]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - vendor/tracing-subscriber/src/fmt/format/pretty.rs
New upstream version 1.55.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / vendor / tracing-subscriber / src / fmt / format / pretty.rs
1 use super::*;
2 use crate::{
3 field::{VisitFmt, VisitOutput},
4 fmt::fmt_layer::{FmtContext, FormattedFields},
5 registry::LookupSpan,
6 };
8 use std::fmt::{self, Write};
9 use tracing_core::{
10 field::{self, Field},
11 Event, Level, Subscriber,
12 };
14 #[cfg(feature = "tracing-log")]
15 use tracing_log::NormalizeEvent;
17 use ansi_term::{Colour, Style};
19 /// An excessively pretty, human-readable event formatter.
20 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
21 pub struct Pretty {
22 display_location: bool,
23 }
25 /// The [visitor] produced by [`Pretty`]'s [`MakeVisitor`] implementation.
26 ///
27 /// [visitor]: ../../field/trait.Visit.html
28 /// [`DefaultFields`]: struct.DefaultFields.html
29 /// [`MakeVisitor`]: ../../field/trait.MakeVisitor.html
30 pub struct PrettyVisitor<'a> {
31 writer: &'a mut dyn Write,
32 is_empty: bool,
33 ansi: bool,
34 style: Style,
35 result: fmt::Result,
36 }
38 /// An excessively pretty, human-readable [`MakeVisitor`] implementation.
39 ///
40 /// [`MakeVisitor`]: crate::field::MakeVisitor
41 #[derive(Debug)]
42 pub struct PrettyFields {
43 ansi: bool,
44 }
46 // === impl Pretty ===
48 impl Default for Pretty {
49 fn default() -> Self {
50 Self {
51 display_location: true,
52 }
53 }
54 }
56 impl Pretty {
57 fn style_for(level: &Level) -> Style {
58 match *level {
59 Level::TRACE => Style::new().fg(Colour::Purple),
60 Level::DEBUG => Style::new().fg(Colour::Blue),
61 Level::INFO => Style::new().fg(Colour::Green),
62 Level::WARN => Style::new().fg(Colour::Yellow),
63 Level::ERROR => Style::new().fg(Colour::Red),
64 }
65 }
67 /// Sets whether the event's source code location is displayed.
68 ///
69 /// This defaults to `true`.
70 pub fn with_source_location(self, display_location: bool) -> Self {
71 Self {
72 display_location,
73 ..self
74 }
75 }
76 }
78 impl<T> Format<Pretty, T> {
79 /// Sets whether or not the source code location from which an event
80 /// originated is displayed.
81 ///
82 /// This defaults to `true`.
83 pub fn with_source_location(mut self, display_location: bool) -> Self {
84 self.format = self.format.with_source_location(display_location);
85 self
86 }
87 }
89 impl<C, N, T> FormatEvent<C, N> for Format<Pretty, T>
90 where
91 C: Subscriber + for<'a> LookupSpan<'a>,
92 N: for<'a> FormatFields<'a> + 'static,
93 T: FormatTime,
94 {
95 fn format_event(
96 &self,
97 ctx: &FmtContext<'_, C, N>,
98 writer: &mut dyn fmt::Write,
99 event: &Event<'_>,
100 ) -> fmt::Result {
101 #[cfg(feature = "tracing-log")]
102 let normalized_meta = event.normalized_metadata();
103 #[cfg(feature = "tracing-log")]
104 let meta = normalized_meta.as_ref().unwrap_or_else(|| event.metadata());
105 #[cfg(not(feature = "tracing-log"))]
106 let meta = event.metadata();
107 write!(writer, " ")?;
109 self.format_timestamp(writer)?;
111 let style = if self.display_level && self.ansi {
112 Pretty::style_for(meta.level())
113 } else {
114 Style::new()
115 };
117 if self.display_level {
