]> git.proxmox.com Git - proxmox-backup.git/shortlog
2022-04-06 Dominik Csapakrest-server: cleanup_old_tasks: improve error handling
2022-04-06 Thomas Lamprechtpbs tape: rust fmt
2022-04-06 Thomas Lamprechtpbs fuse loop: rust fmt
2022-04-06 Fabian Ebnerdocs: client: file exclusion: add note about leading...
2022-04-06 Fabian Ebnerpxar: create: add entry: fix anchored path pattern...
2022-04-06 Thomas Lamprechtpxar bin: rust fmt
2022-04-06 Thomas Lamprechtpbs build config: rust fmt
2022-04-06 Thomas Lamprechtfile restore: rust fmt
2022-04-06 Thomas Lamprechtrrd: rust fmt
2022-04-06 Thomas Lamprechtrest server: rust fmt
2022-04-06 Wolfgang Bumilleruse BufReader/Writer for Files passed to serde_json...
2022-04-06 Thomas Lamprechtapi: tape: rust format
2022-04-06 Thomas Lamprechtcli: tape: rust format
2022-04-06 Thomas Lamprechttape: key recovery: refcator and split string/file...
2022-04-06 Markus Frankfix #3854 paperkey import to proxmox-tape
2022-04-06 Dominik Csapakpbs-client: print error when we couldn't download previ...
2022-03-23 Stefan Sterzfix #3067: api: add support for multi-line comments...
2022-03-22 Wolfgang Bumillertools: improve PhantomData usage
2022-03-22 Dominik Csapakapi: datastore_status: restore api/gui compatibility
2022-03-20 Dietmar Maurerdatastore status: factor out api type DataStoreStatusLi...
2022-03-17 Markus Frankfix #3934 tape owner-selector to Authid
2022-03-11 Stefan Sterzui: fix panel height in the dashboard
2022-03-11 Stefan Sterztape, docs, api: fix miscellaneous typos
2022-03-10 Wolfgang Bumillerconfig: don't manually track padding size
2022-03-09 Thomas Lamprechtdocs: tape: minor wording tweaks
2022-03-09 Dominik Csapakdocs: improve tape-backup examples
2022-03-09 Wolfgang Bumillerproxmox-backup-debug api: fewer cloning
2022-03-09 Dominik Csapakproxmox-backup-debug api: rustfmt fixes
2022-03-09 Dominik Csapakproxmox-backup-debug api: parse parameters before sendi...
2022-03-09 Fabian Grünbichlerregex: bump to 1.5.5
2022-03-08 Dominik Csapaktools: parse_objset_stat: drop the unecessary 'objset...
2022-03-08 Dominik Csapaktools: zfs_dataset_stats: remove dataset <-> obset...
2022-03-08 Dominik Csapakapi/config: use http_bail for 'not found' errors
2022-03-08 Dominik Csapakapi/config: use param_bail for parameter errors
2022-03-07 Dietmar MaurerUsername schema: set min_length to 1
2022-03-07 Dietmar Maurercleanup: move BasicRealmInfo to pbs-api-types
2022-03-04 Wolfgang Bumillerbump d/control
2022-03-04 Wolfgang Bumillerbump proxmox-schema dep to 1.3
2022-03-01 Thomas Lamprechtpbs-config: improve semi-useful comment
2022-03-01 Dominik Csapakpbs-datastore: use ConfigVersionCache for datastore
2022-03-01 Dominik Csapakdocs: add tape schedule examples
2022-03-01 Dominik Csapakdocs: explain retention time for event allocation polic...
2022-02-23 Dominik Csapakdatastore: add tuning option for chunk order
2022-02-22 Thomas Lamprechtclient cli: rustfmt
2022-02-22 Thomas Lamprechtbin: daily-update: use syslog/log crates instead of...
2022-02-22 Thomas Lamprechtbin: daily-update: make single checks/updates fail...
2022-02-22 Thomas Lamprechtbin: daily-update: use from_millis instead of big nanos...
2022-02-21 Thomas Lamprechtbin: daily-update: rustfmt
2022-02-21 Wolfgang Bumillerbump d/control
2022-02-21 Wolfgang Bumillerbump proxmox-async dep to 0.4
2022-02-21 Wolfgang Bumillerbump proxmox-lang dep to 1.1
2022-02-21 Dominik Csapakuse io_format_err, io_bail, io_err_other from proxmox...
