]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - vendor/bstr/src/lib.rs
New upstream version 1.70.0+dfsg2
[rustc.git] / vendor / bstr / src / lib.rs
1 /*!
2 A byte string library.
4 Byte strings are just like standard Unicode strings with one very important
5 difference: byte strings are only *conventionally* UTF-8 while Rust's standard
6 Unicode strings are *guaranteed* to be valid UTF-8. The primary motivation for
7 byte strings is for handling arbitrary bytes that are mostly UTF-8.
9 # Overview
11 This crate provides two important traits that provide string oriented methods
12 on `&[u8]` and `Vec<u8>` types:
14 * [`ByteSlice`](trait.ByteSlice.html) extends the `[u8]` type with additional
15 string oriented methods.
16 * [`ByteVec`](trait.ByteVec.html) extends the `Vec<u8>` type with additional
17 string oriented methods.
19 Additionally, this crate provides two concrete byte string types that deref to
20 `[u8]` and `Vec<u8>`. These are useful for storing byte string types, and come
21 with convenient `std::fmt::Debug` implementations:
23 * [`BStr`](struct.BStr.html) is a byte string slice, analogous to `str`.
24 * [`BString`](struct.BString.html) is an owned growable byte string buffer,
25 analogous to `String`.
27 Additionally, the free function [`B`](fn.B.html) serves as a convenient short
28 hand for writing byte string literals.
30 # Quick examples
32 Byte strings build on the existing APIs for `Vec<u8>` and `&[u8]`, with
33 additional string oriented methods. Operations such as iterating over
34 graphemes, searching for substrings, replacing substrings, trimming and case
35 conversion are examples of things not provided on the standard library `&[u8]`
36 APIs but are provided by this crate. For example, this code iterates over all
37 of occurrences of a substring:
39 ```
40 use bstr::ByteSlice;
42 let s = b"foo bar foo foo quux foo";
44 let mut matches = vec![];
45 for start in s.find_iter("foo") {
46 matches.push(start);
47 }
48 assert_eq!(matches, [0, 8, 12, 21]);
49 ```
51 Here's another example showing how to do a search and replace (and also showing
52 use of the `B` function):
54 ```
55 # #[cfg(feature = "alloc")] {
56 use bstr::{B, ByteSlice};
58 let old = B("foo ☃☃☃ foo foo quux foo");
59 let new = old.replace("foo", "hello");
60 assert_eq!(new, B("hello ☃☃☃ hello hello quux hello"));
61 # }
62 ```
64 And here's an example that shows case conversion, even in the presence of
65 invalid UTF-8:
67 ```
68 # #[cfg(all(feature = "alloc", feature = "unicode"))] {
69 use bstr::{ByteSlice, ByteVec};
71 let mut lower = Vec::from("hello β");
72 lower[0] = b'\xFF';
73 // lowercase β is uppercased to Β
74 assert_eq!(lower.to_uppercase(), b"\xFFELLO \xCE\x92");
75 # }
76 ```
78 # Convenient debug representation
80 When working with byte strings, it is often useful to be able to print them
81 as if they were byte strings and not sequences of integers. While this crate
82 cannot affect the `std::fmt::Debug` implementations for `[u8]` and `Vec<u8>`,
83 this crate does provide the `BStr` and `BString` types which have convenient
84 `std::fmt::Debug` implementations.
86 For example, this
88 ```
89 use bstr::ByteSlice;
91 let mut bytes = Vec::from("hello β");
92 bytes[0] = b'\xFF';
94 println!("{:?}", bytes.as_bstr());
95 ```
97 will output `"\xFFello β"`.
99 This example works because the
100 [`ByteSlice::as_bstr`](trait.ByteSlice.html#method.as_bstr)
101 method converts any `&[u8]` to a `&BStr`.
103 # When should I use byte strings?
105 This library reflects my belief that UTF-8 by convention is a better trade
106 off in some circumstances than guaranteed UTF-8.
