]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - vendor/chalk-ir-0.14.0/src/visit.rs
New upstream version 1.46.0~beta.2+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / vendor / chalk-ir-0.14.0 / src / visit.rs
1 //! Traits for visiting bits of IR.
2 use std::fmt::Debug;
4 use crate::{
5 BoundVar, Const, ConstValue, DebruijnIndex, DomainGoal, Goal, InferenceVar, Interner, Lifetime,
6 LifetimeData, PlaceholderIndex, ProgramClause, Ty, TyData, WhereClause,
7 };
9 mod binder_impls;
10 mod boring_impls;
11 pub mod visitors;
13 pub use visitors::VisitExt;
15 /// A "result type" that can be returned from a visitor. Visitors pick
16 /// an appropriate result type depending on what sort of operation they
17 /// are doing. A common choice is `FindAny`, which indicates that the visitor
18 /// is searching for something and that the visitor should stop once it is found.
19 pub trait VisitResult: Sized {
20 fn new() -> Self;
22 /// Returns true if this result is "complete" and we can stop visiting any
23 /// further parts of the term. This is used by `FindAny`, for example, to
24 /// stop the search after a match has been found.
25 fn return_early(&self) -> bool;
26 fn combine(self, other: Self) -> Self;
28 /// Convenience helper for use in writing `Visitor` impls. Returns `self`
29 /// if `return_early()` is true, but otherwise combines `self` with the
30 /// result of invoking `op`.
31 ///
32 /// If you have a struct with two fields, `foo` and `bar`, you can
33 /// thus write code like
34 ///
35 /// ```rust,ignore
36 /// self.foo.visit_with(visitor, outer_binder)
37 /// .and_then(|| self.bar.visit_with(visitor, outer_binder))
38 /// ```
39 ///
40 /// and `bar` will only be visited if necessary.
41 fn and_then(self, op: impl FnOnce() -> Self) -> Self {
42 if self.return_early() {
43 self
44 } else {
45 self.combine(op())
46 }
47 }
48 }
50 /// Unit type for a visitor indicates a "side-effecting" visitor that
51 /// should visit an entire term.
52 impl VisitResult for () {
53 fn new() -> () {}
55 fn return_early(&self) -> bool {
56 false
57 }
58 fn combine(self, _other: Self) {}
59 }
61 /// A "visitor" recursively folds some term -- that is, some bit of IR,
62 /// such as a `Goal`, and computes a value as a result.
63 ///
64 ///
65 /// To **apply** a visitor, use the `Visit::visit_with` method, like so
66 ///
67 /// ```rust,ignore
68 /// let result = x.visit_with(&mut visitor, 0);
69 /// ```
70 pub trait Visitor<'i, I: Interner>
71 where
72 I: 'i,
73 {
74 type Result: VisitResult;
76 /// Creates a `dyn` value from this visitor. Unfortunately, this
77 /// must be added manually to each impl of visitor; it permits the
78 /// default implements below to create a `&mut dyn Visitor` from
79 /// `Self` without knowing what `Self` is (by invoking this
80 /// method). Effectively, this limits impls of `visitor` to types
81 /// for which we are able to create a dyn value (i.e., not `[T]`
82 /// types).
83 fn as_dyn(&mut self) -> &mut dyn Visitor<'i, I, Result = Self::Result>;
85 /// Top-level callback: invoked for each `Ty<I>` that is
86 /// encountered when visiting. By default, invokes
87 /// `super_visit_with`, which will in turn invoke the more
88 /// specialized visiting methods below, like `visit_free_var`.
89 fn visit_ty(&mut self, ty: &Ty<I>, outer_binder: DebruijnIndex) -> Self::Result {
90 ty.super_visit_with(self.as_dyn(), outer_binder)
91 }
93 /// Top-level callback: invoked for each `Lifetime<I>` that is
94 /// encountered when visiting. By default, invokes
95 /// `super_visit_with`, which will in turn invoke the more
96 /// specialized visiting methods below, like `visit_free_var`.
