]> git.proxmox.com Git - cargo.git/blob - vendor/ignore/src/types.rs
New upstream version 0.33.0
[cargo.git] / vendor / ignore / src / types.rs
1 /*!
2 The types module provides a way of associating globs on file names to file
3 types.
5 This can be used to match specific types of files. For example, among
6 the default file types provided, the Rust file type is defined to be `*.rs`
7 with name `rust`. Similarly, the C file type is defined to be `*.{c,h}` with
8 name `c`.
10 Note that the set of default types may change over time.
12 # Example
14 This shows how to create and use a simple file type matcher using the default
15 file types defined in this crate.
17 ```
18 use ignore::types::TypesBuilder;
20 let mut builder = TypesBuilder::new();
21 builder.add_defaults();
22 builder.select("rust");
23 let matcher = builder.build().unwrap();
25 assert!(matcher.matched("foo.rs", false).is_whitelist());
26 assert!(matcher.matched("foo.c", false).is_ignore());
27 ```
29 # Example: negation
31 This is like the previous example, but shows how negating a file type works.
32 That is, this will let us match file paths that *don't* correspond to a
33 particular file type.
35 ```
36 use ignore::types::TypesBuilder;
38 let mut builder = TypesBuilder::new();
39 builder.add_defaults();
40 builder.negate("c");
41 let matcher = builder.build().unwrap();
43 assert!(matcher.matched("foo.rs", false).is_none());
44 assert!(matcher.matched("foo.c", false).is_ignore());
45 ```
47 # Example: custom file type definitions
49 This shows how to extend this library default file type definitions with
50 your own.
52 ```
53 use ignore::types::TypesBuilder;
55 let mut builder = TypesBuilder::new();
56 builder.add_defaults();
57 builder.add("foo", "*.foo");
58 // Another way of adding a file type definition.
59 // This is useful when accepting input from an end user.
60 builder.add_def("bar:*.bar");
61 // Note: we only select `foo`, not `bar`.
62 builder.select("foo");
63 let matcher = builder.build().unwrap();
65 assert!(matcher.matched("x.foo", false).is_whitelist());
66 // This is ignored because we only selected the `foo` file type.
67 assert!(matcher.matched("x.bar", false).is_ignore());
68 ```
70 We can also add file type definitions based on other definitions.
72 ```
73 use ignore::types::TypesBuilder;
75 let mut builder = TypesBuilder::new();
76 builder.add_defaults();
77 builder.add("foo", "*.foo");
78 builder.add_def("bar:include:foo,cpp");
79 builder.select("bar");
80 let matcher = builder.build().unwrap();
82 assert!(matcher.matched("x.foo", false).is_whitelist());
83 assert!(matcher.matched("y.cpp", false).is_whitelist());
84 ```
85 */
87 use std::cell::RefCell;
88 use std::collections::HashMap;
89 use std::path::Path;
90 use std::sync::Arc;
92 use globset::{GlobBuilder, GlobSet, GlobSetBuilder};
93 use regex::Regex;
94 use thread_local::ThreadLocal;
96 use pathutil::file_name;
97 use {Error, Match};
