use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
+use failure::bail;
use log::{debug, trace};
use semver::VersionReq;
use url::Url;
patches_available: HashMap<Url, Vec<PackageId>>,
-type LockedMap = HashMap<SourceId, HashMap<String, Vec<(PackageId, Vec<PackageId>)>>>;
+/// A map of all "locked packages" which is filled in when parsing a lock file
+/// and is used to guide dependency resolution by altering summaries as they're
+/// queried from this source.
+/// This map can be thought of as a glorified `Vec<MySummary>` where `MySummary`
+/// has a `PackageId` for which package it represents as well as a list of
+/// `PackageId` for the resolved dependencies. The hash map is otherwise
+/// structured though for easy access throughout this registry.
+type LockedMap = HashMap<
+ // The first level of key-ing done in this hash map is the source that
+ // dependencies come from, identified by a `SourceId`.
+ SourceId,
+ HashMap<
+ // This next level is keyed by the name of the package...
+ String,
+ // ... and the value here is a list of tuples. The first element of each
+ // tuple is a package which has the source/name used to get to this
+ // point. The second element of each tuple is the list of locked
+ // dependencies that the first element has.
+ Vec<(PackageId, Vec<PackageId>)>,
+ >,
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)]
enum Kind {
.chain_err(|| failure::format_err!("failed to resolve patches for `{}`", url))?;
+ let mut name_and_version = HashSet::new();
+ for summary in unlocked_summaries.iter() {
+ let name = summary.package_id().name();
+ let version = summary.package_id().version();
+ if !name_and_version.insert((name, version)) {
+ bail!(
+ "cannot have two `[patch]` entries which both resolve \
+ to `{} v{}`",
+ name,
+ version
+ );
+ }
+ }
// Note that we do not use `lock` here to lock summaries! That step
// happens later once `lock_patches` is invoked. In the meantime though
// we want to fill in the `patches_available` map (later used in the
// Lock the summary's ID if possible
let summary = match pair {
- Some(&(ref precise, _)) => summary.override_id(precise.clone()),
+ Some((precise, _)) => summary.override_id(precise.clone()),
None => summary,
summary.map_dependencies(|dep| {
// locked version because the dependency needs to be
// re-resolved.
- // 3. We don't have a lock entry for this dependency, in which
+ // 3. We have a lock entry for this dependency, but it's from a
+ // different source than what's listed. This lock though happens
+ // through `[patch]`, so we want to preserve it.
+ //
+ // 4. We don't have a lock entry for this dependency, in which
// case it was likely an optional dependency which wasn't
// included previously so we just pass it through anyway.
- // Cases 1/2 are handled by `matches_id` and case 3 is handled by
- // falling through to the logic below.
- if let Some(&(_, ref locked_deps)) = pair {
- let locked = locked_deps.iter().find(|&&id| dep.matches_id(id));
+ // Cases 1/2 are handled by `matches_id`, case 3 is handled specially,
+ // and case 4 is handled by falling through to the logic below.
+ if let Some((_, locked_deps)) = pair {
+ let locked = locked_deps.iter().find(|&&id| {
+ // If the dependency matches the package id exactly then we've
+ // found a match, this is the id the dependency was previously
+ // locked to.
+ if dep.matches_id(id) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // If the name/version doesn't match, then we definitely don't
+ // have a match whatsoever. Otherwise we need to check
+ // `[patch]`...
+ if !dep.matches_ignoring_source(id) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // ... so here we look up the dependency url in the patches
+ // map, and we see if `id` is contained in the list of patches
+ // for that url. If it is then this lock is still valid,
+ // otherwise the lock is no longer valid.
+ match patches.get(dep.source_id().url()) {
+ Some(list) => list.contains(&id),
+ None => false,
+ }
+ });
if let Some(&locked) = locked {
trace!("\tfirst hit on {}", locked);
let mut dep = dep;
- dep.lock_to(locked);
+ // If we found a locked version where the sources match, then
+ // we can `lock_to` to get an exact lock on this dependency.
+ // Otherwise we got a lock via `[patch]` so we only lock the
+ // version requirement, not the source.
+ if locked.source_id() == dep.source_id() {
+ dep.lock_to(locked);
+ } else {
+ let req = VersionReq::exact(locked.version());
+ dep.set_version_req(req);
+ }
return dep;
return dep;
- // Finally we check to see if any registered patches correspond to
- // this dependency.