97 fn visit_lifetime(
98 &mut self,
99 lifetime: &Lifetime<I>,
100 outer_binder: DebruijnIndex,
101 ) -> Self::Result {
102 lifetime.super_visit_with(self.as_dyn(), outer_binder)
103 }
105 /// Top-level callback: invoked for each `Const<I>` that is
106 /// encountered when visiting. By default, invokes
107 /// `super_visit_with`, which will in turn invoke the more
108 /// specialized visiting methods below, like `visit_free_var`.
109 fn visit_const(&mut self, constant: &Const<I>, outer_binder: DebruijnIndex) -> Self::Result {
110 constant.super_visit_with(self.as_dyn(), outer_binder)
111 }
113 /// Invoked for every program clause. By default, recursively visits the goals contents.
114 fn visit_program_clause(
115 &mut self,
116 clause: &ProgramClause<I>,
117 outer_binder: DebruijnIndex,
118 ) -> Self::Result {
119 clause.super_visit_with(self.as_dyn(), outer_binder)
120 }
122 /// Invoked for every goal. By default, recursively visits the goals contents.
123 fn visit_goal(&mut self, goal: &Goal<I>, outer_binder: DebruijnIndex) -> Self::Result {
124 goal.super_visit_with(self.as_dyn(), outer_binder)
125 }
127 fn visit_domain_goal(
128 &mut self,
129 domain_goal: &DomainGoal<I>,
130 outer_binder: DebruijnIndex,
131 ) -> Self::Result {
132 domain_goal.super_visit_with(self.as_dyn(), outer_binder)
133 }
135 /// If overridden to return true, then visiting will panic if a
136 /// free variable is encountered. This should be done if free
137 /// type/lifetime/const variables are not expected.
138 fn forbid_free_vars(&self) -> bool {
139 false
140 }
142 /// Invoked for `BoundVar` instances that are not bound
143 /// within the type being visited over:
144 fn visit_free_var(&mut self, bound_var: BoundVar, outer_binder: DebruijnIndex) -> Self::Result {
145 if self.forbid_free_vars() {
146 panic!(
147 "unexpected free variable `{:?}` with outer binder {:?}",
148 bound_var, outer_binder
149 )
150 } else {
151 Self::Result::new()
152 }
153 }
155 /// If overridden to return true, we will panic when a free
156 /// placeholder type/lifetime is encountered.
157 fn forbid_free_placeholders(&self) -> bool {
158 false
159 }
161 /// Invoked for each occurrence of a placeholder type; these are
162 /// used when we instantiate binders universally.
163 fn visit_free_placeholder(
164 &mut self,
165 universe: PlaceholderIndex,
166 _outer_binder: DebruijnIndex,
167 ) -> Self::Result {
168 if self.forbid_free_placeholders() {
169 panic!("unexpected placeholder type `{:?}`", universe)
170 } else {
171 Self::Result::new()
172 }
173 }
175 fn visit_where_clause(
176 &mut self,
177 where_clause: &WhereClause<I>,
178 outer_binder: DebruijnIndex,
179 ) -> Self::Result {
180 where_clause.super_visit_with(self.as_dyn(), outer_binder)
181 }
183 /// If overridden to return true, inference variables will trigger
184 /// panics when visited. Used when inference variables are
185 /// unexpected.
186 fn forbid_inference_vars(&self) -> bool {
187 false
188 }
190 /// Invoked for each occurrence of a inference type; these are
191 /// used when we instantiate binders universally.
192 fn visit_inference_var(
193 &mut self,
194 var: InferenceVar,
195 _outer_binder: DebruijnIndex,
196 ) -> Self::Result {
197 if self.forbid_inference_vars() {
198 panic!("unexpected inference type `{:?}`", var)
199 } else {
200 Self::Result::new()
201 }
202 }
204 fn interner(&self) -> &'i I;
205 }
207 /// Applies the given `visitor` to a value, producing a visited result
208 /// of type `Visitor::Result`.
