]> git.proxmox.com Git - cargo.git/blob - vendor/redox_syscall/src/io/dma.rs
New upstream version 0.52.0
[cargo.git] / vendor / redox_syscall / src / io / dma.rs
1 use core::mem::{self, MaybeUninit};
2 use core::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
3 use core::{ptr, slice};
5 use crate::Result;
6 use crate::{PartialAllocStrategy, PhysallocFlags};
8 /// An RAII guard of a physical memory allocation. Currently all physically allocated memory are
9 /// page-aligned and take up at least 4k of space (on x86_64).
10 #[derive(Debug)]
11 pub struct PhysBox {
12 address: usize,
13 size: usize
14 }
16 impl PhysBox {
17 /// Construct a PhysBox from an address and a size.
18 ///
19 /// # Safety
20 /// This function is unsafe because when dropping, Self has to a valid allocation.
21 pub unsafe fn from_raw_parts(address: usize, size: usize) -> Self {
22 Self {
23 address,
24 size,
25 }
26 }
28 /// Retrieve the byte address in physical memory, of this allocation.
29 pub fn address(&self) -> usize {
30 self.address
31 }
33 /// Retrieve the size in bytes of the alloc.
34 pub fn size(&self) -> usize {
35 self.size
36 }
38 /// Allocate physical memory that must reside in 32-bit space.
39 pub fn new_in_32bit_space(size: usize) -> Result<Self> {
40 Self::new_with_flags(size, PhysallocFlags::SPACE_32)
41 }
43 pub fn new_with_flags(size: usize, flags: PhysallocFlags) -> Result<Self> {
44 assert!(!flags.contains(PhysallocFlags::PARTIAL_ALLOC));
46 let address = unsafe { crate::physalloc2(size, flags.bits())? };
47 Ok(Self {
48 address,
49 size,
50 })
51 }
53 /// "Partially" allocate physical memory, in the sense that the allocation may be smaller than
54 /// expected, but still with a minimum limit. This is particularly useful when the physical
55 /// memory space is fragmented, and a device supports scatter-gather I/O. In that case, the
56 /// driver can optimistically request e.g. 1 alloc of 1 MiB, with the minimum of 512 KiB. If
57 /// that first allocation only returns half the size, the driver can do another allocation
58 /// and then let the device use both buffers.
59 pub fn new_partial_allocation(size: usize, flags: PhysallocFlags, strategy: Option<PartialAllocStrategy>, mut min: usize) -> Result<Self> {
60 debug_assert!(!(flags.contains(PhysallocFlags::PARTIAL_ALLOC) && strategy.is_none()));
62 let address = unsafe { crate::physalloc3(size, flags.bits() | strategy.map(|s| s as usize).unwrap_or(0), &mut min)? };
63 Ok(Self {
64 address,
65 size: min,
66 })
67 }
69 pub fn new(size: usize) -> Result<Self> {
70 let address = unsafe { crate::physalloc(size)? };
71 Ok(Self {
72 address,
73 size,
74 })
75 }
76 }
78 impl Drop for PhysBox {
79 fn drop(&mut self) {
80 let _ = unsafe { crate::physfree(self.address, self.size) };
81 }
82 }
84 pub struct Dma<T: ?Sized> {
85 phys: PhysBox,
86 virt: *mut T,
87 }
89 impl<T> Dma<T> {
90 pub fn from_physbox_uninit(phys: PhysBox) -> Result<Dma<MaybeUninit<T>>> {
91 let virt = unsafe { crate::physmap(phys.address, phys.size, crate::PHYSMAP_WRITE)? } as *mut MaybeUninit<T>;
93 Ok(Dma {
94 phys,
