]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - vendor/crossbeam-utils/src/atomic/atomic_cell.rs
New upstream version 1.64.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / vendor / crossbeam-utils / src / atomic / atomic_cell.rs
1 // Necessary for implementing atomic methods for `AtomicUnit`
2 #![allow(clippy::unit_arg)]
4 use crate::primitive::sync::atomic::{self, AtomicBool};
5 use core::cell::UnsafeCell;
6 use core::cmp;
7 use core::fmt;
8 use core::mem::{self, ManuallyDrop, MaybeUninit};
9 use core::sync::atomic::Ordering;
11 use core::ptr;
13 #[cfg(feature = "std")]
14 use std::panic::{RefUnwindSafe, UnwindSafe};
16 use super::seq_lock::SeqLock;
18 /// A thread-safe mutable memory location.
19 ///
20 /// This type is equivalent to [`Cell`], except it can also be shared among multiple threads.
21 ///
22 /// Operations on `AtomicCell`s use atomic instructions whenever possible, and synchronize using
23 /// global locks otherwise. You can call [`AtomicCell::<T>::is_lock_free()`] to check whether
24 /// atomic instructions or locks will be used.
25 ///
26 /// Atomic loads use the [`Acquire`] ordering and atomic stores use the [`Release`] ordering.
27 ///
28 /// [`Cell`]: std::cell::Cell
29 /// [`AtomicCell::<T>::is_lock_free()`]: AtomicCell::is_lock_free
30 /// [`Acquire`]: std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Acquire
31 /// [`Release`]: std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Release
32 #[repr(transparent)]
33 pub struct AtomicCell<T> {
34 /// The inner value.
35 ///
36 /// If this value can be transmuted into a primitive atomic type, it will be treated as such.
37 /// Otherwise, all potentially concurrent operations on this data will be protected by a global
38 /// lock.
39 ///
40 /// Using MaybeUninit to prevent code outside the cell from observing partially initialized state:
41 /// <https://github.com/crossbeam-rs/crossbeam/issues/833>
42 ///
43 /// Note:
44 /// - we'll never store uninitialized `T` due to our API only using initialized `T`.
45 /// - this `MaybeUninit` does *not* fix <https://github.com/crossbeam-rs/crossbeam/issues/315>.
46 value: UnsafeCell<MaybeUninit<T>>,
47 }
49 unsafe impl<T: Send> Send for AtomicCell<T> {}
50 unsafe impl<T: Send> Sync for AtomicCell<T> {}
52 #[cfg(feature = "std")]
53 impl<T> UnwindSafe for AtomicCell<T> {}
54 #[cfg(feature = "std")]
55 impl<T> RefUnwindSafe for AtomicCell<T> {}
57 impl<T> AtomicCell<T> {
58 /// Creates a new atomic cell initialized with `val`.
59 ///
60 /// # Examples
61 ///
62 /// ```
63 /// use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;
64 ///
65 /// let a = AtomicCell::new(7);
66 /// ```
67 pub const fn new(val: T) -> AtomicCell<T> {
68 AtomicCell {
69 value: UnsafeCell::new(MaybeUninit::new(val)),
70 }
71 }
73 /// Consumes the atomic and returns the contained value.
74 ///
75 /// This is safe because passing `self` by value guarantees that no other threads are
76 /// concurrently accessing the atomic data.
77 ///
78 /// # Examples
79 ///
80 /// ```
81 /// use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;
82 ///
83 /// let a = AtomicCell::new(7);
84 /// let v = a.into_inner();
85 ///
86 /// assert_eq!(v, 7);
87 /// ```
88 pub fn into_inner(self) -> T {
89 let this = ManuallyDrop::new(self);
90 // SAFETY:
91 // - passing `self` by value guarantees that no other threads are concurrently
92 // accessing the atomic data
93 // - the raw pointer passed in is valid because we got it from an owned value.
94 // - `ManuallyDrop` prevents double dropping `T`
95 unsafe { this.as_ptr().read() }
96 }
98 /// Returns `true` if operations on values of this type are lock-free.
99 ///
100 /// If the compiler or the platform doesn't support the necessary atomic instructions,
101 /// `AtomicCell<T>` will use global locks for every potentially concurrent atomic operation.
102 ///
103 /// # Examples
104 ///
105 /// ```
106 /// use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;
107 ///
108 /// // This type is internally represented as `AtomicUsize` so we can just use atomic
109 /// // operations provided by it.
110 /// assert_eq!(AtomicCell::<usize>::is_lock_free(), true);
111 ///
112 /// // A wrapper struct around `isize`.
113 /// struct Foo {
114 /// bar: isize,
115 /// }
116 /// // `AtomicCell<Foo>` will be internally represented as `AtomicIsize`.
117 /// assert_eq!(AtomicCell::<Foo>::is_lock_free(), true);
118 ///
119 /// // Operations on zero-sized types are always lock-free.
