]> git.proxmox.com Git - mirror_edk2.git/blame - BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/CodeFragmentCollector.py
BaseTools/ECC: Change check rule for Ifndef statement
[mirror_edk2.git] / BaseTools / Source / Python / Ecc / CodeFragmentCollector.py
1## @file\r
2# preprocess source file\r
1be2ed90 4# Copyright (c) 2007 - 2014, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>\r
30fdf114 5#\r
40d841f6 6# This program and the accompanying materials\r
7# are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License\r
8# which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at\r
9# http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php\r
16# Import Modules\r
19import re\r
1be2ed90 20import Common.LongFilePathOs as os\r
21import sys\r
23import antlr3\r
24from CLexer import CLexer\r
25from CParser import CParser\r
27import FileProfile\r
28from CodeFragment import Comment\r
29from CodeFragment import PP_Directive\r
30from ParserWarning import Warning\r
33##define T_CHAR_SPACE ' '\r
34##define T_CHAR_NULL '\0'\r
35##define T_CHAR_CR '\r'\r
36##define T_CHAR_TAB '\t'\r
37##define T_CHAR_LF '\n'\r
38##define T_CHAR_SLASH '/'\r
39##define T_CHAR_BACKSLASH '\\'\r
40##define T_CHAR_DOUBLE_QUOTE '\"'\r
41##define T_CHAR_SINGLE_QUOTE '\''\r
42##define T_CHAR_STAR '*'\r
43##define T_CHAR_HASH '#'\r
47(' ', '\0', '\r', '\t', '\n', '/', '\\', '\"', '\'', '*', '#')\r
49SEPERATOR_TUPLE = ('=', '|', ',', '{', '}') \r
53(T_PP_INCLUDE, T_PP_DEFINE, T_PP_OTHERS) = (0, 1, 2)\r
55## The collector for source code fragments.\r
57# PreprocessFile method should be called prior to ParseFile\r
59# GetNext*** procedures mean these procedures will get next token first, then make judgement.\r
60# Get*** procedures mean these procedures will make judgement on current token only.\r
61# \r
62class CodeFragmentCollector:\r
63 ## The constructor\r
64 #\r
65 # @param self The object pointer\r
66 # @param FileName The file that to be parsed\r
67 #\r
68 def __init__(self, FileName):\r
69 self.Profile = FileProfile.FileProfile(FileName)\r
70 self.Profile.FileLinesList.append(T_CHAR_LF)\r
71 self.FileName = FileName\r
72 self.CurrentLineNumber = 1\r
73 self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine = 0\r
75 self.__Token = ""\r
76 self.__SkippedChars = ""\r
78 ## __IsWhiteSpace() method\r
79 #\r
80 # Whether char at current FileBufferPos is whitespace\r
81 #\r
82 # @param self The object pointer\r
83 # @param Char The char to test\r
84 # @retval True The char is a kind of white space\r
85 # @retval False The char is NOT a kind of white space\r
86 #\r
87 def __IsWhiteSpace(self, Char):\r
89 return True\r
90 else:\r
91 return False\r
93 ## __SkipWhiteSpace() method\r
94 #\r
95 # Skip white spaces from current char, return number of chars skipped\r
96 #\r
97 # @param self The object pointer\r
98 # @retval Count The number of chars skipped\r
99 #\r
100 def __SkipWhiteSpace(self):\r
101 Count = 0\r
102 while not self.__EndOfFile():\r
103 Count += 1\r
104 if self.__CurrentChar() in (T_CHAR_NULL, T_CHAR_CR, T_CHAR_LF, T_CHAR_SPACE, T_CHAR_TAB):\r
105 self.__SkippedChars += str(self.__CurrentChar())\r
106 self.__GetOneChar()\r
108 else:\r
109 Count = Count - 1\r
110 return Count\r
112 ## __EndOfFile() method\r
113 #\r
114 # Judge current buffer pos is at file end\r
115 #\r
116 # @param self The object pointer\r
117 # @retval True Current File buffer position is at file end\r
118 # @retval False Current File buffer position is NOT at file end\r
