 lp$i
279 ovn-nbctl lsp-set-addresses lp$i f0:00:00:00:00:0$i
280 done
281 </pre>
283 <p>
284 Here's a primitive OVN ``scale test'' (adjust the scale by
285 changing <var>n</var> in the first line :
286 </p>
288 <pre>
289 n=200; export n
290 ovn_start
291 net_add n1
292 ovn-nbctl ls-add br0
293 for i in `seq $n`; do
294 (sim_add hv$i
295 as hv$i
296 ovs-vsctl add-br br-phys
297 y=$(expr $i / 256)
298 x=$(expr $i % 256)
299 ovn_attach n1 br-phys 192.168.$y.$x
300 ovs-vsctl add-port br-int vif$i -- set Interface vif$i external-ids:iface-id=lp$i) &amp;
301 case $i in
302 *50|*00) echo $i; wait ;;
303 esac
304 done
305 wait
306 for i in `seq $n`; do
307 yy=$(printf %02x $(expr $i / 256))
308 xx=$(printf $02x $(expr $i % 256))
309 ovn-nbctl lsp-add br0 lp$i
310 ovn-nbctl lsp-set-addresses lp$i f0:00:00:00:$yy:$xx
311 done
312 </pre>
314 <p>
315 When the scale test has finished initializing, you can watch the
316 logical ports come up with a command like this:
317 </p>
319 <pre>
320 watch 'for i in `seq $n`; do if test `ovn-nbctl lsp-get-up lp$i` != up; then echo $i; fi; done'
321 </pre>
323 </manpage>