120 /// assert_eq!(AtomicCell::<()>::is_lock_free(), true);
121 ///
122 /// // Very large types cannot be represented as any of the standard atomic types, so atomic
123 /// // operations on them will have to use global locks for synchronization.
124 /// assert_eq!(AtomicCell::<[u8; 1000]>::is_lock_free(), false);
125 /// ```
126 pub const fn is_lock_free() -> bool {
127 atomic_is_lock_free::<T>()
128 }
130 /// Stores `val` into the atomic cell.
131 ///
132 /// # Examples
133 ///
134 /// ```
135 /// use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;
136 ///
137 /// let a = AtomicCell::new(7);
138 ///
139 /// assert_eq!(a.load(), 7);
140 /// a.store(8);
141 /// assert_eq!(a.load(), 8);
142 /// ```
143 pub fn store(&self, val: T) {
144 if mem::needs_drop::<T>() {
145 drop(self.swap(val));
146 } else {
147 unsafe {
148 atomic_store(self.as_ptr(), val);
149 }
150 }
151 }
153 /// Stores `val` into the atomic cell and returns the previous value.
154 ///
155 /// # Examples
156 ///
157 /// ```
158 /// use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;
159 ///
160 /// let a = AtomicCell::new(7);
161 ///
162 /// assert_eq!(a.load(), 7);
163 /// assert_eq!(a.swap(8), 7);
164 /// assert_eq!(a.load(), 8);
165 /// ```
166 pub fn swap(&self, val: T) -> T {
167 unsafe { atomic_swap(self.as_ptr(), val) }
168 }
170 /// Returns a raw pointer to the underlying data in this atomic cell.
171 ///
172 /// # Examples
173 ///
174 /// ```
175 /// use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;
176 ///
177 /// let a = AtomicCell::new(5);
178 ///
179 /// let ptr = a.as_ptr();
180 /// ```
181 #[inline]
182 pub fn as_ptr(&self) -> *mut T {
183 self.value.get() as *mut T
184 }
185 }
187 impl<T: Default> AtomicCell<T> {
188 /// Takes the value of the atomic cell, leaving `Default::default()` in its place.
189 ///
190 /// # Examples
191 ///
192 /// ```
193 /// use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;
194 ///
195 /// let a = AtomicCell::new(5);
196 /// let five = a.take();
197 ///
198 /// assert_eq!(five, 5);
199 /// assert_eq!(a.into_inner(), 0);
200 /// ```
201 pub fn take(&self) -> T {
202 self.swap(Default::default())
203 }
204 }
206 impl<T: Copy> AtomicCell<T> {
207 /// Loads a value from the atomic cell.
208 ///
209 /// # Examples
210 ///
211 /// ```
212 /// use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;
213 ///
214 /// let a = AtomicCell::new(7);
215 ///
216 /// assert_eq!(a.load(), 7);
217 /// ```
218 pub fn load(&self) -> T {
219 unsafe { atomic_load(self.as_ptr()) }
220 }
221 }
223 impl<T: Copy + Eq> AtomicCell<T> {
224 /// If the current value equals `current`, stores `new` into the atomic cell.
225 ///
226 /// The return value is always the previous value. If it is equal to `current`, then the value
227 /// was updated.
228 ///
229 /// # Examples
230 ///
231 /// ```
232 /// # #![allow(deprecated)]
233 /// use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;
234 ///
235 /// let a = AtomicCell::new(1);
236 ///
237 /// assert_eq!(a.compare_and_swap(2, 3), 1);
238 /// assert_eq!(a.load(), 1);
239 ///
240 /// assert_eq!(a.compare_and_swap(1, 2), 1);
241 /// assert_eq!(a.load(), 2);
242 /// ```
243 // TODO: remove in the next major version.
244 #[deprecated(note = "Use `compare_exchange` instead")]
245 pub fn compare_and_swap(&self, current: T, new: T) -> T {
246 match self.compare_exchange(current, new) {
247 Ok(v) => v,
248 Err(v) => v,
249 }
250 }
252 /// If the current value equals `current`, stores `new` into the atomic cell.
253 ///
254 /// The return value is a result indicating whether the new value was written and containing
255 /// the previous value. On success this value is guaranteed to be equal to `current`.
256 ///
257 /// # Examples
258 ///
259 /// ```
260 /// use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;
261 ///
262 /// let a = AtomicCell::new(1);
263 ///
264 /// assert_eq!(a.compare_exchange(2, 3), Err(1));
265 /// assert_eq!(a.load(), 1);
266 ///
267 /// assert_eq!(a.compare_exchange(1, 2), Ok(1));
268 /// assert_eq!(a.load(), 2);
269 /// ```
270 pub fn compare_exchange(&self, current: T, new: T) -> Result<T, T> {
271 unsafe { atomic_compare_exchange_weak(self.as_ptr(), current, new) }
272 }
274 /// Fetches the value, and applies a function to it that returns an optional
275 /// new value. Returns a `Result` of `Ok(previous_value)` if the function returned `Some(_)`, else
276 /// `Err(previous_value)`.
