]> git.proxmox.com Git - mirror_novnc.git/blob - vnc_lite.html
[mirror_novnc.git] / vnc_lite.html
1 <!DOCTYPE html>
2 <html>
3 <head>
5 <!--
6 noVNC example: lightweight example using minimal UI and features
7 Copyright (C) 2012 Joel Martin
8 Copyright (C) 2013 Samuel Mannehed for Cendio AB
9 noVNC is licensed under the MPL 2.0 (see LICENSE.txt)
10 This file is licensed under the 2-Clause BSD license (see LICENSE.txt).
12 Connect parameters are provided in query string:
13 http://example.com/?host=HOST&port=PORT&encrypt=1
14 or the fragment:
15 http://example.com/#host=HOST&port=PORT&encrypt=1
16 -->
17 <title>noVNC</title>
19 <meta charset="utf-8">
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22 Remove this if you use the .htaccess -->
23 <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1">
25 <!-- Icons (see Makefile for what the sizes are for) -->
26 <link rel="icon" sizes="16x16" type="image/png" href="app/images/icons/novnc-16x16.png">
27 <link rel="icon" sizes="24x24" type="image/png" href="app/images/icons/novnc-24x24.png">
28 <link rel="icon" sizes="32x32" type="image/png" href="app/images/icons/novnc-32x32.png">
29 <link rel="icon" sizes="48x48" type="image/png" href="app/images/icons/novnc-48x48.png">
30 <link rel="icon" sizes="60x60" type="image/png" href="app/images/icons/novnc-60x60.png">
31 <link rel="icon" sizes="64x64" type="image/png" href="app/images/icons/novnc-64x64.png">
32 <link rel="icon" sizes="72x72" type="image/png" href="app/images/icons/novnc-72x72.png">
33 <link rel="icon" sizes="76x76" type="image/png" href="app/images/icons/novnc-76x76.png">
34 <link rel="icon" sizes="96x96" type="image/png" href="app/images/icons/novnc-96x96.png">
35 <link rel="icon" sizes="120x120" type="image/png" href="app/images/icons/novnc-120x120.png">
36 <link rel="icon" sizes="144x144" type="image/png" href="app/images/icons/novnc-144x144.png">
37 <link rel="icon" sizes="152x152" type="image/png" href="app/images/icons/novnc-152x152.png">
38 <link rel="icon" sizes="192x192" type="image/png" href="app/images/icons/novnc-192x192.png">
39 <link rel="icon" sizes="any" type="image/svg+xml" href="app/images/icons/novnc-icon.svg">
40 <!-- Repeated last so that legacy handling will pick this -->
41 <link rel="icon" sizes="16x16" type="image/png" href="app/images/icons/novnc-16x16.png">
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44 <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no">
45 <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" />
46 <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black-translucent" />
47 <!-- Home Screen Icons (favourites and bookmarks use the normal icons) -->
48 <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="60x60" type="image/png" href="app/images/icons/novnc-60x60.png">
49 <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="76x76" type="image/png" href="app/images/icons/novnc-76x76.png">
50 <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="120x120" type="image/png" href="app/images/icons/novnc-120x120.png">
51 <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="152x152" type="image/png" href="app/images/icons/novnc-152x152.png">
53 <!-- Stylesheets -->
54 <link rel="stylesheet" href="app/styles/lite.css">
56 <!--
57 <script type='text/javascript'
58 src='http://getfirebug.com/releases/lite/1.2/firebug-lite-compressed.js'></script>
59 -->
61 <!-- promise polyfills promises for IE11 -->
62 <script src="vendor/promise.js"></script>
63 <!-- ES2015/ES6 modules polyfill -->
64 <script type="module">
65 window._noVNC_has_module_support = true;
66 </script>
67 <script>
68 window.addEventListener("load", function() {
69 if (window._noVNC_has_module_support) return;
