]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - vendor/indexmap/src/lib.rs
New upstream version 1.76.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / vendor / indexmap / src / lib.rs
1 // We *mostly* avoid unsafe code, but `map::core::raw` allows it to use `RawTable` buckets.
2 #![deny(unsafe_code)]
3 #![warn(rust_2018_idioms)]
4 #![doc(html_root_url = "https://docs.rs/indexmap/1/")]
5 #![no_std]
7 //! [`IndexMap`] is a hash table where the iteration order of the key-value
8 //! pairs is independent of the hash values of the keys.
9 //!
10 //! [`IndexSet`] is a corresponding hash set using the same implementation and
11 //! with similar properties.
12 //!
13 //! [`IndexMap`]: map/struct.IndexMap.html
14 //! [`IndexSet`]: set/struct.IndexSet.html
15 //!
16 //!
17 //! ### Highlights
18 //!
19 //! [`IndexMap`] and [`IndexSet`] are drop-in compatible with the std `HashMap`
20 //! and `HashSet`, but they also have some features of note:
21 //!
22 //! - The ordering semantics (see their documentation for details)
23 //! - Sorting methods and the [`.pop()`][IndexMap::pop] methods.
24 //! - The [`Equivalent`] trait, which offers more flexible equality definitions
25 //! between borrowed and owned versions of keys.
26 //! - The [`MutableKeys`][map::MutableKeys] trait, which gives opt-in mutable
27 //! access to hash map keys.
28 //!
29 //! ### Feature Flags
30 //!
31 //! To reduce the amount of compiled code in the crate by default, certain
32 //! features are gated behind [feature flags]. These allow you to opt in to (or
33 //! out of) functionality. Below is a list of the features available in this
34 //! crate.
35 //!
36 //! * `std`: Enables features which require the Rust standard library. For more
37 //! information see the section on [`no_std`].
38 //! * `rayon`: Enables parallel iteration and other parallel methods.
39 //! * `serde`: Adds implementations for [`Serialize`] and [`Deserialize`]
40 //! to [`IndexMap`] and [`IndexSet`]. Alternative implementations for
41 //! (de)serializing [`IndexMap`] as an ordered sequence are available in the
42 //! [`map::serde_seq`] module.
43 //! * `arbitrary`: Adds implementations for the [`arbitrary::Arbitrary`] trait
44 //! to [`IndexMap`] and [`IndexSet`].
45 //! * `quickcheck`: Adds implementations for the [`quickcheck::Arbitrary`] trait
46 //! to [`IndexMap`] and [`IndexSet`].
47 //!
48 //! _Note: only the `std` feature is enabled by default._
49 //!
50 //! [feature flags]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html#the-features-section
51 //! [`no_std`]: #no-standard-library-targets
52 //! [`Serialize`]: `::serde::Serialize`
53 //! [`Deserialize`]: `::serde::Deserialize`
54 //! [`arbitrary::Arbitrary`]: `::arbitrary::Arbitrary`
55 //! [`quickcheck::Arbitrary`]: `::quickcheck::Arbitrary`
56 //!
57 //! ### Alternate Hashers
58 //!
59 //! [`IndexMap`] and [`IndexSet`] have a default hasher type `S = RandomState`,
60 //! just like the standard `HashMap` and `HashSet`, which is resistant to
61 //! HashDoS attacks but not the most performant. Type aliases can make it easier
62 //! to use alternate hashers:
63 //!
64 //! ```
65 //! use fnv::FnvBuildHasher;
66 //! use fxhash::FxBuildHasher;
67 //! use indexmap::{IndexMap, IndexSet};
68 //!
69 //! type FnvIndexMap<K, V> = IndexMap<K, V, FnvBuildHasher>;
70 //! type FnvIndexSet<T> = IndexSet<T, FnvBuildHasher>;
71 //!
72 //! type FxIndexMap<K, V> = IndexMap<K, V, FxBuildHasher>;
73 //! type FxIndexSet<T> = IndexSet<T, FxBuildHasher>;
74 //!
75 //! let std: IndexSet<i32> = (0..100).collect();
76 //! let fnv: FnvIndexSet<i32> = (0..100).collect();
77 //! let fx: FxIndexSet<i32> = (0..100).collect();
78 //! assert_eq!(std, fnv);
79 //! assert_eq!(std, fx);
80 //! ```
81 //!
82 //! ### Rust Version
83 //!
84 //! This version of indexmap requires Rust 1.63 or later.
85 //!
86 //! The indexmap 2.x release series will use a carefully considered version
87 //! upgrade policy, where in a later 2.x version, we will raise the minimum
88 //! required Rust version.
89 //!
90 //! ## No Standard Library Targets
91 //!
92 //! This crate supports being built without `std`, requiring `alloc` instead.
93 //! This is chosen by disabling the default "std" cargo feature, by adding
94 //! `default-features = false` to your dependency specification.
95 //!
96 //! - Creating maps and sets using [`new`][IndexMap::new] and
97 //! [`with_capacity`][IndexMap::with_capacity] is unavailable without `std`.
98 //! Use methods [`IndexMap::default`][def],
99 //! [`with_hasher`][IndexMap::with_hasher],
100 //! [`with_capacity_and_hasher`][IndexMap::with_capacity_and_hasher] instead.