119 #\r
120 def __EndOfFile(self):\r
121 NumberOfLines = len(self.Profile.FileLinesList)\r
122 SizeOfLastLine = NumberOfLines\r
123 if NumberOfLines > 0:\r
124 SizeOfLastLine = len(self.Profile.FileLinesList[-1])\r
125 \r
126 if self.CurrentLineNumber == NumberOfLines and self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine >= SizeOfLastLine - 1:\r
127 return True\r
128 elif self.CurrentLineNumber > NumberOfLines:\r
129 return True\r
130 else:\r
131 return False\r
133 ## __EndOfLine() method\r
134 #\r
135 # Judge current buffer pos is at line end\r
136 #\r
137 # @param self The object pointer\r
138 # @retval True Current File buffer position is at line end\r
139 # @retval False Current File buffer position is NOT at line end\r
140 #\r
141 def __EndOfLine(self):\r
142 SizeOfCurrentLine = len(self.Profile.FileLinesList[self.CurrentLineNumber - 1])\r
143 if self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine >= SizeOfCurrentLine - 1:\r
144 return True\r
145 else:\r
146 return False\r
147 \r
148 ## Rewind() method\r
149 #\r
150 # Reset file data buffer to the initial state\r
151 #\r
152 # @param self The object pointer\r
153 #\r
154 def Rewind(self):\r
155 self.CurrentLineNumber = 1\r
156 self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine = 0\r
157 \r
158 ## __UndoOneChar() method\r
159 #\r
160 # Go back one char in the file buffer\r
161 #\r
162 # @param self The object pointer\r
163 # @retval True Successfully go back one char\r
164 # @retval False Not able to go back one char as file beginning reached\r
165 # \r
166 def __UndoOneChar(self):\r
167 \r
168 if self.CurrentLineNumber == 1 and self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine == 0:\r
169 return False\r
170 elif self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine == 0:\r
171 self.CurrentLineNumber -= 1\r
172 self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine = len(self.__CurrentLine()) - 1\r
173 else:\r
174 self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine -= 1\r
175 return True\r
176 \r
177 ## __GetOneChar() method\r
178 #\r
179 # Move forward one char in the file buffer\r
180 #\r
181 # @param self The object pointer\r
182 # \r
183 def __GetOneChar(self):\r
184 if self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine == len(self.Profile.FileLinesList[self.CurrentLineNumber - 1]) - 1:\r
185 self.CurrentLineNumber += 1\r
186 self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine = 0\r
187 else:\r
188 self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine += 1\r
190 ## __CurrentChar() method\r
191 #\r
192 # Get the char pointed to by the file buffer pointer\r
193 #\r
194 # @param self The object pointer\r
195 # @retval Char Current char\r
196 # \r
197 def __CurrentChar(self):\r
198 CurrentChar = self.Profile.FileLinesList[self.CurrentLineNumber - 1][self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine]\r
199# if CurrentChar > 255:\r
200# raise Warning("Non-Ascii char found At Line %d, offset %d" % (self.CurrentLineNumber, self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine), self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)\r
201 return CurrentChar\r
202 \r
203 ## __NextChar() method\r
204 #\r
205 # Get the one char pass the char pointed to by the file buffer pointer\r
206 #\r
207 # @param self The object pointer\r
208 # @retval Char Next char\r
209 #\r
210 def __NextChar(self):\r
