resulting sampling frequency. In many devices this
parameter has an effect on input filters etc. rather than
simply controlling when the input is sampled. As this
- effects data ready triggers, hardware buffers and the sysfs
+ affects data ready triggers, hardware buffers and the sysfs
direct access interfaces, it may be found in any of the
- relevant directories. If it effects all of the above
+ relevant directories. If it affects all of the above
then it is to be found in the base device directory.
What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/sampling_frequency_available
KernelVersion: 3.19
- Enables or disables activitity events. Depending on direction
+ Enables or disables activity events. Depending on direction
an event is generated when sensor ENTERS or LEAVES a given state.
What: /sys/.../events/in_activity_still_thresh_rising_value