209 pub trait Visit<I: Interner>: Debug {
210 /// Apply the given visitor `visitor` to `self`; `binders` is the
211 /// number of binders that are in scope when beginning the
212 /// visitor. Typically `binders` starts as 0, but is adjusted when
213 /// we encounter `Binders<T>` in the IR or other similar
214 /// constructs.
215 fn visit_with<'i, R: VisitResult>(
216 &self,
217 visitor: &mut dyn Visitor<'i, I, Result = R>,
218 outer_binder: DebruijnIndex,
219 ) -> R
220 where
221 I: 'i;
222 }
224 /// For types where "visit" invokes a callback on the `visitor`, the
225 /// `SuperVisit` trait captures the recursive behavior that visits all
226 /// the contents of the type.
227 pub trait SuperVisit<I: Interner>: Visit<I> {
228 fn super_visit_with<'i, R: VisitResult>(
229 &self,
230 visitor: &mut dyn Visitor<'i, I, Result = R>,
231 outer_binder: DebruijnIndex,
232 ) -> R
233 where
234 I: 'i;
235 }
237 /// "visiting" a type invokes the `visit_ty` method on the visitor; this
238 /// usually (in turn) invokes `super_visit_ty` to visit the individual
239 /// parts.
240 impl<I: Interner> Visit<I> for Ty<I> {
241 fn visit_with<'i, R: VisitResult>(
242 &self,
243 visitor: &mut dyn Visitor<'i, I, Result = R>,
244 outer_binder: DebruijnIndex,
245 ) -> R
246 where
247 I: 'i,
248 {
249 visitor.visit_ty(self, outer_binder)
250 }
251 }
253 /// "Super visit" for a type invokes te more detailed callbacks on the type
254 impl<I> SuperVisit<I> for Ty<I>
255 where
256 I: Interner,
257 {
258 fn super_visit_with<'i, R: VisitResult>(
259 &self,
260 visitor: &mut dyn Visitor<'i, I, Result = R>,
261 outer_binder: DebruijnIndex,
262 ) -> R
263 where
264 I: 'i,
265 {
266 let interner = visitor.interner();
267 match self.data(interner) {
268 TyData::BoundVar(bound_var) => {
269 if let Some(_) = bound_var.shifted_out_to(outer_binder) {
270 visitor.visit_free_var(*bound_var, outer_binder)
271 } else {
272 R::new()
273 }
274 }
275 TyData::Dyn(clauses) => clauses.visit_with(visitor, outer_binder),
276 TyData::InferenceVar(var, _) => visitor.visit_inference_var(*var, outer_binder),
277 TyData::Apply(apply) => apply.visit_with(visitor, outer_binder),
278 TyData::Placeholder(ui) => visitor.visit_free_placeholder(*ui, outer_binder),
279 TyData::Alias(proj) => proj.visit_with(visitor, outer_binder),
280 TyData::Function(fun) => fun.visit_with(visitor, outer_binder),
281 }
282 }
283 }
285 impl<I: Interner> Visit<I> for Lifetime<I> {
286 fn visit_with<'i, R: VisitResult>(
287 &self,
288 visitor: &mut dyn Visitor<'i, I, Result = R>,
289 outer_binder: DebruijnIndex,
290 ) -> R
291 where
292 I: 'i,
293 {
294 visitor.visit_lifetime(self, outer_binder)
295 }
296 }
298 impl<I: Interner> SuperVisit<I> for Lifetime<I> {
299 fn super_visit_with<'i, R: VisitResult>(
300 &self,
301 visitor: &mut dyn Visitor<'i, I, Result = R>,
302 outer_binder: DebruijnIndex,
303 ) -> R
304 where
305 I: 'i,
306 {
307 let interner = visitor.interner();
308 match self.data(interner) {
