]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blame - ceph/doc/_ext/ceph_confval.py
import quincy 17.2.0
[ceph.git] / ceph / doc / _ext / ceph_confval.py
1import io
2import contextlib
3import os
4import sys
5from typing import Any, Dict, List, Union
7from docutils.nodes import Node
8from docutils.parsers.rst import directives
9from docutils.statemachine import StringList
11from sphinx import addnodes
12from sphinx.directives import ObjectDescription
13from sphinx.domains.python import PyField
14from sphinx.environment import BuildEnvironment
15from sphinx.locale import _
16from sphinx.util import logging, status_iterator, ws_re
17from sphinx.util.docutils import switch_source_input, SphinxDirective
18from sphinx.util.docfields import Field
19from sphinx.util.nodes import make_id
20import jinja2
21import jinja2.filters
22import yaml
24logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
27TEMPLATE = '''
28{% if desc %}
29 {{ desc | wordwrap(70) | indent(3) }}
30{% endif %}
31 :type: ``{{opt.type}}``
32{%- if default is not none %}
33 {%- if opt.type == 'size' %}
34 :default: ``{{ default | eval_size | iec_size }}``
35 {%- elif opt.type == 'secs' %}
36 :default: ``{{ default | readable_duration(opt.type) }}``
37 {%- elif opt.type in ('uint', 'int', 'float') %}
38 :default: ``{{ default | readable_num(opt.type) }}``
39 {%- elif opt.type == 'millisecs' %}
40 :default: ``{{ default }}`` milliseconds
41 {%- elif opt.type == 'bool' %}
42 :default: ``{{ default | string | lower }}``
43 {%- else %}
44 :default: {{ default | literal }}
45 {%- endif -%}
46{%- endif %}
47{%- if opt.enum_values %}
48 :valid choices:{% for enum_value in opt.enum_values -%}
49{{" -" | indent(18, not loop.first) }} {{ enum_value | literal }}
50{% endfor %}
51{%- endif %}
52{%- if opt.min is defined and opt.max is defined %}
53 :allowed range: ``[{{ opt.min }}, {{ opt.max }}]``
54{%- elif opt.min is defined %}
55 :min: ``{{ opt.min }}``
56{%- elif opt.max is defined %}
57 :max: ``{{ opt.max }}``
58{%- endif %}
59{%- if opt.constraint %}
60 :constraint: {{ opt.constraint }}
61{% endif %}
62{%- if opt.policies %}
63 :policies: {{ opt.policies }}
64{% endif %}
65{%- if opt.example %}
66 :example: {{ opt.example }}
67{%- endif %}
68{%- if opt.see_also %}
69 :see also: {{ opt.see_also | map('ref_confval') | join(', ') }}
70{%- endif %}
71{% if opt.note %}
72 .. note::
73 {{ opt.note }}
74{%- endif -%}
75{%- if opt.warning %}
76 .. warning::
77 {{ opt.warning }}
78{%- endif %}
82def eval_size(value) -> int:
83 try:
84 return int(value)
85 except ValueError:
86 times = dict(_K=1 << 10,
87 _M=1 << 20,
88 _G=1 << 30,
89 _T=1 << 40)
90 for unit, m in times.items():
91 if value.endswith(unit):
92 return int(value[:-len(unit)]) * m
93 raise ValueError(f'unknown value: {value}')
96def readable_duration(value: str, typ: str) -> str:
97 try:
98 if typ == 'sec':
99 v = int(value)
100 postfix = 'second' if v == 1 else 'seconds'
101 return f'{v} {postfix}'
102 elif typ == 'float':
103 return str(float(value))
104 else:
105 return str(int(value))
106 except ValueError:
107 times = dict(_min=['minute', 'minutes'],
108 _hr=['hour', 'hours'],
109 _day=['day', 'days'])
110 for unit, readables in times.items():
111 if value.endswith(unit):
112 v = int(value[:-len(unit)])
113 postfix = readables[0 if v == 1 else 1]
114 return f'{v} {postfix}'
115 raise ValueError(f'unknown value: {value}')
118def do_plain_num(value: str, typ: str) -> str:
119 if typ == 'float':
120 return str(float(value))
121 else:
122 return str(int(value))
125def iec_size(value: int) -> str:
126 if value == 0:
127 return '0B'
128 units = dict(Ei=60,
129 Pi=50,
130 Ti=40,
131 Gi=30,
132 Mi=20,
133 Ki=10,
134 B=0)
135 for unit, bits in units.items():
136 m = 1 << bits
137 if value % m == 0:
138 value //= m
139 return f'{value}{unit}'
140 raise Exception(f'iec_size() failed to convert {value}')
143def do_fileize_num(value: str, typ: str) -> str:
144 v = eval_size(value)
145 return iec_size(v)
148def readable_num(value: str, typ: str) -> str:
149 e = ValueError()
150 for eval_func in [do_plain_num,
151 readable_duration,
152 do_fileize_num]:
153 try:
154 return eval_func(value, typ)
155 except ValueError as ex:
156 e = ex
157 raise e
160def literal(name) -> str:
161 if name:
162 return f'``{name}``'
163 else:
164 return f'<empty string>'
167def ref_confval(name) -> str:
168 return f':confval:`{name}`'
171def jinja_template() -> jinja2.Template:
172 env = jinja2.Environment()
173 env.filters['eval_size'] = eval_size
174 env.filters['iec_size'] = iec_size
175 env.filters['readable_duration'] = readable_duration
176 env.filters['readable_num'] = readable_num
177 env.filters['literal'] = literal
178 env.filters['ref_confval'] = ref_confval
179 return env.from_string(TEMPLATE)
182FieldValueT = Union[bool, float, int, str]
185class CephModule(SphinxDirective):
186 """