118 write!(writer, "{}", super::FmtLevel::new(meta.level(), self.ansi))?;
119 }
121 if self.display_target {
122 let target_style = if self.ansi { style.bold() } else { style };
123 write!(
124 writer,
125 "{}{}{}: ",
126 target_style.prefix(),
127 meta.target(),
128 target_style.infix(style)
129 )?;
130 }
131 let mut v = PrettyVisitor::new(writer, true)
132 .with_style(style)
133 .with_ansi(self.ansi);
134 event.record(&mut v);
135 v.finish()?;
136 writer.write_char('\n')?;
138 let dimmed = if self.ansi {
139 Style::new().dimmed().italic()
140 } else {
141 Style::new()
142 };
143 let thread = self.display_thread_name || self.display_thread_id;
144 if let (true, Some(file), Some(line)) =
145 (self.format.display_location, meta.file(), meta.line())
146 {
147 write!(
148 writer,
149 " {} {}:{}{}",
150 dimmed.paint("at"),
151 file,
152 line,
153 dimmed.paint(if thread { " " } else { "\n" })
154 )?;
155 } else if thread {
156 write!(writer, " ")?;
157 }
159 if thread {
160 write!(writer, "{} ", dimmed.paint("on"))?;
161 let thread = std::thread::current();
162 if self.display_thread_name {
163 if let Some(name) = thread.name() {
164 write!(writer, "{}", name)?;
165 if self.display_thread_id {
166 write!(writer, " ({:?})", thread.id())?;
167 }
168 } else if !self.display_thread_id {
169 write!(writer, " {:?}", thread.id())?;
170 }
171 } else if self.display_thread_id {
172 write!(writer, " {:?}", thread.id())?;
173 }
174 writer.write_char('\n')?;
175 }
177 let bold = if self.ansi {
178 Style::new().bold()
179 } else {
180 Style::new()
181 };
182 let span = event
183 .parent()
184 .and_then(|id| ctx.span(&id))
185 .or_else(|| ctx.lookup_current());
187 let scope = span.into_iter().flat_map(|span| span.scope());
189 for span in scope {
190 let meta = span.metadata();
191 if self.display_target {
192 write!(
193 writer,
194 " {} {}::{}",
195 dimmed.paint("in"),
196 meta.target(),
197 bold.paint(meta.name()),
198 )?;
199 } else {
200 write!(
201 writer,
202 " {} {}",
203 dimmed.paint("in"),
204 bold.paint(meta.name()),
205 )?;
206 }
208 let ext = span.extensions();
209 let fields = &ext
210 .get::<FormattedFields<N>>()
211 .expect("Unable to find FormattedFields in extensions; this is a bug");
212 if !fields.is_empty() {
213 write!(writer, " {} {}", dimmed.paint("with"), fields)?;
214 }
215 writer.write_char('\n')?;
216 }
218 writer.write_char('\n')
219 }
220 }
222 impl<'writer> FormatFields<'writer> for Pretty {
223 fn format_fields<R: RecordFields>(
224 &self,
225 writer: &'writer mut dyn fmt::Write,
226 fields: R,
227 ) -> fmt::Result {
228 let mut v = PrettyVisitor::new(writer, true);
229 fields.record(&mut v);
230 v.finish()
231 }
233 fn add_fields(&self, current: &'writer mut String, fields: &span::Record<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
234 let empty = current.is_empty();
235 let mut v = PrettyVisitor::new(current, empty);
236 fields.record(&mut v);
237 v.finish()
238 }
239 }
241 // === impl PrettyFields ===
243 impl Default for PrettyFields {
244 fn default() -> Self {
245 Self::new()
246 }
247 }
249 impl PrettyFields {
250 /// Returns a new default [`PrettyFields`] implementation.
251 pub fn new() -> Self {
252 Self { ansi: true }
253 }
255 /// Enable ANSI encoding for formatted fields.
