--- /dev/null
+use std::future::Future;
+use std::pin::Pin;
+use std::rc::Rc;
+use anyhow::Error;
+use derivative::Derivative;
+use yew::html::{IntoEventCallback, Scope};
+use yew::virtual_dom::Key;
+use crate::prelude::*;
+use crate::props::{CssLength, FieldBuilder, RenderFn, WidgetBuilder};
+use crate::state::DataStore;
+use crate::widget::data_table::{
+ DataTable, DataTableColumn, DataTableHeader, DataTableKeyboardEvent, DataTableMouseEvent,
+use crate::widget::{Dropdown, DropdownController};
+use pwt_macros::{builder, widget};
+/// Parameters passed to the [SearchDropdown::picker] callback.
+/// The select function trigger a selection and closes the dropdown.
+pub struct SearchDropdownRenderArgs<S: DataStore + 'static> {
+ /// The [DataStore] used by the [Selector].
+ pub store: S,
+ /// Drowdown controller.
+ pub controller: DropdownController,
+ link: Scope<PwtSearchDropdown<S>>,
+impl<S: DataStore + 'static> SearchDropdownRenderArgs<S> {
+ /// Trigger a selection and close the dropdown.
+ pub fn select(&self, key: Key) {
+ self.link.send_message(Msg::Select(key));
+ self.controller.change_value(String::from("")); // close dropdown, clear filter
+ }
+/// Load callback with filter parameter.
+/// The callback gets called with the current value of the dropdown input, and
+/// should return the filtered data.
+pub struct FilteredLoadCallback<T> {
+ callback: Rc<dyn Fn(String) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<T, Error>>>>>,
+impl<T> FilteredLoadCallback<T> {
+ pub fn new<F, R>(callback: F) -> Self
+ where
+ F: 'static + Fn(String) -> R,
+ R: 'static + Future<Output = Result<T, Error>>,
+ {
+ Self {
+ callback: Rc::new(move |filter| {
+ let future = callback(filter);
+ Box::pin(future)
+ }),
+ }
+ }
+ pub async fn apply(&self, filter: String) -> Result<T, Error> {
+ (self.callback)(filter).await
+ }
+impl<T> Clone for FilteredLoadCallback<T> {
+ fn clone(&self) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ callback: Rc::clone(&self.callback),
+ }
+ }
+impl<T> PartialEq for FilteredLoadCallback<T> {
+ fn eq(&self, _other: &Self) -> bool {
+ true // never trigger redraw
+ }
+#[widget(pwt=crate, comp=PwtSearchDropdown<S>, @input)]
+#[derive(Derivative, Properties)]
+#[derivative(Clone(bound = ""), PartialEq(bound = ""))]
+pub struct SearchDropdown<S: DataStore + 'static> {
+ /// Value change callback.
+ #[builder_cb(IntoEventCallback, into_event_callback, Key)]
+ #[prop_or_default]
+ pub on_select: Option<Callback<Key>>,
+ /// Data loader callback.
+ loader: FilteredLoadCallback<S>,
+ /// Function to generate the picker widget.
+ picker: RenderFn<SearchDropdownRenderArgs<S>>,
+impl<S: DataStore + 'static> SearchDropdown<S> {
+ /// Create a new instance.
