rustc (1.27.1+dfsg1-1~exp5) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+ [ Sylvestre Ledru ]
* Update of the alioth ML address.
- -- Sylvestre Ledru <> Mon, 23 Jul 2018 12:09:25 +0200
+ [ Ximin Luo ]
+ * Fail the build if our version contains ~exp and we are not releasing to
+ experimental, this has happened by accident a few times already.
+ -- Ximin Luo <> Tue, 24 Jul 2018 20:55:35 -0700
rustc (1.27.1+dfsg1-1~exp4) experimental; urgency=medium
override_dh_auto_configure: debian/config.toml
# fail the build if we have any instances of OLD_LLVM_VERSION in debian, except for debian/changelog
! grep --color=always -i 'll...\?$(subst .,\.,$(OLD_LLVM_VERSION))' --exclude=changelog -R debian
+ # fail the build if our version contains ~exp and we are not releasing to experimental
+ v="$(DEB_VERSION)"; test "$$v" = "$${v%~exp*}" -o "$(DEB_DISTRIBUTION)" = "experimental"
if [ -d stage0 ]; then mkdir -p build && ln -sfT ../stage0 build/cache; fi
# work around #842634