309 LifetimeData::BoundVar(bound_var) => {
310 if let Some(_) = bound_var.shifted_out_to(outer_binder) {
311 visitor.visit_free_var(*bound_var, outer_binder)
312 } else {
313 R::new()
314 }
315 }
316 LifetimeData::InferenceVar(var) => visitor.visit_inference_var(*var, outer_binder),
317 LifetimeData::Placeholder(universe) => {
318 visitor.visit_free_placeholder(*universe, outer_binder)
319 }
320 LifetimeData::Phantom(..) => unreachable!(),
321 }
322 }
323 }
325 impl<I: Interner> Visit<I> for Const<I> {
326 fn visit_with<'i, R: VisitResult>(
327 &self,
328 visitor: &mut dyn Visitor<'i, I, Result = R>,
329 outer_binder: DebruijnIndex,
330 ) -> R
331 where
332 I: 'i,
333 {
334 visitor.visit_const(self, outer_binder)
335 }
336 }
338 impl<I: Interner> SuperVisit<I> for Const<I> {
339 fn super_visit_with<'i, R: VisitResult>(
340 &self,
341 visitor: &mut dyn Visitor<'i, I, Result = R>,
342 outer_binder: DebruijnIndex,
343 ) -> R
344 where
345 I: 'i,
346 {
347 let interner = visitor.interner();
348 match &self.data(interner).value {
349 ConstValue::BoundVar(bound_var) => {
350 if let Some(_) = bound_var.shifted_out_to(outer_binder) {
351 visitor.visit_free_var(*bound_var, outer_binder)
352 } else {
353 R::new()
354 }
355 }
356 ConstValue::InferenceVar(var) => visitor.visit_inference_var(*var, outer_binder),
357 ConstValue::Placeholder(universe) => {
358 visitor.visit_free_placeholder(*universe, outer_binder)
359 }
360 ConstValue::Concrete(_) => R::new(),
361 }
362 }
363 }
365 impl<I: Interner> Visit<I> for Goal<I> {
366 fn visit_with<'i, R: VisitResult>(
367 &self,
368 visitor: &mut dyn Visitor<'i, I, Result = R>,
369 outer_binder: DebruijnIndex,
370 ) -> R
371 where
372 I: 'i,
373 {
374 visitor.visit_goal(self, outer_binder)
375 }
376 }
378 impl<I: Interner> SuperVisit<I> for Goal<I> {
379 fn super_visit_with<'i, R: VisitResult>(
380 &self,
381 visitor: &mut dyn Visitor<'i, I, Result = R>,
382 outer_binder: DebruijnIndex,
383 ) -> R
384 where
385 I: 'i,
386 {
387 let interner = visitor.interner();
388 self.data(interner).visit_with(visitor, outer_binder)
389 }
390 }
392 impl<I: Interner> Visit<I> for ProgramClause<I> {
393 fn visit_with<'i, R: VisitResult>(
394 &self,
395 visitor: &mut dyn Visitor<'i, I, Result = R>,
396 outer_binder: DebruijnIndex,
397 ) -> R
398 where
399 I: 'i,
400 {
401 visitor.visit_program_clause(self, outer_binder)
402 }
403 }
405 impl<I: Interner> Visit<I> for WhereClause<I> {
406 fn visit_with<'i, R: VisitResult>(
407 &self,
408 visitor: &mut dyn Visitor<'i, I, Result = R>,
409 outer_binder: DebruijnIndex,
410 ) -> R
411 where
412 I: 'i,
413 {
414 visitor.visit_where_clause(self, outer_binder)
415 }
416 }
418 impl<I: Interner> Visit<I> for DomainGoal<I> {
419 fn visit_with<'i, R: VisitResult>(
420 &self,
421 visitor: &mut dyn Visitor<'i, I, Result = R>,
422 outer_binder: DebruijnIndex,
423 ) -> R
424 where
425 I: 'i,
426 {
427 visitor.visit_domain_goal(self, outer_binder)
428 }
429 }