if ((sig->v_sync_width == 0) || (sig->h_sync_width == 0))
return -EINVAL;
+ dev_dbg(di->ipu->dev, "Clocks: IPU %luHz DI %luHz Needed %luHz\n",
+ clk_get_rate(di->clk_ipu),
+ clk_get_rate(di->clk_di),
+ sig->pixelclock);
+ /*
+ * CLKMODE_EXT means we must use the DI clock: this is needed
+ * for things like LVDS which needs to feed the DI and LDB with
+ * the same pixel clock.
+ *
+ * For other interfaces, we can arbitarily select between the DI
+ * specific clock and the internal IPU clock. See DI_GENERAL
+ * bit 20. We select the IPU clock if it can give us a clock
+ * rate within 1% of the requested frequency, otherwise we use
+ * the DI clock.
+ */
if (sig->clkflags & IPU_DI_CLKMODE_EXT)
parent = di->clk_di;
- else
- parent = di->clk_ipu;
+ else {
+ unsigned long rate, clkrate;
+ unsigned div, error;
+ clkrate = clk_get_rate(di->clk_ipu);
+ div = (clkrate + sig->pixelclock / 2) / sig->pixelclock;
+ rate = clkrate / div;
+ error = rate / (sig->pixelclock / 1000);
+ dev_dbg(di->ipu->dev, " IPU clock can give %lu with divider %u, error %d.%u%%\n",
+ rate, div, (signed)(error - 1000) / 10, error % 10);
+ /* Allow a 1% error */
+ if (error < 1010 && error >= 990) {
+ parent = di->clk_ipu;
+ } else {
+ parent = di->clk_di;
+ ret = clk_set_rate(parent, sig->pixelclock);
+ if (ret)
+ dev_err(di->ipu->dev, "Setting of DI clock failed: %d\n", ret);
+ }
+ }
ret = clk_set_parent(di->clk_di_pixel, parent);
if (ret) {
return ret;
+ /*
+ * CLKMODE_SYNC means that we want the DI to be clocked at the
+ * same rate as the parent clock. This is needed (eg) for LDB
+ * which needs to be fed with the same pixel clock.
+ */
if (sig->clkflags & IPU_DI_CLKMODE_SYNC)
round = clk_get_rate(parent);
ret = clk_set_rate(di->clk_di_pixel, round);
+ dev_dbg(di->ipu->dev, "Want %luHz IPU %luHz DI %luHz using %s, got %luHz\n",
+ sig->pixelclock,
+ clk_get_rate(di->clk_ipu),
+ clk_get_rate(di->clk_di),
+ parent == di->clk_di ? "DI" : "IPU",
+ clk_get_rate(di->clk_di_pixel));
h_total = sig->width + sig->h_sync_width + sig->h_start_width +
v_total = sig->height + sig->v_sync_width + sig->v_start_width +