108 The first time this idea hit me was in the implementation of Rust's regex
109 engine. In particular, very little of the internal implementation cares at all
110 about searching valid UTF-8 encoded strings. Indeed, internally, the
111 implementation converts `&str` from the API to `&[u8]` fairly quickly and
112 just deals with raw bytes. UTF-8 match boundaries are then guaranteed by the
113 finite state machine itself rather than any specific string type. This makes it
114 possible to not only run regexes on `&str` values, but also on `&[u8]` values.
116 Why would you ever want to run a regex on a `&[u8]` though? Well, `&[u8]` is
117 the fundamental way at which one reads data from all sorts of streams, via the
118 standard library's [`Read`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/io/trait.Read.html)
119 trait. In particular, there is no platform independent way to determine whether
120 what you're reading from is some binary file or a human readable text file.
121 Therefore, if you're writing a program to search files, you probably need to
122 deal with `&[u8]` directly unless you're okay with first converting it to a
123 `&str` and dropping any bytes that aren't valid UTF-8. (Or otherwise determine
124 the encoding---which is often impractical---and perform a transcoding step.)
125 Often, the simplest and most robust way to approach this is to simply treat the
126 contents of a file as if it were mostly valid UTF-8 and pass through invalid
127 UTF-8 untouched. This may not be the most correct approach though!
129 One case in particular exacerbates these issues, and that's memory mapping
130 a file. When you memory map a file, that file may be gigabytes big, but all
131 you get is a `&[u8]`. Converting that to a `&str` all in one go is generally
132 not a good idea because of the costs associated with doing so, and also
133 because it generally causes one to do two passes over the data instead of
134 one, which is quite undesirable. It is of course usually possible to do it an
135 incremental way by only parsing chunks at a time, but this is often complex to
136 do or impractical. For example, many regex engines only accept one contiguous
137 sequence of bytes at a time with no way to perform incremental matching.
139 # `bstr` in public APIs
141 This library is past version `1` and is expected to remain at version `1` for
142 the foreseeable future. Therefore, it is encouraged to put types from `bstr`
143 (like `BStr` and `BString`) in your public API if that makes sense for your
144 crate.
146 With that said, in general, it should be possible to avoid putting anything
147 in this crate into your public APIs. Namely, you should never need to use the
148 `ByteSlice` or `ByteVec` traits as bounds on public APIs, since their only
149 purpose is to extend the methods on the concrete types `[u8]` and `Vec<u8>`,
150 respectively. Similarly, it should not be necessary to put either the `BStr` or
151 `BString` types into public APIs. If you want to use them internally, then they
152 can be converted to/from `[u8]`/`Vec<u8>` as needed. The conversions are free.
154 So while it shouldn't ever be 100% necessary to make `bstr` a public
155 dependency, there may be cases where it is convenient to do so. This is an
156 explicitly supported use case of `bstr`, and as such, major version releases
157 should be exceptionally rare.
160 # Differences with standard strings
162 The primary difference between `[u8]` and `str` is that the former is
163 conventionally UTF-8 while the latter is guaranteed to be UTF-8. The phrase
164 "conventionally UTF-8" means that a `[u8]` may contain bytes that do not form
165 a valid UTF-8 sequence, but operations defined on the type in this crate are
166 generally most useful on valid UTF-8 sequences. For example, iterating over
167 Unicode codepoints or grapheme clusters is an operation that is only defined
168 on valid UTF-8. Therefore, when invalid UTF-8 is encountered, the Unicode
169 replacement codepoint is substituted. Thus, a byte string that is not UTF-8 at
170 all is of limited utility when using these crate.
172 However, not all operations on byte strings are specifically Unicode aware. For
173 example, substring search has no specific Unicode semantics ascribed to it. It
174 works just as well for byte strings that are completely valid UTF-8 as for byte
175 strings that contain no valid UTF-8 at all. Similarly for replacements and
176 various other operations that do not need any Unicode specific tailoring.