+ pub fn new<Fut, F>(picker: impl Into<RenderFn<SearchDropdownRenderArgs<S>>>, loader: F) -> Self
+ where
+ F: Fn(String) -> Fut + 'static,
+ Fut: Future<Output = Result<S, Error>> + 'static,
+ {
+ let loader = FilteredLoadCallback::new(loader);
+ yew::props!(Self {
+ loader,
+ picker: picker.into()
+ })
+ }
+ pub fn simple<Fut, F>(render: impl Into<RenderFn<S::Record>>, loader: F) -> Self
+ where
+ F: Fn(String) -> Fut + 'static,
+ Fut: Future<Output = Result<S, Error>> + 'static,
+ {
+ let loader = FilteredLoadCallback::new(loader);
+ let render = render.into();
+ let picker: RenderFn<SearchDropdownRenderArgs<S>> =
+ RenderFn::new(move |args: &SearchDropdownRenderArgs<S>| {
+ let columns = Rc::new(vec![DataTableColumn::new("Value")
+ .show_menu(false)
+ .render(render.clone())
+ .into()]);
+ DataTable::new(columns, args.store.clone())
+ .max_height(CssLength::Em(20.0))
+ .show_header(false)
+ .on_row_click({
+ let args = args.clone();
+ move |event: &mut DataTableMouseEvent| {
+ args.select(event.record_key.clone());
+ }
+ })
+ .on_row_keydown({
+ let args = args.clone();
+ move |event: &mut DataTableKeyboardEvent| match event.key().as_str() {
+ " " | "Enter" => {
+ args.select(event.record_key.clone());
+ }
+ _ => {}
+ }
+ })
+ .into()
+ });
+ yew::props!(Self { loader, picker })
+ }
+ pub fn table<Fut, F>(columns: Rc<Vec<DataTableHeader<S::Record>>>, loader: F) -> Self
+ where
+ F: Fn(String) -> Fut + 'static,
+ Fut: Future<Output = Result<S, Error>> + 'static,
+ {
+ let loader = FilteredLoadCallback::new(loader);
+ let picker: RenderFn<SearchDropdownRenderArgs<S>> =
+ RenderFn::new(move |args: &SearchDropdownRenderArgs<S>| {
+ DataTable::new(columns.clone(), args.store.clone())
+ .max_height(CssLength::Em(20.0))
+ .header_focusable(false)
+ .on_row_click({
+ let args = args.clone();
+ move |event: &mut DataTableMouseEvent| {
+ args.select(event.record_key.clone());
+ }
+ })
+ .on_row_keydown({
+ let args = args.clone();
+ move |event: &mut DataTableKeyboardEvent| match event.key().as_str() {
+ " " | "Enter" => {
+ args.select(event.record_key.clone());
+ }
+ _ => {}
+ }
+ })
+ .into()
+ });
+ yew::props!(Self { loader, picker })
+ }
+pub enum Msg<S: DataStore> {
+ UpdateFilter(String),
+ LoadResult(Result<S, Error>),
+ Select(Key),
+pub struct PwtSearchDropdown<S: DataStore + 'static> {
+ filter: String,
+ load_error: Option<String>,
+ store: Option<S>,
+impl<S: DataStore + 'static> Component for PwtSearchDropdown<S> {
+ type Message = Msg<S>;
+ type Properties = SearchDropdown<S>;
+ fn create(ctx: &Context<Self>) -> Self {
+ let me = Self {
+ filter: String::new(),
+ load_error: None,
+ store: None,
+ };
+ me.reload(ctx);
+ me
+ }
+ fn update(&mut self, ctx: &Context<Self>, msg: Self::Message) -> bool {
+ match msg {
+ Msg::UpdateFilter(filter) => {
+ self.filter = filter;
+ self.reload(ctx);
+ true
+ }
+ Msg::LoadResult(result) => {
+ match result {
+ Ok(store) => {
+ self.store = Some(store);
+ self.load_error = None;
+ }
+ Err(err) => {
+ self.store = None;
+ self.load_error = Some(err.to_string());
+ }
+ }
+ true
+ }
+ Msg::Select(key) => {
+ if let Some(on_select) = &ctx.props().on_select {
+ on_select.emit(key);
+ }
+ true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fn view(&self, ctx: &Context<Self>) -> Html {
+ let props = ctx.props();
+ let store = self.store.clone();
+ let load_error = self.load_error.clone();
+ let link = ctx.link().clone();
+ let picker = props.picker.clone();
+ Dropdown::new(move |controller: &DropdownController| -> Html {
+ if let Some(store) = &store {
+ if let Some(load_error) = &load_error {
+ crate::widget::error_message(&format!("Error: {}", load_error))
+ .padding(2)
+ .into()
+ } else {
+ let args = SearchDropdownRenderArgs {
+ store: store.clone(),
+ controller: controller.clone(),
+ link: link.clone(),
+ };
+ picker.apply(&args)
+ }
+ } else {
+ crate::widget::error_message("no data loaded")
+ .padding(2)
+ .into()
+ }
+ })
+ .with_std_props(&props.std_props)
+ .with_input_props(&props.input_props)
+ .value(self.filter.clone())
+ .editable(true)
+ .on_change(ctx.link().callback(Msg::UpdateFilter))
+ .into()
+ }
+impl<S: DataStore + 'static> PwtSearchDropdown<S> {
+ fn reload(&self, ctx: &Context<Self>) {
+ let loader = ctx.props().loader.clone();
+ let filter = self.filter.clone();
+ let link = ctx.link().clone();
+ wasm_bindgen_futures::spawn_local(async move {
+ let res = loader.apply(filter).await;
+ link.send_message(Msg::LoadResult(res));
+ });
+ }