use pwt_macros::{builder, widget};
-/// List tile. A container with flex row layout.
+/// List tile. A container with grid/subgrid layout.
+/// This is meant to be used inside [List].
/// ```
/// # use pwt::prelude::*;
-/// # use pwt::widget::ListTile;
-/// # fn create_list_tile() -> ListTile {
-/// ListTile::new()
-/// .with_child(html!{<span>{"A simple list tile"}</span>})
-/// .with_child(html!{<span>{"second column"}</span>})
-/// .interactive(true)
-/// .disabled(false)
-/// .style("justify-content", "space-between")
-/// .class(pwt::css::ColorScheme::Primary)
+/// # use pwt::widget::{List, ListTile};
+/// # fn create_list_tile() -> List {
+/// List::new(100, |pos| {
+/// ListTile::new()
+/// .with_child(html!{<span>{format!("{pos}")}</span>})
+/// .with_child(html!{<span>{"A simple list tile"}</span>})
+/// .with_child(html!{<span>{"third column"}</span>})
+/// .interactive(true)
+/// .disabled(false)
+/// .class(pwt::css::ColorScheme::Primary)
+/// })
+/// .grid_template_columns("auto 1fr auto")
/// # }
/// ```
#[widget(pwt=crate, @element, @container)]