277 ///
278 /// Note: This may call the function multiple times if the value has been changed from other threads in
279 /// the meantime, as long as the function returns `Some(_)`, but the function will have been applied
280 /// only once to the stored value.
281 ///
282 /// # Examples
283 ///
284 /// ```rust
285 /// use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;
286 ///
287 /// let a = AtomicCell::new(7);
288 /// assert_eq!(a.fetch_update(|_| None), Err(7));
289 /// assert_eq!(a.fetch_update(|a| Some(a + 1)), Ok(7));
290 /// assert_eq!(a.fetch_update(|a| Some(a + 1)), Ok(8));
291 /// assert_eq!(a.load(), 9);
292 /// ```
293 #[inline]
294 pub fn fetch_update<F>(&self, mut f: F) -> Result<T, T>
295 where
296 F: FnMut(T) -> Option<T>,
297 {
298 let mut prev = self.load();
299 while let Some(next) = f(prev) {
300 match self.compare_exchange(prev, next) {
301 x @ Ok(_) => return x,
302 Err(next_prev) => prev = next_prev,
303 }
304 }
305 Err(prev)
306 }
307 }
309 // `MaybeUninit` prevents `T` from being dropped, so we need to implement `Drop`
310 // for `AtomicCell` to avoid leaks of non-`Copy` types.
311 impl<T> Drop for AtomicCell<T> {
312 fn drop(&mut self) {
313 if mem::needs_drop::<T>() {
314 // SAFETY:
315 // - the mutable reference guarantees that no other threads are concurrently accessing the atomic data
316 // - the raw pointer passed in is valid because we got it from a reference
317 // - `MaybeUninit` prevents double dropping `T`
318 unsafe {
319 self.as_ptr().drop_in_place();
320 }
321 }
322 }
323 }
325 macro_rules! impl_arithmetic {
326 ($t:ty, fallback, $example:tt) => {
327 impl AtomicCell<$t> {
328 /// Increments the current value by `val` and returns the previous value.
329 ///
330 /// The addition wraps on overflow.
331 ///
332 /// # Examples
333 ///
334 /// ```
335 /// use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;
336 ///
337 #[doc = $example]
338 ///
339 /// assert_eq!(a.fetch_add(3), 7);
340 /// assert_eq!(a.load(), 10);
341 /// ```
342 #[inline]
343 pub fn fetch_add(&self, val: $t) -> $t {
344 let _guard = lock(self.as_ptr() as usize).write();
345 let value = unsafe { &mut *(self.as_ptr()) };
346 let old = *value;
347 *value = value.wrapping_add(val);
348 old
349 }
351 /// Decrements the current value by `val` and returns the previous value.
352 ///
353 /// The subtraction wraps on overflow.
354 ///
355 /// # Examples
356 ///
357 /// ```
358 /// use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;
359 ///
360 #[doc = $example]
361 ///
362 /// assert_eq!(a.fetch_sub(3), 7);
363 /// assert_eq!(a.load(), 4);
364 /// ```
365 #[inline]
366 pub fn fetch_sub(&self, val: $t) -> $t {
367 let _guard = lock(self.as_ptr() as usize).write();
368 let value = unsafe { &mut *(self.as_ptr()) };
369 let old = *value;
370 *value = value.wrapping_sub(val);
371 old
372 }
374 /// Applies bitwise "and" to the current value and returns the previous value.
375 ///
376 /// # Examples
377 ///
378 /// ```
379 /// use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;
380 ///
381 #[doc = $example]
382 ///
383 /// assert_eq!(a.fetch_and(3), 7);
384 /// assert_eq!(a.load(), 3);
385 /// ```
386 #[inline]
387 pub fn fetch_and(&self, val: $t) -> $t {
388 let _guard = lock(self.as_ptr() as usize).write();
389 let value = unsafe { &mut *(self.as_ptr()) };
390 let old = *value;
391 *value &= val;
392 old
393 }
395 /// Applies bitwise "nand" to the current value and returns the previous value.
396 ///
397 /// # Examples
398 ///
399 /// ```
400 /// use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;
401 ///
402 #[doc = $example]
403 ///
404 /// assert_eq!(a.fetch_nand(3), 7);
405 /// assert_eq!(a.load(), !(7 & 3));
406 /// ```
407 #[inline]
408 pub fn fetch_nand(&self, val: $t) -> $t {
409 let _guard = lock(self.as_ptr() as usize).write();
410 let value = unsafe { &mut *(self.as_ptr()) };
411 let old = *value;
412 *value = !(old & val);
413 old
414 }
416 /// Applies bitwise "or" to the current value and returns the previous value.
417 ///
418 /// # Examples
419 ///
420 /// ```
421 /// use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;
422 ///
423 #[doc = $example]
424 ///
425 /// assert_eq!(a.fetch_or(16), 7);
426 /// assert_eq!(a.load(), 23);
427 /// ```
428 #[inline]
429 pub fn fetch_or(&self, val: $t) -> $t {
430 let _guard = lock(self.as_ptr() as usize).write();
431 let value = unsafe { &mut *(self.as_ptr()) };
432 let old = *value;
433 *value |= val;
434 old
435 }
437 /// Applies bitwise "xor" to the current value and returns the previous value.