211 if self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine == len(self.Profile.FileLinesList[self.CurrentLineNumber - 1]) - 1:\r
212 return self.Profile.FileLinesList[self.CurrentLineNumber][0]\r
213 else:\r
214 return self.Profile.FileLinesList[self.CurrentLineNumber - 1][self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine + 1]\r
215 \r
216 ## __SetCurrentCharValue() method\r
217 #\r
218 # Modify the value of current char\r
219 #\r
220 # @param self The object pointer\r
221 # @param Value The new value of current char\r
222 #\r
223 def __SetCurrentCharValue(self, Value):\r
224 self.Profile.FileLinesList[self.CurrentLineNumber - 1][self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine] = Value\r
225 \r
226 ## __SetCharValue() method\r
227 #\r
228 # Modify the value of current char\r
229 #\r
230 # @param self The object pointer\r
231 # @param Value The new value of current char\r
232 #\r
233 def __SetCharValue(self, Line, Offset, Value):\r
234 self.Profile.FileLinesList[Line - 1][Offset] = Value\r
235 \r
236 ## __CurrentLine() method\r
237 #\r
238 # Get the list that contains current line contents\r
239 #\r
240 # @param self The object pointer\r
241 # @retval List current line contents\r
242 #\r
243 def __CurrentLine(self):\r
244 return self.Profile.FileLinesList[self.CurrentLineNumber - 1]\r
245 \r
246 ## __InsertComma() method\r
247 #\r
248 # Insert ',' to replace PP\r
249 #\r
250 # @param self The object pointer\r
251 # @retval List current line contents\r
252 #\r
253 def __InsertComma(self, Line):\r
254 \r
255 \r
256 if self.Profile.FileLinesList[Line - 1][0] != T_CHAR_HASH:\r
257 BeforeHashPart = str(self.Profile.FileLinesList[Line - 1]).split(T_CHAR_HASH)[0]\r
258 if BeforeHashPart.rstrip().endswith(T_CHAR_COMMA) or BeforeHashPart.rstrip().endswith(';'):\r
259 return\r
260 \r
261 if Line - 2 >= 0 and str(self.Profile.FileLinesList[Line - 2]).rstrip().endswith(','):\r
262 return\r
263 \r
264 if Line - 2 >= 0 and str(self.Profile.FileLinesList[Line - 2]).rstrip().endswith(';'):\r
265 return\r
266 \r
267 if str(self.Profile.FileLinesList[Line]).lstrip().startswith(',') or str(self.Profile.FileLinesList[Line]).lstrip().startswith(';'):\r
268 return\r
269 \r
270 self.Profile.FileLinesList[Line - 1].insert(self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine, ',')\r
271 \r
272 ## PreprocessFile() method\r
273 #\r
274 # Preprocess file contents, replace comments with spaces.\r
275 # In the end, rewind the file buffer pointer to the beginning\r
276 # BUGBUG: No !include statement processing contained in this procedure\r
277 # !include statement should be expanded at the same FileLinesList[CurrentLineNumber - 1]\r
278 #\r
279 # @param self The object pointer\r
280 # \r
281 def PreprocessFile(self):\r
283 self.Rewind()\r
284 InComment = False\r
285 DoubleSlashComment = False\r
286 HashComment = False\r
287 PPExtend = False\r
288 CommentObj = None\r
289 PPDirectiveObj = None\r
290 # HashComment in quoted string " " is ignored.\r
291 InString = False\r
292 InCharLiteral = False \r
293 \r
294 self.Profile.FileLinesList = [list(s) for s in self.Profile.FileLinesListFromFile]\r
295 while not self.__EndOfFile():\r
296 \r
297 if not InComment and self.__CurrentChar() == T_CHAR_DOUBLE_QUOTE:\r
298 InString = not InString\r
299 \r
300 if not InComment and self.__CurrentChar() == T_CHAR_SINGLE_QUOTE:\r
301 InCharLiteral = not InCharLiteral\r
302 # meet new line, then no longer in a comment for // and '#'\r
