]> git.proxmox.com Git - proxmox-fuse.git/shortlog
2022-10-19 Wolfgang Bumillerimpl AsFd for FuseFd
2022-06-13 Wolfgang Bumillerbump d/control
2022-06-13 Wolfgang Bumillerbump version to 0.1.3-1
2022-06-13 Wolfgang Bumillercustom reactor for the fuse file descriptor
2022-06-13 Wolfgang Bumillerclippy fixups
2022-03-04 Wolfgang Bumillerexamples: fix warnings from macros
2022-03-04 Wolfgang Bumillerbump version to 0.1.2-1
2022-03-04 Wolfgang Bumillerset upload dist to bullseye
2022-03-04 Wolfgang Bumillerfix warning
2021-10-04 Wolfgang Bumillerfix deprecated use of std::f64 modules
2021-07-06 Wolfgang Bumillerdoc updates to make clippy happy
2021-07-06 Wolfgang Bumillerclippy fixes
2021-05-07 Fabian Grünbichlerclippy fixes
2021-02-01 Fabian Grünbichlerdebcargo: fix maintainer directive
2021-01-14 Fabian Grünbichlerbuild: add dev dep feature to regular dependency
2021-01-14 Fabian Grünbichlerbump version to 0.1.1-1
2021-01-11 Fabian Grünbichlerupdate to tokio 1.0
2020-08-28 Wolfgang Bumillerdebian: add libfuse3-dev build dependency
2020-08-25 Wolfgang Bumillerfix d/control recreation
2020-08-25 Wolfgang Bumillerbuild in subdir, add d/control, add upload target
2020-06-04 Wolfgang Bumillerfixup clean target in Makefile
2020-06-03 Wolfgang Bumilleradd debian build files
2020-05-26 Wolfgang Bumillerhandle EOF and 'destroy' callbacks
2020-05-20 Wolfgang Bumillerimport