99 const DEFAULT_TYPES: &'static [(&'static str, &'static [&'static str])] = &[
100 ("agda", &["*.agda", "*.lagda"]),
101 ("ats", &["*.ats", "*.dats", "*.sats", "*.hats"]),
102 ("aidl", &["*.aidl"]),
103 ("amake", &["*.mk", "*.bp"]),
104 ("asciidoc", &["*.adoc", "*.asc", "*.asciidoc"]),
105 ("asm", &["*.asm", "*.s", "*.S"]),
106 ("asp", &["*.aspx", "*.aspx.cs", "*.aspx.cs", "*.ascx", "*.ascx.cs", "*.ascx.vb"]),
107 ("avro", &["*.avdl", "*.avpr", "*.avsc"]),
108 ("awk", &["*.awk"]),
109 ("bazel", &["*.bzl", "WORKSPACE", "BUILD", "BUILD.bazel"]),
110 ("bitbake", &["*.bb", "*.bbappend", "*.bbclass", "*.conf", "*.inc"]),
111 ("buildstream", &["*.bst"]),
112 ("bzip2", &["*.bz2"]),
113 ("c", &["*.c", "*.h", "*.H", "*.cats"]),
114 ("cabal", &["*.cabal"]),
115 ("cbor", &["*.cbor"]),
116 ("ceylon", &["*.ceylon"]),
117 ("clojure", &["*.clj", "*.cljc", "*.cljs", "*.cljx"]),
118 ("cmake", &["*.cmake", "CMakeLists.txt"]),
119 ("coffeescript", &["*.coffee"]),
120 ("creole", &["*.creole"]),
121 ("config", &["*.cfg", "*.conf", "*.config", "*.ini"]),
122 ("cpp", &[
123 "*.C", "*.cc", "*.cpp", "*.cxx",
124 "*.h", "*.H", "*.hh", "*.hpp", "*.hxx", "*.inl",
125 ]),
126 ("crystal", &["Projectfile", "*.cr"]),
127 ("cs", &["*.cs"]),
128 ("csharp", &["*.cs"]),
129 ("cshtml", &["*.cshtml"]),
130 ("css", &["*.css", "*.scss"]),
131 ("csv", &["*.csv"]),
132 ("cython", &["*.pyx", "*.pxi", "*.pxd"]),
133 ("dart", &["*.dart"]),
134 ("d", &["*.d"]),
135 ("dhall", &["*.dhall"]),
136 ("docker", &["*Dockerfile*"]),
137 ("elisp", &["*.el"]),
138 ("elixir", &["*.ex", "*.eex", "*.exs"]),
139 ("elm", &["*.elm"]),
140 ("erlang", &["*.erl", "*.hrl"]),
141 ("fidl", &["*.fidl"]),
142 ("fish", &["*.fish"]),
143 ("fortran", &[
144 "*.f", "*.F", "*.f77", "*.F77", "*.pfo",
145 "*.f90", "*.F90", "*.f95", "*.F95",
146 ]),
147 ("fsharp", &["*.fs", "*.fsx", "*.fsi"]),
148 ("gn", &["*.gn", "*.gni"]),
149 ("go", &["*.go"]),
150 ("gzip", &["*.gz"]),
151 ("groovy", &["*.groovy", "*.gradle"]),
152 ("h", &["*.h", "*.hpp"]),
153 ("hbs", &["*.hbs"]),
154 ("haskell", &["*.hs", "*.lhs", "*.cpphs", "*.c2hs", "*.hsc"]),
155 ("hs", &["*.hs", "*.lhs"]),
156 ("html", &["*.htm", "*.html", "*.ejs"]),
157 ("idris", &["*.idr", "*.lidr"]),
158 ("java", &["*.java", "*.jsp"]),
159 ("jinja", &["*.j2", "*.jinja", "*.jinja2"]),
160 ("js", &[
161 "*.js", "*.jsx", "*.vue",
162 ]),
163 ("json", &["*.json", "composer.lock"]),
164 ("jsonl", &["*.jsonl"]),
165 ("julia", &["*.jl"]),
166 ("jupyter", &["*.ipynb", "*.jpynb"]),
167 ("jl", &["*.jl"]),
168 ("kotlin", &["*.kt", "*.kts"]),
169 ("less", &["*.less"]),
170 ("license", &[
171 // General
172 "COPYING", "COPYING[.-]*",
174 "EULA", "EULA[.-]*",
175 "licen[cs]e", "licen[cs]e.*",
176 "LICEN[CS]E", "LICEN[CS]E[.-]*", "*[.-]LICEN[CS]E*",
177 "NOTICE", "NOTICE[.-]*",
178 "PATENTS", "PATENTS[.-]*",
179 "UNLICEN[CS]E", "UNLICEN[CS]E[.-]*",
180 // GPL (gpl.txt, etc.)
181 "agpl[.-]*",
182 "gpl[.-]*",
183 "lgpl[.-]*",
184 // Other license-specific (APACHE-2.0.txt, etc.)