70 var loader = document.createElement("script");
71 loader.src = "vendor/browser-es-module-loader/dist/browser-es-module-loader.js";
72 document.head.appendChild(loader);
73 });
74 </script>
76 <!-- actual script modules -->
77 <script type="module" crossorigin="anonymous">
78 // Load supporting scripts
79 import * as WebUtil from './app/webutil.js';
80 import RFB from './core/rfb.js';
82 var rfb;
83 var doneInitialResize;
84 var resizeTimeout;
85 var desktopName;
87 function UIresize() {
88 if (WebUtil.getConfigVar('resize', false)) {
89 var innerW = window.innerWidth;
90 var innerH = window.innerHeight;
91 var controlbarH = document.getElementById('noVNC_status_bar').offsetHeight;
92 if (innerW !== undefined && innerH !== undefined)
93 rfb.requestDesktopSize(innerW, innerH - controlbarH);
94 }
95 }
96 function initialResize() {
97 if (doneInitialResize) return;
98 UIresize();
99 doneInitialResize = true;
100 }
101 function updateDesktopName(rfb, name) {
102 desktopName = name;
103 }
104 function credentials(rfb, types) {
105 var html;
107 var form = document.createElement('form');
108 form.style = 'margin-bottom: 0px';
109 form.innerHTML = '<label></label>'
110 form.innerHTML += '<input type=password size=10 id="password_input" class="noVNC_status">';
111 form.onsubmit = setPassword;
113 // bypass status() because it sets text content
114 document.getElementById('noVNC_status_bar').setAttribute("class", "noVNC_status_warn");
115 document.getElementById('noVNC_status').innerHTML = '';
116 document.getElementById('noVNC_status').appendChild(form);
117 document.getElementById('noVNC_status').querySelector('label').textContent = 'Password Required: ';
118 }
119 function setPassword() {
120 rfb.sendCredentials({ password: document.getElementById('password_input').value });
121 return false;
122 }
123 function sendCtrlAltDel() {
124 rfb.sendCtrlAltDel();
125 return false;
126 }
127 function machineShutdown() {
128 rfb.machineShutdown();
129 return false;
130 }
131 function machineReboot() {
132 rfb.machineReboot();
133 return false;
134 }
135 function machineReset() {
136 rfb.machineReset();
137 return false;
138 }
139 function status(text, level) {
140 switch (level) {
141 case 'normal':
142 case 'warn':
143 case 'error':
144 break;
145 default:
146 level = "warn";
147 }
148 document.getElementById('noVNC_status_bar').setAttribute("class", "noVNC_status_" + level);
149 document.getElementById('noVNC_status').textContent = text;
150 }
151 function updateState(rfb, state, oldstate) {
152 var cad = document.getElementById('sendCtrlAltDelButton');
153 switch (state) {
154 case 'connecting':
155 status("Connecting", "normal");
156 break;
157 case 'connected':
158 doneInitialResize = false;
159 if (WebUtil.getConfigVar('encrypt',
160 (window.location.protocol === "https:"))) {
161 status("Connected (encrypted) to " +
162 desktopName, "normal");
163 } else {
164 status("Connected (unencrypted) to " +
165 desktopName, "normal");
166 }
167 break;
168 case 'disconnecting':
169 status("Disconnecting", "normal");
170 break;
171 case 'disconnected':
172 status("Disconnected", "normal");
173 break;
174 default:
175 status(state, "warn");
176 break;
177 }
179 if (state === 'connected') {
180 cad.disabled = false;
181 } else {
182 cad.disabled = true;
183 updatePowerButtons();
184 }
186 }
187 function disconnected(rfb, reason) {
188 if (typeof(reason) !== 'undefined') {
189 status(reason, "error");
190 }
191 }
192 function notification(rfb, msg, level) {
193 status(msg, level);
194 }
196 window.onresize = function () {
197 // When the window has been resized, wait until the size remains
198 // the same for 0.5 seconds before sending the request for changing
