]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - vendor/perf-event-open-sys/src/lib.rs
New upstream version 1.52.0~beta.3+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / vendor / perf-event-open-sys / src / lib.rs
1 //! Direct, unsafe bindings for Linux [`perf_event_open`][man] and friends.
2 //!
3 //! Linux's `perf_event_open` system call provides access to the processor's
4 //! performance measurement counters (things like instructions retired, cache
5 //! misses, and so on), kernel counters (context switches, page faults), and
6 //! many other sources of performance information.
7 //!
8 //! You can't get the `perf_event_open` function from the `libc` crate, as you
9 //! would any other system call. The Linux standard C library does not provide a
10 //! binding for this function or its associated types and constants.
11 //!
12 //! Rust analogs to the C types and constants from `<linux/perf_event.h>` and
13 //! `<linux/hw_breakpoint.h>`, generated with `bindgen`, are available in the
14 //! [`bindings`] module.
15 //!
16 //! There are several ioctls for use with `perf_event_open` file descriptors;
17 //! see the [`ioctls`] module for those.
18 //!
19 //! For a safe and convenient interface to this functionality, see the
20 //! [`perf_event`] crate.
21 //!
22 //! ## Using the raw API
23 //!
24 //! As the kernel interface evolves, the struct and union types from the
25 //! [`bindings`] module may acquire new fields. To ensure that your code will
26 //! continue to compile against newer versions of this crate, you should
27 //! construct values of these types by calling their `Default` implementations,
28 //! which return zero-filled values, and then assigning to the fields you care
29 //! about. For example:
30 //!
31 //! ```
32 //! use perf_event_open_sys as sys;
33 //!
34 //! // Construct a zero-filled `perf_event_attr`.
35 //! let mut attrs = sys::bindings::perf_event_attr::default();
36 //!
37 //! // Populate the fields we need.
38 //! attrs.size = std::mem::size_of::<sys::bindings::perf_event_attr>() as u32;
39 //! attrs.type_ = sys::bindings::perf_type_id_PERF_TYPE_HARDWARE;
40 //! attrs.config = sys::bindings::perf_hw_id_PERF_COUNT_HW_INSTRUCTIONS as u64;
41 //! attrs.set_disabled(1);
42 //! attrs.set_exclude_kernel(1);
43 //! attrs.set_exclude_hv(1);
44 //!
45 //! // Make the system call.
46 //! let result = unsafe {
47 //! sys::perf_event_open(&mut attrs, 0, -1, -1, 0)
48 //! };
49 //!
50 //! if result < 0 {
51 //! // ... handle error
52 //! }
53 //!
54 //! // ... use `result` as a raw file descriptor
55 //! ```
56 //!
57 //! It is not necessary to adjust `size` to what the running kernel expects:
58 //! older kernels can accept newer `perf_event_attr` structs, and vice versa. As
59 //! long as the `size` field was properly initialized, an error result of
60 //! `E2BIG` indicates that the `attrs` structure has requested behavior the
61 //! kernel is too old to support.
62 //!
63 //! When `E2BIG` is returned, the kernel writes the size it expected back to the
64 //! `size` field of the `attrs` struct. Again, if you want to retry the call, it
65 //! is not necessary to adjust the size you pass to match what the kernel passed
66 //! back. The size from the kernel just indicates which version of the API the
67 //! kernel supports; see the documentation for the `PERF_EVENT_ATTR_SIZE_VER...`
68 //! constants for details.
69 //!
70 //! ## Kernel versions
71 //!
72 //! The bindings in this crate are generated from the Linux kernel headers
73 //! packaged by Fedora as `kernel-headers-5.6.11-100.fc30.x86_64`, which
74 //! corresponds to `PERF_EVENT_ATTR_SIZE_VER6`.
75 //!
76 //! As explained above, bugs aside, it is not necessary to use the version of
77 //! these structures that matches the kernel you want to run under, so it should
78 //! always be acceptable to use the latest version of this crate, even if you
79 //! want to support older kernels.
80 //!