178 Aside from the difference in how UTF-8 is handled, the APIs between `[u8]` and
179 `str` (and `Vec<u8>` and `String`) are intentionally very similar, including
180 maintaining the same behavior for corner cases in things like substring
181 splitting. There are, however, some differences:
183 * Substring search is not done with `matches`, but instead, `find_iter`.
184 In general, this crate does not define any generic
185 [`Pattern`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/str/pattern/trait.Pattern.html)
186 infrastructure, and instead prefers adding new methods for different
187 argument types. For example, `matches` can search by a `char` or a `&str`,
188 where as `find_iter` can only search by a byte string. `find_char` can be
189 used for searching by a `char`.
190 * Since `SliceConcatExt` in the standard library is unstable, it is not
191 possible to reuse that to implement `join` and `concat` methods. Instead,
192 [`join`](fn.join.html) and [`concat`](fn.concat.html) are provided as free
193 functions that perform a similar task.
194 * This library bundles in a few more Unicode operations, such as grapheme,
195 word and sentence iterators. More operations, such as normalization and
196 case folding, may be provided in the future.
197 * Some `String`/`str` APIs will panic if a particular index was not on a valid
198 UTF-8 code unit sequence boundary. Conversely, no such checking is performed
199 in this crate, as is consistent with treating byte strings as a sequence of
200 bytes. This means callers are responsible for maintaining a UTF-8 invariant
201 if that's important.
202 * Some routines provided by this crate, such as `starts_with_str`, have a
203 `_str` suffix to differentiate them from similar routines already defined
204 on the `[u8]` type. The difference is that `starts_with` requires its
205 parameter to be a `&[u8]`, where as `starts_with_str` permits its parameter
206 to by anything that implements `AsRef<[u8]>`, which is more flexible. This
207 means you can write `bytes.starts_with_str("☃")` instead of
208 `bytes.starts_with("☃".as_bytes())`.
210 Otherwise, you should find most of the APIs between this crate and the standard
211 library string APIs to be very similar, if not identical.
213 # Handling of invalid UTF-8
215 Since byte strings are only *conventionally* UTF-8, there is no guarantee
216 that byte strings contain valid UTF-8. Indeed, it is perfectly legal for a
217 byte string to contain arbitrary bytes. However, since this library defines
218 a *string* type, it provides many operations specified by Unicode. These
219 operations are typically only defined over codepoints, and thus have no real
220 meaning on bytes that are invalid UTF-8 because they do not map to a particular
221 codepoint.
223 For this reason, whenever operations defined only on codepoints are used, this
224 library will automatically convert invalid UTF-8 to the Unicode replacement
225 codepoint, `U+FFFD`, which looks like this: `�`. For example, an
226 [iterator over codepoints](struct.Chars.html) will yield a Unicode
227 replacement codepoint whenever it comes across bytes that are not valid UTF-8:
229 ```
230 use bstr::ByteSlice;
232 let bs = b"a\xFF\xFFz";
233 let chars: Vec<char> = bs.chars().collect();
234 assert_eq!(vec!['a', '\u{FFFD}', '\u{FFFD}', 'z'], chars);
235 ```
237 There are a few ways in which invalid bytes can be substituted with a Unicode
238 replacement codepoint. One way, not used by this crate, is to replace every
239 individual invalid byte with a single replacement codepoint. In contrast, the
240 approach this crate uses is called the "substitution of maximal subparts," as
241 specified by the Unicode Standard (Chapter 3, Section 9). (This approach is
242 also used by [W3C's Encoding Standard](https://www.w3.org/TR/encoding/).) In
243 this strategy, a replacement codepoint is inserted whenever a byte is found
244 that cannot possibly lead to a valid UTF-8 code unit sequence. If there were
245 previous bytes that represented a *prefix* of a well-formed UTF-8 code unit
246 sequence, then all of those bytes (up to 3) are substituted with a single
247 replacement codepoint. For example:
249 ```
250 use bstr::ByteSlice;
252 let bs = b"a\xF0\x9F\x87z";
253 let chars: Vec<char> = bs.chars().collect();
254 // The bytes \xF0\x9F\x87 could lead to a valid UTF-8 sequence, but 3 of them
255 // on their own are invalid. Only one replacement codepoint is substituted,
256 // which demonstrates the "substitution of maximal subparts" strategy.