438 ///
439 /// # Examples
440 ///
441 /// ```
442 /// use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;
443 ///
444 #[doc = $example]
445 ///
446 /// assert_eq!(a.fetch_xor(2), 7);
447 /// assert_eq!(a.load(), 5);
448 /// ```
449 #[inline]
450 pub fn fetch_xor(&self, val: $t) -> $t {
451 let _guard = lock(self.as_ptr() as usize).write();
452 let value = unsafe { &mut *(self.as_ptr()) };
453 let old = *value;
454 *value ^= val;
455 old
456 }
458 /// Compares and sets the maximum of the current value and `val`,
459 /// and returns the previous value.
460 ///
461 /// # Examples
462 ///
463 /// ```
464 /// use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;
465 ///
466 #[doc = $example]
467 ///
468 /// assert_eq!(a.fetch_max(2), 7);
469 /// assert_eq!(a.load(), 7);
470 /// ```
471 #[inline]
472 pub fn fetch_max(&self, val: $t) -> $t {
473 let _guard = lock(self.as_ptr() as usize).write();
474 let value = unsafe { &mut *(self.as_ptr()) };
475 let old = *value;
476 *value = cmp::max(old, val);
477 old
478 }
480 /// Compares and sets the minimum of the current value and `val`,
481 /// and returns the previous value.
482 ///
483 /// # Examples
484 ///
485 /// ```
486 /// use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;
487 ///
488 #[doc = $example]
489 ///
490 /// assert_eq!(a.fetch_min(2), 7);
491 /// assert_eq!(a.load(), 2);
492 /// ```
493 #[inline]
494 pub fn fetch_min(&self, val: $t) -> $t {
495 let _guard = lock(self.as_ptr() as usize).write();
496 let value = unsafe { &mut *(self.as_ptr()) };
497 let old = *value;
498 *value = cmp::min(old, val);
499 old
500 }
501 }
502 };
503 ($t:ty, $atomic:ty, $example:tt) => {
504 impl AtomicCell<$t> {
505 /// Increments the current value by `val` and returns the previous value.
506 ///
507 /// The addition wraps on overflow.
508 ///
509 /// # Examples
510 ///
511 /// ```
512 /// use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;
513 ///
514 #[doc = $example]
515 ///
516 /// assert_eq!(a.fetch_add(3), 7);
517 /// assert_eq!(a.load(), 10);
518 /// ```
519 #[inline]
520 pub fn fetch_add(&self, val: $t) -> $t {
521 if can_transmute::<$t, $atomic>() {
522 let a = unsafe { &*(self.as_ptr() as *const $atomic) };
523 a.fetch_add(val, Ordering::AcqRel)
524 } else {
525 let _guard = lock(self.as_ptr() as usize).write();
526 let value = unsafe { &mut *(self.as_ptr()) };
527 let old = *value;
528 *value = value.wrapping_add(val);
529 old
530 }
531 }
533 /// Decrements the current value by `val` and returns the previous value.
534 ///
535 /// The subtraction wraps on overflow.
536 ///
537 /// # Examples
538 ///
539 /// ```
540 /// use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;
541 ///
542 #[doc = $example]
543 ///
544 /// assert_eq!(a.fetch_sub(3), 7);
545 /// assert_eq!(a.load(), 4);
546 /// ```
547 #[inline]
548 pub fn fetch_sub(&self, val: $t) -> $t {
549 if can_transmute::<$t, $atomic>() {
550 let a = unsafe { &*(self.as_ptr() as *const $atomic) };
551 a.fetch_sub(val, Ordering::AcqRel)
552 } else {
553 let _guard = lock(self.as_ptr() as usize).write();
554 let value = unsafe { &mut *(self.as_ptr()) };
555 let old = *value;
556 *value = value.wrapping_sub(val);
557 old
558 }
559 }
561 /// Applies bitwise "and" to the current value and returns the previous value.
562 ///
563 /// # Examples
564 ///
565 /// ```
566 /// use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;
567 ///
568 #[doc = $example]
569 ///
570 /// assert_eq!(a.fetch_and(3), 7);
571 /// assert_eq!(a.load(), 3);
572 /// ```
573 #[inline]
574 pub fn fetch_and(&self, val: $t) -> $t {
575 if can_transmute::<$t, $atomic>() {
576 let a = unsafe { &*(self.as_ptr() as *const $atomic) };
577 a.fetch_and(val, Ordering::AcqRel)
578 } else {
579 let _guard = lock(self.as_ptr() as usize).write();
580 let value = unsafe { &mut *(self.as_ptr()) };
581 let old = *value;
582 *value &= val;
583 old
584 }
585 }
587 /// Applies bitwise "nand" to the current value and returns the previous value.