256 pub fn with_ansi(self, ansi: bool) -> Self {
257 Self { ansi, ..self }
258 }
259 }
261 impl<'a> MakeVisitor<&'a mut dyn Write> for PrettyFields {
262 type Visitor = PrettyVisitor<'a>;
264 #[inline]
265 fn make_visitor(&self, target: &'a mut dyn Write) -> Self::Visitor {
266 PrettyVisitor::new(target, true).with_ansi(self.ansi)
267 }
268 }
270 // === impl PrettyVisitor ===
272 impl<'a> PrettyVisitor<'a> {
273 /// Returns a new default visitor that formats to the provided `writer`.
274 ///
275 /// # Arguments
276 /// - `writer`: the writer to format to.
277 /// - `is_empty`: whether or not any fields have been previously written to
278 /// that writer.
279 pub fn new(writer: &'a mut dyn Write, is_empty: bool) -> Self {
280 Self {
281 writer,
282 is_empty,
283 ansi: true,
284 style: Style::default(),
285 result: Ok(()),
286 }
287 }
289 pub(crate) fn with_style(self, style: Style) -> Self {
290 Self { style, ..self }
291 }
293 pub(crate) fn with_ansi(self, ansi: bool) -> Self {
294 Self { ansi, ..self }
295 }
297 fn write_padded(&mut self, value: &impl fmt::Debug) {
298 let padding = if self.is_empty {
299 self.is_empty = false;
300 ""
301 } else {
302 ", "
303 };
304 self.result = write!(self.writer, "{}{:?}", padding, value);
305 }
307 fn bold(&self) -> Style {
308 if self.ansi {
309 self.style.bold()
310 } else {
311 Style::new()
312 }
313 }
314 }
316 impl<'a> field::Visit for PrettyVisitor<'a> {
317 fn record_str(&mut self, field: &Field, value: &str) {
318 if self.result.is_err() {
319 return;
320 }
322 if field.name() == "message" {
323 self.record_debug(field, &format_args!("{}", value))
324 } else {
325 self.record_debug(field, &value)
326 }
327 }
329 fn record_error(&mut self, field: &Field, value: &(dyn std::error::Error + 'static)) {
330 if let Some(source) = value.source() {
331 let bold = self.bold();
332 self.record_debug(
333 field,
334 &format_args!(
335 "{}, {}{}.source{}: {}",
336 value,
337 bold.prefix(),
338 field,
339 bold.infix(self.style),
340 source,
341 ),
342 )
343 } else {
344 self.record_debug(field, &format_args!("{}", value))
345 }
346 }
348 fn record_debug(&mut self, field: &Field, value: &dyn fmt::Debug) {
349 if self.result.is_err() {
350 return;
351 }
352 let bold = self.bold();
353 match field.name() {
354 "message" => self.write_padded(&format_args!("{}{:?}", self.style.prefix(), value,)),
355 // Skip fields that are actually log metadata that have already been handled
356 #[cfg(feature = "tracing-log")]
357 name if name.starts_with("log.") => self.result = Ok(()),
358 name if name.starts_with("r#") => self.write_padded(&format_args!(
359 "{}{}{}: {:?}",
360 bold.prefix(),
361 &name[2..],
362 bold.infix(self.style),
363 value
364 )),
365 name => self.write_padded(&format_args!(
366 "{}{}{}: {:?}",
367 bold.prefix(),
368 name,
369 bold.infix(self.style),
370 value
371 )),
372 };
373 }
374 }
376 impl<'a> VisitOutput<fmt::Result> for PrettyVisitor<'a> {
377 fn finish(self) -> fmt::Result {
378 write!(self.writer, "{}", self.style.suffix())?;
379 self.result
380 }
381 }
383 impl<'a> VisitFmt for PrettyVisitor<'a> {
384 fn writer(&mut self) -> &mut dyn fmt::Write {
385 self.writer
386 }
387 }
389 impl<'a> fmt::Debug for PrettyVisitor<'a> {
390 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
391 f.debug_struct("PrettyVisitor")
392 .field("writer", &format_args!("<dyn fmt::Write>"))
393 .field("is_empty", &self.is_empty)
394 .field("result", &self.result)
395 .field("style", &self.style)
396 .field("ansi", &self.ansi)
397 .finish()
398 }
399 }