187 Directive to name the mgr module for which options are documented.
188 """
189 has_content = False
190 required_arguments = 1
191 optional_arguments = 0
192 final_argument_whitespace = False
194 def run(self) -> List[Node]:
195 module = self.arguments[0].strip()
196 if module == 'None':
197 self.env.ref_context.pop('ceph:module', None)
198 else:
199 self.env.ref_context['ceph:module'] = module
200 return []
203class CephOption(ObjectDescription):
204 """
205 emit option loaded from given command/options/<name>.yaml.in file
206 """
207 has_content = True
208 required_arguments = 1
209 optional_arguments = 0
210 final_argument_whitespace = False
211 option_spec = {
212 'module': directives.unchanged,
213 'default': directives.unchanged
214 }
217 doc_field_types = [
218 Field('default',
219 label=_('Default'),
220 has_arg=False,
221 names=('default',)),
222 Field('type',
223 label=_('Type'),
224 has_arg=False,
225 names=('type',),
226 bodyrolename='class'),
227 ]
229 template = jinja_template()
230 opts: Dict[str, Dict[str, FieldValueT]] = {}
231 mgr_opts: Dict[str, # module name
232 Dict[str, # option name
233 Dict[str, # field_name
234 FieldValueT]]] = {}
236 def _load_yaml(self) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, FieldValueT]]:
237 if CephOption.opts:
238 return CephOption.opts
239 opts = []
240 for fn in status_iterator(self.config.ceph_confval_imports,
241 'loading options...', 'red',
242 len(self.config.ceph_confval_imports),
243 self.env.app.verbosity):
244 self.env.note_dependency(fn)
245 try:
246 with open(fn, 'r') as f:
247 yaml_in = io.StringIO()
248 for line in f:
249 if '@' not in line:
250 yaml_in.write(line)
251 yaml_in.seek(0)
252 opts += yaml.safe_load(yaml_in)['options']
253 except OSError as e:
254 message = f'Unable to open option file "{fn}": {e}'
255 raise self.error(message)
256 CephOption.opts = dict((opt['name'], opt) for opt in opts)
257 return CephOption.opts
259 def _normalize_path(self, dirname):
260 my_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
261 src_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(my_dir, '../..'))
262 return os.path.join(src_dir, dirname)
264 def _is_mgr_module(self, dirname, name):
265 if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dirname, name)):
266 return False
267 if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dirname, name, '__init__.py')):
268 return False
269 return name not in ['tests']
271 @contextlib.contextmanager
272 def mocked_modules(self):
273 # src/pybind/mgr/tests
274 from tests import mock
275 mock_imports = ['rados',
276 'rbd',
277 'cephfs',
278 'dateutil',
279 'dateutil.parser']
280 # make dashboard happy
281 mock_imports += ['OpenSSL',
282 'jwt',
283 'bcrypt',
284 'jsonpatch',
285 'rook.rook_client',
286 'rook.rook_client.ceph',
287 'rook.rook_client._helper',
288 'cherrypy=3.2.3']
289 # make diskprediction_local happy
290 mock_imports += ['numpy',
291 'scipy']
292 # make restful happy
293 mock_imports += ['pecan',
294 'pecan.rest',
295 'pecan.hooks',
296 'werkzeug',
297 'werkzeug.serving']
299 for m in mock_imports:
300 args = {}
301 parts = m.split('=', 1)
302 mocked = parts[0]
303 if len(parts) > 1:
304 args['__version__'] = parts[1]
305 sys.modules[mocked] = mock.Mock(**args)
307 try:
308 yield
309 finally:
310 for m in mock_imports:
311 mocked = m.split('=', 1)[0]
312 sys.modules.pop(mocked)
314 def _collect_options_from_module(self, name):
315 with self.mocked_modules():
316 mgr_mod = __import__(name, globals(), locals(), [], 0)
317 # import 'M' from src/pybind/mgr/tests
318 from tests import M
320 def subclass(x):
321 try:
322 return issubclass(x, M)
323 except TypeError:
324 return False
325 ms = [c for c in mgr_mod.__dict__.values()
326 if subclass(c) and 'Standby' not in c.__name__]
327 [m] = ms
328 assert isinstance(m.MODULE_OPTIONS, list)
329 return m.MODULE_OPTIONS
331 def _load_module(self, module) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, FieldValueT]]:
332 mgr_opts = CephOption.mgr_opts.get(module)
333 if mgr_opts is not None:
334 return mgr_opts
335 python_path = self.config.ceph_confval_mgr_python_path