588 ///
589 /// # Examples
590 ///
591 /// ```
592 /// use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;
593 ///
594 #[doc = $example]
595 ///
596 /// assert_eq!(a.fetch_nand(3), 7);
597 /// assert_eq!(a.load(), !(7 & 3));
598 /// ```
599 #[inline]
600 pub fn fetch_nand(&self, val: $t) -> $t {
601 if can_transmute::<$t, $atomic>() {
602 let a = unsafe { &*(self.as_ptr() as *const $atomic) };
603 a.fetch_nand(val, Ordering::AcqRel)
604 } else {
605 let _guard = lock(self.as_ptr() as usize).write();
606 let value = unsafe { &mut *(self.as_ptr()) };
607 let old = *value;
608 *value = !(old & val);
609 old
610 }
611 }
613 /// Applies bitwise "or" to the current value and returns the previous value.
614 ///
615 /// # Examples
616 ///
617 /// ```
618 /// use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;
619 ///
620 #[doc = $example]
621 ///
622 /// assert_eq!(a.fetch_or(16), 7);
623 /// assert_eq!(a.load(), 23);
624 /// ```
625 #[inline]
626 pub fn fetch_or(&self, val: $t) -> $t {
627 if can_transmute::<$t, $atomic>() {
628 let a = unsafe { &*(self.as_ptr() as *const $atomic) };
629 a.fetch_or(val, Ordering::AcqRel)
630 } else {
631 let _guard = lock(self.as_ptr() as usize).write();
632 let value = unsafe { &mut *(self.as_ptr()) };
633 let old = *value;
634 *value |= val;
635 old
636 }
637 }
639 /// Applies bitwise "xor" to the current value and returns the previous value.
640 ///
641 /// # Examples
642 ///
643 /// ```
644 /// use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;
645 ///
646 #[doc = $example]
647 ///
648 /// assert_eq!(a.fetch_xor(2), 7);
649 /// assert_eq!(a.load(), 5);
650 /// ```
651 #[inline]
652 pub fn fetch_xor(&self, val: $t) -> $t {
653 if can_transmute::<$t, $atomic>() {
654 let a = unsafe { &*(self.as_ptr() as *const $atomic) };
655 a.fetch_xor(val, Ordering::AcqRel)
656 } else {
657 let _guard = lock(self.as_ptr() as usize).write();
658 let value = unsafe { &mut *(self.as_ptr()) };
659 let old = *value;
660 *value ^= val;
661 old
662 }
663 }
665 /// Compares and sets the maximum of the current value and `val`,
666 /// and returns the previous value.
667 ///
668 /// # Examples
669 ///
670 /// ```
671 /// use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;
672 ///
673 #[doc = $example]
674 ///
675 /// assert_eq!(a.fetch_max(9), 7);
676 /// assert_eq!(a.load(), 9);
677 /// ```
678 #[inline]
679 pub fn fetch_max(&self, val: $t) -> $t {
680 if can_transmute::<$t, $atomic>() {
681 // TODO: Atomic*::fetch_max requires Rust 1.45.
682 self.fetch_update(|old| Some(cmp::max(old, val))).unwrap()
683 } else {
684 let _guard = lock(self.as_ptr() as usize).write();
685 let value = unsafe { &mut *(self.as_ptr()) };
686 let old = *value;
687 *value = cmp::max(old, val);
688 old
689 }
690 }
692 /// Compares and sets the minimum of the current value and `val`,
693 /// and returns the previous value.
694 ///
695 /// # Examples
696 ///
697 /// ```
698 /// use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;
699 ///
700 #[doc = $example]
701 ///
702 /// assert_eq!(a.fetch_min(2), 7);
703 /// assert_eq!(a.load(), 2);
704 /// ```
705 #[inline]
706 pub fn fetch_min(&self, val: $t) -> $t {
707 if can_transmute::<$t, $atomic>() {
708 // TODO: Atomic*::fetch_min requires Rust 1.45.