303 if self.__CurrentChar() == T_CHAR_LF:\r
304 if HashComment and PPDirectiveObj != None:\r
305 if PPDirectiveObj.Content.rstrip(T_CHAR_CR).endswith(T_CHAR_BACKSLASH):\r
306 PPDirectiveObj.Content += T_CHAR_LF\r
307 PPExtend = True\r
308 else:\r
309 PPExtend = False\r
310 \r
311 EndLinePos = (self.CurrentLineNumber, self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine)\r
312 \r
313 if InComment and DoubleSlashComment:\r
314 InComment = False\r
315 DoubleSlashComment = False\r
316 CommentObj.Content += T_CHAR_LF\r
317 CommentObj.EndPos = EndLinePos\r
318 FileProfile.CommentList.append(CommentObj)\r
319 CommentObj = None\r
320 if InComment and HashComment and not PPExtend:\r
321 InComment = False\r
322 HashComment = False\r
323 PPDirectiveObj.Content += T_CHAR_LF\r
324 PPDirectiveObj.EndPos = EndLinePos\r
325 FileProfile.PPDirectiveList.append(PPDirectiveObj)\r
326 PPDirectiveObj = None\r
327 \r
328 if InString or InCharLiteral:\r
329 CurrentLine = "".join(self.__CurrentLine())\r
330 if CurrentLine.rstrip(T_CHAR_LF).rstrip(T_CHAR_CR).endswith(T_CHAR_BACKSLASH):\r
331 SlashIndex = CurrentLine.rindex(T_CHAR_BACKSLASH)\r
332 self.__SetCharValue(self.CurrentLineNumber, SlashIndex, T_CHAR_SPACE)\r
333 \r
334 if InComment and not DoubleSlashComment and not HashComment:\r
335 CommentObj.Content += T_CHAR_LF\r
336 self.CurrentLineNumber += 1\r
337 self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine = 0 \r
338 # check for */ comment end\r
339 elif InComment and not DoubleSlashComment and not HashComment and self.__CurrentChar() == T_CHAR_STAR and self.__NextChar() == T_CHAR_SLASH:\r
340 CommentObj.Content += self.__CurrentChar()\r
341# self.__SetCurrentCharValue(T_CHAR_SPACE)\r
342 self.__GetOneChar()\r
343 CommentObj.Content += self.__CurrentChar()\r
344# self.__SetCurrentCharValue(T_CHAR_SPACE)\r
345 CommentObj.EndPos = (self.CurrentLineNumber, self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine)\r
346 FileProfile.CommentList.append(CommentObj)\r
347 CommentObj = None\r
348 self.__GetOneChar()\r
349 InComment = False\r
350 # set comments to spaces\r
351 elif InComment: \r
352 if HashComment:\r
353 # // follows hash PP directive\r
354 if self.__CurrentChar() == T_CHAR_SLASH and self.__NextChar() == T_CHAR_SLASH:\r
355 InComment = False\r
356 HashComment = False\r
357 PPDirectiveObj.EndPos = (self.CurrentLineNumber, self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine - 1)\r
358 FileProfile.PPDirectiveList.append(PPDirectiveObj)\r
359 PPDirectiveObj = None\r
360 continue\r
361 else:\r
362 PPDirectiveObj.Content += self.__CurrentChar()\r
363 if PPExtend:\r
364 self.__SetCurrentCharValue(T_CHAR_SPACE)\r
365 else:\r
366 CommentObj.Content += self.__CurrentChar()\r
367# self.__SetCurrentCharValue(T_CHAR_SPACE)\r
368 self.__GetOneChar()\r
369 # check for // comment\r
370 elif self.__CurrentChar() == T_CHAR_SLASH and self.__NextChar() == T_CHAR_SLASH:\r
371 InComment = True\r
372 DoubleSlashComment = True\r
373 CommentObj = Comment('', (self.CurrentLineNumber, self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine), None, T_COMMENT_TWO_SLASH)\r
374 # check for '#' comment\r
375 elif self.__CurrentChar() == T_CHAR_HASH and not InString and not InCharLiteral:\r
376 InComment = True\r
377 HashComment = True \r
378 PPDirectiveObj = PP_Directive('', (self.CurrentLineNumber, self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine), None)\r
379 # check for /* comment start\r