257 assert_eq!(vec!['a', '\u{FFFD}', 'z'], chars);
258 ```
260 If you do need to access the raw bytes for some reason in an iterator like
261 `Chars`, then you should use the iterator's "indices" variant, which gives
262 the byte offsets containing the invalid UTF-8 bytes that were substituted with
263 the replacement codepoint. For example:
265 ```
266 use bstr::{B, ByteSlice};
268 let bs = b"a\xE2\x98z";
269 let chars: Vec<(usize, usize, char)> = bs.char_indices().collect();
270 // Even though the replacement codepoint is encoded as 3 bytes itself, the
271 // byte range given here is only two bytes, corresponding to the original
272 // raw bytes.
273 assert_eq!(vec![(0, 1, 'a'), (1, 3, '\u{FFFD}'), (3, 4, 'z')], chars);
275 // Thus, getting the original raw bytes is as simple as slicing the original
276 // byte string:
277 let chars: Vec<&[u8]> = bs.char_indices().map(|(s, e, _)| &bs[s..e]).collect();
278 assert_eq!(vec![B("a"), B(b"\xE2\x98"), B("z")], chars);
279 ```
281 # File paths and OS strings
283 One of the premiere features of Rust's standard library is how it handles file
284 paths. In particular, it makes it very hard to write incorrect code while
285 simultaneously providing a correct cross platform abstraction for manipulating
286 file paths. The key challenge that one faces with file paths across platforms
287 is derived from the following observations:
289 * On most Unix-like systems, file paths are an arbitrary sequence of bytes.
290 * On Windows, file paths are an arbitrary sequence of 16-bit integers.
292 (In both cases, certain sequences aren't allowed. For example a `NUL` byte is
293 not allowed in either case. But we can ignore this for the purposes of this
294 section.)
296 Byte strings, like the ones provided in this crate, line up really well with
297 file paths on Unix like systems, which are themselves just arbitrary sequences
298 of bytes. It turns out that if you treat them as "mostly UTF-8," then things
299 work out pretty well. On the contrary, byte strings _don't_ really work
300 that well on Windows because it's not possible to correctly roundtrip file
301 paths between 16-bit integers and something that looks like UTF-8 _without_
302 explicitly defining an encoding to do this for you, which is anathema to byte
303 strings, which are just bytes.
305 Rust's standard library elegantly solves this problem by specifying an
306 internal encoding for file paths that's only used on Windows called
307 [WTF-8](https://simonsapin.github.io/wtf-8/). Its key properties are that they
308 permit losslessly roundtripping file paths on Windows by extending UTF-8 to
309 support an encoding of surrogate codepoints, while simultaneously supporting
310 zero-cost conversion from Rust's Unicode strings to file paths. (Since UTF-8 is
311 a proper subset of WTF-8.)
313 The fundamental point at which the above strategy fails is when you want to
314 treat file paths as things that look like strings in a zero cost way. In most
315 cases, this is actually the wrong thing to do, but some cases call for it,
316 for example, glob or regex matching on file paths. This is because WTF-8 is
317 treated as an internal implementation detail, and there is no way to access
318 those bytes via a public API. Therefore, such consumers are limited in what
319 they can do:
321 1. One could re-implement WTF-8 and re-encode file paths on Windows to WTF-8
322 by accessing their underlying 16-bit integer representation. Unfortunately,
323 this isn't zero cost (it introduces a second WTF-8 decoding step) and it's
324 not clear this is a good thing to do, since WTF-8 should ideally remain an
325 internal implementation detail. This is roughly the approach taken by the
326 [`os_str_bytes`](https://crates.io/crates/os_str_bytes) crate.