709 self.fetch_update(|old| Some(cmp::min(old, val))).unwrap()
710 } else {
711 let _guard = lock(self.as_ptr() as usize).write();
712 let value = unsafe { &mut *(self.as_ptr()) };
713 let old = *value;
714 *value = cmp::min(old, val);
715 old
716 }
717 }
718 }
719 };
720 }
722 impl_arithmetic!(u8, atomic::AtomicU8, "let a = AtomicCell::new(7u8);");
723 impl_arithmetic!(i8, atomic::AtomicI8, "let a = AtomicCell::new(7i8);");
724 impl_arithmetic!(u16, atomic::AtomicU16, "let a = AtomicCell::new(7u16);");
725 impl_arithmetic!(i16, atomic::AtomicI16, "let a = AtomicCell::new(7i16);");
726 impl_arithmetic!(u32, atomic::AtomicU32, "let a = AtomicCell::new(7u32);");
727 impl_arithmetic!(i32, atomic::AtomicI32, "let a = AtomicCell::new(7i32);");
728 #[cfg(not(crossbeam_no_atomic_64))]
729 impl_arithmetic!(u64, atomic::AtomicU64, "let a = AtomicCell::new(7u64);");
730 #[cfg(not(crossbeam_no_atomic_64))]
731 impl_arithmetic!(i64, atomic::AtomicI64, "let a = AtomicCell::new(7i64);");
732 #[cfg(crossbeam_no_atomic_64)]
733 impl_arithmetic!(u64, fallback, "let a = AtomicCell::new(7u64);");
734 #[cfg(crossbeam_no_atomic_64)]
735 impl_arithmetic!(i64, fallback, "let a = AtomicCell::new(7i64);");
736 // TODO: AtomicU128 is unstable
737 // impl_arithmetic!(u128, atomic::AtomicU128, "let a = AtomicCell::new(7u128);");
738 // impl_arithmetic!(i128, atomic::AtomicI128, "let a = AtomicCell::new(7i128);");
739 impl_arithmetic!(u128, fallback, "let a = AtomicCell::new(7u128);");
740 impl_arithmetic!(i128, fallback, "let a = AtomicCell::new(7i128);");
742 impl_arithmetic!(
743 usize,
744 atomic::AtomicUsize,
745 "let a = AtomicCell::new(7usize);"
746 );
747 impl_arithmetic!(
748 isize,
749 atomic::AtomicIsize,
750 "let a = AtomicCell::new(7isize);"
751 );
753 impl AtomicCell<bool> {
754 /// Applies logical "and" to the current value and returns the previous value.
755 ///
756 /// # Examples
757 ///
758 /// ```
759 /// use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;
760 ///
761 /// let a = AtomicCell::new(true);
762 ///
763 /// assert_eq!(a.fetch_and(true), true);
764 /// assert_eq!(a.load(), true);
765 ///
766 /// assert_eq!(a.fetch_and(false), true);
767 /// assert_eq!(a.load(), false);
768 /// ```
769 #[inline]
770 pub fn fetch_and(&self, val: bool) -> bool {
771 let a = unsafe { &*(self.as_ptr() as *const AtomicBool) };
772 a.fetch_and(val, Ordering::AcqRel)
773 }
775 /// Applies logical "nand" to the current value and returns the previous value.
776 ///
777 /// # Examples
778 ///
779 /// ```
780 /// use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;
781 ///
782 /// let a = AtomicCell::new(true);
783 ///
784 /// assert_eq!(a.fetch_nand(false), true);
785 /// assert_eq!(a.load(), true);
786 ///
787 /// assert_eq!(a.fetch_nand(true), true);
788 /// assert_eq!(a.load(), false);
789 ///
790 /// assert_eq!(a.fetch_nand(false), false);
791 /// assert_eq!(a.load(), true);
792 /// ```
793 #[inline]
794 pub fn fetch_nand(&self, val: bool) -> bool {
795 let a = unsafe { &*(self.as_ptr() as *const AtomicBool) };
796 a.fetch_nand(val, Ordering::AcqRel)
797 }
799 /// Applies logical "or" to the current value and returns the previous value.
800 ///
801 /// # Examples
802 ///
803 /// ```
804 /// use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;
805 ///
806 /// let a = AtomicCell::new(false);
807 ///
808 /// assert_eq!(a.fetch_or(false), false);
809 /// assert_eq!(a.load(), false);
810 ///
811 /// assert_eq!(a.fetch_or(true), false);
812 /// assert_eq!(a.load(), true);
813 /// ```
814 #[inline]
815 pub fn fetch_or(&self, val: bool) -> bool {
816 let a = unsafe { &*(self.as_ptr() as *const AtomicBool) };
817 a.fetch_or(val, Ordering::AcqRel)
818 }
820 /// Applies logical "xor" to the current value and returns the previous value.
821 ///
822 /// # Examples
823 ///
824 /// ```
825 /// use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;
826 ///
827 /// let a = AtomicCell::new(true);
828 ///
829 /// assert_eq!(a.fetch_xor(false), true);
830 /// assert_eq!(a.load(), true);
831 ///
832 /// assert_eq!(a.fetch_xor(true), true);
833 /// assert_eq!(a.load(), false);
834 /// ```
835 #[inline]
836 pub fn fetch_xor(&self, val: bool) -> bool {
837 let a = unsafe { &*(self.as_ptr() as *const AtomicBool) };
838 a.fetch_xor(val, Ordering::AcqRel)
839 }
840 }
842 impl<T: Default> Default for AtomicCell<T> {
843 fn default() -> AtomicCell<T> {
844 AtomicCell::new(T::default())
845 }
846 }
848 impl<T> From<T> for AtomicCell<T> {
849 #[inline]
850 fn from(val: T) -> AtomicCell<T> {
851 AtomicCell::new(val)
852 }
853 }
855 impl<T: Copy + fmt::Debug> fmt::Debug for AtomicCell<T> {
856 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
857 f.debug_struct("AtomicCell")
858 .field("value", &self.load())
859 .finish()
860 }
861 }
863 /// Returns `true` if values of type `A` can be transmuted into values of type `B`.