380 elif self.__CurrentChar() == T_CHAR_SLASH and self.__NextChar() == T_CHAR_STAR:\r
381 CommentObj = Comment('', (self.CurrentLineNumber, self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine), None, T_COMMENT_SLASH_STAR)\r
382 CommentObj.Content += self.__CurrentChar()\r
383# self.__SetCurrentCharValue( T_CHAR_SPACE)\r
384 self.__GetOneChar()\r
385 CommentObj.Content += self.__CurrentChar()\r
386# self.__SetCurrentCharValue( T_CHAR_SPACE)\r
387 self.__GetOneChar()\r
388 InComment = True\r
389 else:\r
390 self.__GetOneChar()\r
391 \r
392 EndLinePos = (self.CurrentLineNumber, self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine)\r
393 \r
394 if InComment and DoubleSlashComment:\r
395 CommentObj.EndPos = EndLinePos\r
396 FileProfile.CommentList.append(CommentObj)\r
397 if InComment and HashComment and not PPExtend:\r
398 PPDirectiveObj.EndPos = EndLinePos\r
399 FileProfile.PPDirectiveList.append(PPDirectiveObj)\r
401 self.Rewind()\r
403 def PreprocessFileWithClear(self):\r
405 self.Rewind()\r
406 InComment = False\r
407 DoubleSlashComment = False\r
408 HashComment = False\r
409 PPExtend = False\r
410 CommentObj = None\r
411 PPDirectiveObj = None\r
412 # HashComment in quoted string " " is ignored.\r
413 InString = False\r
414 InCharLiteral = False \r
416 self.Profile.FileLinesList = [list(s) for s in self.Profile.FileLinesListFromFile]\r
417 while not self.__EndOfFile():\r
418 \r
419 if not InComment and self.__CurrentChar() == T_CHAR_DOUBLE_QUOTE:\r
420 InString = not InString\r
421 \r
422 if not InComment and self.__CurrentChar() == T_CHAR_SINGLE_QUOTE:\r
423 InCharLiteral = not InCharLiteral\r
424 # meet new line, then no longer in a comment for // and '#'\r
425 if self.__CurrentChar() == T_CHAR_LF:\r
426 if HashComment and PPDirectiveObj != None:\r
427 if PPDirectiveObj.Content.rstrip(T_CHAR_CR).endswith(T_CHAR_BACKSLASH):\r
428 PPDirectiveObj.Content += T_CHAR_LF\r
429 PPExtend = True\r
430 else:\r
431 PPExtend = False\r
432 \r
433 EndLinePos = (self.CurrentLineNumber, self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine)\r
434 \r
435 if InComment and DoubleSlashComment:\r
436 InComment = False\r
437 DoubleSlashComment = False\r
438 CommentObj.Content += T_CHAR_LF\r
439 CommentObj.EndPos = EndLinePos\r
440 FileProfile.CommentList.append(CommentObj)\r
441 CommentObj = None\r
442 if InComment and HashComment and not PPExtend:\r
443 InComment = False\r
444 HashComment = False\r
445 PPDirectiveObj.Content += T_CHAR_LF\r
446 PPDirectiveObj.EndPos = EndLinePos\r
447 FileProfile.PPDirectiveList.append(PPDirectiveObj)\r
448 PPDirectiveObj = None\r
449 \r
450 if InString or InCharLiteral:\r
451 CurrentLine = "".join(self.__CurrentLine())\r
452 if CurrentLine.rstrip(T_CHAR_LF).rstrip(T_CHAR_CR).endswith(T_CHAR_BACKSLASH):\r
453 SlashIndex = CurrentLine.rindex(T_CHAR_BACKSLASH)\r
454 self.__SetCharValue(self.CurrentLineNumber, SlashIndex, T_CHAR_SPACE)\r
455 \r
456 if InComment and not DoubleSlashComment and not HashComment:\r
457 CommentObj.Content += T_CHAR_LF\r
458 self.CurrentLineNumber += 1\r
459 self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine = 0 \r
460 # check for */ comment end\r
461 elif InComment and not DoubleSlashComment and not HashComment and self.__CurrentChar() == T_CHAR_STAR and self.__NextChar() == T_CHAR_SLASH:\r
462 CommentObj.Content += self.__CurrentChar()\r
463 self.__SetCurrentCharValue(T_CHAR_SPACE)\r
464 self.__GetOneChar()\r
465 CommentObj.Content += self.__CurrentChar()\r