327 2. One could instead declare that they will not handle paths on Windows that
328 are not valid UTF-16, and return an error when one is encountered.
329 3. Like (2), but instead of returning an error, lossily decode the file path
330 on Windows that isn't valid UTF-16 into UTF-16 by replacing invalid bytes
331 with the Unicode replacement codepoint.
333 While this library may provide facilities for (1) in the future, currently,
334 this library only provides facilities for (2) and (3). In particular, a suite
335 of conversion functions are provided that permit converting between byte
336 strings, OS strings and file paths. For owned byte strings, they are:
338 * [`ByteVec::from_os_string`](trait.ByteVec.html#method.from_os_string)
339 * [`ByteVec::from_os_str_lossy`](trait.ByteVec.html#method.from_os_str_lossy)
340 * [`ByteVec::from_path_buf`](trait.ByteVec.html#method.from_path_buf)
341 * [`ByteVec::from_path_lossy`](trait.ByteVec.html#method.from_path_lossy)
342 * [`ByteVec::into_os_string`](trait.ByteVec.html#method.into_os_string)
343 * [`ByteVec::into_os_string_lossy`](trait.ByteVec.html#method.into_os_string_lossy)
344 * [`ByteVec::into_path_buf`](trait.ByteVec.html#method.into_path_buf)
345 * [`ByteVec::into_path_buf_lossy`](trait.ByteVec.html#method.into_path_buf_lossy)
347 For byte string slices, they are:
349 * [`ByteSlice::from_os_str`](trait.ByteSlice.html#method.from_os_str)
350 * [`ByteSlice::from_path`](trait.ByteSlice.html#method.from_path)
351 * [`ByteSlice::to_os_str`](trait.ByteSlice.html#method.to_os_str)
352 * [`ByteSlice::to_os_str_lossy`](trait.ByteSlice.html#method.to_os_str_lossy)
353 * [`ByteSlice::to_path`](trait.ByteSlice.html#method.to_path)
354 * [`ByteSlice::to_path_lossy`](trait.ByteSlice.html#method.to_path_lossy)
356 On Unix, all of these conversions are rigorously zero cost, which gives one
357 a way to ergonomically deal with raw file paths exactly as they are using
358 normal string-related functions. On Windows, these conversion routines perform
359 a UTF-8 check and either return an error or lossily decode the file path
360 into valid UTF-8, depending on which function you use. This means that you
361 cannot roundtrip all file paths on Windows correctly using these conversion
362 routines. However, this may be an acceptable downside since such file paths
363 are exceptionally rare. Moreover, roundtripping isn't always necessary, for
364 example, if all you're doing is filtering based on file paths.
366 The reason why using byte strings for this is potentially superior than the
367 standard library's approach is that a lot of Rust code is already lossily
368 converting file paths to Rust's Unicode strings, which are required to be valid
369 UTF-8, and thus contain latent bugs on Unix where paths with invalid UTF-8 are
370 not terribly uncommon. If you instead use byte strings, then you're guaranteed
371 to write correct code for Unix, at the cost of getting a corner case wrong on
372 Windows.
374 # Cargo features
376 This crates comes with a few features that control standard library, serde
377 and Unicode support.
379 * `std` - **Enabled** by default. This provides APIs that require the standard
380 library, such as `Vec<u8>` and `PathBuf`. Enabling this feature also enables
381 the `alloc` feature and any other relevant `std` features for dependencies.
382 * `alloc` - **Enabled** by default. This provides APIs that require allocations
383 via the `alloc` crate, such as `Vec<u8>`.
384 * `unicode` - **Enabled** by default. This provides APIs that require sizable
385 Unicode data compiled into the binary. This includes, but is not limited to,
386 grapheme/word/sentence segmenters. When this is disabled, basic support such
387 as UTF-8 decoding is still included. Note that currently, enabling this
388 feature also requires enabling the `std` feature. It is expected that this
389 limitation will be lifted at some point.