185 "AGPL-*[0-9]*",
186 "APACHE-*[0-9]*",
187 "BSD-*[0-9]*",
188 "CC-BY-*",
189 "GFDL-*[0-9]*",
190 "GNU-*[0-9]*",
191 "GPL-*[0-9]*",
192 "LGPL-*[0-9]*",
193 "MIT-*[0-9]*",
194 "MPL-*[0-9]*",
195 "OFL-*[0-9]*",
196 ]),
197 ("lisp", &["*.el", "*.jl", "*.lisp", "*.lsp", "*.sc", "*.scm"]),
198 ("log", &["*.log"]),
199 ("lua", &["*.lua"]),
200 ("lzma", &["*.lzma"]),
201 ("lz4", &["*.lz4"]),
202 ("m4", &["*.ac", "*.m4"]),
203 ("make", &[
204 "gnumakefile", "Gnumakefile", "GNUmakefile",
205 "makefile", "Makefile",
206 "*.mk", "*.mak"
207 ]),
208 ("mako", &["*.mako", "*.mao"]),
209 ("markdown", &["*.markdown", "*.md", "*.mdown", "*.mkdn"]),
210 ("md", &["*.markdown", "*.md", "*.mdown", "*.mkdn"]),
211 ("man", &["*.[0-9lnpx]", "*.[0-9][cEFMmpSx]"]),
212 ("matlab", &["*.m"]),
213 ("mk", &["mkfile"]),
214 ("ml", &["*.ml"]),
215 ("msbuild", &[
216 "*.csproj", "*.fsproj", "*.vcxproj", "*.proj", "*.props", "*.targets"
217 ]),
218 ("nim", &["*.nim"]),
219 ("nix", &["*.nix"]),
220 ("objc", &["*.h", "*.m"]),
221 ("objcpp", &["*.h", "*.mm"]),
222 ("ocaml", &["*.ml", "*.mli", "*.mll", "*.mly"]),
223 ("org", &["*.org"]),
224 ("pascal", &["*.pas", "*.dpr", "*.lpr", "*.pp", "*.inc"]),
225 ("perl", &["*.perl", "*.pl", "*.PL", "*.plh", "*.plx", "*.pm", "*.t"]),
226 ("pdf", &["*.pdf"]),
227 ("php", &["*.php", "*.php3", "*.php4", "*.php5", "*.phtml"]),
228 ("pod", &["*.pod"]),
229 ("postscript", &[".eps", ".ps"]),
230 ("protobuf", &["*.proto"]),
231 ("ps", &["*.cdxml", "*.ps1", "*.ps1xml", "*.psd1", "*.psm1"]),
232 ("puppet", &["*.erb", "*.pp", "*.rb"]),
233 ("purs", &["*.purs"]),
234 ("py", &["*.py"]),
235 ("qmake", &["*.pro", "*.pri", "*.prf"]),
236 ("readme", &["README*", "*README"]),
237 ("r", &["*.R", "*.r", "*.Rmd", "*.Rnw"]),
238 ("rdoc", &["*.rdoc"]),
239 ("rst", &["*.rst"]),
240 ("ruby", &["Gemfile", "*.gemspec", ".irbrc", "Rakefile", "*.rb"]),
241 ("rust", &["*.rs"]),
242 ("sass", &["*.sass", "*.scss"]),
243 ("scala", &["*.scala", "*.sbt"]),
244 ("sh", &[
245 // Portable/misc. init files
246 ".login", ".logout", ".profile", "profile",
247 // bash-specific init files
248 ".bash_login", "bash_login",
249 ".bash_logout", "bash_logout",
250 ".bash_profile", "bash_profile",
251 ".bashrc", "bashrc", "*.bashrc",
252 // csh-specific init files
253 ".cshrc", "*.cshrc",
254 // ksh-specific init files
255 ".kshrc", "*.kshrc",
256 // tcsh-specific init files
257 ".tcshrc",
258 // zsh-specific init files
259 ".zshenv", "zshenv",
260 ".zlogin", "zlogin",
261 ".zlogout", "zlogout",
262 ".zprofile", "zprofile",
263 ".zshrc", "zshrc",
264 // Extensions
265 "*.bash", "*.csh", "*.ksh", "*.sh", "*.tcsh", "*.zsh",
266 ]),
267 ("smarty", &["*.tpl"]),
268 ("sml", &["*.sml", "*.sig"]),
269 ("soy", &["*.soy"]),
270 ("spark", &["*.spark"]),
271 ("sql", &["*.sql", "*.psql"]),
272 ("stylus", &["*.styl"]),
273 ("sv", &["*.v", "*.vg", "*.sv", "*.svh", "*.h"]),
274 ("svg", &["*.svg"]),
275 ("swift", &["*.swift"]),
276 ("swig", &["*.def", "*.i"]),
277 ("systemd", &[
278 "*.automount", "*.conf", "*.device", "*.link", "*.mount", "*.path",
279 "*.scope", "*.service", "*.slice", "*.socket", "*.swap", "*.target",
280 "*.timer",
281 ]),
282 ("taskpaper", &["*.taskpaper"]),
283 ("tcl", &["*.tcl"]),
284 ("tex", &["*.tex", "*.ltx", "*.cls", "*.sty", "*.bib"]),
285 ("textile", &["*.textile"]),
286 ("thrift", &["*.thrift"]),
287 ("tf", &["*.tf"]),
288 ("ts", &["*.ts", "*.tsx"]),
289 ("txt", &["*.txt"]),
290 ("toml", &["*.toml", "Cargo.lock"]),
291 ("twig", &["*.twig"]),
292 ("vala", &["*.vala"]),