864 const fn can_transmute<A, B>() -> bool {
865 // Sizes must be equal, but alignment of `A` must be greater or equal than that of `B`.
866 (mem::size_of::<A>() == mem::size_of::<B>()) & (mem::align_of::<A>() >= mem::align_of::<B>())
867 }
869 /// Returns a reference to the global lock associated with the `AtomicCell` at address `addr`.
870 ///
871 /// This function is used to protect atomic data which doesn't fit into any of the primitive atomic
872 /// types in `std::sync::atomic`. Operations on such atomics must therefore use a global lock.
873 ///
874 /// However, there is not only one global lock but an array of many locks, and one of them is
875 /// picked based on the given address. Having many locks reduces contention and improves
876 /// scalability.
877 #[inline]
878 #[must_use]
879 fn lock(addr: usize) -> &'static SeqLock {
880 // The number of locks is a prime number because we want to make sure `addr % LEN` gets
881 // dispersed across all locks.
882 //
883 // Note that addresses are always aligned to some power of 2, depending on type `T` in
884 // `AtomicCell<T>`. If `LEN` was an even number, then `addr % LEN` would be an even number,
885 // too, which means only half of the locks would get utilized!
886 //
887 // It is also possible for addresses to accidentally get aligned to a number that is not a
888 // power of 2. Consider this example:
889 //
890 // ```
891 // #[repr(C)]
892 // struct Foo {
893 // a: AtomicCell<u8>,
894 // b: u8,
895 // c: u8,
896 // }
897 // ```
898 //
899 // Now, if we have a slice of type `&[Foo]`, it is possible that field `a` in all items gets
900 // stored at addresses that are multiples of 3. It'd be too bad if `LEN` was divisible by 3.
901 // In order to protect from such cases, we simply choose a large prime number for `LEN`.
902 const LEN: usize = 97;
903 #[allow(clippy::declare_interior_mutable_const)]
904 const L: SeqLock = SeqLock::new();
905 static LOCKS: [SeqLock; LEN] = [
906 L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L,
907 L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L,
908 L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L,
909 L, L, L, L, L, L, L,
910 ];
912 // If the modulus is a constant number, the compiler will use crazy math to transform this into
913 // a sequence of cheap arithmetic operations rather than using the slow modulo instruction.
914 &LOCKS[addr % LEN]
915 }
917 /// An atomic `()`.
918 ///
919 /// All operations are noops.
920 struct AtomicUnit;
922 impl AtomicUnit {
923 #[inline]
924 fn load(&self, _order: Ordering) {}
926 #[inline]
927 fn store(&self, _val: (), _order: Ordering) {}
929 #[inline]
930 fn swap(&self, _val: (), _order: Ordering) {}
932 #[inline]
933 fn compare_exchange_weak(
934 &self,
935 _current: (),
936 _new: (),
937 _success: Ordering,
938 _failure: Ordering,
939 ) -> Result<(), ()> {
940 Ok(())
941 }
942 }
944 macro_rules! atomic {
945 // If values of type `$t` can be transmuted into values of the primitive atomic type `$atomic`,
946 // declares variable `$a` of type `$atomic` and executes `$atomic_op`, breaking out of the loop.
947 (@check, $t:ty, $atomic:ty, $a:ident, $atomic_op:expr) => {
948 if can_transmute::<$t, $atomic>() {
949 let $a: &$atomic;
950 break $atomic_op;
951 }
952 };
954 // If values of type `$t` can be transmuted into values of a primitive atomic type, declares
955 // variable `$a` of that type and executes `$atomic_op`. Otherwise, just executes
956 // `$fallback_op`.
957 ($t:ty, $a:ident, $atomic_op:expr, $fallback_op:expr) => {
958 loop {
959 atomic!(@check, $t, AtomicUnit, $a, $atomic_op);
961 atomic!(@check, $t, atomic::AtomicU8, $a, $atomic_op);
962 atomic!(@check, $t, atomic::AtomicU16, $a, $atomic_op);
963 atomic!(@check, $t, atomic::AtomicU32, $a, $atomic_op);
964 #[cfg(not(crossbeam_no_atomic_64))]
965 atomic!(@check, $t, atomic::AtomicU64, $a, $atomic_op);
966 // TODO: AtomicU128 is unstable
967 // atomic!(@check, $t, atomic::AtomicU128, $a, $atomic_op);
969 break $fallback_op;
970 }
971 };
972 }
974 /// Returns `true` if operations on `AtomicCell<T>` are lock-free.
975 const fn atomic_is_lock_free<T>() -> bool {
976 // HACK(taiki-e): This is equivalent to `atomic! { T, _a, true, false }`, but can be used in const fn even in Rust 1.36.
977 let is_lock_free = can_transmute::<T, AtomicUnit>()
978 | can_transmute::<T, atomic::AtomicU8>()
979 | can_transmute::<T, atomic::AtomicU16>()
980 | can_transmute::<T, atomic::AtomicU32>();
981 #[cfg(not(crossbeam_no_atomic_64))]
982 let is_lock_free = is_lock_free | can_transmute::<T, atomic::AtomicU64>();
983 // TODO: AtomicU128 is unstable
984 // let is_lock_free = is_lock_free | can_transmute::<T, atomic::AtomicU128>();
985 is_lock_free
986 }
988 /// Atomically reads data from `src`.