466 self.__SetCurrentCharValue(T_CHAR_SPACE)\r
467 CommentObj.EndPos = (self.CurrentLineNumber, self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine)\r
468 FileProfile.CommentList.append(CommentObj)\r
469 CommentObj = None\r
470 self.__GetOneChar()\r
471 InComment = False\r
472 # set comments to spaces\r
473 elif InComment: \r
474 if HashComment:\r
475 # // follows hash PP directive\r
476 if self.__CurrentChar() == T_CHAR_SLASH and self.__NextChar() == T_CHAR_SLASH:\r
477 InComment = False\r
478 HashComment = False\r
479 PPDirectiveObj.EndPos = (self.CurrentLineNumber, self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine - 1)\r
480 FileProfile.PPDirectiveList.append(PPDirectiveObj)\r
481 PPDirectiveObj = None\r
482 continue\r
483 else:\r
484 PPDirectiveObj.Content += self.__CurrentChar()\r
485# if PPExtend:\r
486# self.__SetCurrentCharValue(T_CHAR_SPACE)\r
487 else:\r
488 CommentObj.Content += self.__CurrentChar()\r
489 self.__SetCurrentCharValue(T_CHAR_SPACE)\r
490 self.__GetOneChar()\r
491 # check for // comment\r
492 elif self.__CurrentChar() == T_CHAR_SLASH and self.__NextChar() == T_CHAR_SLASH:\r
493 InComment = True\r
494 DoubleSlashComment = True\r
495 CommentObj = Comment('', (self.CurrentLineNumber, self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine), None, T_COMMENT_TWO_SLASH)\r
496 # check for '#' comment\r
497 elif self.__CurrentChar() == T_CHAR_HASH and not InString and not InCharLiteral:\r
498 InComment = True\r
499 HashComment = True \r
500 PPDirectiveObj = PP_Directive('', (self.CurrentLineNumber, self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine), None)\r
501 # check for /* comment start\r
502 elif self.__CurrentChar() == T_CHAR_SLASH and self.__NextChar() == T_CHAR_STAR:\r
503 CommentObj = Comment('', (self.CurrentLineNumber, self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine), None, T_COMMENT_SLASH_STAR)\r
504 CommentObj.Content += self.__CurrentChar()\r
505 self.__SetCurrentCharValue( T_CHAR_SPACE)\r
506 self.__GetOneChar()\r
507 CommentObj.Content += self.__CurrentChar()\r
508 self.__SetCurrentCharValue( T_CHAR_SPACE)\r
509 self.__GetOneChar()\r
510 InComment = True\r
511 else:\r
512 self.__GetOneChar()\r
514 EndLinePos = (self.CurrentLineNumber, self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine)\r
515 \r
516 if InComment and DoubleSlashComment:\r
517 CommentObj.EndPos = EndLinePos\r
518 FileProfile.CommentList.append(CommentObj)\r
519 if InComment and HashComment and not PPExtend:\r
520 PPDirectiveObj.EndPos = EndLinePos\r
521 FileProfile.PPDirectiveList.append(PPDirectiveObj)\r
522 self.Rewind()\r
524 ## ParseFile() method\r
525 #\r
526 # Parse the file profile buffer to extract fd, fv ... information\r
527 # Exception will be raised if syntax error found\r
528 #\r
529 # @param self The object pointer\r
530 #\r
531 def ParseFile(self):\r
532 self.PreprocessFile()\r
533 # restore from ListOfList to ListOfString\r
534 self.Profile.FileLinesList = ["".join(list) for list in self.Profile.FileLinesList]\r
535 FileStringContents = ''\r
536 for fileLine in self.Profile.FileLinesList:\r
537 FileStringContents += fileLine\r
538 cStream = antlr3.StringStream(FileStringContents)\r
539 lexer = CLexer(cStream)\r
540 tStream = antlr3.CommonTokenStream(lexer)\r
541 parser = CParser(tStream)\r
542 parser.translation_unit()\r
543 \r
544 def ParseFileWithClearedPPDirective(self):\r
545 self.PreprocessFileWithClear()\r
