yield match.group(2)
+def list_whence_files():
+ with open('WHENCE', encoding='utf-8') as whence:
+ for line in whence:
+ match = re.match(r'File:\s*(.*)', line)
+ if match:
+ yield match.group(1).replace("\ ", " ")
+ continue
def list_git():
with os.popen('git ls-files') as git_files:
for line in git_files:
def main():
ret = 0
whence_list = list(list_whence())
+ whence_files = list(list_whence_files())
known_files = set(name for name in whence_list if not name.endswith('/')) | \
set(['check_whence.py', 'configure', 'Makefile',
'README', 'copy-firmware.sh', 'WHENCE'])
known_prefixes = set(name for name in whence_list if name.endswith('/'))
git_files = set(list_git())
+ for name in set(fw for fw in whence_files if whence_files.count(fw) > 1):
+ sys.stderr.write('E: %s listed in WHENCE twice\n' % name)
+ ret = 1
for name in sorted(list(known_files - git_files)):
sys.stderr.write('E: %s listed in WHENCE does not exist\n' % name)
ret = 1