293 ("vb", &["*.vb"]),
294 ("verilog", &["*.v", "*.vh", "*.sv", "*.svh"]),
295 ("vhdl", &["*.vhd", "*.vhdl"]),
296 ("vim", &["*.vim"]),
297 ("vimscript", &["*.vim"]),
298 ("wiki", &["*.mediawiki", "*.wiki"]),
299 ("webidl", &["*.idl", "*.webidl", "*.widl"]),
300 ("xml", &["*.xml", "*.xml.dist"]),
301 ("xz", &["*.xz"]),
302 ("yacc", &["*.y"]),
303 ("yaml", &["*.yaml", "*.yml"]),
304 ("zsh", &[
305 ".zshenv", "zshenv",
306 ".zlogin", "zlogin",
307 ".zlogout", "zlogout",
308 ".zprofile", "zprofile",
309 ".zshrc", "zshrc",
310 "*.zsh",
311 ]),
312 ];
314 /// Glob represents a single glob in a set of file type definitions.
315 ///
316 /// There may be more than one glob for a particular file type.
317 ///
318 /// This is used to report information about the highest precedent glob
319 /// that matched.
320 ///
321 /// Note that not all matches necessarily correspond to a specific glob.
322 /// For example, if there are one or more selections and a file path doesn't
323 /// match any of those selections, then the file path is considered to be
324 /// ignored.
325 ///
326 /// The lifetime `'a` refers to the lifetime of the underlying file type
327 /// definition, which corresponds to the lifetime of the file type matcher.
328 #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
329 pub struct Glob<'a>(GlobInner<'a>);
331 #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
332 enum GlobInner<'a> {
333 /// No glob matched, but the file path should still be ignored.
334 UnmatchedIgnore,
335 /// A glob matched.
336 Matched {
337 /// The file type definition which provided the glob.
338 def: &'a FileTypeDef,
339 /// The index of the glob that matched inside the file type definition.
340 which: usize,
341 /// Whether the selection was negated or not.
342 negated: bool,
343 }
344 }
346 impl<'a> Glob<'a> {
347 fn unmatched() -> Glob<'a> {
348 Glob(GlobInner::UnmatchedIgnore)
349 }
350 }
352 /// A single file type definition.
353 ///
354 /// File type definitions can be retrieved in aggregate from a file type
355 /// matcher. File type definitions are also reported when its responsible
356 /// for a match.
357 #[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
358 pub struct FileTypeDef {
359 name: String,
360 globs: Vec<String>,
361 }
363 impl FileTypeDef {
364 /// Return the name of this file type.
365 pub fn name(&self) -> &str {
366 &self.name
367 }
369 /// Return the globs used to recognize this file type.
370 pub fn globs(&self) -> &[String] {
371 &self.globs
372 }
373 }
375 /// Types is a file type matcher.
376 #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
377 pub struct Types {
378 /// All of the file type definitions, sorted lexicographically by name.
379 defs: Vec<FileTypeDef>,
380 /// All of the selections made by the user.
381 selections: Vec<Selection<FileTypeDef>>,
382 /// Whether there is at least one Selection::Select in our selections.
383 /// When this is true, a Match::None is converted to Match::Ignore.
384 has_selected: bool,
385 /// A mapping from glob index in the set to two indices. The first is an
386 /// index into `selections` and the second is an index into the
387 /// corresponding file type definition's list of globs.
388 glob_to_selection: Vec<(usize, usize)>,
389 /// The set of all glob selections, used for actual matching.
390 set: GlobSet,
391 /// Temporary storage for globs that match.
392 matches: Arc<ThreadLocal<RefCell<Vec<usize>>>>,
393 }
395 /// Indicates the type of a selection for a particular file type.