101 //! A no-std compatible hasher will be needed as well, for example
102 //! from the crate `twox-hash`.
103 //! - Macros [`indexmap!`] and [`indexset!`] are unavailable without `std`.
104 //!
105 //! [def]: map/struct.IndexMap.html#impl-Default
107 #![cfg_attr(docsrs, feature(doc_cfg))]
109 extern crate alloc;
111 #[cfg(feature = "std")]
112 #[macro_use]
113 extern crate std;
115 use alloc::vec::{self, Vec};
117 mod arbitrary;
118 #[macro_use]
119 mod macros;
120 mod mutable_keys;
121 #[cfg(feature = "serde")]
122 #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "serde")))]
123 mod serde;
124 mod util;
126 pub mod map;
127 pub mod set;
129 // Placed after `map` and `set` so new `rayon` methods on the types
130 // are documented after the "normal" methods.
131 #[cfg(feature = "rayon")]
132 #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "rayon")))]
133 mod rayon;
135 #[cfg(feature = "rustc-rayon")]
136 mod rustc;
138 pub use crate::map::IndexMap;
139 pub use crate::set::IndexSet;
140 pub use equivalent::Equivalent;
142 // shared private items
144 /// Hash value newtype. Not larger than usize, since anything larger
145 /// isn't used for selecting position anyway.
146 #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
147 struct HashValue(usize);
149 impl HashValue {
150 #[inline(always)]
151 fn get(self) -> u64 {
152 self.0 as u64
153 }
154 }
156 #[derive(Copy, Debug)]
157 struct Bucket<K, V> {
158 hash: HashValue,
159 key: K,
160 value: V,
161 }
163 impl<K, V> Clone for Bucket<K, V>
164 where
165 K: Clone,
166 V: Clone,
167 {
168 fn clone(&self) -> Self {
169 Bucket {
170 hash: self.hash,
171 key: self.key.clone(),
172 value: self.value.clone(),
173 }
174 }
176 fn clone_from(&mut self, other: &Self) {
177 self.hash = other.hash;
178 self.key.clone_from(&other.key);
179 self.value.clone_from(&other.value);
180 }
181 }
183 impl<K, V> Bucket<K, V> {
184 // field accessors -- used for `f` instead of closures in `.map(f)`
185 fn key_ref(&self) -> &K {
186 &self.key
187 }
188 fn value_ref(&self) -> &V {
189 &self.value
190 }
191 fn value_mut(&mut self) -> &mut V {
192 &mut self.value
193 }
194 fn key(self) -> K {
195 self.key
196 }
197 fn value(self) -> V {
198 self.value
199 }
200 fn key_value(self) -> (K, V) {
201 (self.key, self.value)
202 }
203 fn refs(&self) -> (&K, &V) {
204 (&self.key, &self.value)
205 }
206 fn ref_mut(&mut self) -> (&K, &mut V) {
207 (&self.key, &mut self.value)
208 }
209 fn muts(&mut self) -> (&mut K, &mut V) {
210 (&mut self.key, &mut self.value)
211 }
212 }
214 trait Entries {
215 type Entry;
216 fn into_entries(self) -> Vec<Self::Entry>;
217 fn as_entries(&self) -> &[Self::Entry];
218 fn as_entries_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [Self::Entry];
219 fn with_entries<F>(&mut self, f: F)
220 where
221 F: FnOnce(&mut [Self::Entry]);
222 }
224 /// The error type for `try_reserve` methods.
225 #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
226 pub struct TryReserveError {
227 kind: TryReserveErrorKind,
228 }
230 #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
231 enum TryReserveErrorKind {
232 // The standard library's kind is currently opaque to us, otherwise we could unify this.
233 Std(alloc::collections::TryReserveError),
234 CapacityOverflow,
235 AllocError { layout: alloc::alloc::Layout },
236 }
238 // These are not `From` so we don't expose them in our public API.
239 impl TryReserveError {
240 fn from_alloc(error: alloc::collections::TryReserveError) -> Self {
241 Self {
242 kind: TryReserveErrorKind::Std(error),
243 }
244 }
246 fn from_hashbrown(error: hashbrown::TryReserveError) -> Self {
247 Self {
248 kind: match error {
249 hashbrown::TryReserveError::CapacityOverflow => {
250 TryReserveErrorKind::CapacityOverflow
251 }
252 hashbrown::TryReserveError::AllocError { layout } => {
253 TryReserveErrorKind::AllocError { layout }
254 }
255 },
256 }
257 }
258 }
260 impl core::fmt::Display for TryReserveError {
261 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
262 let reason = match &self.kind {
263 TryReserveErrorKind::Std(e) => return core::fmt::Display::fmt(e, f),
264 TryReserveErrorKind::CapacityOverflow => {
265 " because the computed capacity exceeded the collection's maximum"
266 }
267 TryReserveErrorKind::AllocError { .. } => {
268 " because the memory allocator returned an error"
269 }
270 };
271 f.write_str("memory allocation failed")?;
272 f.write_str(reason)
273 }
274 }
276 #[cfg(feature = "std")]
277 #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "std")))]
278 impl std::error::Error for TryReserveError {}