]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - vendor/encoding_rs/src/testing.rs
New upstream version 1.73.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / vendor / encoding_rs / src / testing.rs
1 // Copyright Mozilla Foundation. See the COPYRIGHT
2 // file at the top-level directory of this distribution.
3 //
4 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
5 // https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
6 // <LICENSE-MIT or https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
7 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
8 // except according to those terms.
10 use super::*;
12 pub fn decode(encoding: &'static Encoding, bytes: &[u8], expect: &str) {
13 let mut vec = Vec::with_capacity(bytes.len() + 32);
14 let mut string = String::with_capacity(expect.len() + 32);
15 let range = if cfg!(miri) {
16 0usize..4usize
17 } else {
18 0usize..32usize
19 };
20 for i in range {
21 vec.clear();
22 string.clear();
23 for j in 0usize..i {
24 let c = 0x40u8 + (j as u8);
25 vec.push(c);
26 string.push(c as char);
27 }
28 vec.extend_from_slice(bytes);
29 string.push_str(expect);
30 decode_without_padding_impl(encoding, &vec[..], &string[..], i);
31 }
32 }
34 pub fn decode_without_padding(encoding: &'static Encoding, bytes: &[u8], expect: &str) {
35 decode_without_padding_impl(encoding, bytes, expect, 0);
36 }
38 fn decode_without_padding_impl(
39 encoding: &'static Encoding,
40 bytes: &[u8],
41 expect: &str,
42 padding: usize,
43 ) {
44 decode_to_utf8_impl(encoding, bytes, expect, padding);
45 decode_to_utf16_impl(encoding, bytes, &utf16_from_utf8(expect)[..], padding);
46 decode_to_string(encoding, bytes, expect);
47 }
49 pub fn encode(encoding: &'static Encoding, str: &str, expect: &[u8]) {
50 let mut vec = Vec::with_capacity(expect.len() + 32);
51 let mut string = String::with_capacity(str.len() + 32);
52 let range = if cfg!(miri) {
53 0usize..4usize
54 } else {
55 0usize..32usize
56 };
57 for i in range {
58 vec.clear();
59 string.clear();
60 for j in 0usize..i {
61 let c = 0x40u8 + (j as u8);
62 vec.push(c);
63 string.push(c as char);
64 }
65 vec.extend_from_slice(expect);
66 string.push_str(str);
67 encode_without_padding(encoding, &string[..], &vec[..]);
68 }
69 }
71 pub fn encode_without_padding(encoding: &'static Encoding, string: &str, expect: &[u8]) {
72 encode_from_utf8(encoding, string, expect);
73 encode_from_utf16(encoding, &utf16_from_utf8(string)[..], expect);
74 encode_to_vec(encoding, string, expect);
75 }
77 pub fn decode_to_utf16(encoding: &'static Encoding, bytes: &[u8], expect: &[u16]) {
78 decode_to_utf16_impl(encoding, bytes, expect, 0);
79 }
81 pub fn decode_to_utf16_impl(
82 encoding: &'static Encoding,
83 bytes: &[u8],
84 expect: &[u16],
85 padding: usize,
86 ) {
87 for i in padding..bytes.len() {
88 let (head, tail) = bytes.split_at(i);
89 decode_to_utf16_with_boundary(encoding, head, tail, expect);
90 }
91 }
93 pub fn decode_to_utf16_with_boundary(
94 encoding: &'static Encoding,
95 head: &[u8],
96 tail: &[u8],
97 expect: &[u16],
98 ) {
99 let mut decoder = encoding.new_decoder();
100 let mut dest: Vec<u16> = Vec::with_capacity(
101 decoder
102 .max_utf16_buffer_length(head.len() + tail.len())
103 .unwrap(),
104 );
105 let capacity = dest.capacity();
106 dest.resize(capacity, 0u16);
107 let mut total_read = 0;
108 let mut total_written = 0;
109 {
110 let (complete, read, written, _) = decoder.decode_to_utf16(head, &mut dest, false);
111 match complete {
112 CoderResult::InputEmpty => {}
113 CoderResult::OutputFull => {
114 unreachable!();
115 }
116 }
117 total_read += read;
118 total_written += written;
119 }
120 {
121 let (complete, read, written, _) =
122 decoder.decode_to_utf16(tail, &mut dest[total_written..], true);
123 match complete {
124 CoderResult::InputEmpty => {}
125 CoderResult::OutputFull => {
126 unreachable!();
127 }
128 }
129 total_read += read;
130 total_written += written;
131 }
132 assert_eq!(total_read, head.len() + tail.len());
133 assert_eq!(total_written, expect.len());
134 dest.truncate(total_written);