396 #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
397 enum Selection<T> {
398 Select(String, T),
399 Negate(String, T),
400 }
402 impl<T> Selection<T> {
403 fn is_negated(&self) -> bool {
404 match *self {
405 Selection::Select(..) => false,
406 Selection::Negate(..) => true,
407 }
408 }
410 fn name(&self) -> &str {
411 match *self {
412 Selection::Select(ref name, _) => name,
413 Selection::Negate(ref name, _) => name,
414 }
415 }
417 fn map<U, F: FnOnce(T) -> U>(self, f: F) -> Selection<U> {
418 match self {
419 Selection::Select(name, inner) => {
420 Selection::Select(name, f(inner))
421 }
422 Selection::Negate(name, inner) => {
423 Selection::Negate(name, f(inner))
424 }
425 }
426 }
428 fn inner(&self) -> &T {
429 match *self {
430 Selection::Select(_, ref inner) => inner,
431 Selection::Negate(_, ref inner) => inner,
432 }
433 }
434 }
436 impl Types {
437 /// Creates a new file type matcher that never matches any path and
438 /// contains no file type definitions.
439 pub fn empty() -> Types {
440 Types {
441 defs: vec![],
442 selections: vec![],
443 has_selected: false,
444 glob_to_selection: vec![],
445 set: GlobSetBuilder::new().build().unwrap(),
446 matches: Arc::new(ThreadLocal::default()),
447 }
448 }
450 /// Returns true if and only if this matcher has zero selections.
451 pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
452 self.selections.is_empty()
453 }
455 /// Returns the number of selections used in this matcher.
456 pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
457 self.selections.len()
458 }
460 /// Return the set of current file type definitions.
461 ///
462 /// Definitions and globs are sorted.
463 pub fn definitions(&self) -> &[FileTypeDef] {
464 &self.defs
465 }
467 /// Returns a match for the given path against this file type matcher.
468 ///
469 /// The path is considered whitelisted if it matches a selected file type.
470 /// The path is considered ignored if it matches a negated file type.
471 /// If at least one file type is selected and `path` doesn't match, then
472 /// the path is also considered ignored.
473 pub fn matched<'a, P: AsRef<Path>>(
474 &'a self,
475 path: P,
476 is_dir: bool,
477 ) -> Match<Glob<'a>> {
478 // File types don't apply to directories, and we can't do anything
479 // if our glob set is empty.
480 if is_dir || self.set.is_empty() {
481 return Match::None;
482 }
483 // We only want to match against the file name, so extract it.
484 // If one doesn't exist, then we can't match it.
485 let name = match file_name(path.as_ref()) {
486 Some(name) => name,
487 None if self.has_selected => {
488 return Match::Ignore(Glob::unmatched());
489 }
490 None => {
491 return Match::None;
492 }
493 };
494 let mut matches = self.matches.get_default().borrow_mut();
495 self.set.matches_into(name, &mut *matches);
496 // The highest precedent match is the last one.
497 if let Some(&i) = matches.last() {
498 let (isel, iglob) = self.glob_to_selection[i];
499 let sel = &self.selections[isel];
500 let glob = Glob(GlobInner::Matched {
501 def: sel.inner(),
502 which: iglob,
503 negated: sel.is_negated(),
504 });
505 return if sel.is_negated() {
506 Match::Ignore(glob)
507 } else {
508 Match::Whitelist(glob)
509 };
510 }
511 if self.has_selected {
512 Match::Ignore(Glob::unmatched())
513 } else {
514 Match::None
515 }
516 }
517 }
519 /// TypesBuilder builds a type matcher from a set of file type definitions and
520 /// a set of file type selections.
521 pub struct TypesBuilder {
522 types: HashMap<String, FileTypeDef>,
523 selections: Vec<Selection<()>>,
524 }
526 impl TypesBuilder {
527 /// Create a new builder for a file type matcher.
528 ///
529 /// The builder contains *no* type definitions to start with. A set
530 /// of default type definitions can be added with `add_defaults`, and
531 /// additional type definitions can be added with `select` and `negate`.
532 pub fn new() -> TypesBuilder {
533 TypesBuilder {
534 types: HashMap::new(),
535 selections: vec![],
536 }
537 }
539 /// Build the current set of file type definitions *and* selections into
540 /// a file type matcher.