546 # restore from ListOfList to ListOfString\r
547 self.Profile.FileLinesList = ["".join(list) for list in self.Profile.FileLinesList]\r
548 FileStringContents = ''\r
549 for fileLine in self.Profile.FileLinesList:\r
550 FileStringContents += fileLine\r
551 cStream = antlr3.StringStream(FileStringContents)\r
552 lexer = CLexer(cStream)\r
553 tStream = antlr3.CommonTokenStream(lexer)\r
554 parser = CParser(tStream)\r
555 parser.translation_unit()\r
556 \r
557 def CleanFileProfileBuffer(self):\r
558 FileProfile.CommentList = []\r
559 FileProfile.PPDirectiveList = []\r
560 FileProfile.PredicateExpressionList = []\r
561 FileProfile.FunctionDefinitionList = []\r
562 FileProfile.VariableDeclarationList = []\r
563 FileProfile.EnumerationDefinitionList = []\r
564 FileProfile.StructUnionDefinitionList = []\r
565 FileProfile.TypedefDefinitionList = []\r
566 FileProfile.FunctionCallingList = []\r
567 \r
568 def PrintFragments(self):\r
569 \r
570 print '################# ' + self.FileName + '#####################'\r
571 \r
572 print '/****************************************/'\r
573 print '/*************** COMMENTS ***************/'\r
574 print '/****************************************/'\r
575 for comment in FileProfile.CommentList:\r
576 print str(comment.StartPos) + comment.Content\r
577 \r
578 print '/****************************************/'\r
579 print '/********* PREPROCESS DIRECTIVES ********/'\r
580 print '/****************************************/'\r
581 for pp in FileProfile.PPDirectiveList:\r
582 print str(pp.StartPos) + pp.Content\r
583 \r
584 print '/****************************************/'\r
585 print '/********* VARIABLE DECLARATIONS ********/'\r
586 print '/****************************************/'\r
587 for var in FileProfile.VariableDeclarationList:\r
588 print str(var.StartPos) + var.Modifier + ' '+ var.Declarator\r
589 \r
590 print '/****************************************/'\r
591 print '/********* FUNCTION DEFINITIONS *********/'\r
592 print '/****************************************/'\r
593 for func in FileProfile.FunctionDefinitionList:\r
594 print str(func.StartPos) + func.Modifier + ' '+ func.Declarator + ' ' + str(func.NamePos)\r
595 \r
596 print '/****************************************/'\r
597 print '/************ ENUMERATIONS **************/'\r
598 print '/****************************************/'\r
599 for enum in FileProfile.EnumerationDefinitionList:\r
600 print str(enum.StartPos) + enum.Content\r
601 \r
602 print '/****************************************/'\r
603 print '/*********** STRUCTS/UNIONS *************/'\r
604 print '/****************************************/'\r
605 for su in FileProfile.StructUnionDefinitionList:\r
606 print str(su.StartPos) + su.Content\r
607 \r
608 print '/****************************************/'\r
609 print '/********* PREDICATE EXPRESSIONS ********/'\r
610 print '/****************************************/'\r
611 for predexp in FileProfile.PredicateExpressionList:\r
612 print str(predexp.StartPos) + predexp.Content\r
613 \r
614 print '/****************************************/' \r
615 print '/************** TYPEDEFS ****************/'\r
616 print '/****************************************/'\r
617 for typedef in FileProfile.TypedefDefinitionList:\r
618 print str(typedef.StartPos) + typedef.ToType\r
619 \r
620if __name__ == "__main__":\r
621 \r
622 collector = CodeFragmentCollector(sys.argv[1])\r
623 collector.PreprocessFile()\r
624 print "For Test."\r