]> git.proxmox.com Git - pve-manager.git/blob - www/manager6/panel/BackupAdvancedOptions.js
[pve-manager.git] / www / manager6 / panel / BackupAdvancedOptions.js
1 /*
2 * Input panel for advanced backup options intended to be used as part of an edit/create window.
3 */
4 Ext.define('PVE.panel.BackupAdvancedOptions', {
5 extend: 'Proxmox.panel.InputPanel',
6 xtype: 'pveBackupAdvancedOptionsPanel',
7 mixins: ['Proxmox.Mixin.CBind'],
9 cbindData: function() {
10 let me = this;
11 me.isCreate = !!me.isCreate;
12 return {};
13 },
15 controller: {
16 xclass: 'Ext.app.ViewController',
17 },
19 onGetValues: function(formValues) {
20 if (this.needMask) { // isMasked() may not yet be true if not rendered once
21 return {};
22 }
24 let options = { 'delete': [] };
26 let performance = {};
27 let performanceOptions = ['max-workers', 'pbs-entries-max'];
29 for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(formValues)) {
30 if (performanceOptions.includes(key)) {
31 performance[key] = value;
32 // deleteEmpty is not currently implemented for pveBandwidthField
33 } else if (key === 'bwlimit' && value === '') {
34 options.delete.push('bwlimit');
35 } else if (key === 'delete') {
36 if (Array.isArray(value)) {
37 value.filter(opt => !performanceOptions.includes(opt)).forEach(
38 opt => options.delete.push(opt),
39 );
40 } else if (!performanceOptions.includes(formValues.delete)) {
41 options.delete.push(value);
42 }
43 } else {
44 options[key] = value;
45 }
46 }
48 if (Object.keys(performance).length > 0) {
49 options.performance = PVE.Parser.printPropertyString(performance);
50 } else {
51 options.delete.push('performance');
52 }
54 if (this.isCreate) {
55 delete options.delete;
56 }
58 return options;
59 },
61 updateCompression: function(value, disabled) {
62 if (!disabled && value === 'zstd') {
63 this.lookup('zstdThreadCount').setDisabled(false);
64 } else {
65 this.lookup('zstdThreadCount').setDisabled(true);
66 }
67 },
69 items: [
70 {
71 xtype: 'pveTwoColumnContainer',
72 startColumn: {
73 xtype: 'pveBandwidthField',
74 name: 'bwlimit',
75 fieldLabel: gettext('Bandwidth Limit'),
76 emptyText: gettext('Fallback'),
77 backendUnit: 'KiB',
78 allowZero: true,
79 emptyValue: '',
80 autoEl: {
81 tag: 'div',
82 'data-qtip': Ext.String.format(gettext('Use {0} for unlimited'), 0),
83 },
84 },
85 endFlex: 2,
86 endColumn: {
87 xtype: 'displayfield',
88 value: `${gettext('Limit I/O bandwidth.')} ${Ext.String.format(gettext("Schema default: {0}"), 0)}`,
89 },
90 },
91 {
92 xtype: 'pveTwoColumnContainer',
93 startColumn: {
94 xtype: 'proxmoxintegerfield',
95 name: 'zstd',
96 reference: 'zstdThreadCount',
97 fieldLabel: Ext.String.format(gettext('{0} Threads'), 'Zstd'),
98 fieldStyle: 'text-align: right',
99 emptyText: gettext('Fallback'),
100 minValue: 0,
101 cbind: {
102 deleteEmpty: '{!isCreate}',
103 },
104 autoEl: {
105 tag: 'div',
106 'data-qtip': gettext('With 0, half of the available cores are used'),
107 },
108 },
109 endFlex: 2,
110 endColumn: {
111 xtype: 'displayfield',
112 value: `${gettext('Threads used for zstd compression (non-PBS).')} ${Ext.String.format(gettext("Schema default: {0}"), 1)}`,
113 },
114 },
115 {
116 xtype: 'pveTwoColumnContainer',
117 startColumn: {
118 xtype: 'proxmoxintegerfield',
119 name: 'max-workers',
120 minValue: 1,
121 maxValue: 256,
122 fieldLabel: gettext('IO-Workers'),
123 fieldStyle: 'text-align: right',
124 emptyText: gettext('Fallback'),
125 cbind: {
126 deleteEmpty: '{!isCreate}',
127 },
128 },
129 endFlex: 2,
130 endColumn: {
131 xtype: 'displayfield',
132 value: `${gettext('I/O workers in the QEMU process (VMs only).')} ${Ext.String.format(gettext("Schema default: {0}"), 16)}`,
133 },
134 },
135 {
136 // It's part of the 'performance' property string, so have a field to preserve the
137 // value, but don't expose it. It's a rather niche setting and difficult to
138 // convey/understand what it does.
139 xtype: 'proxmoxintegerfield',
140 name: 'pbs-entries-max',
141 hidden: true,
142 fieldLabel: 'TODO',
143 fieldStyle: 'text-align: right',
144 emptyText: 'TODO',
145 cbind: {
146 deleteEmpty: '{!isCreate}',
147 },
148 },
149 {
150 xtype: 'pveTwoColumnContainer',
151 startColumn: {
152 xtype: 'proxmoxcheckbox',
153 fieldLabel: gettext('Repeat missed'),
154 name: 'repeat-missed',
155 uncheckedValue: 0,
156 defaultValue: 0,
157 cbind: {
158 deleteDefaultValue: '{!isCreate}',
159 },
160 },
161 endFlex: 2,
162 endColumn: {
163 xtype: 'displayfield',
164 value: gettext("Run jobs as soon as possible if they couldn't start on schedule, for example, due to the node being offline."),
165 },
166 },
167 {
168 xtype: 'component',
169 padding: '5 1',
170 html: `<span class="pmx-hint">${gettext('Note')}</span>: ${
171 gettext("The node-specific 'vzdump.conf' or, if this is not set, the default from the config schema is used to determine fallback values.")}`,
172 },
173 ],
174 });