81 //! This crate's `README.md` file includes instructions on regenerating the
82 //! bindings from newer kernel headers. However, this can be a breaking change
83 //! for users that have not followed the advice above, so regeneration should
84 //! cause a major version increment.
85 //!
86 //! If you need features that are available only in a more recent version of the
87 //! types than this crate provides, please file an issue.
88 //!
89 //! ## Linux API Backward/Forward Compatibility Strategy
90 //!
91 //! (This is more detail than necessary if you just want to use the crate. I
92 //! want to write this down somewhere so that I have something to refer to when
93 //! I forget the details.)
94 //!
95 //! It is an important principle of Linux kernel development that new versions
96 //! of the kernel should not break userspace. If upgrading your kernel breaks a
97 //! user program, then that's a bug in the kernel. (This refers to the run-time
98 //! interface. I don't know what the stability rules are for the kernel headers:
99 //! can new headers cause old code to fail to compile? Anyway, run time is our
100 //! concern here.)
101 //!
102 //! But when you have an open-ended, complex system call like `perf_event_open`,
103 //! it's really important for the interface to be able to evolve. Certainly, old
104 //! programs must run properly on new kernels, but ideally, it should work the
105 //! other way, too: a program built against a newer version of the kernel
106 //! headers should run on an older kernel, as long as it only requests features
107 //! the old kernel actually supports. That is, simply compiling against newer
108 //! headers should not be disqualifying - only using those new headers to
109 //! request features the running kernel can't provide should cause an error.
110 //!
111 //! Consider the specific case of passing a struct like `perf_event_attr` to a
112 //! system call like `perf_event_open`. In general, there are two versions of
113 //! the struct in play: the version the user program was compiled against, and
114 //! the version the running kernel was compiled against. How can we let old
115 //! programs call `perf_event_open` on new kernels, and vice versa?
116 //!
117 //! Linux has a neat strategy for making this work. There are four rules:
118 //!
119 //! - Every system call that passes a struct to the kernel includes some
120 //! indication of how large userspace thinks that struct is. For
121 //! `perf_event_open`, it's the `size` field of the `perf_event_attr`
122 //! struct. For `ioctl`s that pass a struct, it's a bitfield of the
123 //! `request` value.
124 //!
125 //! - Fields are never deleted from structs. At most, newer kernel headers may
126 //! rename them to '__reserved_foo' or something like that, but once a field
127 //! has been placed, its layout in the struct never changes.
128 //!
129 //! - New fields are added to the end of structs.
130 //!
131 //! - New fields' semantics are chosen such that filling them with zeros
132 //! preserves the old behavior. That is, turning an old struct into a new
133 //! struct by extending it with zero bytes should always give you a new
134 //! struct with the same meaning the old struct had.
135 //!
136 //! Then, the kernel's strategy for receiving structs from userspace (explained
137 //! by the kernel comments for `copy_struct_from_user` in
138 //! `include/linux/uaccess.h`) is as follows:
139 //!
140 //! - If the kernel's struct is larger than the one passed from userspace,
141 //! then that means the kernel is newer than the userspace program. The
142 //! kernel copies the userspace data into the initial bytes of its own
143 //! struct, and zeros the remaining bytes. Since zeroed fields have no
144 //! effect, the resulting struct properly reflects the user's intent.
145 //!
146 //! - If the kernel's struct is smaller than the one passed from userspace,
147 //! then that means that a userspace program compiled against newer kernel
148 //! headers is running on an older kernel. The kernel checks that the excess
149 //! bytes in the userspace struct are all zero; if they are not, the system
150 //! call returns `E2BIG`, indicating that userspace has requested a feature
151 //! the kernel doesn't support. If they are all zero, then the kernel
152 //! initializes its own struct with the bytes from the start of the
153 //! userspace struct, and drops the rest. Since the dropped bytes were all
154 //! zero, they did not affect the requested behavior, and the resulting
155 //! struct reflects the user's intent.
156 //!
157 //! - In either case, the kernel verifies that any `__reserved_foo` fields in
158 //! its own version of the struct are zero.
159 //!
160 //! This covers both the old-on-new and new-on-old cases, and returns an error
161 //! only when the call requests functionality the kernel doesn't support.