199 // the resolution of the session
200 clearTimeout(resizeTimeout);
201 resizeTimeout = setTimeout(function(){
202 UIresize();
203 }, 500);
204 };
206 function updatePowerButtons() {
207 var powerbuttons;
208 powerbuttons = document.getElementById('noVNC_power_buttons');
209 if (rfb.capabilities.power) {
210 powerbuttons.style.display = 'inline';
211 } else {
212 powerbuttons.style.display = 'none';
213 }
214 }
216 document.getElementById('sendCtrlAltDelButton').style.display = "inline";
217 document.getElementById('sendCtrlAltDelButton').onclick = sendCtrlAltDel;
218 document.getElementById('machineShutdownButton').onclick = machineShutdown;
219 document.getElementById('machineRebootButton').onclick = machineReboot;
220 document.getElementById('machineResetButton').onclick = machineReset;
222 WebUtil.init_logging(WebUtil.getConfigVar('logging', 'warn'));
223 document.title = WebUtil.getConfigVar('title', 'noVNC');
224 // By default, use the host and port of server that served this file
225 var host = WebUtil.getConfigVar('host', window.location.hostname);
226 var port = WebUtil.getConfigVar('port', window.location.port);
228 // if port == 80 (or 443) then it won't be present and should be
229 // set manually
230 if (!port) {
231 if (window.location.protocol.substring(0,5) == 'https') {
232 port = 443;
233 }
234 else if (window.location.protocol.substring(0,4) == 'http') {
235 port = 80;
236 }
237 }
239 var password = WebUtil.getConfigVar('password', '');
240 var path = WebUtil.getConfigVar('path', 'websockify');
242 // If a token variable is passed in, set the parameter in a cookie.
243 // This is used by nova-novncproxy.
244 var token = WebUtil.getConfigVar('token', null);
245 if (token) {
246 // if token is already present in the path we should use it
247 path = WebUtil.injectParamIfMissing(path, "token", token);
249 WebUtil.createCookie('token', token, 1)
250 }
252 (function() {
254 if ((!host) || (!port)) {
255 status('Must specify host and port in URL', 'error');
256 }
258 var url;
260 if (WebUtil.getConfigVar('encrypt',
261 (window.location.protocol === "https:"))) {
262 url = 'wss';
263 } else {
264 url = 'ws';
265 }
267 url += '://' + host;
268 if(port) {
269 url += ':' + port;
270 }
271 url += '/' + path;
273 rfb = new RFB(document.getElementById('noVNC_canvas'), url,
274 { repeaterID: WebUtil.getConfigVar('repeaterID', ''),
275 shared: WebUtil.getConfigVar('shared', true),
276 credentials: { password: password } });
277 rfb.viewOnly = WebUtil.getConfigVar('view_only', false);
278 rfb.onnotification = notification;
279 rfb.onupdatestate = updateState;
280 rfb.ondisconnected = disconnected;
281 rfb.oncapabilities = function () { updatePowerButtons(); initialResize(); };
282 rfb.oncredentialsrequired = credentials;
283 rfb.ondesktopname = updateDesktopName;
284 })();
285 </script>
286 </head>
288 <body style="margin: 0px;">
289 <div id="noVNC_container">
290 <div id="noVNC_status_bar" class="noVNC_status_bar" style="margin-top: 0px;">
291 <table border=0 width="100%"><tr>
292 <td><div id="noVNC_status" style="position: relative; height: auto;">
293 Loading
294 </div></td>
295 <td width="1%"><div id="noVNC_buttons">
296 <input type=button value="Send CtrlAltDel"
297 id="sendCtrlAltDelButton">
298 <span id="noVNC_power_buttons">
299 <input type=button value="Shutdown"
300 id="machineShutdownButton">
301 <input type=button value="Reboot"
302 id="machineRebootButton">
303 <input type=button value="Reset"
304 id="machineResetButton">
305 </span>
306 </div></td>
307 </tr></table>
308 </div>
309 <canvas id="noVNC_canvas" width="640px" height="20px">
310 Canvas not supported.
311 </canvas>
312 </div>
314 </body>
315 </html>