--- /dev/null
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+# This test uses standard topology for testing gretap. See
+# mirror_gre_topo_lib.sh for more details.
+# Test for "tc action mirred egress mirror" that mirrors to a gretap netdevice
+# whose underlay route points at a vlan device.
+ test_gretap
+source lib.sh
+source mirror_lib.sh
+source mirror_gre_lib.sh
+source mirror_gre_topo_lib.sh
+ h1=${NETIFS[p1]}
+ swp1=${NETIFS[p2]}
+ swp2=${NETIFS[p3]}
+ h2=${NETIFS[p4]}
+ swp3=${NETIFS[p5]}
+ h3=${NETIFS[p6]}
+ vrf_prepare
+ mirror_gre_topo_create
+ ip link add name $swp3.555 link $swp3 type vlan id 555
+ ip address add dev $swp3.555
+ ip address add dev $swp3.555 2001:db8:2::1/128
+ ip link set dev $swp3.555 up
+ ip route add dev $swp3.555
+ ip -6 route add 2001:db8:2::2/128 dev $swp3.555
+ ip link add name $h3.555 link $h3 type vlan id 555
+ ip link set dev $h3.555 master v$h3
+ ip address add dev $h3.555
+ ip address add dev $h3.555 2001:db8:2::2/64
+ ip link set dev $h3.555 up
+ pre_cleanup
+ ip link del dev $h3.555
+ ip link del dev $swp3.555
+ mirror_gre_topo_destroy
+ vrf_cleanup
+ full_test_span_gre_dir gt4 ingress 8 0 "mirror to gretap"
+ full_test_span_gre_dir gt4 egress 0 8 "mirror to gretap"
+ slow_path_trap_install $swp1 ingress
+ slow_path_trap_install $swp1 egress
+ tests_run
+ slow_path_trap_uninstall $swp1 egress
+ slow_path_trap_uninstall $swp1 ingress
+trap cleanup EXIT
+if ! tc_offload_check; then
+ echo "WARN: Could not test offloaded functionality"
+ tcflags="skip_sw"
+ test_all