]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - vendor/mdbook/tests/dummy_book/mod.rs
New upstream version 1.34.2+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / vendor / mdbook / tests / dummy_book / mod.rs
1 //! This will create an entire book in a temporary directory using some
2 //! dummy contents from the `tests/dummy-book/` directory.
4 // Not all features are used in all test crates, so...
5 #![allow(dead_code, unused_variables, unused_imports, unused_extern_crates)]
6 extern crate mdbook;
7 extern crate tempfile;
8 extern crate walkdir;
10 use mdbook::errors::*;
11 use mdbook::utils::fs::file_to_string;
12 use std::fs::{self, File};
13 use std::io::{Read, Write};
14 use std::path::Path;
16 // The funny `self::` here is because we've got an `extern crate ...` and are
17 // in a submodule
18 use self::mdbook::MDBook;
19 use self::tempfile::{Builder as TempFileBuilder, TempDir};
20 use self::walkdir::WalkDir;
22 /// Create a dummy book in a temporary directory, using the contents of
23 /// `SUMMARY_MD` as a guide.
24 ///
25 /// The "Nested Chapter" file contains a code block with a single
26 /// `assert!($TEST_STATUS)`. If you want to check MDBook's testing
27 /// functionality, `$TEST_STATUS` can be substitute for either `true` or
28 /// `false`. This is done using the `passing_test` parameter.
29 #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
30 pub struct DummyBook {
31 passing_test: bool,
32 }
34 impl DummyBook {
35 /// Create a new `DummyBook` with all the defaults.
36 pub fn new() -> DummyBook {
37 DummyBook { passing_test: true }
38 }
40 /// Whether the doc-test included in the "Nested Chapter" should pass or
41 /// fail (it passes by default).
42 pub fn with_passing_test(&mut self, test_passes: bool) -> &mut DummyBook {
43 self.passing_test = test_passes;
44 self
45 }
47 /// Write a book to a temporary directory using the provided settings.
48 pub fn build(&self) -> Result<TempDir> {
49 let temp = TempFileBuilder::new()
50 .prefix("dummy_book-")
51 .tempdir()
52 .chain_err(|| "Unable to create temp directory")?;
54 let dummy_book_root = Path::new(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")).join("tests/dummy_book");
55 recursive_copy(&dummy_book_root, temp.path()).chain_err(|| {
56 "Couldn't copy files into a \
57 temporary directory"
58 })?;
60 let sub_pattern = if self.passing_test { "true" } else { "false" };
61 let file_containing_test = temp.path().join("src/first/nested.md");
62 replace_pattern_in_file(&file_containing_test, "$TEST_STATUS", sub_pattern)?;
64 Ok(temp)
65 }
66 }
68 fn replace_pattern_in_file(filename: &Path, from: &str, to: &str) -> Result<()> {
69 let contents = file_to_string(filename)?;
70 File::create(filename)?.write_all(contents.replace(from, to).as_bytes())?;
72 Ok(())
73 }
75 /// Read the contents of the provided file into memory and then iterate through
76 /// the list of strings asserting that the file contains all of them.
77 pub fn assert_contains_strings<P: AsRef<Path>>(filename: P, strings: &[&str]) {
78 let filename = filename.as_ref();
79 let content = file_to_string(filename).expect("Couldn't read the file's contents");
81 for s in strings {
82 assert!(
83 content.contains(s),
84 "Searching for {:?} in {}\n\n{}",
85 s,
86 filename.display(),
87 content
88 );
89 }
90 }
92 pub fn assert_doesnt_contain_strings<P: AsRef<Path>>(filename: P, strings: &[&str]) {
93 let filename = filename.as_ref();
94 let content = file_to_string(filename).expect("Couldn't read the file's contents");
96 for s in strings {
97 assert!(
98 !content.contains(s),
99 "Found {:?} in {}\n\n{}",
100 s,
101 filename.display(),
102 content
103 );
104 }
105 }
107 /// Recursively copy an entire directory tree to somewhere else (a la `cp -r`).
108 fn recursive_copy<A: AsRef<Path>, B: AsRef<Path>>(from: A, to: B) -> Result<()> {
109 let from = from.as_ref();
110 let to = to.as_ref();
112 for entry in WalkDir::new(&from) {
113 let entry = entry.chain_err(|| "Unable to inspect directory entry")?;
115 let original_location = entry.path();
116 let relative = original_location
117 .strip_prefix(&from)
118 .expect("`original_location` is inside the `from` directory");
119 let new_location = to.join(relative);
121 if original_location.is_file() {
122 if let Some(parent) = new_location.parent() {
123 fs::create_dir_all(parent).chain_err(|| "Couldn't create directory")?;
124 }
126 fs::copy(&original_location, &new_location)
127 .chain_err(|| "Unable to copy file contents")?;
128 }
129 }
131 Ok(())
132 }
134 pub fn new_copy_of_example_book() -> Result<TempDir> {
135 let temp = TempFileBuilder::new().prefix("book-example").tempdir()?;
137 let book_example = Path::new(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")).join("book-example");
139 recursive_copy(book_example, temp.path())?;
141 Ok(temp)
142 }