162 //!
163 //! You can find one example of using `perf_event_open` in the [`perf_event`]
164 //! crate, which provides a safe interface to a subset of `perf_event_open`'s
165 //! functionality.
166 //!
167 //! [`bindings`]: bindings/index.html
168 //! [`ioctls`]: ioctls/index.html
169 //! [man]: http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/perf_event_open.2.html
170 //! [`perf_event`]: https://crates.io/crates/perf_event
172 pub mod bindings;
174 use libc::pid_t;
175 use std::os::raw::{c_int, c_ulong};
177 /// The `perf_event_open` system call.
178 ///
179 /// See the [`perf_event_open(2) man page`][man] for details.
180 ///
181 /// On error, this returns a negated raw OS error value. The C `errno` value is
182 /// not changed.
183 ///
184 /// Note: The `attrs` argument needs to be a `*mut` because if the `size` field
185 /// is too small or too large, the kernel writes the size it was expecing back
186 /// into that field. It might do other things as well.
187 ///
188 /// [man]: http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/perf_event_open.2.html
189 pub unsafe fn perf_event_open(
190 attrs: *mut bindings::perf_event_attr,
191 pid: pid_t,
192 cpu: c_int,
193 group_fd: c_int,
194 flags: c_ulong,
195 ) -> c_int {
196 libc::syscall(
197 bindings::__NR_perf_event_open as libc::c_long,
198 attrs as *const bindings::perf_event_attr,
199 pid,
200 cpu,
201 group_fd,
202 flags,
203 ) as c_int
204 }
206 #[allow(dead_code, non_snake_case)]
207 pub mod ioctls {
208 //! Ioctls for use with `perf_event_open` file descriptors.
209 //!
210 //! See the [`perf_event_open(2)`][man] man page for details.
211 //!
212 //! On error, these return `-1` and set the C `errno` value.
213 //!
214 //! [man]: http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/perf_event_open.2.html
215 use crate::bindings::{self, perf_event_attr, perf_event_query_bpf};
216 use std::os::raw::{c_char, c_int, c_uint, c_ulong};
218 macro_rules! define_ioctls {
219 ( $( $args:tt )* ) => {
220 $(
221 define_ioctl!($args);
222 )*
223 }
224 }
226 macro_rules! define_ioctl {
227 ({ $name:ident, $ioctl:ident, $arg_type:ty }) => {
228 pub unsafe fn $name(fd: c_int, arg: $arg_type) -> c_int {
229 untyped_ioctl(fd, bindings::$ioctl, arg)
230 }
231 };
232 }
234 define_ioctls! {
235 { ENABLE, perf_event_ioctls_ENABLE, c_uint }
236 { DISABLE, perf_event_ioctls_DISABLE, c_uint }
237 { REFRESH, perf_event_ioctls_REFRESH, c_int }
238 { RESET, perf_event_ioctls_RESET, c_uint }
239 { PERIOD, perf_event_ioctls_PERIOD, u64 }
240 { SET_OUTPUT, perf_event_ioctls_SET_OUTPUT, c_int }
241 { SET_FILTER, perf_event_ioctls_SET_FILTER, *mut c_char }
242 { ID, perf_event_ioctls_ID, *mut u64 }
243 { SET_BPF, perf_event_ioctls_SET_BPF, u32 }
244 { PAUSE_OUTPUT, perf_event_ioctls_PAUSE_OUTPUT, u32 }
245 { QUERY_BPF, perf_event_ioctls_QUERY_BPF, *mut perf_event_query_bpf }
246 { MODIFY_ATTRIBUTES, perf_event_ioctls_MODIFY_ATTRIBUTES, *mut perf_event_attr }
247 }
249 unsafe fn untyped_ioctl<A>(
250 fd: c_int,
251 ioctl: bindings::perf_event_ioctls,
252 arg: A,
253 ) -> c_int {
254 #[cfg(target_env = "musl")]
255 return libc::ioctl(fd, ioctl as c_int, arg);
257 #[cfg(not(target_env = "musl"))]
258 libc::ioctl(fd, ioctl as c_ulong, arg)
259 }
260 }