135 assert_eq!(&dest[..], expect);
136 }
138 pub fn decode_to_utf8(encoding: &'static Encoding, bytes: &[u8], expect: &str) {
139 decode_to_utf8_impl(encoding, bytes, expect, 0);
140 }
142 pub fn decode_to_utf8_impl(
143 encoding: &'static Encoding,
144 bytes: &[u8],
145 expect: &str,
146 padding: usize,
147 ) {
148 for i in padding..bytes.len() {
149 let (head, tail) = bytes.split_at(i);
150 decode_to_utf8_with_boundary(encoding, head, tail, expect);
151 }
152 }
154 pub fn decode_to_utf8_with_boundary(
155 encoding: &'static Encoding,
156 head: &[u8],
157 tail: &[u8],
158 expect: &str,
159 ) {
160 let mut decoder = encoding.new_decoder();
161 let mut dest: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(
162 decoder
163 .max_utf8_buffer_length(head.len() + tail.len())
164 .unwrap(),
165 );
166 let capacity = dest.capacity();
167 dest.resize(capacity, 0u8);
168 let mut total_read = 0;
169 let mut total_written = 0;
170 {
171 let (complete, read, written, _) = decoder.decode_to_utf8(head, &mut dest, false);
172 match complete {
173 CoderResult::InputEmpty => {}
174 CoderResult::OutputFull => {
175 unreachable!();
176 }
177 }
178 total_read += read;
179 total_written += written;
180 }
181 {
182 let (complete, read, written, _) =
183 decoder.decode_to_utf8(tail, &mut dest[total_written..], true);
184 match complete {
185 CoderResult::InputEmpty => {}
186 CoderResult::OutputFull => {
187 unreachable!();
188 }
189 }
190 total_read += read;
191 total_written += written;
192 }
193 assert_eq!(total_read, head.len() + tail.len());
194 assert_eq!(total_written, expect.len());
195 dest.truncate(total_written);
196 assert_eq!(&dest[..], expect.as_bytes());
197 }
199 pub fn decode_to_string(encoding: &'static Encoding, bytes: &[u8], expect: &str) {
200 let (cow, _, _) = encoding.decode(bytes);
201 assert_eq!(&cow[..], expect);
202 }
204 pub fn encode_from_utf8(encoding: &'static Encoding, string: &str, expect: &[u8]) {
205 let mut encoder = encoding.new_encoder();
206 let mut dest: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(10 * (string.len() + 1)); // 10 is replacement worst case
207 let capacity = dest.capacity();
208 dest.resize(capacity, 0u8);
209 let (complete, read, written, _) = encoder.encode_from_utf8(string, &mut dest, true);
210 match complete {
211 CoderResult::InputEmpty => {}
212 CoderResult::OutputFull => {
213 unreachable!();
214 }
215 }
216 assert_eq!(read, string.len());
217 assert_eq!(written, expect.len());
218 dest.truncate(written);
219 assert_eq!(&dest[..], expect);
220 }
222 pub fn encode_from_utf16(encoding: &'static Encoding, string: &[u16], expect: &[u8]) {
223 let mut encoder = encoding.new_encoder();
224 let mut dest: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(10 * (string.len() + 1)); // 10 is replacement worst case
225 let capacity = dest.capacity();
226 dest.resize(capacity, 0u8);
227 let (complete, read, written, _) = encoder.encode_from_utf16(string, &mut dest, true);
228 match complete {
229 CoderResult::InputEmpty => {}
230 CoderResult::OutputFull => {
231 unreachable!();
232 }
233 }
234 assert_eq!(read, string.len());
235 // assert_eq!(written, expect.len());
236 dest.truncate(written);
237 assert_eq!(&dest[..], expect);
238 }
240 pub fn encode_to_vec(encoding: &'static Encoding, string: &str, expect: &[u8]) {
241 let (cow, _, _) = encoding.encode(string);
242 assert_eq!(&cow[..], expect);
243 }
245 pub fn utf16_from_utf8(string: &str) -> Vec<u16> {
246 let mut decoder = UTF_8.new_decoder_without_bom_handling();
247 let mut vec = Vec::with_capacity(decoder.max_utf16_buffer_length(string.len()).unwrap());
248 let capacity = vec.capacity();
249 vec.resize(capacity, 0);
251 let (result, read, written) =
252 decoder.decode_to_utf16_without_replacement(string.as_bytes(), &mut vec[..], true);
253 match result {
254 DecoderResult::InputEmpty => {
255 debug_assert_eq!(read, string.len());
256 vec.resize(written, 0);
257 vec
258 }
259 DecoderResult::Malformed(_, _) => unreachable!("Malformed"),
260 DecoderResult::OutputFull => unreachable!("Output full"),
261 }
262 }