541 pub fn build(&self) -> Result<Types, Error> {
542 let defs = self.definitions();
543 let has_selected = self.selections.iter().any(|s| !s.is_negated());
545 let mut selections = vec![];
546 let mut glob_to_selection = vec![];
547 let mut build_set = GlobSetBuilder::new();
548 for (isel, selection) in self.selections.iter().enumerate() {
549 let def = match self.types.get(selection.name()) {
550 Some(def) => def.clone(),
551 None => {
552 let name = selection.name().to_string();
553 return Err(Error::UnrecognizedFileType(name));
554 }
555 };
556 for (iglob, glob) in def.globs.iter().enumerate() {
557 build_set.add(
558 GlobBuilder::new(glob)
559 .literal_separator(true)
560 .build()
561 .map_err(|err| {
562 Error::Glob {
563 glob: Some(glob.to_string()),
564 err: err.kind().to_string(),
565 }
566 })?);
567 glob_to_selection.push((isel, iglob));
568 }
569 selections.push(selection.clone().map(move |_| def));
570 }
571 let set = build_set.build().map_err(|err| {
572 Error::Glob { glob: None, err: err.to_string() }
573 })?;
574 Ok(Types {
575 defs: defs,
576 selections: selections,
577 has_selected: has_selected,
578 glob_to_selection: glob_to_selection,
579 set: set,
580 matches: Arc::new(ThreadLocal::default()),
581 })
582 }
584 /// Return the set of current file type definitions.
585 ///
586 /// Definitions and globs are sorted.
587 pub fn definitions(&self) -> Vec<FileTypeDef> {
588 let mut defs = vec![];
589 for def in self.types.values() {
590 let mut def = def.clone();
591 def.globs.sort();
592 defs.push(def);
593 }
594 defs.sort_by(|def1, def2| def1.name().cmp(def2.name()));
595 defs
596 }
598 /// Select the file type given by `name`.
599 ///
600 /// If `name` is `all`, then all file types currently defined are selected.
601 pub fn select(&mut self, name: &str) -> &mut TypesBuilder {
602 if name == "all" {
603 for name in self.types.keys() {
604 self.selections.push(Selection::Select(name.to_string(), ()));
605 }
606 } else {
607 self.selections.push(Selection::Select(name.to_string(), ()));
608 }
609 self
610 }
612 /// Ignore the file type given by `name`.
613 ///
614 /// If `name` is `all`, then all file types currently defined are negated.
615 pub fn negate(&mut self, name: &str) -> &mut TypesBuilder {
616 if name == "all" {
617 for name in self.types.keys() {
618 self.selections.push(Selection::Negate(name.to_string(), ()));
619 }
620 } else {
621 self.selections.push(Selection::Negate(name.to_string(), ()));
622 }
623 self
624 }
626 /// Clear any file type definitions for the type name given.
627 pub fn clear(&mut self, name: &str) -> &mut TypesBuilder {
628 self.types.remove(name);
629 self
630 }
632 /// Add a new file type definition. `name` can be arbitrary and `pat`
633 /// should be a glob recognizing file paths belonging to the `name` type.
634 ///
635 /// If `name` is `all` or otherwise contains any character that is not a
636 /// Unicode letter or number, then an error is returned.
637 pub fn add(&mut self, name: &str, glob: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
638 lazy_static! {
639 static ref RE: Regex = Regex::new(r"^[\pL\pN]+$").unwrap();
640 };
641 if name == "all" || !RE.is_match(name) {
642 return Err(Error::InvalidDefinition);
643 }
644 let (key, glob) = (name.to_string(), glob.to_string());
645 self.types.entry(key).or_insert_with(|| {
646 FileTypeDef { name: name.to_string(), globs: vec![] }
647 }).globs.push(glob);
648 Ok(())
649 }
651 /// Add a new file type definition specified in string form. There are two
652 /// valid formats:
653 /// 1. `{name}:{glob}`. This defines a 'root' definition that associates the
654 /// given name with the given glob.
655 /// 2. `{name}:include:{comma-separated list of already defined names}.
656 /// This defines an 'include' definition that associates the given name
657 /// with the definitions of the given existing types.
658 /// Names may not include any characters that are not
659 /// Unicode letters or numbers.
660 pub fn add_def(&mut self, def: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
661 let parts: Vec<&str> = def.split(':').collect();
662 match parts.len() {
663 2 => {
664 let name = parts[0];
665 let glob = parts[1];
666 if name.is_empty() || glob.is_empty() {
667 return Err(Error::InvalidDefinition);
668 }
669 self.add(name, glob)
670 }
671 3 => {
672 let name = parts[0];
673 let types_string = parts[2];
674 if name.is_empty() || parts[1] != "include" || types_string.is_empty() {
675 return Err(Error::InvalidDefinition);
676 }
677 let types = types_string.split(',');
678 // Check ahead of time to ensure that all types specified are
679 // present and fail fast if not.