95 virt,
96 })
97 }
98 pub fn from_physbox_zeroed(phys: PhysBox) -> Result<Dma<MaybeUninit<T>>> {
99 let this = Self::from_physbox_uninit(phys)?;
100 unsafe { ptr::write_bytes(this.virt as *mut MaybeUninit<u8>, 0, this.phys.size) }
101 Ok(this)
102 }
104 pub fn from_physbox(phys: PhysBox, value: T) -> Result<Self> {
105 let this = Self::from_physbox_uninit(phys)?;
107 Ok(unsafe {
108 ptr::write(this.virt, MaybeUninit::new(value));
109 this.assume_init()
110 })
111 }
113 pub fn new(value: T) -> Result<Self> {
114 let phys = PhysBox::new(mem::size_of::<T>())?;
115 Self::from_physbox(phys, value)
116 }
117 pub fn zeroed() -> Result<Dma<MaybeUninit<T>>> {
118 let phys = PhysBox::new(mem::size_of::<T>())?;
119 Self::from_physbox_zeroed(phys)
120 }
121 }
123 impl<T> Dma<MaybeUninit<T>> {
124 pub unsafe fn assume_init(self) -> Dma<T> {
125 let &Dma { phys: PhysBox { address, size }, virt } = &self;
126 mem::forget(self);
128 Dma {
129 phys: PhysBox { address, size },
130 virt: virt as *mut T,
131 }
132 }
133 }
134 impl<T: ?Sized> Dma<T> {
135 pub fn physical(&self) -> usize {
136 self.phys.address()
137 }
138 pub fn size(&self) -> usize {
139 self.phys.size()
140 }
141 pub fn phys(&self) -> &PhysBox {
142 &self.phys
143 }
144 }
146 impl<T> Dma<[T]> {
147 pub fn from_physbox_uninit_unsized(phys: PhysBox, len: usize) -> Result<Dma<[MaybeUninit<T>]>> {
148 let max_len = phys.size() / mem::size_of::<T>();
149 assert!(len <= max_len);
151 Ok(Dma {
152 virt: unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts_mut(crate::physmap(phys.address, phys.size, crate::PHYSMAP_WRITE)? as *mut MaybeUninit<T>, len) } as *mut [MaybeUninit<T>],
153 phys,
154 })
155 }
156 pub fn from_physbox_zeroed_unsized(phys: PhysBox, len: usize) -> Result<Dma<[MaybeUninit<T>]>> {
157 let this = Self::from_physbox_uninit_unsized(phys, len)?;
158 unsafe { ptr::write_bytes(this.virt as *mut MaybeUninit<u8>, 0, this.phys.size()) }
159 Ok(this)
160 }
161 /// Creates a new DMA buffer with a size only known at runtime.
162 /// ## Safety
163 /// * `T` must be properly aligned.
164 /// * `T` must be valid as zeroed (i.e. no NonNull pointers).
165 pub unsafe fn zeroed_unsized(count: usize) -> Result<Self> {
166 let phys = PhysBox::new(mem::size_of::<T>() * count)?;
167 Ok(Self::from_physbox_zeroed_unsized(phys, count)?.assume_init())
168 }
169 }
170 impl<T> Dma<[MaybeUninit<T>]> {
171 pub unsafe fn assume_init(self) -> Dma<[T]> {
172 let &Dma { phys: PhysBox { address, size }, virt } = &self;
173 mem::forget(self);
175 Dma {
176 phys: PhysBox { address, size },
177 virt: virt as *mut [T],
178 }
179 }
180 }
182 impl<T: ?Sized> Deref for Dma<T> {
183 type Target = T;
184 fn deref(&self) -> &T {
185 unsafe { &*self.virt }
186 }
187 }
189 impl<T: ?Sized> DerefMut for Dma<T> {
190 fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T {
191 unsafe { &mut *self.virt }
192 }
193 }
195 impl<T: ?Sized> Drop for Dma<T> {
196 fn drop(&mut self) {
197 unsafe { ptr::drop_in_place(self.virt) }
198 let _ = unsafe { crate::physunmap(self.virt as *mut u8 as usize) };
199 }
200 }