989 ///
990 /// This operation uses the `Acquire` ordering. If possible, an atomic instructions is used, and a
991 /// global lock otherwise.
992 unsafe fn atomic_load<T>(src: *mut T) -> T
993 where
994 T: Copy,
995 {
996 atomic! {
997 T, a,
998 {
999 a = &*(src as *const _ as *const _);
1000 mem::transmute_copy(&a.load(Ordering::Acquire))
1001 },
1002 {
1003 let lock = lock(src as usize);
1005 // Try doing an optimistic read first.
1006 if let Some(stamp) = lock.optimistic_read() {
1007 // We need a volatile read here because other threads might concurrently modify the
1008 // value. In theory, data races are *always* UB, even if we use volatile reads and
1009 // discard the data when a data race is detected. The proper solution would be to
1010 // do atomic reads and atomic writes, but we can't atomically read and write all
1011 // kinds of data since `AtomicU8` is not available on stable Rust yet.
1012 let val = ptr::read_volatile(src);
1014 if lock.validate_read(stamp) {
1015 return val;
1016 }
1017 }
1019 // Grab a regular write lock so that writers don't starve this load.
1020 let guard = lock.write();
1021 let val = ptr::read(src);
1022 // The value hasn't been changed. Drop the guard without incrementing the stamp.
1023 guard.abort();
1024 val
1025 }
1026 }
1027 }
1029 /// Atomically writes `val` to `dst`.
1030 ///
1031 /// This operation uses the `Release` ordering. If possible, an atomic instructions is used, and a
1032 /// global lock otherwise.
1033 unsafe fn atomic_store<T>(dst: *mut T, val: T) {
1034 atomic! {
1035 T, a,
1036 {
1037 a = &*(dst as *const _ as *const _);
1038 a.store(mem::transmute_copy(&val), Ordering::Release);
1039 mem::forget(val);
1040 },
1041 {
1042 let _guard = lock(dst as usize).write();
1043 ptr::write(dst, val);
1044 }
1045 }
1046 }
1048 /// Atomically swaps data at `dst` with `val`.
1049 ///
1050 /// This operation uses the `AcqRel` ordering. If possible, an atomic instructions is used, and a
1051 /// global lock otherwise.
1052 unsafe fn atomic_swap<T>(dst: *mut T, val: T) -> T {
1053 atomic! {
1054 T, a,
1055 {
1056 a = &*(dst as *const _ as *const _);
1057 let res = mem::transmute_copy(&a.swap(mem::transmute_copy(&val), Ordering::AcqRel));
1058 mem::forget(val);
1059 res
1060 },
1061 {
1062 let _guard = lock(dst as usize).write();
1063 ptr::replace(dst, val)
1064 }
1065 }
1066 }
1068 /// Atomically compares data at `dst` to `current` and, if equal byte-for-byte, exchanges data at
1069 /// `dst` with `new`.
1070 ///
1071 /// Returns the old value on success, or the current value at `dst` on failure.
1072 ///
1073 /// This operation uses the `AcqRel` ordering. If possible, an atomic instructions is used, and a
1074 /// global lock otherwise.
1075 unsafe fn atomic_compare_exchange_weak<T>(dst: *mut T, mut current: T, new: T) -> Result<T, T>
1076 where
1077 T: Copy + Eq,
1078 {
1079 atomic! {
1080 T, a,
1081 {
1082 a = &*(dst as *const _ as *const _);
1083 let mut current_raw = mem::transmute_copy(&current);
1084 let new_raw = mem::transmute_copy(&new);
1086 loop {
1087 match a.compare_exchange_weak(
1088 current_raw,
1089 new_raw,
1090 Ordering::AcqRel,
1091 Ordering::Acquire,
1092 ) {
1093 Ok(_) => break Ok(current),
1094 Err(previous_raw) => {
1095 let previous = mem::transmute_copy(&previous_raw);
1097 if !T::eq(&previous, &current) {
1098 break Err(previous);
1099 }
1101 // The compare-exchange operation has failed and didn't store `new`. The
1102 // failure is either spurious, or `previous` was semantically equal to
1103 // `current` but not byte-equal. Let's retry with `previous` as the new
1104 // `current`.
1105 current = previous;
1106 current_raw = previous_raw;
1107 }
1108 }
1109 }
1110 },
1111 {
1112 let guard = lock(dst as usize).write();
1114 if T::eq(&*dst, &current) {
1115 Ok(ptr::replace(dst, new))
1116 } else {
1117 let val = ptr::read(dst);
1118 // The value hasn't been changed. Drop the guard without incrementing the stamp.
1119 guard.abort();
1120 Err(val)
1121 }
1122 }
1123 }
1124 }