2022-02-21 Dominik Csapakdepend on new 'proxmox-compression' crate
2022-02-18 Thomas Lamprechtcargo: bump schema dependency
2022-02-18 Thomas Lamprechtcli client: backup: better use of our api macro capabil...
2022-02-18 Thomas Lamprechtcli client: backup: refactor/cleanup of (dry-run) logs
2022-02-18 Markus Frankfix #3323: cli client: add dry-run option for backup...
2022-02-18 Dominik Csapaktape/pool_writer: skip already backed up chunks in...
2022-02-15 Thomas Lamprechtrrd: extract data: avoid always calculating start-time...
2022-02-15 Thomas Lamprechtrrd: avoid intermediate index, directly loop over data
2022-02-15 Thomas Lamprechtrrd cache: code style, avoid useless intermediate mutable
2022-02-14 Dietmar Maurermove src/shared_rate_limiter.rs to src/tools/shared_rat...
2022-02-14 Dietmar MaurerParallelHandler: avoid re-export (cleanup)
2022-02-14 Dietmar Maurerrename cached_traffic_control.rs to traffic_control_cac...
2022-02-14 Dietmar Maurerrrd_cache: add developer docs
2022-02-14 Thomas Lamprechtui: fixup title case
2022-02-14 Matthias Heisererui: node options: add support for selecting default...
2022-02-14 Stefan Sterzfix #3853: tape cli: add force flag to key change-passp...
2022-02-14 Stefan Sterzfix #3853: api: add force option to tape key change...
2022-02-11 Wolfgang Bumillerrest-server: bump schema to 1.2 and use convenience...
2022-02-11 Wolfgang Bumillerproxmox-rest-server: add missing 'derive' feature
2022-02-10 Thomas Lamprechttools: disk: rustfmt
2022-02-10 Thomas Lamprechtapi: node/disk: rustfmt
2022-02-08 Fabian Grünbichlermisc clippy fixes
2022-02-07 Aaron Lautererreport: add tape, traffic control and disk infos
2022-02-07 Aaron Lautererreport: move subscription info further up
2022-02-07 Matthias Heiserernode config: add english to translation enum for defaul...
2022-02-07 Matthias Heisererapi: node config: add default-lang integration
2022-02-07 Thomas Lamprechtui: webauthn: decrease upgrade frequency from 1s to...
2022-02-07 Thomas Lamprechtui: webauthn: fix stopping store upgrades on destroy
2022-02-04 Dominik Csapakre-use PROXMOX_DEBUG env variable to control log level...
2022-02-03 Markus Frankfix #3856 hint parameter is not optional
2022-02-03 Thomas Lamprechtproxy: refactor gui-language logic
2022-02-03 Thomas Lamprechtrest: add cookie_from_header helper
2022-02-03 Thomas Lamprechtproxy: rustfmt
2022-02-03 Matthias Heisererdocs: fix typo in tape backup
2022-02-03 Thomas Lamprechtnode config: avoid "allow" annotation
2022-02-03 Matthias Heisererfix #3103. node config: allow to configure default...
2022-02-02 Wolfgang Bumillerbump proxmox-acme-rs dependency to 0.4
2022-01-31 Dominik Csapaktraffic-control: use SocketAddr from 'accept()'
2022-01-27 Dominik Csapakui: datastore/Content: improve verification actions
2022-01-27 Dominik Csapakverify: allow '0' days for reverification
2022-01-26 Thomas Lamprechtbump version to 2.1.5-1
2022-01-26 Thomas LamprechtREADME: update for bullseye
2022-01-26 Thomas Lamprechtfile restore: scale per-round delay up dynamically
2022-01-26 Thomas Lamprechtfile restore: always wait up to 25s
2022-01-26 Dietmar MaurerSet MMAP_THRESHOLD to a fixed value (128K)
2022-01-21 Thomas Lamprechtbump version to 2.1.4-1
2022-01-20 Dominik Csapakpbs-tools: LruCache: implement Drop
2022-01-18 Matthias Heisererdocs: make external hyperlinks clickable