+systemd (239-15) unstable; urgency=medium
+ [ Felipe Sateler ]
+ * Fix container check in udev init script.
+ Udev needs writable /sys, so the init script tried to check before
+ starting. Unfortunately, the check was inverted. Let's add the missing
+ '!' to negate the check.
+ (Closes: #915261)
+ * Add myself to uploaders
+ [ Michael Biebl ]
+ * Remove obsolete systemd-shim conffile on upgrades.
+ The D-Bus policy file was dropped from the systemd-shim package in
+ version 8-4, but apparently there are cases where users removed the
+ package before that cleanup happened. The D-Bus policy file that was
+ shipped by systemd-shim was much more restrictive and now prevents
+ calling GetDynamicUsers() and other recent APIs on systemd Manager.
+ (Closes: #914285)
+ -- Felipe Sateler <fsateler@debian.org> Wed, 05 Dec 2018 21:03:34 -0300
systemd (239-14) unstable; urgency=medium
[ Michael Biebl ]