+++ /dev/null
- * Attributes and methods to help with identifying the current browser and platform.
- * @module xterm/utils/Browser
- * @license MIT
- */
-import { contains } from './Generic.js';
-let isNode = (typeof navigator == 'undefined') ? true : false;
-let userAgent = (isNode) ? 'node' : navigator.userAgent;
-let platform = (isNode) ? 'node' : navigator.platform;
-export let isFirefox = !!~userAgent.indexOf('Firefox');
-export let isMSIE = !!~userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') || !!~userAgent.indexOf('Trident');
-// Find the users platform. We use this to interpret the meta key
-// and ISO third level shifts.
-// http://stackoverflow.com/q/19877924/577598
-export let isMac = contains(['Macintosh', 'MacIntel', 'MacPPC', 'Mac68K'], platform);
-export let isIpad = platform === 'iPad';
-export let isIphone = platform === 'iPhone';
-export let isMSWindows = contains(['Windows', 'Win16', 'Win32', 'WinCE'], platform);
--- /dev/null
+ * Attributes and methods to help with identifying the current browser and platform.
+ * @module xterm/utils/Browser
+ * @license MIT
+ */
+import { contains } from './Generic';
+const isNode = (typeof navigator === 'undefined') ? true : false;
+const userAgent = (isNode) ? 'node' : navigator.userAgent;
+const platform = (isNode) ? 'node' : navigator.platform;
+export const isFirefox = !!~userAgent.indexOf('Firefox');
+export const isMSIE = !!~userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') || !!~userAgent.indexOf('Trident');
+// Find the users platform. We use this to interpret the meta key
+// and ISO third level shifts.
+// http://stackoverflow.com/q/19877924/577598
+export const isMac = contains(['Macintosh', 'MacIntel', 'MacPPC', 'Mac68K'], platform);
+export const isIpad = platform === 'iPad';
+export const isIphone = platform === 'iPhone';
+export const isMSWindows = contains(['Windows', 'Win16', 'Win32', 'WinCE'], platform);
+++ /dev/null
- * Generic utilities module with methods that can be helpful at different parts of the code base.
- * @module xterm/utils/Generic
- * @license MIT
- */
- * Return if the given array contains the given element
- * @param {Array} array The array to search for the given element.
- * @param {Object} el The element to look for into the array
- */
-export let contains = function(arr, el) {
- return arr.indexOf(el) >= 0;
--- /dev/null
+ * Generic utilities module with methods that can be helpful at different parts of the code base.
+ * @module xterm/utils/Generic
+ * @license MIT
+ */
+ * Return if the given array contains the given element
+ * @param {Array} array The array to search for the given element.
+ * @param {Object} el The element to look for into the array
+ */
+export function contains(arr: any[], el: any) {
+ return arr.indexOf(el) >= 0;