- let v = patches.get(dep.source_id().url()).map(|vec| {
- let dep2 = dep.clone();
- let mut iter = vec
- .iter()
- .filter(move |&&p| dep2.matches_ignoring_source(p));
- (, iter)
- });
- if let Some((Some(patch_id), mut remaining)) = v {
- assert!(;
- let patch_source = patch_id.source_id();
- let patch_locked = locked
- .get(&patch_source)
- .and_then(|m| m.get(&*
- .map(|list| list.iter().any(|&(ref id, _)| id == patch_id))
- .unwrap_or(false);
- if patch_locked {
- trace!("\tthird hit on {}", patch_id);
- let req = VersionReq::exact(patch_id.version());
- let mut dep = dep;
- dep.set_version_req(req);
- return dep;
- }
- }
trace!("\tnope, unlocked");
+fn patch_same_version() {
+ let bar = git::repo(&paths::root().join("override"))
+ .file("Cargo.toml", &basic_manifest("bar", "0.1.0"))
+ .file("src/", "")
+ .build();
+ crate::support::registry::init();
+ let p = project()
+ .file(
+ "Cargo.toml",
+ &format!(
+ r#"
+ [package]
+ name = "foo"
+ version = "0.0.1"
+ [dependencies]
+ bar = "0.1"
+ [patch.crates-io]
+ bar = {{ path = "bar" }}
+ bar2 = {{ git = '{}', package = 'bar' }}
+ "#,
+ bar.url(),
+ ),
+ )
+ .file("src/", "")
+ .file(
+ "bar/Cargo.toml",
+ r#"
+ [package]
+ name = "bar"
+ version = "0.1.0"
+ "#,
+ )
+ .file("bar/src/", "")
+ .build();
+ p.cargo("build")
+ .with_status(101)
+ .with_stderr(
+ "\
+[UPDATING] [..]
+error: cannot have two `[patch]` entries which both resolve to `bar v0.1.0`
+ )
+ .run();
+fn two_semver_compatible() {
+ let bar = git::repo(&paths::root().join("override"))
+ .file("Cargo.toml", &basic_manifest("bar", "0.1.1"))
+ .file("src/", "")
+ .build();
+ crate::support::registry::init();
+ let p = project()
+ .file(
+ "Cargo.toml",
+ &format!(
+ r#"
+ [package]
+ name = "foo"
+ version = "0.0.1"
+ [dependencies]
+ bar = "0.1"
+ [patch.crates-io]
+ bar = {{ path = "bar" }}
+ bar2 = {{ git = '{}', package = 'bar' }}
+ "#,
+ bar.url(),
+ ),
+ )
+ .file("src/", "pub fn foo() { bar::foo() }")
+ .file(
+ "bar/Cargo.toml",
+ r#"
+ [package]
+ name = "bar"
+ version = "0.1.2"
+ "#,
+ )
+ .file("bar/src/", "pub fn foo() {}")
+ .build();
+ // assert the build succeeds and doesn't panic anywhere, and then afterwards
+ // assert that the build succeeds again without updating anything or
+ // building anything else.
+ p.cargo("build").run();
+ p.cargo("build")
+ .with_stderr(
+ "\
+warning: Patch `bar v0.1.1 [..]` was not used in the crate graph.
+Check that [..]
+with the [..]
+what is [..]
+version. [..]
+[FINISHED] [..]",
+ )
+ .run();
+fn multipatch_select_big() {
+ let bar = git::repo(&paths::root().join("override"))
+ .file("Cargo.toml", &basic_manifest("bar", "0.1.0"))
+ .file("src/", "")
+ .build();
+ crate::support::registry::init();
+ let p = project()
+ .file(
+ "Cargo.toml",
+ &format!(
+ r#"
+ [package]
+ name = "foo"
+ version = "0.0.1"
+ [dependencies]
+ bar = "*"
+ [patch.crates-io]
+ bar = {{ path = "bar" }}
+ bar2 = {{ git = '{}', package = 'bar' }}
+ "#,
+ bar.url(),
+ ),
+ )
+ .file("src/", "pub fn foo() { bar::foo() }")
+ .file(
+ "bar/Cargo.toml",
+ r#"
+ [package]
+ name = "bar"
+ version = "0.2.0"
+ "#,
+ )
+ .file("bar/src/", "pub fn foo() {}")
+ .build();
+ // assert the build succeeds, which is only possible if 0.2.0 is selected
+ // since 0.1.0 is missing the function we need. Afterwards assert that the
+ // build succeeds again without updating anything or building anything else.
+ p.cargo("build").run();
+ p.cargo("build")
+ .with_stderr(
+ "\
+warning: Patch `bar v0.1.0 [..]` was not used in the crate graph.
+Check that [..]
+with the [..]
+what is [..]
+version. [..]
+[FINISHED] [..]",
+ )
+ .run();