336 for path in python_path.split(':'):
337 sys.path.insert(0, self._normalize_path(path))
338 module_path = self.env.config.ceph_confval_mgr_module_path
339 module_path = self._normalize_path(module_path)
340 sys.path.insert(0, module_path)
341 if not self._is_mgr_module(module_path, module):
342 raise self.error(f'module "{module}" not found under {module_path}')
343 fn = os.path.join(module_path, module, 'module.py')
344 if os.path.exists(fn):
345 self.env.note_dependency(fn)
346 os.environ['UNITTEST'] = 'true'
347 opts = self._collect_options_from_module(module)
348 CephOption.mgr_opts[module] = dict((opt['name'], opt) for opt in opts)
349 return CephOption.mgr_opts[module]
351 def _current_module(self) -> str:
352 return self.options.get('module',
353 self.env.ref_context.get('ceph:module'))
355 def _render_option(self, name) -> str:
356 cur_module = self._current_module()
357 if cur_module:
358 try:
359 opt = self._load_module(cur_module).get(name)
360 except Exception as e:
361 message = f'Unable to load module "{cur_module}": {e}'
362 raise self.error(message)
363 else:
364 opt = self._load_yaml().get(name)
365 if opt is None:
366 raise self.error(f'Option "{name}" not found!')
367 if cur_module and 'type' not in opt:
368 # the type of module option defaults to 'str'
369 opt['type'] = 'str'
370 desc = opt.get('fmt_desc') or opt.get('long_desc') or opt.get('desc')
371 opt_default = opt.get('default')
372 default = self.options.get('default', opt_default)
373 try:
374 return self.template.render(opt=opt,
375 desc=desc,
376 default=default)
377 except Exception as e:
378 message = (f'Unable to render option "{name}": {e}. ',
379 f'opt={opt}, desc={desc}, default={default}')
380 raise self.error(message)
382 def handle_signature(self,
383 sig: str,
384 signode: addnodes.desc_signature) -> str:
385 signode.clear()
386 signode += addnodes.desc_name(sig, sig)
387 # normalize whitespace like XRefRole does
388 name = ws_re.sub(' ', sig)
389 cur_module = self._current_module()
390 if cur_module:
391 return '/'.join(['mgr', cur_module, name])
392 else:
393 return name
395 def transform_content(self, contentnode: addnodes.desc_content) -> None:
396 name = self.arguments[0]
397 source, lineno = self.get_source_info()
398 source = f'{source}:{lineno}:<confval>'
399 fields = StringList(self._render_option(name).splitlines() + [''],
400 source=source, parent_offset=lineno)
401 with switch_source_input(self.state, fields):
402 self.state.nested_parse(fields, 0, contentnode)
404 def add_target_and_index(self,
405 name: str,
406 sig: str,
407 signode: addnodes.desc_signature) -> None:
408 node_id = make_id(self.env, self.state.document, self.objtype, name)
409 signode['ids'].append(node_id)
410 self.state.document.note_explicit_target(signode)
411 entry = f'{name}; configuration option'
412 self.indexnode['entries'].append(('pair', entry, node_id, '', None))
413 std = self.env.get_domain('std')
414 std.note_object(self.objtype, name, node_id, location=signode)
417def _reset_ref_context(app, env, docname):
418 env.ref_context.pop('ceph:module', None)
421def setup(app) -> Dict[str, Any]:
422 app.add_config_value('ceph_confval_imports',
423 default=[],
424 rebuild='html',
425 types=[str])
426 app.add_config_value('ceph_confval_mgr_module_path',
427 default=[],
428 rebuild='html',
429 types=[str])
430 app.add_config_value('ceph_confval_mgr_python_path',
431 default=[],
432 rebuild='',
433 types=[str])
434 app.add_object_type(
435 'confsec',
436 'confsec',
437 objname='configuration section',
438 indextemplate='pair: %s; configuration section',
439 doc_field_types=[
440 Field(
441 'example',
442 label=_('Example'),
443 has_arg=False,
444 )]
445 )
446 app.add_object_type(
447 'confval',
448 'confval',
449 objname='configuration option',
450 )
451 app.add_directive_to_domain('std', 'mgr_module', CephModule)
452 app.add_directive_to_domain('std', 'confval', CephOption, override=True)
453 app.connect('env-purge-doc', _reset_ref_context)
455 return {
456 'version': 'builtin',
457 'parallel_read_safe': True,
458 'parallel_write_safe': True,
459 }