680 if types.clone().any(|t| !self.types.contains_key(t)) {
681 return Err(Error::InvalidDefinition);
682 }
683 for type_name in types {
684 let globs = self.types.get(type_name).unwrap().globs.clone();
685 for glob in globs {
686 self.add(name, &glob)?;
687 }
688 }
689 Ok(())
690 }
691 _ => Err(Error::InvalidDefinition)
692 }
693 }
695 /// Add a set of default file type definitions.
696 pub fn add_defaults(&mut self) -> &mut TypesBuilder {
697 static MSG: &'static str = "adding a default type should never fail";
698 for &(name, exts) in DEFAULT_TYPES {
699 for ext in exts {
700 self.add(name, ext).expect(MSG);
701 }
702 }
703 self
704 }
705 }
707 #[cfg(test)]
708 mod tests {
709 use super::TypesBuilder;
711 macro_rules! matched {
712 ($name:ident, $types:expr, $sel:expr, $selnot:expr,
713 $path:expr) => {
714 matched!($name, $types, $sel, $selnot, $path, true);
715 };
716 (not, $name:ident, $types:expr, $sel:expr, $selnot:expr,
717 $path:expr) => {
718 matched!($name, $types, $sel, $selnot, $path, false);
719 };
720 ($name:ident, $types:expr, $sel:expr, $selnot:expr,
721 $path:expr, $matched:expr) => {
722 #[test]
723 fn $name() {
724 let mut btypes = TypesBuilder::new();
725 for tydef in $types {
726 btypes.add_def(tydef).unwrap();
727 }
728 for sel in $sel {
729 btypes.select(sel);
730 }
731 for selnot in $selnot {
732 btypes.negate(selnot);
733 }
734 let types = btypes.build().unwrap();
735 let mat = types.matched($path, false);
736 assert_eq!($matched, !mat.is_ignore());
737 }
738 };
739 }
741 fn types() -> Vec<&'static str> {
742 vec![
743 "html:*.html",
744 "html:*.htm",
745 "rust:*.rs",
746 "js:*.js",
747 "foo:*.{rs,foo}",
748 "combo:include:html,rust"
749 ]
750 }
752 matched!(match1, types(), vec!["rust"], vec![], "lib.rs");
753 matched!(match2, types(), vec!["html"], vec![], "index.html");
754 matched!(match3, types(), vec!["html"], vec![], "index.htm");
755 matched!(match4, types(), vec!["html", "rust"], vec![], "main.rs");
756 matched!(match5, types(), vec![], vec![], "index.html");
757 matched!(match6, types(), vec![], vec!["rust"], "index.html");
758 matched!(match7, types(), vec!["foo"], vec!["rust"], "main.foo");
759 matched!(match8, types(), vec!["combo"], vec![], "index.html");
760 matched!(match9, types(), vec!["combo"], vec![], "lib.rs");
762 matched!(not, matchnot1, types(), vec!["rust"], vec![], "index.html");
763 matched!(not, matchnot2, types(), vec![], vec!["rust"], "main.rs");
764 matched!(not, matchnot3, types(), vec!["foo"], vec!["rust"], "main.rs");
765 matched!(not, matchnot4, types(), vec!["rust"], vec!["foo"], "main.rs");
766 matched!(not, matchnot5, types(), vec!["rust"], vec!["foo"], "main.foo");
767 matched!(not, matchnot6, types(), vec!["combo"], vec![], "leftpad.js");
769 #[test]
770 fn test_invalid_defs() {
771 let mut btypes = TypesBuilder::new();
772 for tydef in types() {
773 btypes.add_def(tydef).unwrap();
774 }
775 // Preserve the original definitions for later comparison.
776 let original_defs = btypes.definitions();
777 let bad_defs = vec![
778 // Reference to type that does not exist
779 "combo:include:html,python",
780 // Bad format
781 "combo:foobar:html,rust",
782 ""
783 ];
784 for def in bad_defs {
785 assert!(btypes.add_def(def).is_err());
786 // Ensure that nothing changed, even if some of the includes were valid.
787 assert_eq!(btypes.definitions(), original_defs);
788 }
789 }
790 }