390 * `serde` - Enables implementations of serde traits for `BStr`, and also
391 `BString` when `alloc` is enabled.
392 */
394 #![cfg_attr(not(any(feature = "std", test)), no_std)]
395 #![cfg_attr(docsrs, feature(doc_auto_cfg))]
397 // Why do we do this? Well, in order for us to use once_cell's 'Lazy' type to
398 // load DFAs, it requires enabling its 'std' feature. Yet, there is really
399 // nothing about our 'unicode' feature that requires 'std'. We could declare
400 // that 'unicode = [std, ...]', which would be fine, but once regex-automata
401 // 0.3 is a thing, I believe we can drop once_cell altogether and thus drop
402 // the need for 'std' to be enabled when 'unicode' is enabled. But if we make
403 // 'unicode' also enable 'std', then it would be a breaking change to remove
404 // 'std' from that list.
405 //
406 // So, for right now, we force folks to explicitly say they want 'std' if they
407 // want 'unicode'. In the future, we should be able to relax this.
408 #[cfg(all(feature = "unicode", not(feature = "std")))]
409 compile_error!("enabling 'unicode' requires enabling 'std'");
411 #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
412 extern crate alloc;
414 pub use crate::bstr::BStr;
415 #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
416 pub use crate::bstring::BString;
417 #[cfg(feature = "unicode")]
418 pub use crate::ext_slice::Fields;
419 pub use crate::ext_slice::{
420 ByteSlice, Bytes, FieldsWith, Find, FindReverse, Finder, FinderReverse,
421 Lines, LinesWithTerminator, Split, SplitN, SplitNReverse, SplitReverse, B,
422 };
423 #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
424 pub use crate::ext_vec::{concat, join, ByteVec, DrainBytes, FromUtf8Error};
425 #[cfg(feature = "unicode")]
426 pub use crate::unicode::{
427 GraphemeIndices, Graphemes, SentenceIndices, Sentences, WordIndices,
428 Words, WordsWithBreakIndices, WordsWithBreaks,
429 };
430 pub use crate::utf8::{
431 decode as decode_utf8, decode_last as decode_last_utf8, CharIndices,
432 Chars, Utf8Chunk, Utf8Chunks, Utf8Error,
433 };
435 mod ascii;
436 mod bstr;
437 #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
438 mod bstring;
439 mod byteset;
440 mod ext_slice;
441 #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
442 mod ext_vec;
443 mod impls;
444 #[cfg(feature = "std")]
445 pub mod io;
446 #[cfg(all(test, feature = "std"))]
447 mod tests;
448 #[cfg(feature = "unicode")]
449 mod unicode;
450 mod utf8;
452 #[cfg(all(test, feature = "std"))]
453 mod apitests {
454 use crate::{
455 bstr::BStr,
456 bstring::BString,
457 ext_slice::{Finder, FinderReverse},
458 };
460 #[test]
461 fn oibits() {
462 use std::panic::{RefUnwindSafe, UnwindSafe};
464 fn assert_send<T: Send>() {}
465 fn assert_sync<T: Sync>() {}
466 fn assert_unwind_safe<T: RefUnwindSafe + UnwindSafe>() {}
468 assert_send::<&BStr>();
469 assert_sync::<&BStr>();
470 assert_unwind_safe::<&BStr>();
471 assert_send::<BString>();
472 assert_sync::<BString>();
473 assert_unwind_safe::<BString>();
475 assert_send::<Finder<'_>>();
476 assert_sync::<Finder<'_>>();
477 assert_unwind_safe::<Finder<'_>>();
478 assert_send::<FinderReverse<'_>>();
479 assert_sync::<FinderReverse<'_>>();
480 assert_unwind_safe::<FinderReverse<'_>>();
481 }
482 }