]> git.proxmox.com Git - pve-manager.git/blob - www/manager6/form/TFASelector.js
[pve-manager.git] / www / manager6 / form / TFASelector.js
1 Ext.define('PVE.form.TFASelector', {
2 extend: 'Ext.container.Container',
3 xtype: 'pveTFASelector',
5 viewModel: {
6 data: {
7 type: '__default__',
8 step: null,
9 digits: null,
10 id: null,
11 key: null,
12 url: null,
13 },
15 formulas: {
16 isOath: (get) => get('type') === 'oath',
17 isYubico: (get) => get('type') === 'yubico',
18 tfavalue: {
19 get: function(get) {
20 let val = {
21 type: get('type'),
22 };
23 if (get('isOath')) {
24 let step = get('step');
25 let digits = get('digits');
26 if (step) {
27 val.step = step;
28 }
29 if (digits) {
30 val.digits = digits;
31 }
32 } else if (get('isYubico')) {
33 let id = get('id');
34 let key = get('key');
35 let url = get('url');
36 val.id = id;
37 val.key = key;
38 if (url) {
39 val.url = url;
40 }
41 } else if (val.type === '__default__') {
42 return "";
43 }
45 return PVE.Parser.printPropertyString(val);
46 },
47 set: function(value) {
48 let val = PVE.Parser.parseTfaConfig(value);
49 this.set(val);
50 this.notify();
51 // we need to reset the original values, so that
52 // we can reliably track the state of the form
53 let form = this.getView().up('form');
54 if (form.trackResetOnLoad) {
55 let fields = this.getView().query('field[name!="tfa"]');
56 fields.forEach((field) => field.resetOriginalValue());
57 }
58 },
59 },
60 },
61 },
63 items: [
64 {
65 xtype: 'proxmoxtextfield',
66 name: 'tfa',
67 hidden: true,
68 submitValue: true,
69 deleteEmpty: true,
70 bind: {
71 value: "{tfavalue}",
72 },
73 },
74 {
75 xtype: 'proxmoxKVComboBox',
76 value: '__default__',
77 deleteEmpty: false,
78 submitValue: false,
79 fieldLabel: gettext('TFA'),
80 comboItems: [['__default__', Proxmox.Utils.noneText], ['oath', 'OATH'], ['yubico', 'Yubico']],
81 bind: {
82 value: "{type}",
83 },
84 },
85 {
86 xtype: 'proxmoxintegerfield',
87 hidden: true,
88 minValue: 10,
89 submitValue: false,
90 emptyText: Proxmox.Utils.defaultText + ' (30)',
91 fieldLabel: 'OATH time step',
92 bind: {
93 value: "{step}",
94 hidden: "{!isOath}",
95 disabled: "{!isOath}",
96 },
97 },
98 {
99 xtype: 'proxmoxintegerfield',
100 hidden: true,
101 submitValue: false,
102 fieldLabel: 'OATH password length',
103 minValue: 6,
104 maxValue: 8,
105 emptyText: Proxmox.Utils.defaultText + ' (6)',
106 bind: {
107 value: "{digits}",
108 hidden: "{!isOath}",
109 disabled: "{!isOath}",
110 },
111 },
112 {
113 xtype: 'textfield',
114 hidden: true,
115 submitValue: false,
116 allowBlank: false,
117 fieldLabel: 'Yubico API Id',
118 bind: {
119 value: "{id}",
120 hidden: "{!isYubico}",
121 disabled: "{!isYubico}",
122 },
123 },
124 {
125 xtype: 'textfield',
126 hidden: true,
127 submitValue: false,
128 allowBlank: false,
129 fieldLabel: 'Yubico API Key',
130 bind: {
131 value: "{key}",
132 hidden: "{!isYubico}",
133 disabled: "{!isYubico}",
134 },
135 },
136 {
137 xtype: 'textfield',
138 hidden: true,
139 submitValue: false,
140 fieldLabel: 'Yubico URL',
141 bind: {
142 value: "{url}",
143 hidden: "{!isYubico}",
144 disabled: "{!isYubico}",
145 },
146 },
147 ],
148 });